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The problem of reconstruction in positron emission tomography (PET) is basically estimating the number of photon pairs emitted from the source. Using the concept of the maximum-likelihood (ML) algorithm, the problem of reconstruction is reduced to determining an estimate of the emitter density that maximizes the probability of observing the actual detector count data over all possible emitter density distributions. A solution using this type of expectation maximization (EM) algorithm with a fixed grid size is severely handicapped by the slow convergence rate, the large computation time, and the nonuniform correction efficiency of each iteration, which makes the algorithm very sensitive to the image pattern. An efficient knowledge-based multigrid reconstruction algorithm based on the ML approach is presented to overcome these problems.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood (ML) expectation maximization (EM) approach in emission tomography has been very popular in medical imaging for several years. In spite of this, no satisfactory convergent modifications have been proposed for the regularized approach. Here, a modification of the EM algorithm is presented. The new method is a natural extension of the EM for maximizing likelihood with concave priors. Convergence proofs are given.  相似文献   

Thermoacoustic tomography (TAT) is an emerging imaging technique with potential for a wide range of biomedical imaging applications. In this correspondence, we propose an infinite family of weighted expectation maximization (EM) algorithms for reconstruction of images from temporally truncated TAT measurement data. The weighted EM algorithms are equivalent mathematically to the conventional EM algorithm, but are shown to propagate data inconsistencies in different ways. Using simulated and experimental TAT measurement data, we demonstrate that suitable choices of weighted EM algorithms can effectively mitigate image artifacts that are attributable to temporal truncation of the TAT data function.  相似文献   

The maximum-likelihood (ML) approach in emission tomography provides images with superior noise characteristics compared to conventional filtered backprojection (FBP) algorithms. The expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is an iterative algorithm for maximizing the Poisson likelihood in emission computed tomography that became very popular for solving the ML problem because of its attractive theoretical and practical properties. Recently, (Browne and DePierro, 1996 and Hudson and Larkin, 1994) block sequential versions of the EM algorithm that take advantage of the scanner's geometry have been proposed in order to accelerate its convergence. In Hudson and Larkin, 1994, the ordered subsets EM (OS-EM) method was applied to the ML problem and a modification (OS-GP) to the maximum a posteriori (MAP) regularized approach without showing convergence. In Browne and DePierro, 1996, we presented a relaxed version of OS-EM (RAMLA) that converges to an ML solution. In this paper, we present an extension of RAMLA for MAP reconstruction. We show that, if the sequence generated by this method converges, then it must converge to the true MAP solution. Experimental evidence of this convergence is also shown. To illustrate this behavior we apply the algorithm to positron emission tomography simulated data comparing its performance to OS-GP.  相似文献   

This paper introduces and evaluates a block-iterative Fisher scoring (BFS) algorithm. The algorithm provides regularized estimation in tomographic models of projection data with Poisson variability. Regularization is achieved by penalized likelihood with a general quadratic penalty. Local convergence of the block-iterative algorithm is proven under conditions that do not require iteration dependent relaxation. We show that, when the algorithm converges, it converges to the unconstrained maximum penalized likelihood (MPL) solution. Simulation studies demonstrate that, with suitable choice of relaxation parameter and restriction of the algorithm to respect nonnegative constraints, the BFS algorithm provides convergence to the constrained MPL solution. Constrained BFS often attains a maximum penalized likelihood faster than other block-iterative algorithms which are designed for nonnegatively constrained penalized reconstruction.   相似文献   

The use of anatomical information to improve the quality of reconstructed images in positron emission tomography (PET) has been extensively studied. A common strategy has been to include spatial smoothing within boundaries defined from the anatomical data. The authors present an alternative method for the incorporation of anatomical information into PET image reconstruction, in which they use segmented magnetic resonance (MR) images to assign tissue composition to PET image pixels. The authors model the image as a sum of activities for each tissue type, weighted by the assigned tissue composition. The reconstruction is performed as a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation of the activities of each tissue type. Two prior functions, defined for tissue-type activities, are considered. The algorithm is tested in realistic simulations employing a full physical model of the PET scanner  相似文献   

In order to perform attenuation correction in emission tomography an attenuation map is required. We propose a new method to compute this map directly from the emission sinogram, eliminating the transmission scan from the acquisition protocol. The problem is formulated as an optimization task where the objective function is a combination of the likelihood and an a priori probability. The latter uses a Gibbs prior distribution to encourage local smoothness and a multimodal distribution for the attenuation coefficients. Since the attenuation process is different in positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission tomography (SPECT), a separate algorithm for each case is derived. The method has been tested on mathematical phantoms and on a few clinical studies. For PET, good agreement was found between the images obtained with transmission measurements and those produced by the new algorithm in an abdominal study. For SPECT, promising simulation results have been obtained for nonhomogeneous attenuation due to the presence of the lungs.  相似文献   

An image reconstruction method motivated by positron emission tomography (PET) is discussed. The measurements tend to be noisy and so the reconstruction method should incorporate the statistical nature of the noise. The authors set up a discrete model to represent the physical situation and arrive at a nonlinear maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) formulation of the problem. An iterative approach which requires the solution of simple quadratic equations is proposed. The authors also present a methodology which allows them to experimentally optimize an image reconstruction method for a specific medical task and to evaluate the relative efficacy of two reconstruction methods for a particular task in a manner which meets the high standards set by the methodology of statistical hypothesis testing. The new MAP algorithm is compared to a method which maximizes likelihood and with two variants of the filtered backprojection method.  相似文献   

并行子带HMM最大后验概率自适应非线性类估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,自动语音识别(ASR)系统在实验室环境下获得了较高的识别率,但是在实际环境中,由于受到背景噪声和传输信道的影响,系统的识别性能急剧恶化.本文以听觉试验为基础,提出一种新的独立子带并行最大后验概率的非线性类估计算法,用以提高识别系统的鲁棒性.本算法利用多种噪声和识别内容功率谱差异,以及噪声在不同频带上对HMM影响的不同,采用多层感知机(MLP)对噪声环境下最大后验概率进行非线性映射,以减少识别系统由于环境不匹配而导致的识别性能下降.实验表明:该算法性能明显优于最大后验线性回归算法和Sangita提出的子带语音识别算法.  相似文献   

A modified maximum a posteriori (MMAP) decoding algorithm that uses two extrinsic information values as the thresholds to determine the log-likelihood ratio, forward recursion probability and backward recursion probability is proposed. The MMAP requires less decoding time and complexity than an MAP decoder. Each probability of the proposed algorithm is derived and compared to that obtained using the MAP algorithm  相似文献   

A fully three-dimensional (3-D) implementation of the maximum a posteriori (MAP) method for single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is demonstrated. The 3-D reconstruction exhibits a major increase in resolution when compared to the generation of the series of separate 2-D slice reconstructions. As has been noted, the iterative EM algorithm for 2-D reconstruction is highly computational; the 3-D algorithm is far worse. To accommodate the computational complexity, previous work in the 2-D arena is extended, and an implementation on the class of massively parallel processors of the 3-D algorithm is demonstrated. Using a 16000- (4000-) processor MasPar/DECmpp-Sx machine, the algorithm is demonstrated to execute at 2.5 (7.8) s/EM-iteration for the entire 64x64x64 cube of 96 planar measurements obtained from the Siemens Orbiter rotating camera operating in the high-resolution mode.  相似文献   

We develop algorithms for obtaining regularized estimates of emission means in positron emission tomography. The first algorithm iteratively minimizes a penalized maximum-likelihood (PML) objective function. It is based on standard de-coupled surrogate functions for the ML objective function and de-coupled surrogate functions for a certain class of penalty functions. As desired, the PML algorithm guarantees nonnegative estimates and monotonically decreases the PML objective function with increasing iterations. The second algorithm is based on an iteration dependent, de-coupled penalty function that introduces smoothing while preserving edges. For the purpose of making comparisons, the MLEM algorithm and a penalized weighted least-squares algorithm were implemented. In experiments using synthetic data and real phantom data, it was found that, for a fixed level of background noise, the contrast in the images produced by the proposed algorithms was the most accurate.  相似文献   

The EM method that was originally developed for maximum likelihood estimation in the context of mathematical statistics may be applied to a stochastic model of positron emission tomography (PET). The result is an iterative algorithm for image reconstruction that is finding increasing use in PET, due to its attractive theoretical and practical properties. Its major disadvantage is the large amount of computation that is often required, due to the algorithm's slow rate of convergence. This paper presents an accelerated form of the EM algorithm for PET in which the changes to the image, as calculated by the standard algorithm, are multiplied at each iteration by an overrelaxation parameter. The accelerated algorithm retains two of the important practical properties of the standard algorithm, namely the selfnormalization and nonnegativity of the reconstructed images. Experimental results are presented using measured data obtained from a hexagonal detector system for PET. The likelihood function and the norm of the data residual were monitored during the iterative process. According to both of these measures, the images reconstructed at iterations 7 and 11 of the accelerated algorithm are similar to those at iterations 15 and 30 of the standard algorithm, for two different sets of data. Important theoretical properties remain to be investigated, namely the convergence of the accelerated algorithm and its performance as a maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

Presents an image reconstruction method for positron-emission tomography (PET) based on a penalized, weighted least-squares (PWLS) objective. For PET measurements that are precorrected for accidental coincidences, the author argues statistically that a least-squares objective function is as appropriate, if not more so, than the popular Poisson likelihood objective. The author proposes a simple data-based method for determining the weights that accounts for attenuation and detector efficiency. A nonnegative successive over-relaxation (+SOR) algorithm converges rapidly to the global minimum of the PWLS objective. Quantitative simulation results demonstrate that the bias/variance tradeoff of the PWLS+SOR method is comparable to the maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization (ML-EM) method (but with fewer iterations), and is improved relative to the conventional filtered backprojection (FBP) method. Qualitative results suggest that the streak artifacts common to the FBP method are nearly eliminated by the PWLS+SOR method, and indicate that the proposed method for weighting the measurements is a significant factor in the improvement over FBP.  相似文献   

Feasibility of stationary positron emission tomography (PET) using discrete detectors has been investigated by simulation studies. To enable full utilization of detector resolution, a "bank array" of detectors is proposed and an EM algorithm is adopted for image reconstruction. The bank array consists of an odd number of detector banks arranged on a circular ring with a gap equal to one half the detector width. The EM algorithm [11] is used with some modifications for reducing the quantity of computation, improving the convergence speed, and suppressing statistical noise, so as to meet the present purpose. Simulation studies involving several phantoms show that the stationary PET with the new detector array provides image quality which is good enough for clinical applications. For fast dynamic studies with low spatial resolution, the convolution-backprojection method is efficient, but for high-resolution static imaging, resolution enhancement by an iterative method is required. Problems arising in the corrections for attenuation of photons and detector sensitivity, etc., are also discussed. A totally stationary PET avoids the mechanical problems associated with accurate movement of heavy assemblies and is particularly advantageous in gated cardiac imaging or in fast dynamic studies. Elimination of a scan along the detector plane allows a quick scan in the axial direction to achieve three-dimensional imaging with a small number of detector rings.  相似文献   

Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) has been studied by many authors and in most of this work it has been considered to be a two-dimensional problem. Many groups are now turning their attention to the full three-dimensional case in which the computational demands become much greater. It is interesting to look for ways to reduce this demand and in this paper we describe an implementation of an algorithm that is able to achieve this by precomputing many of the quantities needed in the image reconstruction. The algorithm is based on a method called NOSER introduced some years ago by Cheney et al. [3]. In this paper we have significantly extended the method by introducing a more realistic electrode model into the analysis. We have given explicit formulae for the quantities involved so that the reader can reproduce our results.  相似文献   

An efficient iterative reconstruction method for positron emission tomography (PET) is presented. The algorithm is basically an enhanced EM (expectation maximization) algorithm with improved frequency response. High-frequency components of the ratio of measured to calculated projections are extracted and are taken into account for the iterative correction of image density in such a way that the correction is performed with a uniform efficiency over the image plane and with a flat frequency response. As a result, the convergence speed is not so sensitive to the image pattern or matrix size as the standard EM algorithm, and nonuniformity of the spatial resolution is significantly improved. Nonnegativity of the reconstructed image is preserved. Simulation studies have been made assuming two PET systems: a scanning PET with ideal sampling and a stationary PET with sparse sampling. In the latter, a "bank array" of detectors is employed to improve the sampling in the object plane. The new algorithm provides satisfactory images by two or three iterations starting from a flat image in either case. The behavior of convergence is monitored by evaluating the root mean square of C(b)-1 where C(b) is the correction factor for pixel b in the EM algorithm. The value decreases rapidly and monotonically with iteration number. Although the theory is not accurate enough to assure the stability of convergence, the algorithm is promising to achieve significant saving in computation compared to the standard EM algorithm.  相似文献   

A filtered backprojection reconstruction algorithm was developed for cardiac single photon emission computed tomography with cone-beam geometry. The algorithm reconstructs cone-beam projections collected from ;short scan' acquisitions of a detector traversing a noncircular planar orbit. Since the algorithm does not correct for photon attenuation, it is designed to reconstruct data collected over an angular range of slightly more than 180 degrees with the assumption that the range of angles is oriented so as not to acquire the highly attenuated posterior projections of emissions from cardiac radiopharmaceuticals. This sampling scheme is performed to minimize the attenuation artifacts that result from reconstructing posterior projections. From computer simulations, it is found that reconstruction of attenuated projections has a greater effect upon quantitation and image quality than any potential cone-beam reconstruction artifacts resulting from insufficient sampling of cone-beam projections. With nonattenuated projection data, cone beam reconstruction errors in the heart are shown to be small (errors of at most 2%).  相似文献   

A retrieval technique for estimating rainfall rate and precipitating cloud parameters from spaceborne multifrequency microwave radiometers is described. The algorithm is based on the maximum a posteriori probability criterion (MAP) applied to a simulated data base of cloud structures and related upward brightness temperatures. The cloud data base is randomly generated by imposing the mean values, the variances, and the correlations among the hydrometeor contents at each layer of the cloud vertical structure, derived from the outputs of a time-dependent microphysical cloud model. The simulated upward brightness temperatures are computed by applying a plane-parallel radiative transfer scheme. Given a multifrequency brightness temperature measurement, the MAP criterion is used to select the most probable cloud structure within the cloud-radiation data base. The algorithm is computationally efficient and has been numerically tested and compared against other methods. Its potential to retrieve rainfall over land has been explored by means of Special Sensor Microwave/Imager measurements for a rainfall event over Central Italy. The comparison of estimated rain rates with available raingauge measurements is also shown  相似文献   

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