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郝晶心  李学国 《酿酒科技》2002,(4):63-63,62
啤酒的泡沫性能包括起泡能力、泡沫外观、泡沫持久性和泡沫挂杯4个方面。影响啤酒泡沫形成的因素主要有原料的质量、制麦工艺、糖化工艺、发酵工艺、贮酒时间长短、过滤与灌装的温度和压力以及杀菌时间。实现啤酒较好的泡沫性能,首先控制原料及生产过程中蛋白质的分解;其次是保证生产后期泡沫质量稳定。(孙悟)  相似文献   

近年来国内外对提高啤酒泡沫质量的研究较为重视,啤酒泡沫是啤酒感官质量的一项重要指标,但是,啤酒泡沫质量并不是孤立的,它和啤酒原料和工艺有着密切的联系,良好的啤酒原料和工艺必然会生产出泡沫性能好的啤酒。本文就泡沫的特性、酿造工艺、制麦工艺对啤酒泡沫的影响及改进措  相似文献   

啤酒的泡沫性能包括起泡能力、泡沫外观、泡沫持久性和泡沫挂杯等4个方面。文章分析了影响啤酒泡沫性能的因素,并从原料选择、制麦工艺、糖化工艺、发酵工艺、过滤、输送与灌装等工序提出工艺控制措施,以保障啤酒良好的泡沫性能。  相似文献   

啤酒泡沫的影响因素及控制措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雒亚静 《啤酒科技》2005,(1):38-39,41
本文论述了啤酒泡沫的性能和形成,分析其影响因素,并结合生产实际,阐述如何通过原料选择和工艺控制改进啤酒泡沫。  相似文献   

啤酒的泡沫性能表现在起泡性、泡持性和附着力上。啤酒的泡沫性能与使用原料、制麦工艺、酿造工艺以及酵母的性能和状态有着密切关系。本文结合实际生产情况,阐述影响啤酒泡沫的因素,提出一定的解决措施。  相似文献   

黄勇 《酿酒科技》2007,(7):70-72
啤酒泡沫是啤酒质量的一项重要指标.啤酒泡沫具有起泡性、稳定性、挂杯性.啤酒中的多种起泡成分物质和二氧化碳气体是啤酒产生泡沫的成因.使啤酒形成泡沫的物质有泡沫蛋白和多肽、异葎草酮、类黑素、金属离子、多糖、酒精、二氧化碳及酵母等.影响啤酒泡沫的物质有脂肪酸、高级醇和碱性α-氨基酸.通过控制原料的选择、糖化工艺、发酵工艺及生产、啤酒过滤、麦汁和啤酒转移输送和清洁卫生等措施可改善啤酒泡沫.  相似文献   

黄勇 《酿酒科技》2008,(4):86-88
通过对啤酒胶体稳定性、风味稳定性、泡沫、风味特点以及成本和质量之间的一些相互矛盾分析,提出在啤酒生产控制中应根据原料质量、成本目标、风味特点或消费者需求,品质及品质侧重需要等因素,采取工艺平衡的措施.  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的不断提高和市场竞争的日趋激烈,对啤酒质量提出更高要求。优质啤酒应清亮透明,泡沫洁白细腻,持久挂杯,口味纯正,爽口味纯正,有酒花香气,酒体协调,杀口、柔和,无异杂味,具有很好的可饮性和再饮性,但在啤酒生产过程中,由于工艺条件的不完善,原料质量缺陷,工艺卫生差等原因,使成品酒风味出现缺陷,饮后给人以不愉快感,严重影响了啤酒质量。  相似文献   

啤酒的泡沫及其工艺控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
啤酒泡沫被誉为“啤酒之花”,是啤酒区别于其它饮品的主要特征之一。良好的泡沫性能是优质啤酒的一个显著标志。本文对啤酒组成与泡沫的关系、影响啤酒泡沫性能的因素进行了研究,并对改善啤酒泡沫性能的工艺措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

左永泉 《啤酒科技》2009,(5):42-43,46
啤酒泡沫被誉为"啤酒之花",是区别啤酒与其他饮品的主要特征之一.良好的泡沫性能是优质啤酒的一个显著标志.本文对啤酒组成与泡沫的关系、影响啤酒泡沫性能的主要因素进行了分析,并对改善啤酒泡沫性能的工艺措施进行了探讨.  相似文献   

啤酒泡沫环主要成分为高分子肽、多酚物质、碳水化合物、金属离子等。形成因素有:原料麦芽质量、酒花、酿造用水含Fe^2 高;麦汁的煮沸强度、煮沸时的pH值;发酵工艺等。预防措施有:选择优良的原辅料;工艺选择及工艺过程中的参数控制。(孙悟)  相似文献   

玉米淀粉辅料在啤酒生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以玉米淀粉为辅料进行啤酒生产的研究结果表明,用量适当,不仅啤酒的成本降低,而且啤酒的发酵度、色度、总酸和非生物稳定性都较原工艺有一定的提高,泡持性有所降低,有利于生产淡爽型啤酒。  相似文献   

For the past 100 years, polyphenol research has played a central role in brewing science. The class of phenolic substances comprises simple compounds built of 1 phenolic group as well as monomeric and oligomeric flavonoid compounds. As potential anti‐ or prooxidants, flavor precursors, flavoring agents and as interaction partners with other beer constituents, they influence important beer quality characteristics: flavor, color, colloidal, and flavor stability. The reactive potential of polyphenols is defined by their basic chemical structure, hydroxylation and substitution patterns and degree of polymerization. The quantitative and qualitative profile of phenolic substances in beer is determined by raw material choice. During the malting and brewing process, phenolic compounds undergo changes as they are extracted or enzymatically released, are subjected to heat‐induced chemical reactions or are precipitated with or adsorbed to hot and cold trub, yeast cells and stabilization agents. This review presents the current state of knowledge of the composition of phenolic compounds in beer and brewing raw materials with a special focus on their fate from raw materials throughout the malting and brewing process to the final beer. Due to high‐performance analytical techniques, new insights have been gained on the structure and function of phenolic substance groups, which have hitherto received little attention. This paper presents important information and current studies on the potential of phenolics to interact with other beer constituents and thus influence quality parameters. The structural features which determine the reactive potential of phenolic substances are discussed.  相似文献   

Laboratory wheat beers were brewed with different wheat varieties of different protein content (8.7–14.4%) and with five different barley malts, varying in degree of modification (soluble protein: 3.9–6.9%). In a first series of experiments, it was investigated whether wheat positively influences the foam stability, a major characteristic of wheat beers. NIBEM and Rudin (CO2) foam analyses revealed that the effect of wheat on foam stability depended on the barley malt used for brewing. When using malt with high foaming potential, wheat exerts a negative influence. However, wheat added to over‐modified malt with less foam promoting factors, ameliorates beer foaming characteristics proving that wheat contains foam active compounds. In addition, Rudin (N2) values suggested that wheat positively influences foam stability by decreasing liquid drainage, probably caused by a higher beer viscosity and/or a finer foam bubble size distribution. Furthermore, the haze in wheat beers, which is another important quality characteristic of these beers, was investigated. Permanent haze readings of the 40% wheat beers were lower than 1.5 EBC haze units. For 20% wheat beers, an inverse relation between the permanent haze (9.4–19.3 EBC haze units) and the protein content of the wheat was established. The barley malt used for brewing also influenced permanent haze readings. A positive correlation between the modification degree of the malt and the permanent haze intensity was found. It was concluded that the choice of raw materials for wheat beer brewing considerably influences the visual properties of the beer.  相似文献   

Samples were taken at different stages of sorghum beer brewing and the starch isolated. The physico-chemical properties of the starch were determined to establish what changes occurred at the molecular level of the starch during brewing. Complete hydrolysis of the starch to fermentable sugars is never the aim of mashing during sorghum beer brewing. A certain amount of starch in the beer is required to give it its characteristic viscosity and body. This residual starch was found to be much reduced in amylose content as well as in molecular size compared with the starch in the raw materials. Debranching with isoamylase followed by gel filtration chromatography indicated that the amylopectin side chains were reduced in length by approximately half.  相似文献   

While beer provides a very stable microbiological environment, a few niche microorganisms are capable of growth in malt, wort and beer. Growth of mycotoxin‐producing fungi during malting, production of off‐flavours and development of turbidity in the packaged product due to the growth and metabolic activity of wild yeasts, certain lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and anaerobic Gram negative bacteria, impact negatively on beer quality. It follows that any means by which microbial contamination can be reduced or controlled would be of great economic interest to the brewing industry and would serve the public interest. There has been an increasing effort to develop novel approaches to minimal processing, such as the exploitation of inhibitory components natural to raw materials, to enhance the microbiological stability of beer. LAB species, which occur as part of the natural barley microbiota, persist during malting and mashing, and can play a positive role in the beer‐manufacturing process by their contribution to wort bioacidification or the elimination of undesirable microorganisms. Other naturally occurring components of beer that have been valued for their preservative properties are hop compounds. It may be possible to enhance the antimicrobial activities of these compounds during brewing. Some yeast strains produce and excrete extracellular toxins called zymocins, which are lethal to sensitive yeast strains. Yeast strains resistant to zymocins have been constructed. Imparting zymocinogenic activity to brewing yeast would offer a defence against wild yeasts in the brewery. Thus, the antimicrobial properties of naturally occurring components of raw materials can be exploited to enhance the microbial stability of beer.  相似文献   

生物胺对啤酒质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物胺是一类含氮的脂肪族或杂环类低分子化合物。啤酒中的生物胺与原料质量、酿造工艺及酿造和贮藏过程中受微生物污染程度、卫生条件密切相关。啤酒中常见的生物胺有酪胺;啤酒酿造过程产生适量色胺、尸胺、组胺,能改善啤酒风味,提高啤酒质量。啤酒中生物胺受底物氨基酸含量、生物胺产生菌、pH值的影响。控制生物胺的方法有限定麦汁中氨基酸含量;加强卫生管理,防止染菌;适当添加抑制剂。  相似文献   

啤酒花有两种基本类型:苦型和香型酒花.它赋予啤酒特有的苦味和香味,同时也影响啤酒的泡沫形成;酒花中含有酒花树脂、酒花油和多酚物质.本文主要就香型酒花在啤酒酿造过程中的风味变化以及对啤酒香味质量的影响进行了讨论.  相似文献   

王钰 《酿酒科技》2004,(5):91-92
纯生啤酒生产的关键是纯种酿造和后期对微生物污染的有效控制。对此必须对生产工艺、设备、人员及生产环境等各方面严格把关、严格控制。主要控制有:添加酵母过程微生物污染、原料微生物污染、酿造设备及仪器微生物污染的控制;后期过滤过程的微生物污染的控制;清酒的微生物控制;灌装车间的洗瓶机、验瓶机、灌装封盖机、瓶装输送线的微生物控制等。(孙悟)  相似文献   

啤酒花的化学研究及其和啤酒酿造的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
啤酒花用于啤酒酿造,在增加啤酒苦味的同时可改善啤酒的风味和提高啤酒的泡沫稳定性。随着化学分离和鉴定技术的不断完善,使得可以通过调整使用啤酒花的不同种类和数量来改进啤酒质量。啤酒花中主要化合物对啤酒质量可产生重要的影响,其中,树脂类化舍物,主要是α-酸和β-酸类,可赋予啤酒独特的苦味特征;精油类成分使啤酒具有明显的香味特征;而啤酒花中的多酚可对啤酒的风味及其风味稳定性产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

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