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针对目前无线局域网接入认证协议WAPI与RSNA在IBSS模式下运行复杂及密钥管理协议存在DoS攻击等问题,该文采用实体认证角色的自适应选择策略,对密钥管理协议进行改进,提出了一种安全性更强、执行效率更高的适用于IBSS网络的无线接入认证协议,并利用CK模型对其进行了分析。分析结果表明:在密钥加密算法是CCA安全及密钥导出算法是伪随机的前提下,协议在UM下是SK-secure的。最后,以WAPI协议为例,给出新协议与原始协议的性能对比。  相似文献   

无线网络中中继协助的媒体接入协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IEEE 802.11在物理层支持多速率.目前已提出许多机制通过自动调整速率充分利用多速率能力.本文观察到在无线网络中,相对于单跳的低速率链路,多跳高速率的路径可以减少信道占用时间,并提出了中继协助的媒体接入协议(Relay Aided Media Access,RAMA).RAMA利用中继节点将一跳低速链路拆为两跳高速链路.大量仿真结果表明,RAMA能够提供更好的吞吐量和时延性能.  相似文献   

一种应用于Ad Hoc无线局域网的随机接入协议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分析了应用于Ad Hoc无线局域网的BSAC(Buffered Slotted ALOHA CDMA)随机接入协议,并且首次提出了采用Markov(马尔可夫)链方法的分析模型.此模型应用两个Markov链模型,一个表示节点中的M/M/1/k排队模型,另一个表示网络中活动节点数量.两个Markov链模型通过节点空闲概率相互联系.在此模型基础上,本文详细分析了扩频增益、队列长度与最大允许重传次数等输入参数对网络吞吐量、平均延迟与丢包概率等性能尺度的影响,推导得出了BSAC协议的吞吐量极限.另外,本文还引入多数据包接收技术-延迟捕获技术,该项技术可以有效降低数据包冲突概率,相对于没有采用延迟捕获技术的BSAC协议,平均提高吞吐量29.1%,最大吞吐量提高20.8%,使网络性能接近于理论极限.  相似文献   

The conventional medium access control (MAC) protocols assume that only one packet (frame) can be received at a given time. However, with the advent of spread spectrum, antenna arrays, and sophisticated signal processing techniques, it is now possible to achieve multiple-packet reception (MPR) in wireless networks. With MPR, the network capacity can be remarkably increased, but so far, how to achieve fair bandwidth allocation for the stations with different quality of service (QoS) requirements in such networks is still a problem. To solve this problem, we propose a distributed method that can support multiple priority classes in the MPR-capable wireless networks with weighted fair share. In particular, this method assigns each class a frame transmission probability to reflect its relative weight among the different data traffic flows. A closed-form expression of system throughput is derived for each class in the environment, and it is numerically evaluated with different simulation scenarios. The results show that the method can achieve the weighted fairness under different numbers of priority classes and different numbers of stations in the networks.  相似文献   

多包接收无线传感器网络的跨层优化策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多包接收能有效提高无线传感器网络的网络吞吐量,但由于该思想在物理层实现的复杂性,决定了在上层难以建立充分发挥多包接收性能的最优传输方案。本文根据基于信噪比的物理层数据发送模型,通过研究可同时传输数据的节点集合,建立了链路层的分时传输模型。为了使该模型可在多项式时间内求解,提出了最大可行集合的概念,减少了求解的时间和空间复杂度,最终提出基于多包接收的无线传感器网络跨层优化策略。仿真显示,采用该策略后数据传输速率比传统方案提高了1倍。  相似文献   

In recent years,several random key pre-distribution schemes have been proposed to bootstrap keys for encryption,but the problem of key and node revocation has received relatively little attention.In this paper,based on a random key pre-distribution scheme using clustering,we present a novel random key revoca-tion protocol,which is suitable for large scale networks greatly and removes compromised information efficiently.The revocation protocol can guarantee network security by using less memory consumption and communication load,and combined by centralized and distributed revoca-tion,having virtues of timeliness and veracity for revoca-tion at the same time.  相似文献   

传感器网络中的节点存在由于能量耗尽或恶意攻击而丧失作用的威胁,因此需要新节点的加入.利用Bloom Filter技术,提出了一种访问控制协议.本协议不仅便于实现新节点、旧节点的双向认证和密钥协商,而且便于实现节点的加入与撤消.通过性能分析和安全性分析说明了该协议的有效性.  相似文献   

A bandwidth reservation multiple access scheme(BRMA) is proposed to resolve contention and assignbandwidth among multiple users trying to gain access toa common channel such as in mobile users contending for resources in an ATM-based cellular networkor a wireless local area network (LAN) with shortpropagation delays. The protocol is best suited tosupport variable-bit-rate (VBR) traffic that exhibits high temporal fluctuations. Each mobile user isconnected end-to-end to another user over virtualchannels via the base station that is connected to thewired ATM B-ISDN network. The channel capacity is modeled as a time frame with a fixed duration.Each frame starts with minislots, to resolve contentionand reserve bandwidth, followed by data-transmissionslots. Every contending user places a request for data slots in one of the minislots. If therequest is granted by the base station through adownlink broadcast channel, the user then startstransmission in the assigned slot(s). The number ofassigned slots varies according to the required qualityof service (QoS), such as delay and packet lossprobability. A speech activity detector is utilized inorder to indicate the talkspurts to avoid wastingbandwidth. Due to its asynchronous nature, BRMA is ratherinsensitive to the burstiness of the traffic. Since theassignment of the minislots is deterministic, therequest channels are contention-free and the data channels are collision-free. Hence, in spite ofthe overhead (minislots) in each frame, BRMA provideshigher throughput than Packet Reservation MultipleAccess (PRMA) for the same QoS, especially for high-speed systems. A better delay performance is alsoachieved for data traffic compared to Slotted Alohareservation-type protocol PRMA. In addition, BRMAperforms better in terms of bandwidth efficiency thanthe conventional TDMA or the Dynamic TDMA, wherespeech activity detectors are very difficult toimplement.  相似文献   

Wireless body area network (WBAN) solution is an emerging new technology to resolve the small area connection issues around human body, especially for the medical applications. Based on the integrated superframe structure of IEEE 802.15.4, a modified medium access control (MAC) protocol, named Hybrid Unified-slot Access (HUA) protocol for WBANs is proposed with focus on the simplicity, dependability and power efficiency. Considering the support to multiple physical layer (PHY) technologies including ultra-wide band (UWB), the slotted ALOHA is employed in the contention access period (CAP) to request the slot allocation. Mini-slot method is designed to enhance the efficiency of the contention. Moreover, sufficient slot allocation in the contention-free period (CFP) makes HUA adaptive to the different traffic including the medical and non-medical applications. Simulation results show that the protocol effectively decreases the probability of collision in a CAP and extends the CFP slots to support more traffic with quality of service (QoS) guarantee.  相似文献   

Medium access control overhead is the primary reason for low throughput in wireless networks. Performing blind contentions, contentions without any information of other contenders, and exchanging control message are time-consuming control operations. In this study, we propose a new MAC protocol called distributed sequential access MAC (DSA-MAC) which provides the transmission order without any explicit control operations. It may induce very light control overhead; therefore, compared to existing wireless MAC protocols, DSA-MAC can remarkably enhance network throughput.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel medium access control (MAC) protocol, called SYN-MAC (for SYNchronized MAC), based on a binary countdown approach tailored for wireless networks. SYN-MAC has several attractive features such as simplicity, robustness, high efficiency, fairness, and quality of service capability. We evaluate SYN-MAC in terms of collision probability, system throughput, and packet delay, via both analysis and simulation. Our results show that, with properly chosen parameters, SYN-MAC can achieve a very low collision probability, packet delay tolerance, and extremely high channel efficiency (of > 90%) under a wide range of traffic load. As a result, SYN-MAC may serve as an alternative to IEEE 802.11 for the wireless stations in synchronized networks.This work is supported in part by National Science Foundation CAREER Award under Award Number CNS-0347686, by U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) under Award Number DE-FG02-04ER46136, and by Board of Regents, State of Louisiana under Contract Number No. DOE/LEQSF(2004-07)-ULL and LEQSF(2003-06)-RD-A-37. Part of this work was presented in the student poster session of IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) 2003, Atlanta, GA.Hongyi Wu is currently a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Center for Advanced Computer Studies (CACS), University of Louisiana (UL) at Lafayette. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science and M.S. degree in electrical engineering from State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo in 2002 and 2000, respectively. He received his B.S. degree in scientific instruments from Zhejiang University in 1996. His research interests include wireless mobile ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, next generation cellular systems, and integrated heterogeneous wireless systems. He has served as symposium chair, session chair, and technical committee member of several IEEE conferences, and a guest editor of ACM MONET special issue on Integration of Heterogeneous Wireless Technologies. He has published more than two dozens of technical papers in leading journals and conference proceedings.Anant P. Utgikar (S’03) graduated with B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering from IIT—Bombay in 2001. He received M.S. in Computer Engineering from Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette (UL Lafayette) in 2003. Presently he is working towards Ph.D. at UL Lafayette. His research interests include computer networking, logic design, software, simulation, mobile computing and distributed systems. His contributions to network simulator NS2 were ranked in top-5 of over 240,000 pages by Google. He has won many programming competitions, IEEE, IEE technical paper presentation contests as undergraduate and High School Science-Math Olympiads in India. He was honored by Govt. of India for outstanding performance at national level in XII-th. He has authored a book chapter on Reservation Based MAC protocols. He has published in IEEE ICNP’03, IEEE SiPS’03 and IEEE CAMP’03. He was invited with travel grant to NS2 workshop’02 at USC/ISI, ICNP’03 and SiPS’03. He has been in organizing team of IEEE CAMP 2003 and CyberSecurity Workshop 2003. He has served as Reviewer for IEEE-VTC and ACM-MONET. He has held positions of Student Government Senator and Secretary, Graduate Students Organization at UL Lafayette. He has contributed as volunteer to National Science-Technology-Math ESTME Week organised by NSF and DoE, USA.Nian-Feng Tzeng received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since 1987, he has been with Center for Advanced Computer Studies, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where he is currently a professor. His current research interest is in the areas of computer communications and networks, high-performance computer systems, parallel and distributed processing and fault-tolerant computing. He was on the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1998–2001, and on the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1994–1998. He served as a Distinguished Visitor of the IEEE Computer Society, 1994–1997, and was the Chair of Technical Committee on Distributed Processing, the IEEE Computer Society, from 1999 till 2002. He has been on the technical program committees of various conferences and will serve as the Technical Program Chair of the 10th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, July 2004.Dr. Tzeng is the recipient of the outstanding paper award of the 10th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, May 1990. He received the University Foundation Distinguished Professor Award in 1997.  相似文献   

支持话音/数据分组并传的UPMA多址接入协议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
周亚建  李建东  吴杰 《电子学报》2003,31(8):1222-1226
本文提出了一种新的、支持数据/话音业务并传的多址接入协议——根据用户数目妥善安排分组传输的多址接入(User-dependent Perfect-scheduling Multiple Access——UPMA)协议,它根据实际需求对上、下行带宽资源实行动态分配.UPMA协议对不同的业务类型赋予不同的优先级,并用轮询方式妥善地安排节点的分组传输;同时,它采用独特的帧结构,使话音业务总是能够得到优先传输.本文还提出了一种高效的竞争接入算法,以保证激活的节点能够快速接入信道.最后,对UPMA协议的性能进行了仿真并与MPRMA协议的性能进行了比较,结果证明UPMA协议有更好的性能.  相似文献   

The concept of anonymous channel ticket is one of the effective measures to protect user privacy and to reduce the overhead of re-authentication for wireless environments. Most recently, Hsieh et al. proposed an anonymous authentication protocol based on elliptic curve cryptography to enhance the efficiency and security strength. However, we identify that Hsieh et al.’s scheme has four weaknesses. (1) The scheme fails to provide identity anonymity. (2) The ticket authentication phase of the scheme suffers from desynchronization attack. (3) The scheme is vulnerable to the privileged insider attack. (4) Users cannot change passwords when required. We further propose an improved authentication scheme, which not only preserves the merits of the scheme of Hsieh et al., but also enjoys several other advantages. Our improved scheme is effective in protection from the weaknesses identified and achieves user anonymity and unlinkability. We compare the functionality and performance of our improved scheme with other related schemes, which indicates that our scheme is more secure and yet efficient for wireless access networks.  相似文献   

It is well known that IEEE 802.11 provides a physical layer multirate capability and, hence, MAC layer mechanisms are needed to exploit this capability. Several solutions have been proposed to achieve this goal. However, these solutions only consider how to exploit good channel quality for the direct link between the sender and the receiver. Since IEEE 802.11 supports multiple transmission rates in response to different channel conditions, data packets may be delivered faster through a relay node than through the direct link if the direct link has low quality and low rate. In this paper, we propose a novel MAC layer relay-enabled distributed coordination function (DCF) protocol, called rDCF, to further exploit the physical layer multirate capability. We design a protocol to assist the sender, the relay node, and the receiver to reach an agreement on which data rate to use and whether to transmit the data through a relay node. Considering various issues, such as, bandwidth utilization, channel errors, and security, we propose techniques to further improve the performance of rDCF. Simulation results show that rDCF can significantly reduce the packet delay, improve the system throughput, and alleviate the impact of channel errors on fairness.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new medium access control (MAC) protocol for wireless sensor networks called MMSMAC (multi-mode sensor MAC protocol), which operates according to the application requirements and traffic load, in three main modes: synchronous, asynchronous, and hybrid. In the synchronous mode, MMSMAC organizes the sensor nodes under even and odd clusters. Each sensor node has its own active/sleep and send/receive periods according to its cluster identifier, which ensures better load balancing among nodes. In the asynchronous mode, sensor nodes communicate freely without the utilization of even and odd clusters. We propose a mechanism to wake up the destination node and minimize the overhead. In this mode, we propose another mechanism to circumvent the problem of hidden host. In the hybrid mode, the features of asynchronous and asynchronous modes are combined. Our simulation results and analysis show that each of the MMSMAC modes shows convincing performance gains and outperforms B-MAC and Hybrid CSMA/TDMA protocols.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new digital sensemultiple access with delayed transmission (DSMA/DT)protocol for reverse channel in high-speed wirelessnetworks. The new protocol is motivated by theobservation that the existing DSMA protocol does not yieldsatisfactory throughput for long round-trip propagationand processing delay, which occurs in outdoor high-speedenvironments or when the receiver hardware requires long signal processing time. The newDSMA/DT protocol is intended to reduce the performanceimpacts of the round-trip delay. Look-ahead busy/idleflag, seizure queueing, and reserved time slots are also devised for the new protocol. Whilerequiring at most two additional status bits on theforward channel and no additional hardware capability,these features further enhance the protocol performance and enable constant-bit-rate service withlittle added complexity in control. The channelthroughput of the DSMA/DT protocol and the optionalfeatures are analyzed. Closed-form expressions for thethroughput are obtained. For non-negligible round-tripdelay relative to packet transmission time, ournumerical results show that the new protocol improvesthe throughput by as much as 60% when compared to theexisting DSMA protocol. For superior performance andsimplicity, the DSMA/DT protocol will be appropriate foruse in high-speed wireless networks.  相似文献   

随机接入协议:研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随机接入协议(RAP)是数据链路层关键技术之一,总结了主要的随机接入协议的研究现状,并分析了在CDMA网络中协议设计的关键问题。  相似文献   

The IEEE 802.11 standard inherently supports multiple data rates at the physical layer. Various rate adaptation mechanisms have been proposed to exploit this multirate capability by automatically adapting the transmission rate to best utilize the wireless spectrum. This study is primarily motivated by the observation that in a wireless network, a multihop high-rate path can potentially achieve better throughput and delay than using a single-hop low-rate path for transmission. Specifically, this paper introduces a relay-aided media access (RAMA) protocol by taking advantage of the existence of such multihop high-rate links. This is demonstrated by replacing one low-rate link with two high-rate links using a relay node. One of the key novelties in the proposed RAMA protocol is that the transmission from the immediate relay node to the destination node is free of contention. Results from analysis and simulations show that RAMA can significantly improve performances in terms of both throughput and delay.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an analytical approach for performance evaluation of the classic tree/stack splitting algorithm in an interference-dominating wireless access network with random traffic and finite nodes. In an interference-dominating wireless access network, a receiver could simultaneously receive multiple packets from a variety of transmitters, as long as the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio exceeds a predetermined threshold. We use discrete-time Markov chains and regenerative processes to derive the throughput curve, the packet blocking probability, the average system size, and the average packet delay. We show that the exact performance of the splitting algorithm depends on the total number of nodes in the network. We verify our numerical results by rigorous mathematical proof and computer simulations.  相似文献   

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