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骨骼动画与以前的动画方法相比,具有占用空间小等优点。但是其代价是计算量的增加,从而导致绘制效率的降低。另一方面,近年来可编程GPU技术在三维图形处理领域已得到广泛研究。因此,提出了一种基于GPU实现骨骼动画的方法。该方法借助GPU强大的计算能力,分担了骨骼动画中的顶点更新的计算任务,从而大大提升了骨骼动画的绘制效率。  相似文献   

基于GPU的大规模海浪实时绘制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海浪建模与绘制是近二十年来计算机图形学领域的一个经典问题,同时,随着硬件的发展,尤其是图形处理器(GPU)以大大超过摩尔定律的速度高速发展和其高速计算能力、并行性、其可编程功能,使得基于GPU的通用计算成为一个新研究热点.利用GPU的高速计算能力和可编程功能,解决海浪模拟中的复杂计算问题,提出一种基于图形硬件的大规模海浪实时绘制方法.首先,对图形处理器进行了概述.然后,基于Gerstner-Rankine模型生成海洋高度场,采用屏幕细分自适应算法对数字地球上的可视海洋表面进行采样,利用图形处理单元的可编程特性进行顶点和颜色计算,模拟实时球面海浪效果.实验结果表明,基于GPU的方法可以在普通PC图形硬件上实现大规模海浪的交互漫游.  相似文献   

提出一种基于图形处理器(GPU)加速的真实感毛发快速绘制方法.方法通过混合绘制多层次的半透明纹理层来表示物体表面的毛发效果,并在绘制过程充分运用了GPU的可编程功能.其中采用GPU的顶点绘制器来完成多层网格层顶点位置的计算;采用像素绘制器来实现毛发特殊光照效果的计算.实验表明,通过采用GPU可编程计算,毛发的绘制速度得到了明显提高.方法对中等规模的模型达到了实时的毛发绘制速度,并具有逼真的仿真效果.  相似文献   

实时生成具有真实感效果的水面是计算机图形学中的研究热点和难点之一。文章介绍了一个利用可编程图形硬件来实现水面实时生成和绘制的系统,绘制过程主要分两个方面:水面的建模和水面光照效果的实现。通过基于空间域的快速傅立叶变换技术来实现水面的建模,通过凹凸纹理贴图和投影纹理技术来实现水面的反射、折射和菲涅耳等水面光照效果。绘制过程主要在图形处理器中实现,从而保证了算法的实时性。在现有的PC机和可编程图形硬件加速卡上能达到每秒30帧以上的绘制速度。  相似文献   

在采用层状纹理切片来表达真实感毛发的方法中,模型轮廓处毛发切片的计算与生成需要耗费很多时间,影响绘制效率。针对此问题,提出一种利用图形处理器(GPU)可编程能力的轮廓毛发快速生成技术。该技术通过为顶点设计一种“边信息”的数据结构,将轮廓边的检测及轮廓毛发切片的生成完全转移到了GPU中进行,从而大大加速了轮廓毛发的处理,提高了真实感毛发的绘制效率。  相似文献   

采用开源LEON3(basic version)处理器,运行Linux操作系统,并驱动西安邮电大学自主设计研发的基于传统GPU架构的可编程图形处理器,实现了包含可编程图形系统的SoC平台。将系统集成到Dini Group最新的DNV6_F2PCIE开发板上,采取OpenGL编程,通过鼠标、键盘、显示器运行2D、3D程序,进行图形的绘制,从而比较充分地验证了图形系统硬件设计。  相似文献   

使用GPU编程的光线投射体绘制算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将传统的光线投射体绘制算法在具有可编程管线的图形处理器(GPU)上重新实现.首先将体数据作为三维纹理保存在显存中,然后通过编写顶点程序和片段程序将光线进入点/离开点计算和光线遍历的计算移入GPU中执行,最后根据不同的采样点颜色混合公式实现不同的绘制效果.文中算法仅需绘制一个四边形即可完成三维重建.实验结果表明:在进行光照效果的重建时,该算法能够达到实时交互的绘制要求,并能实现半透明等复杂绘制效果.  相似文献   

GPU加速的神经网络BP算法*   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
近年来图形处理器(GPU)快速拓展的可编程性能力加上渲染流水线的高速度及并行性,使得图形处理器通用计算(GPGPU)迅速成为一个研究热点。针对大规模神经网络BP算法效率低下问题,提出了一种GPU加速的神经网络BP算法。将BP网络的前向计算、反向学习转换为GPU纹理的渲染过程,从而利用GPU强大的浮点运算能力和高度并行的计算特性对BP算法进行求解。实验结果表明,在保证求解结果准确度不变的情况下,该方法运行效率有明显的提高。  相似文献   

李海燕  张春元  李礼  任巨 《计算机工程》2008,34(22):258-260
图形处理器极高的流计算能力使其成为实现实时流应用的有效方案。该文抽象出图形处理器的流执行模型,描述图形处理器流处理机制的执行过程,在图形处理器上实现了二维离散余弦变换。实验结果表明,图形处理器对标清格式的视频压缩编码效率可达70 fps。  相似文献   

随着图形处理性能的不断提升,图形处理的运算量也日益增多,传统的嵌入式系统面临着挑战。解决这一问题的方案之一是运用可编程器件开发适用于嵌入式系统的图形处理器,从而提高处理速度。现代图形处理器采用各种可编程的着色处理器,虽然ASIC的速度和功耗性能优于可编程处理器,但其灵活性与可靠性却是无法与可编程处理器比拟的。采用一种带精简指令的微控制器架构,重点研究用汇编和可编程处理器协同实现平面剪裁功能,代替原来用纯硬件实现的功能,该流水线执行多指令多数据流(MIMD)。最后,使用大量的测试用例对点、线和三角形在FPGA开发板上进行相应的验证。  相似文献   

针对骨骼动画中阴影计算耗费时间较大的问题,提出基于CUDA平台的阴影实时仿真方法.利用OPENGL的扩展特性和硬件的图形处理单元GPU的并行计算能力,对大量图形数据进行并行计算,可以加速骨骼动画顶点的矩阵变换以及阴影体的计算.实验结果表明,该方法可以获得很好的加速比,效率提高明显.  相似文献   

论文提出了一种基于GPU 的对三维场景进行实时水彩画效果渲染的方法。 该方法的大部分过程使用图像空间的技术实现。算法将画面分为细节层、环境层、笔触层分 别渲染,再进行合成。在过程中使用环境遮挡、shadow mapping 等技术进行快速的阴影计算, 并使用图像滤镜的方法模拟水彩的多种主要特征。由于该方法以图像空间的技术为主,因此 可以利用GPU 并行处理的特点对计算过程进行加速,进而达到实时的渲染速度。最后建立 动画脚本分析系统,进行实时动画渲染,表明该方法在计算机动画、游戏等数字娱乐产业领 域有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Computation on programmable graphics hardware   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GPUs have evolved into powerful and flexible streaming processors with fully programmable floating-point pipelines and tremendous aggregate computational power and memory bandwidth. With these advances, modern GPUs can now perform more functions than the specific graphics computations for which they were designed. This article describes approaches to using GPU processing power to accelerate traditionally CPU-based tasks. We discuss some important characteristics of algorithms that make them good candidates for GPU acceleration. We discuss a specific GPU image-processing application that is a common postprocess for many physically based rendering systems.  相似文献   

This paper proposes to use relief‐mapped conical frusta (cones cut by planes) to skin skeletal objects. Based on this representation, current programmable graphics hardware can perform the rendering with only minimal communication between the CPU and GPU. A consistent definition of conical frusta including texture parametrization and a continuous surface normal is provided. Rendering is performed by analytical ray casting of the relief‐mapped frusta directly on the GPU. We demonstrate both static and animated objects rendered using our technique and compare to polygonal renderings of similar quality.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a skeletal rigid skinning approach. First, we describe a skeleton extraction technique that produces refined skeletons appropriate for animation from decomposed character models. Then, to avoid the artifacts generated in previous skinning approaches and the associated high training costs, we develop an efficient and robust rigid skinning technique that applies blending patches around joints. To achieve real time animation, we have adapted all steps of our rigid skinning algorithm so that they are performed efficiently on the GPU. Finally, we present an evaluation of our methods against four criteria: efficiency, quality, scope, and robustness. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冯玉康  周圣川  马纯永  韩勇  陈戈 《计算机工程》2012,38(19):218-221,225
分析地球大气层的实际参数及大气密度随海拔高度变化的关系,设计光线投射算法,在图形处理器中实现空气粒子的精确大气散射运算,通过建立3D查找表对计算过程进行加速,实现地球大气层的高效仿真和大气内部高密度三维体积云的实时渲染.实验结果表明,该方法真实感较强,渲染效率较高.  相似文献   

We present algorithms for computing accurate moments of solid models that are represented using multiple trimmed NURBS surfaces and triangles. Our algorithms make use of programmable Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to accelerate the moment computations. For NURBS surfaces, we evaluate the surface coordinates and normals accurately, with theoretical bounds, using our GPU NURBS evaluator. We have developed a framework that makes use of this data to evaluate surface integrals of trimmed NURBS surfaces in real time. Since typical solid models also contain flat planes that are usually tessellated into triangles, our framework also includes GPU acceleration of the moment contributions of such flat faces. Using our framework, we can compute volume and moments of solid models with theoretical guarantees. Our algorithms support local geometry changes, which is useful for providing interactive feedback to the designer while the solid model is being designed. We can compute the center of mass and check for stability of the solid model interactively. Other applications of such real-time moment computation include deformation modeling, animation, and physically based simulations.  相似文献   

硬件支持下的实时毛发动画   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,由于图形硬件提供的能力有限,毛发动画一直只能限制在非实时动画创作领域之中。现在,随着图形硬件技术的发展,特别是可编程图形硬件的出现,实时毛发动画技术已趋成熟,逐渐进入实用阶段。本文在回顾毛发动画技术发展历程的基础上,结合当前的图形硬件发展水平,从建模,渲染与动画三个方面分别论述了实现实时毛发动画的相关算法与技术。  相似文献   

Quick creation of 3D character animations is an important task in game design, simulations, forensic animation, education, training, and more. We present a framework for creating 3D animated characters using a simple sketching interface coupled with a large, unannotated motion database that is used to find the appropriate motion sequences corresponding to the input sketches. Contrary to the previous work that deals with static sketches, our input sketches can be enhanced by motion and rotation curves that improve matching in the context of the existing animation sequences. Our framework uses animated sequences as the basic building blocks of the final animated scenes, and allows for various operations with them such as trimming, resampling, or connecting by use of blending and interpolation. A database of significant and unique poses, together with a two-pass search running on the GPU, allows for interactive matching even for large amounts of poses in a template database. The system provides intuitive interfaces, an immediate feedback, and poses very small requirements on the user. A user study showed that the system can be used by novice users with no animation experience or artistic talent, as well as by users with an animation background. Both groups were able to create animated scenes consisting of complex and varied actions in less than 20 minutes.  相似文献   

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