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Vigabatrin and lamotrigine are two new antiepileptic drugs which have recently become available. Vigabatrin is a specific and irreversible inhibitor of the enzyme gamma-amino-butyric-acid (GABA) transferase. Its administration leads to a long lasting increase in GABA, the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter. Vigabatrin is effective in both adults and children in the treatment of partial and especially complex-partial seizures. After add-on in vigabatrin to their therapeutic drug regime in 116 of our own patients, 39% of previously therapy resistant patients reported a reduced seizure frequency of at least 50% and 6% of them became seizure free. In secondarily generalized epilepsies the best results were observed in axial (infantile) spasms. In addition there was some improvement in tonic and convulsive seizures. Single patients showed increased myoclonic and clonic seizures. Initial efficacy was not always maintained during follow-up. In the experience of other authors, vigabatrin is also effective in the treatment of infantile spasms. It is not suitable for the treatment of generalized epilepsies with absences and myoclonic seizures. Most patients tolerate vigabatrin very well, although psychotic episodes are sometimes reported. So far there have been no relevant hepatic or hematological side effects. Lamotrigine is also effective in the treatment of partial seizures, for which it is approved. However, uncontrolled studies and our own experience have shown that it is even more effective in generalized seizures. As add-on therapy in absences and tonic or tonic-clonic seizures, a significant reduction in seizure frequency--in individual cases seizure freedom--can be achieved.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy and tolerability of two new antiepileptic drugs, lamotrigine (LTG) and vigabatrin (GVG) in everyday clinical practice. A comprehensive retrospective survey of a computerized data base and hospital case notes was carried out at the Mersey Regional Epilepsy Clinic (MREC), Liverpool, which services a population of 3 million in the North West of England. The study comprised 333 out-patients with refractory epilepsy exposed to LTG and GVG forming a subset in a total population of 2250 patients with epilepsy held on a comprehensive database. The main outcome measures were duration of treatment with each drug described by a Kaplan-Meier survival curve, seizure control determined by a 50% decrease in seizure frequency and freedom from seizures, and incidence of adverse drug effects leading to discontinuation. The Kaplan-Meier curve indicated a 57% probability of patients continuing to take LTG and 43% GVG after 40 months. A 50% improvement in seizure control followed the addition of LTG in 45% of patients, with 10% seizure free, compared with 32% and 6%, respectively after the addition of GVG. LTG was discontinued because of adverse events (most frequently skin rash) in 15% of patients compared to GVG in 25% (particularly because of personality disturbance and psychiatric disorder). Both LTG and GVG are effective new AEDs in patients with refractory epilepsy, treated in a tertiary referral out-patient setting. LTG has a broader spectrum of antiepileptic efficacy for patients with both partial and idiopathic generalized seizures, whereas GVG should be reserved for patients with partial seizures at low risk of psychiatric disorder.  相似文献   

CONCLUSION: We conclude that despite inevitable variability the clinical picture of JME is characteristic. It is easy to diagnose JME if one thinks of it while the history should be thoroughly analyzed. An EEG recording during sleep confirms the diagnosis. An early diagnosis of JME permits adequate prognosis of the subsequent course of epilepsy, and adequate therapy brings remission in most of the patients. If treatment starts following the large number of severe GTC seizures, the response to therapy is incomplete. The persistency of the illness throughout the life, the need for continuous medication and therapeutic unresponsiveness in cases with late diagnosis, do not justify the increasing misconception that JME is of benign nature. Diagnosis of JME is rare because of insufficient familiarily of physicians with the illness. BACKGROUND: Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) is an idiopathic generalized epileptic syndrome characterized with the combination of myoclonic, generalized tonic-clonic (GTC) and absence seizures that are readily provoked by sleep deprivation. PATIENTS: Forty-three patients, aged from 14 to 51 years, participated in a 5-year follow-up study. Diagnosis was made according to the criteria (Table 1) for diagnosis of JME set by Panayiotopoulos et al. (1994). Nineteen patients made their first contact with a neurologist at the Institute of Neurology and were diagnosed as JME, while the remaining 24 were referred to from other medical institutions with a diagnosis of therapy resistant to focal epilepsy. All patients underwent a somatic and neurological examination, "mini mental test," EEG in waking and CT scan of the brain. Some patients had EEG performed during sleep and some had MRI of the head. RESULTS: JME began between 9 and 26 (average 17) years. All patients had myoclonic seizures, 98% had GTC and 23% absence seizures. The first myoclonic seizure occurred between 9 and 24 years while the frst GTC seizure occurred between 10 and 32 years. Myoclonic seizures (83% of patients) and GTC seizures (70% of patients) occurred most often immediately after awaking. The most frequent provocative factors were insufficient sleep, alcohol abuse and tiredness. Epilepsy in the family was present in 39%, focal neurological deficiency in 9% and pathological findings on of CT and MRI in 7% of patients. Waking EEG was pathological in 77% of patients; it included generalized spike-wave discharges in 73%, multiple spike-wave complexes in 33% and focal discharges in 12% of patients, respectively. In all 26 patients tested, sleep EEG was pathological most often with multiple spike-wave complexes in 85% and 3-4 Hz spike-wave complexes in 57% of patients. The correct diagnosis of JME following a comprehensive examination was made in 24 (56%) patients after a delay of 1 to 35 years. In 24 patients with delayed diagnosis of JME the replacement of earlier medication with valproic acid (VPA) induced remission in 18 patients (75%) while 1 patient (4%) experienced a reduction in the number of seizures. Five patients (21%) did not respond to VPA medication: 2 due to a weak compliance, another 2 due to inefficient medication and 1 because of the preexistent malabsorption syndrome. In 19 patients (44%) with initial diagnosis of JME, VPA was introduced immediately upon diagnosis. Of them, 15 (79%) had excellent response to VPA, 1 refused therapy and for 3 patients there is no information. In 2 patients VPA was substituted due to side effects (hepatotoxicity and alopetia) with lamotrigine (low doses), which brought about decrease in frequency and mitigation in myoclonic seizures.  相似文献   

Since 1987, we have diagnosed 10 patients, 4 males and 6 females, aged 2-11 years at the last evaluation, who all met the following criteria of severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (SMEI): generalized or unilateral long-lasting febrile clonic seizures in the first year of life; the subsequent appearance of myoclonic seizures and other types of seizure (partial seizures, atypical absences and convulsive status epilepticus); and neuropsychological deterioration for a certain period. Family histories of epilepsy and febrile seizures could be traced in 1 and 3 cases, respectively. None of them had previous personal history of brain insult. Electroencephalographic (EEGic) recordings in febrile seizure stage were normal; and continuous prophylaxis with phenobarbital failed to prevent the recurrence of febrile seizures. EEG studies in myoclonic stage showed generalized spike-and-waves, polyspike-and-waves, focal abnormalities and/or photosensitivity. The seizures were highly resistant to antiepileptic drugs. Our experiences suggested that comedication of valproic acid, clonazepam and carbamazepine may be most effective in treatment of the diverse seizures including myoclonic seizures, myoclonic-tonic-clonic seizures, atypical absences and partial seizures. Myoclonic seizures and atypical absences diminished in parallel to a clear-cut decrease in generalized abnormalities on EEG in 4 cases aged more than 7 years. However, the partial seizures, secondarily generalized seizures and status epilepticus were still present. Further investigations should aim to identify the underlying etiology and to search more effective treatment.  相似文献   

Partial seizures and asymmetric abnormalities seen on electroencephalogram (EEG) are infrequent in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, but when present, can lead to a misdiagnosis of partial seizures. We report four patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy who had generalized spike or polyspike and wave discharges on EEG in addition to clinical and EEG evidence of focality. The clinical course and response to therapy was similar to that in typical juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.  相似文献   

Reflex epilepsy (RE) is characterised by seizures that are regularly elicited by some specific stimulus or event mediated by neural pathways. In a prospective study of 1287 epileptic patients seen at Peradeniya, 223 (17.3%) were found to have RE, eating being the commonest stimulus (191 patients, 85.7%). Photosensitive epilepsy (PSE) was relatively rare. Intermittent photic stimulation on 874 unselected epileptic patients produced a positive photoconvulsive response in 60 (6.9%). None had photosensitive seizures, but 3 had a higher frequency of seizures while watching television. Eating epilepsy (EE) had the highest prevalence at Peradeniya (148/1000 epileptic patients). This group was male predominant, and the onset of epilepsy in most cases was in the second decade. The majority experienced partial complex seizures. Repetitive and chronic stimulation of the amygdala during eating is suggested as the mechanism underlying EE. Twenty-one patients had seizures evoked by calculation, problem solving or spatial tasks. Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy was the commonest form of seizure disorder in them. Although PSE itself is rare, self-induced epilepsy (SIE) was common. There were 8 patients who self-induced seizures. The majority were photosensitive and they induced seizures by gazing at the sun and waving a hand in front of the eyes. In the management of REs, clobazam produced impressive results. As for possible seizure-inhibitory mechanisms, our studies on a "Sathi" mediator showed definite EEG changes during mediation. Can mediation increase the seizure-threshold and abort or prevent the propagation of the epileptic discharge? The answer, apart from its possible therapeutic applications, may provide insight into the mechanisms of seizure generation.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve in the neck by using a programmable stimulator similar to a cardiac pacemaker is being explored as a treatment for epilepsy. There is sound rationale based on studies of animal seizure models for pursuing this treatment modality, and early clinical trials provide support for efficacy in patients with intractable epilepsy at least equivalent to that of some of the new antiepileptic drugs. Safety and tolerability have been demonstrated in >800 patients worldwide since the first implant in 1988. Most of these had partial seizures for which resective epilepsy surgery was not feasible or had failed, but efficacy of vagal stimulation appears to be the same for both partial and generalized epilepsy. Specific selection criteria for this procedure have yet to be established, and further studies are warranted to determine whether vagal stimulation becomes an accepted procedure for epilepsy management.  相似文献   

The long-term prognosis of 185 children with epilepsy, who continued to attend the Clinic for Epileptic Children, the Department of Pediatrics, the University of Tokyo, beyond the age of 18 years, was reported. The length of follow-up varied from three to 20 years, but most of them were followed longer than 10 years. The presumed etiology in these children was divided into a cryptogenic group (124, 67.0%) and a symptomatic group (61). The types of seizures were classified into grand mal (86 cases), focal seizure (27), petit mal absence (4), psychomotro seizure (5), infantile spasms (7), and so on. It may be noted that the highest frequency of grand mal was demonstrated, while the incidences of infantile spasms, myoclonic seizure, and akinetic seizure were low in the series. Only 28 children (15.1%) had complications of physical and/or mental handicaps. The follow-up study revealed that 140 patients (75.7%) had been seizure-free in the last 12 months. One hundred and fifteen of them had no seizures for five years or longer. On the other hand, electroencephalographic abnormalities generally continued for a long time after disappearance of seizures. Eightly-one of well-controlled patients were gradually decreasing the doses of anticonvulsants. As for seizure types, it is noted that focal seizure, psychomotor seizure, and infantile spasms were relatively difficult to be controlled. Except for 27 patients, most of them attended normal schools, including junior colleges or universities, and engaged in various occupations. Fifteen female patients had already married, and out of 13 babies who were born from these patients, there were one with ventricular septal defect, one with mental deficiency, and one with anencephaly, while the rest were entirely normal. Additional problems on withdrawal of anticonvulsants after a long-term seizure-free period, and what a medical system should be for treatment of epilepsy in children up to their adulthood were discussed.  相似文献   

Idiopathic epilepsies with generalized seizures of early childhood are based on a genetic predisposition. The onset takes place between the first and fifth years of age, boys are affected more often than girls. Dependent on the clinical symptomatology you have to distinguish: myoclonic seizures; atonic-astatic seizures; myoclonic-astatic seizures; absences; tonic-clonic seizures. In more than half of the cases a combination of these seizures can be observed. The differentiation of epilepsies with generalized seizures of multifocal origin (infantile spasms, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Pseudo-Lennox syndrome [atypical benign epilepsy]) may be difficult but is essential. Therapy of choice is valproate, often in combination with ethosuximide (in children with minor seizures) or with kaliumbromide or phenobarbital (in children with tonic-clonic seizures). Generally the prognosis is more unfavourable if epilepsy starts in the first year of life with afebrile and febrile generalized tonic-clonic or clonic seizures, if children are suffering from longlasting states of seizures and if development is disturbed before beginning of epilepsy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The syndrome of temporal lobe epilepsy has been described in great detail. Here we focus specifically on the clinical manifestations of seizures originating in the hippocampus and surrounding mesial temporal structures. METHODS: Seizure origin was confirmed in 67 cases by depth EEG recording and surgical cure after mesial temporal resection. RESULTS: Among nonlateralized manifestations, we commonly found oral automatisms, pupillary dilatation, impaired consciousness, and generalized rigidity. Appendicular automatisms were often ipsilateral to the seizure focus, whereas dystonia and postictal hemiparesis were usually contralateral. Head deviation, when it occurred early in the seizure, was an ipsilateral finding, but was contralateral to the seizure focus when it occurred late. Clear ictal speech and quick recovery were found when seizures originated in the non-language-dominant hemisphere, but postictal aphasia and prolonged recovery time were characteristic of seizure origin in the language-dominant hemisphere. CONCLUSIONS: These signs help to define the mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) syndrome and often provide information as to the side of seizure origin.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the incidence and pattern of epilepsy in patients with periventricular leukomalacia (PVLM) in two specialty clinic settings. BACKGROUND: Motor and cognitive deficit as well as epilepsy are common in patients with PVLM. With modern imaging techniques, PVLM is now easily recognized. METHODS: Epileptic seizures and syndromes as well as motor and cognitive deficits were correlated with MRI findings. Two patient populations were studied: Group A-children with cerebral palsy and PVLM presenting to a center for children with motor disability (n = 19); and Group B-epileptic patients with PVLM presenting to a tertiary epilepsy center (n = 12). A single patient with PVLM and epilepsy who underwent extensive investigations, including intracranial EEG telemetry, is reported. RESULTS: In Group A, 47% of patients had epilepsy (9/19). PVLM was found in 1.27% of patients investigated for epilepsy at a tertiary epilepsy center (12/942). The majority of patients in both groups had multiple seizure types, with complex partial seizures being most common. Of patients with seizures (Groups A and B), 85.7% had intractable epilepsy (18/21). Intracranial EEG in the illustrative case demonstrated a multifocal epileptic process with occipitotemporal predominance. CONCLUSIONS: PVLM was an uncommon underlying cause in patients presenting with epilepsy (Group A); however, patients presenting with motor disability and PVLM (Group B) had a high incidence of seizures. PVLM in epileptic patients is associated with multiple seizure types and medically refractory disease.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We explored the relationship between myoclonic absence seizures (MAS) and underlying chromosome disorders. METHODS: Among 14 patients with MAS observed in three centers, 5 had typical cryptogenic myoclonic absence epilepsy (MAE), 2 had MAS associated with other seizure types (1 with signs of a neuronal migration abnormality and 1 with signs of a metabolic disorder), and 7 had MAS, with or without other seizure types, complicating a chromosome abnormality syndrome-2 with trisomy 12p, 4 with Angelman syndrome, and 1 with inv dup (15). RESULTS: In the 7 patients with chromosomopathy, MAS appeared at a mean age of 2.9 years (range 4 months to 6 years 6 months), had a duration of 4-20 s, and were accompanied by reduced awareness and rhythmic myoclonic jerks involving proximal limb muscles. Ictal EEG showed 2- to 3-Hz generalized spike-and-wave discharges. CONCLUSIONS: In these patients, MAS differed slightly from those of typical MAE: age of onset was earlier, absences were of shorter duration, and no clear increase in muscular tone was noted. Abnormal expression of genes codifying for the subfamily of K+ channels and for gamma-aminobutyric acid-3 subunit receptors (GABRB3), both located in the chromosome segments involved in the chromosomopathies presented by our patients, could be responsible for the same generalized seizure type. Chromosome analysis should be performed in patients with mental retardation and MAS, especially when the ictal pattern does not completely overlap that observed in MAE.  相似文献   

We report two cases with complex partial and secondarily generalized seizures, both on oxcarbazepine and vigabatrin, with additional lamotrigine in one case. Both died in a manner resembling SUDEP, i.e. suddenly, unexpectedly, probably following a seizure with pulmonary oedema at autopsy. Both had SIADH. A number of drugs may cause SIADH, among them carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine. A search for SIADH in patients on carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine, and in cases of sudden death in epilepsy, is recommended.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Patients with cortical malformations often have intractable seizures and are candidates for epilepsy surgery. Within an unselected series of patients with various forms of cortical malformation, nine patients with multilobar polymicrogyria had electrical status epilepticus during sleep (ESES) accompanied by infrequent focal motor seizures. Eight patients also had intractable atonic drop attack seizures. Because ESES usually is accompanied by a good long-term seizure prognosis, the objective of this study was to examine ESES outcome among patients with a structural lesion that is usually highly epileptogenic and has a low seizure remission trend. METHODS: The nine patients had follow-up periods lasting 4 to 19 years. All underwent brain MRI, serial sleep EEG recordings, and cognitive testing during and after ESES. RESULTS: ESES and drop attack seizures appeared between the ages of 2 and 5 years (mean, 4 years) and ceased between the ages of 5 and 12 years (mean, 8 years). At the last visit patients were 8 to 23 years of age (mean, 14.5 years) and were either seizure free or had very infrequent focal motor seizures during sleep. Three patients were free from antiepileptic drugs. In no patient was definite cognitive deterioration apparent after ESES in comparison with earlier evaluations. CONCLUSIONS: Age-related secondary bilateral synchrony underlying ESES may be facilitated in multilobar polymicrogyria. The good seizure outcome contrasts with that usually found in the presence of cortical malformations. For children with polymicrogyria and drop attack seizures, surgical treatment of the epilepsy should be considered cautiously, and sleep EEG recordings should be performed systematically.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Lamotrigine (LTG) is recognised as effective add-on therapy for focal epilepsies, but this is the first double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study in treatment-resistant generalised epilepsy. METHODS: The study consisted of 2 x 8-week treatment periods followed by a 4-week washout period. Patients received doses of either 75 or 150 mg daily, depending on their concomitant antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Long-term continuation was offered at the end of the study with open-label LTG. RESULTS: Five centres in Australia recruited 26 patients who were having absence, myoclonic, or generalized tonic-clonic seizures or a combination of these. Twenty-two patients completed the study. There was a significant reduction in frequency of both tonic-clonic and absence seizure types with LTG. A 350% decrease in seizures was observed for tonic-clonic seizures in 50% of cases and for absence seizures in 33% of evaluable cases. Rash was the only adverse effect causing discontinuation. Twenty-three of 26 opted for open-label LTG, with 20 still receiving LTG for a mean of 26 months. In these 20, 80% had > or =50% seizure reduction and five (25%) were seizure free. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that LTG is effective add-on therapy in patients with refractory generalised epilepsies. Statistically significant reduction in seizures in both absence and tonic-clonic seizure types was seen even with low doses of LTG.  相似文献   

While the evaluation and treatment of patients with seizures or epilepsy is often challenging, modern therapy provides many patients with complete seizure control. After a first seizure, evaluation should focus on excluding an underlying neurologic or medical condition, assessing the relative risk of seizure recurrence and determining whether treatment is indicated. Successful management of patients with recurrent seizures begins with the establishment of an accurate diagnosis of epilepsy syndrome followed by treatment using an appropriate medication in a manner that optimizes efficacy. The goal of therapy is to completely control seizures without producing unacceptable medication side effects. Patients who do not achieve complete seizure control should be referred to an epilepsy specialist, since new medications and surgical treatments offer patients unprecedented options in seizure control.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has been reported to produce >90% reduction in the number of seizures in children with intractable epilepsy. These encouraging results need confirmation. METHODS: Sixteen children, 10 boys and 6 girls aged 4-19 years, were treated with VNS (Cyberonics, Webster, TX, U.S.A.) for 12-24 months. Seizure frequency, seizure severity, changes in quality of life (QOL: visual analogue scale), and side effects were recorded. Eight children had partial and 8 had generalized seizures; 4 of the latter had Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS). RESULTS: During the tenth to twelfth month of VNS, 6 of 16 children experienced > or =50% reduction in seizure frequency. One girl became seizure-free. Seizure severity showed an average decrease in the score from 15 to 11. After 10 months of treatment, QOL was estimated to have improved > or =50% in 6 of 16 children. Reduction in seizure frequency, decreased seizure severity, and reported improvement in QOL did not entirely coincide. Six children experienced hoarseness, 1 had neck pain, 2 had hypersalivation, 2 experienced tiredness, 2 had aspiration episodes during liquid intake, and 6 had electrical transmission problems; in 4 the problem has been surgically corrected. Five stimulators were turned off due to lack of efficacy. CONCLUSIONS: Six of 16 children with refractory epilepsy treated with VNS improved, with a reduction not only in seizure frequency but also in seizure severity and in QOL.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine whether formal thought disorder and psychopathology occurred in children with complex partial seizures (CPS) rather than children with primary generalized epilepsy with absences (PGE) or nonepileptic children. METHOD: Formal thought disorder was coded in 30 children with CPS, 24 children with PGE, and 61 nonepileptic children, and structured interview-based psychiatric diagnoses were obtained for the epileptic subjects. RESULTS: The CPS subjects had significantly more illogical thinking than the PGE and nonepileptic children. The severity of their illogical thinking was related to global cognitive dysfunction and a schizophrenia-like psychosis. Age of onset and seizure control, however, were significantly associated with the severity of illogical thinking in the PGE group. One or more psychiatric diagnoses were found in 63% of the CPS and 54% of the PGE patients, particularly if they had global cognitive deficits. CONCLUSION: Illogical thinking, associated with cognitive dysfunction or schizophrenia-like symptoms, might be a feature of pediatric CPS. Psychopathology might be related to global cognitive dysfunction in pediatric CPS and PGE.  相似文献   

We report clinical, EEG and neuroimaging findings of three patients in two Italian families with merosin-negative congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD), drug-resistant occipital epilepsy, diffuse persistent cerebral white matter changes and focal cortical dysplasia. Clinical and epilepsy histories, EEG and neuroimaging findings were very similar in all patients. Seizures started in childhood and mainly consisted of periodic spasms, a particular type of partial seizure characterized by clusters of epileptic spasms. The motor expression of the spasms was very mild so that they had been frequently missed or misinterpreted as non-convulsive generalized absence seizures. Interictal EEG showed occipital spike-waves and bilateral synchronous slow spike-wave discharges. Ictal EEG showed prolonged periodic sequences of slow waves with associated fast rhythm complexes, characteristic of periodic spasms. Two patients had normal intelligence, one patient presented moderate mental retardation. Focal cortical dysplasia in the posterior areas of the brain, in addition to marked diffuse white matter alterations, was detected in the magnetic resonance images of all patients. Findings in these patients indicate that in merosin-negative CMD brain involvement can include cortical dysplasia, in addition to white matter changes. In such cases the brain damage can lead to a childhood-onset localization-related symptomatic occipital epilepsy. Epileptic seizures and cortical dysplasia can be, however, difficult to detect in CMD. The clinical semiology of epileptic seizures may in fact be modified because of muscular weakness. This implies that epilepsy may be misdiagnosed or even missed and EEG-polymyographic recordings may be necessary to identify it. Similarly, cortical dysplasia may be very localized and visible by neuroimaging only if it is carefully investigated on the basis of epileptological and EEG-polymyographic findings.  相似文献   

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