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目的 调查江苏省徐州市市售豆制品微生物污染情况。方法 采集发酵、非发酵豆制品86份, 按照GB 4789进行大肠菌群、菌落总数(非发酵豆制品)、蜡样芽胞杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌的定量和单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌、沙门氏菌的定性检测。结果 大肠菌群检出率为34.88%, 蜡样芽胞杆菌为12.79%, 金黄色葡萄球菌为1.16%, 其余致病菌均未检出。非发酵豆制品中大肠菌群检出率为65.91%, 计数>103 CFU/g占52.27%, 散装较预包装样品检出率高, 差异有显著意义(P<0.05); 菌落总数>105 CFU/g占75.00%; 蜡样芽胞杆菌检出率为6.82%, 104 CFU/g(均<105 CFU/g)占4.55%; 金黄色葡萄球菌检出率为2.27%。发酵类豆制品中大肠菌群检出率为2.38%, 蜡样芽胞杆菌为19.05%, 104 CFU/g占7.14%(均<105 CFU/g); 预包装、散装样品蜡样芽胞杆菌检出率差异无显著意义(P>0.05)。发酵、非发酵豆制品中大肠菌群检出率差异均有显著意义(P<0.05); 发酵豆制品合格率为97.62%, 非发酵豆制品合格率为11.36%, 差异有显著意义(P<0.05)。结论 徐州市豆制品中非发酵类卫生指标菌污染较为严重, 应加强卫生监督。  相似文献   

为了解市售非发酵性豆制品的质量状况,对宁波市鄞州区内11家农贸市场、7家超市和4家副食店的60份样品进行了防腐剂和微生物指标的抽样检测。结果表明,样品总体合格率为50.0%,单项合格率中菌落总数和大肠菌群分别为50.0%和66.7%,苯甲酸与脱氢乙酸均为98.3%,山梨酸为100%,预包装产品合格率高于散装产品。  相似文献   

2010年泰州市餐饮业食品安全监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解泰州市餐饮业食品安全动态,及时发现餐饮服务食品安全隐患,为监管部门有效监管提供参考。方法按照《关于委托开展江苏省2010年餐饮服务食品安全监督抽检工作的函》检测技术要求提供的检测方法和食品检验工作规范进行监测抽样,采高风险食品、餐饮具及食品原料3大类样品312份,对大肠菌群、菌落总数、沙门菌等7个微生物指标及防腐剂、色素、重金属、兽药残留等28个理化指标进行监测。结果 312份样品总体合格率为50.3%,其中食物原料大米、小麦粉、食用油全部合格;生活饮用水合格率为75.0%;猪肉(猪肝)合格率为56.2%;高风险食品合格率仅为17.3%,熟肉制品、鲜榨果蔬汁、非发酵豆制品、沙拉、凉拌菜、生食水产品、盒饭合格率分别为20.0%、15.0%、6.25%、25.0%、0、12.5%、37.5%。合格率偏低主要受菌落总数、大肠菌群两个卫生学指标的影响,7类样品合格率差异无显著性;餐饮具合格率为75.6%。结论猪肉污染严重;熟肉制品、沙拉等直接入口食品卫生状况较差,提示相关监管部门应加强加工场所卫生管理,从业人员卫生意识宣导以及原料选控、加工过程及餐具消毒等关键环节的监督管理。  相似文献   

目的 了解成都市进出口动物源性食品污染情况, 加强进出口动物源性食品安全监督管理。 方法 按照《进出境肉类产品检验检疫管理办法》对进出口动物源性食品样品进行采样检测, 并对检测数据进行分析。结果 2015~2016年共抽检动物源性食品样品5013份, 微生物指标合格率为94.92%(1570/1654), 卫生指示菌指标中超标率最高的为菌落总数, 食源性致病菌检出率最高的是霉菌与产气荚膜梭菌; 重金属中检出率、超标率以及平均暴露量最高的金属均为铬, 且个人平均年风险值大于国际辐射防护委员会(international radiation protection commission, ICRP)推荐的最大可接受风险值, 可能对人体健康造成危害; 兽药残留合格率为99. 76%(2511/2517), 多数样品中兽药残留均符合国家限量标准。结论 总体来看, 成都市进出口动物源性食品安全形势较好, 但食品中菌落总数和重金属中铬含量超标情况应该引起重视。  相似文献   

洛阳市乳与乳制品行业卫生现状及管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了解洛阳市乳与乳制品行业的现状,分析了洛阳市乳与乳制品生产经营行业在企业自身管理、工艺设备、原料使用以及产品卫生质量方面存在的诸多问题。32家乳与乳制品生产经营企业的生产经营过程基本符合卫生要求的有21家,其中生产加工企业13家。不符合卫生要求的11家,均为个体私营企业。大多数乳品厂没有自供奶源,定点收购个体散养户提供的散装牛奶,只有少数几个大企业能够对散装牛奶进行快速检验。多数小企业原料采购把关不严,不履行索证手续,不法企业使用劣质奶粉及不符合卫生要求的食品添加剂。174份样品的包装标识,132份合格,合格率75.9%。乳与乳制品的抽检总合格率74.7%,本地产品合格率69.8%,外埠产品合格率82.3%。理化指标与微生物指标合格率较高,分别为94.8%和90.2%,而营养指标合格率较低为74.7%,其中含乳饮料营养指标合格率仅为56.3%,酸牛奶营养指标合格率81.0%,主要不合格原因是蛋白质和脂肪含量低于国家标准,一些不合格含乳饮料蛋白质含量低于0.5%。结果提示,洛阳市的乳与乳制品卫生状况存在一定问题,需加强监督管理。  相似文献   

江西省餐饮业腌腊肉制品的卫生质量监测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的掌握江西省餐饮业腌腊肉制品的卫生质量状况,为餐饮业腌腊肉制品的卫生监督管理提供科学依据。方法采用GB/T5009.44—2003《肉及肉制品卫生标准的分析方法》、GB/T5009.37—2003《食用植物油卫生标准分析方法》、GB/T5009.33—2003《食品中亚硝酸盐与硝酸盐的测定》分析方法对腌腊肉制品进行检测分析。结果150份样品散装合格率为32.8%,定型包装合格率为62.5%。结论餐饮业腌腊肉制品合格率偏低,应加大餐饮业腌腊肉制品卫生监督管理力度。  相似文献   

我们于1988年8月和1989年6月对驻沈部队、机关、医院及饮服行业进行了调查。采集样品527份,其中食品理化检验88份,合格率为98%。餐、厨具320份,菌落总数合格率为27.5%,大肠菌群合格率为44.7%。熟食品119份,菌落总数合格率为71.4%,大肠菌群合格率为61.4%,从检验结果看,除理化标准合格外,卫生细菌合格率较低,主  相似文献   

婴幼儿辅食中细菌总数及蜡样芽孢杆菌污染情况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过平板菌落计算法和最大近似值(MPN)法检测市售婴儿辅食中细菌总数和蜡样芽孢杆菌污染情况,并对MPN法得到的疑似蜡样芽胞杆菌进行基因间隔序列(ITS)插入性序列分析和形态鉴定。结果表明,101份样品中只有30份样品菌落总数达标,合格率仅为29.7%,部分超标产品的细菌总数达105CFU/g~106CFU/g。市售3种婴幼儿辅食-米粉、奶伴侣和面条中细菌总数及食源性致病菌蜡样芽孢杆菌检出情况不容乐观。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局 ,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局 ,卫生部卫生监督中心、中国疾病预防控制中心 :根据 2 0 0 3年国家卫生监督抽检工作计划 ,北京、上海、广东、辽宁、湖北、内蒙古、四川、山东、江苏、黑龙江等 10个省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局对当地生产销售的巴氏杀菌乳和灭菌乳等乳及乳制品进行了卫生监督抽检 ,其中 ,巴氏杀菌乳的抽检合格率为 10 0 % ,灭菌乳的抽检合格率为 99 1%。现将有关情况通报如下 :一、产品抽检情况(一 )巴氏杀菌乳 :共抽检样品 82份 ,检验项目为菌落总数、大肠菌群、致病菌、亚硝酸盐。经检测 ,依据GB5…  相似文献   

分析肉制品的质量状况,为生产企业找出改进方向,提高肉制品的质量,提高产品合格率。选择有代表性的肉制品采样,依据有关标准进行检验分析。在总共51份肉制品样品中,总合格率为76.47%。在不合格的指标中,水分占33.33%,酸价占25.00%,亚硝酸盐残留占16.67%,细菌总数、蛋白质和过氧化值各占8.33%。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(8):6724-6738
At the global level, the quantity of goat milk produced and its gross production value have increased considerably over the last 2 decades. Although many scientific papers on this topic have been published, few studies have been carried out on bulk goat milk samples. The aim of the present study was to investigate in the field the effects of farming system, breed type, individual flock, and stage of production on the composition, coagulation properties (MCP), curd firming over time parameters (CFt), predicted cheese yield (CY%), and nutrient recovery traits (REC) of 432 bulk milk samples from 161 commercial goat farms in Sardinia, Italy. We found that the variance due to individual flock was of the same order as the residual variance for almost all composition and cheesemaking traits. With regard to the fixed effects, the effect of farming system on bulk milk variability was not highly significant for the majority of traits (it was lower than individual flock), whereas the effects of breed type and stage of production were much higher. More specifically, the intensive farms produced milk with the best concentrations of almost all constituents, whereas extensive farms exhibited faster rennet coagulation times, a slower rate of curd firming, lower potential curd firmness, and lower percentages of fat and energy recoveries in the fresh curd. Farms rearing the local breed, Sarda, alone or together with the Maltese breed, produced milk with the best concentrations of fat and protein, superior curd firmness, and better predicted percentage of fresh curd (CYCURD) and recovery traits. The results show the potential of both types of breed, either for their quantitative (specialized breeds) or their qualitative (local breeds) attributes. As expected, the concentrations of fat, protein fractions, and lactose were influenced by the stage of production, with samples collected in the early stage of production (in February and March) having a greater quantity of the main constituents. Somatic cells reached the highest levels in the late stage of production, which corresponds to the goats' advanced stage of lactation (June–July), although no differences were present in the logarithmic bacterial counts between the early and late stages. Regarding cheesemaking potential, bulk milk samples of the late stage were characterized by delayed rennet coagulation and curd firming times, the lowest values of curd firmness, and a general reduction in CY%, and REC traits. In conclusion, we highlight several issues regarding the effects of the most important sources of variation on bulk goat milk, and point to some critical factors relevant for improving dairy goat farming and milk production.  相似文献   

为了解山西省太谷县所销售纯牛奶中抗菌药物残留的情况,随机采购此种牛奶50份,分别采用TTC法、微生物检测法和酶标免疫分析法对样品进行抗生素残留检测,以农业部2001年发布的“无公害食品”牛奶中不得检出抗生素为判定标准。TTC法检测出4份阳性,3份可疑,阳性率为8%,可疑率为6%;微生物法检测出青霉素类残留阳性5份,阳性率为10%;酶标免疫分析法检测出四环素类阳性4份,阳性率为8%,链霉素残留阳性11份,阳性率为22%,磺胺二甲嘧啶检测结果全部为阴性。调查结果显示,市售消毒纯牛奶中有部分存在抗菌药物残留。  相似文献   



Approximately, 1,000 locally produced and imported milk and dairy product samples were collected at different seasonal periods from different farms and retail outlets in Kuwait, and screened for the presence of four antimicrobial residues (beta‐lactams, tetracyclines sulfonamides and chloramphenicol) using Charm II system. Results indicated that 29.1% of the analyzed local fresh milk samples were above the maximum residue level (MRL) for tested residues with tetracycline as predominant residue. The prevalence of antimicrobial residues in imported pasteurized milk samples (5.4%) was higher than that of local pasteurized milk samples (3.4%). No residues were detected in powdered and condensed milk samples imported from the European Union (EU) countries with the exception of tetracyclines. Results also showed that 9.4% of the analyzed imported cheese samples were above the MRL for tested residues, while tested ice cream samples were negative for antimicrobial residues. The significant presence of antimicrobial residues, particularly chloramphenicol, in raw and pasteurized milk, clearly implies the misuse of antimicrobial drugs in animal farms in Kuwait and neighboring countries, and implies the need for stricter regulations on antimicrobial drug usage in the dairy industry.


This article addresses the generation of a baseline data on the current presence of four antimicrobial residues in locally produced and imported milk and dairy products in the state of Kuwait. The outcome of this study will provide valuable baseline information for local governmental authorities for effective monitoring for the use and misuse of agricultural antimicrobial drugs. Such data will also be important for other Gulf Cooperation Council countries, because such countries share similar farming practices and import comparable foodstuffs.

Fundamental dynamic rheological tests were used to measure the rigidity (|G*|) and viscoelasticity (tan δ) of gels made from skim milk samples that were (1) never cooled, (2) stored at 4°C, or 3) stored at 4°C and then rewarmed to 25°C. Milk cooled and held at 4°C prior to gel formation produced gels with lower |G*| and higher tan(δ) than fresh milk gels. Chilled milk samples that were rewarmed to 25°C for 16h prior to gel formation produced gels with rheological properties similar to fresh milk gels. The solubilization of β-casein during cold storage was hypothesized to be the cause of observed differences in gel rheology.  相似文献   

研究了不同的加工方法对乳制品中Vc含量的影响。采用分光光度法进行测定,并比较了6种不同乳样中Vc的含量,从而得出最佳的鲜乳加工方法。结果表明:以超高瞬时灭菌法(UHT)对鲜乳中Vc的破坏最小,损失率仅为9.0%。  相似文献   

A survey to establish baseline data for future intervention in milk and dairy production in the peri-urban areas of Garoua, Maroua and Bamenda was carried out. Dairy products are still produced in a traditional way in areas around Maroua and Garoua with milk from native zebu cattle (Red and White Fulani breeds). The important dairy products are pendidam and kindirmu, both of which are fermented milks. Naturally sour milk was found occasionally. Around Bamenda, milk is produced by herds comprising pure Holsteins, Jerseys and their crosses with local zebu cows; cross-breeding is being intensified to increase rapidly the size of the dairy herds. Appreciable volumes of milk are produced daily, so allowing the industrial processing of fresh milk into pasteurized milk, yogurt and cheese. The potential for expansion of the dairy industry, and the possible constraints, were identified and solutions proposed.  相似文献   

As part of the programme on monitoring of environmental contaminants in food stuffs in Kuwait, 54 samples of fresh full cream and skimmed milk, powdered milk, yoghurt, and infant formula were analysed for aflatoxin M 1 (AFM 1 ) by HPLC following sample clean up using immuno-affinity columns. Of samples, 28% were contaminated with AFM 1 with 6% being above the maximum permissible limit of 0.2 μg l -1 . Three fresh cow milk samples collected from a private local producer showed the highest level of 0.21 μg l -1 AFM 1 . There was no contamination with AFM 1 in powdered milk and infant formulas. These results show the necessity of a survey involving a larger number of milk and its products and suggest that presently the contamination of milk and milk products with AFM 1 does not appear to be a serious health problem in Kuwait. Nevertheless, a continuous surveillance programme may be warranted to monitor regularly the occurrence of aflatoxins in the animal feeds responsible for current limited contamination and to note rapidly any worsening in the situation that may depend on market changes or on unfavourable climatic developments.  相似文献   

目的 利用16S rRNA高通量测序研究广西水牛研究所种畜厂内摩拉、尼里-拉菲及三品杂3品种水牛生鲜乳中的细菌多样。方法 提取当天采集的生水牛乳样本细菌总DNA,PCR扩增细菌的16S rDNA,纯化PCR扩增目的片断,将PCR产物与pMD18-T载体连接,构建其菌群的16S rDNA文库。用Miseq对其16S rRNA基因的V3-V4可变区进行测序以及BLAST比对。结果 3品种27个样本共获得1223个OUTs, M、N、S独有的OTU分别为295、41和42,共有OTU为511。物种组成与丰度差异显示:3品种优势菌门为:变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)。优势菌属为:金黄杆菌属(Chryseobacterium)、不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)、乳球菌属(Lactococcus)、假单胞菌属(Pseusomonas)。样本层级聚类显示:3品种样本间菌落组成相似度较高。PCA与PLS-DA分析表明:3品种样本组内菌群多样性差异不显著,但组间菌群丰度差异明显。结论 摩拉、尼里-拉菲及三品杂水牛生鲜乳中细菌菌群均呈现较丰富的多样性,其共有的优势菌群为金黄杆菌(Chryseobacterium)、不动杆菌(Acinetobacter)、乳球菌(Lactococcus)、假单胞菌(Pseusomonas)。各品种间菌群组成种类整体相似,但其主要菌落丰富度差异明显。  相似文献   

深海鱼油保健酸奶的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过向纯鲜牛乳中添加深海鱼油制剂,经乳酸菌发酵,制得一种浅黄色、风味独特的全营养新型酸奶。研究了深海鱼油保健酸奶的加工工艺及配方、产品感官性状、酸度和发酵菌数量等变化。通过4因素3水平正交实验确定各种成分的最佳剂量,确定产品配方为:合格鲜牛乳,白砂糖8%(均为质量分数,下同),复合稳定剂3%,发酵剂接种量3%,深海鱼油2%。  相似文献   

Preculture incubation, preculture freezing, and increased plate inoculation volumes were tested in an attempt to increase the recovery rate of pathogens in milk from cases of clinical bovine mastitis. Culture of milk from 291 cases of clinical bovine mastitis was performed using standard milk culture techniques (.01 ml of fresh milk streaked on trypticase soy agar plates with 5% sheep blood and .1% esculin). The sensitivity of this method was compared with that of cultures performed using augmented techniques: 4 and 18 h of preculture incubation; preculture freezing of samples overnight at -20 degrees C; and increasing the plate inoculation volume to .05 and .1 ml for fresh, incubated, and frozen samples. Preculture incubation and larger plate inoculation volumes significantly increased the recovery rate of bacterial pathogens over the standard culture method. The greatest improvement in sensitivity without a concomitant increase in contamination was achieved when samples were incubated for 4 h and plates were inoculated with .1 ml of the sample. Recovery was enhanced significantly by this method for several organisms, including environmental streptococci and coliform bacteria. Freezing milk before culture yielded a significantly higher positive culture rate overall, but freezing did not affect the positive culture rate of any individual bacterial species.  相似文献   

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