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The soapstock of a mixture of marine fish was used as the raw material to produce the biodiesel in this study. The soapstock was collected from discarded fish products. Crude fish oil was squeezed from the soapstock of the fish and refined by a series of processes. The refined fish oil was transesterified to produce biodiesel. The fuel properties of the biodiesel were analyzed. The experimental results showed that oleic acid (C18:1) and palmitic acid (C16:0) were the two major components of the marine fish-oil biodiesel. The biodiesel from the mixed marine fish oil contained a significantly greater amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids than did the biodiesel from waste cooking oil. In addition, the marine fish-oil biodiesel contained as high as 37.07 wt.% saturated fatty acids and 37.3 wt.% long chain fatty acids in the range between C20 and C22. Moreover, the marine fish-oil biodiesel appeared to have a larger acid number, a greater increase in the rate of peroxidization with the increase in the time that it was stored, greater kinematic viscosity, higher heating value, higher cetane index, more carbon residue, and a lower peroxide value, flash point, and distillation temperature than those of waste cooking-oil biodiesel.  相似文献   

Microsomes from the liver of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) were shown to hydroxylate lauric acid at subterminal positions. The cytochrome P-450 system converted lauric acid to several mono-hydroxylated metabolites including ω-1 hydroxylaurate, which was the major metabolite (44% of total products). In addition, ω-2, ω-3, ω-4 and a small amount (2.3%) of ω hydroxylaurates were found. Reaction products were identified using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Oxidation reactions were dependent upon O2 and NADPH, and did not occur with boiled microsomes or in the presence of a mixture of CO/O2. Hydroxylation proceeded linearly up to 20 min at 28°C for protein concentrations below 380 μg. Treatment of fish with benzo(α)pyrene (BP) (20 mg/kg) drastically increased xenobiotic metabolism (ECOD, EROD and BPMO activities), but no difference in laurate hydroxylase activity was observed between untreated and treated fish. Starvation strongly enhanced laurate hydroxylase activity, and resumption of feeding reduced by half this increase of activity. In all of the experiments we did not observe any modification of the regioselectivity of lauric acid hydroxylation by this microsomal in-chain hydroxylating system. We suggest that cytochrome P-450 enzymes involved in lauric acid and xenobiotics metabolism are regulated independently.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of body lipids was determined by GLC for 14 species of saltwater fish, three species of freshwater fish and four species of shellfish. In addition, liver lipids of two species and egg lipids of one species were analyzed for comparison with the fish body lipids. The various species ranged from lean to fatty and contained from 0.7~15.5% oil in the tissues. Certain major fatty acids were found to vary widely among the species, as follows: 1.6~8.0% myristic, 9.5~33.4% palmitic, 2.0~11.2% palmitoleic, 5.2~29.1% oleic, 0.7~10.5% eicosenoic, 5.0~21.5% eicosapentaenoic, 0.2~11.6% docosenoic and 5.9~26.2% docosahexaenoic acids. Analyses of two separate mullet-oil samples illustrated the wide differences that are possible for a single species caught during different seasons. Significant differences in the amt of particular fatty acids were found in comparing freshwater-fish analyses with analyses for marine fish. Oysters and scallops showed large amt of pentaenoic and hexaenoic acids in their oils. Presented in part at the AOCS Meeting, New York, 1960.  相似文献   

Biodiesel is recognized as a clean alternative fuel or as a fuel additive to reduce pollutant emissions from combustion equipment. Because cultivated land is too limited to grow seed-oil plants sufficient to produce both food and biodiesel, non-land-based oleaginous materials have been considered important sources for the production of the latter. In this study, the discarded parts of mixed marine fish species were used as the raw material to produce biodiesel. Marine fish oil was extracted from the discarded parts of mixed marine fish and refined through a series of pretreatment processes. The refined marine fish oil was then transesterified with methyl alcohol to produce biodiesel, which was used thereafter as engine fuel to investigate its engine performance and emission characteristics. The experimental results show that, compared with commercial biodiesel from waste cooking oil, marine fish-oil biodiesel has a larger gross heating value, elemental carbon and hydrogen content, cetane index, exhaust gas temperature, brake fuel conversion efficiency, NOx and O2 emissions, and black smoke opacity and a lower elemental oxygen content, fuel consumption rate, brake-specific fuel consumption rate, equivalence ratio, and CO emission. Compared with ASTM No. 2D diesel, both marine fish-oil and waste cooking-oil biodiesels appear to have a lower gross heating value, cetane index, exhaust gas temperature, equivalence ratio, black smoke opacity, elemental carbon content, and CO emission and a higher fuel consumption rate and elemental oxygen content.  相似文献   

Five bacterial strains isolated from the intestine of deep sea fish were shown to produce docosahexaenoic acid (22∶6n−3; DHA) at a level of 6.4 to 11.6% of total fatty acids when incubated in DHA-free medium. In all of the strains examined, other polyunsaturated fatty acids were barely detectable, except for eicosapentaenoic acid (20∶5n−3). A typical strain, such as T3615, produced DHA at a concentration of about 0.8 mg/L within six days of aerobic incubation at 5°C and under atmospheric pressure. The T3615 strain, belonging to the genusVibrio, is rod-shaped, Gram-negative, motile and facultatively anaerobic.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Two liver oils (Elasmobranch) fromCarcharias melanopterus andPristis cuspidatus, caught off the Madras coast are studied, and their component fatty acids are reported. 2. The mixed acids were separated into three groups (varying unsaturation) of acids, and their methylesters were fractionated. 3. The liver oils are found to belong to the fourth group of Tsujimoto’s classification of Elasmobranch fish liver oils.Carcharias melanopterus liver oil contains 31.1% unsaturated acids (myristic 3.1, palmitic 18.4, stearic 9.5, and 0.1% arachidic) and 68.9% unsaturated acids (C16 10.8, C18 19.7, C20 15.2, C22 17.1, C24 5.3%, and traces of C14 monoethenoid).Pristis cuspidatus liver oil contains 36.9% saturated acids (myristic 1.2, palmitic 22.9, stearic 12.7, and arachidic 0.1%) and 67.1% unsaturated acids (C16 8.2, C18 28.5, C20 16.4, C22 5.2, C24 4.6%, and traces of C14 monoethenoid). The unsaturations of the different groups of acids are almost of the same order. 4. The abnormal content of saturated acids can be explained by the process of bio-hydrogenation. The relatively less amount of saturated acids inCarcharias melanopterus liver oil along with its higher content of polyethylenic acids (C20 and above) points strongly to the possible presence of intermediate types of fats among the four groups of Elasmobranch oils.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of proximate compositions, muscle lipids and fatty acids (FA) of seven seawater species (Silllago sihoma, Upeneus pori, Sparus aurata, Saurida undosquamis, Epinephelus auneus, Mullus barbatus, Solea solea) from the Mediterranean Sea, were determined in all seasons. The results showed that the fatty acid compositions of each species ranged from 26.41 to 38.70% saturated (SFA), 13.78 to 26.52% monounsaturated (MUFAs) and 25.02 to 50.83% PUFAs. The highest proportions of EPA were obtained from M. barbatus (8.34%) in spring, S. sihoma (7.54%), U. pori (6.75%), S. aurata (6.31%), S. undosquamis (5.12%), E. auneus (5.10%) in summer, and also S. solea (6.19%) in spring. The highest proportions of DHA were found in spring, ranging from 25.14% for M. barbatus to 34.87% for S. aurata, except for S. solea (30.44%) in winter and S. sihoma (15.83%) in summer. The results showed that from a quality point of view, all species were suitable for human nutrition, since muscle lipids are rich in EPA + DHA in all seasons. Practical application : The American and Canadian Dietetic Associations recommend two servings of fatty fish per week and a daily combined intake of EPA and DHA of 500 mg. This follows a trend of numerous publications and other guidelines recognizing the health benefits of long‐chain n‐3 PUFA from fish or marine microbial sources with respect to cardiovascular health, neurological diseases, infant health and development, inflammation and cancer and other health effects. The seven species analyzed here provide muscle lipids that are rich in EPA and DHA. Only minor season‐to‐season changes in the total content of n‐3 and n‐6 PUFA were observed for the same species. The results provide valuable information for preparing diet tables.  相似文献   

The body oils of 13 species of marine edible fishes found around the Karachi-Makran coast were studied by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) for their fatty acid composition. The analyses showed the presence of fatty acids with chain lengths from 10 to 24 carbon atoms and with zero to six double bonds. The oils were found to be rich in polyunsaturated acids, particularly the penta- and hexaenoic. Certain major fatty acids were found to vary widely among the species: myristic acid 2.3 to 13.7%; palmitic 11.6 to 41.2%; stearich 7.2 to 23.2%; oleic 6.9 to 29.6%; eicosapentaenoic 1.4 to 19.0%; docosapentaenoic zero to 10.2%; and docosahexaenoic zero to 36.4%. The linoleic and linolenic acids were present in small amounts in some of the fish oils, and arachidonic acid was present in all of them.  相似文献   

R. G. Ackman 《Lipids》1971,6(7):520-522
Pristane levels in four commercial freshwater fish oils (alewife, tullibee, maria and sheepshead) were found to be markedly lower (0.0001% or less) than those in marine fish oils (herring, sand launce, cod liver and gray cod liver) selected for comparison on the basis of similar types of depot fat storage (0.008–0.107%). Certain normal alkanes were also identified by gas chromatography. Of these, heptadecane was predominant in all of the freshwater fish oils, but octadecane was more prevalent than heptadecane in three of the marine oils.  相似文献   

This article reports on microneedles produced from biopolymer films extracted from fish scales of tilapia (Oreochromiss sp.) using micromolding technique. Evaluation of the properties of polypeptide films prepared from the fish scales gave refractive index (1.34), protein concentration (78%), ash content (1.6%) at (22%) moisture content. The microneedles successfully inserted into artificial skin models and imaging using digital camera showed microneedles remained intact when inserted and when removed from the skin model. Microneedles also successfully inserted into porcine skin and were shown to dissolve gradually at 0 s, 60 s, 120 s, and 180 s after insertion. Microneedles containing methylene blue as model drug were also produced and successfully pierced porcine skin. 3D finite element (FEM) simulations were performed using the measured mechanical properties of the biopolymer films (Young's modulus 0.23 N/mm2 and tensile strength 1.8105 N/mm2) to evaluate the stress distribution on various dimensions of the fish scale derived microneedles and hence, their ability to withstand force necessary to pierce the skin without fracture. Results from mechanical analysis using FEM showed that microneedles with tip radius between 10 and 100 μm could withstand up to 0.12 N of force per microneedle without fracture, which is indicated when the stress at the tip of the microneedle exceeds the ultimate stress of the material of fabrication. Using skin insertion tests and finite element simulations, this study provides evidence that microneedles fabricated from fish scale biopolymer can effectively pierce and degrade into skin and therefore are good candidate for transdermal applications. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014 , 131, 40377.  相似文献   

Alewife fish oil was hydroxylated by performic, peracetic and pertungstic acid methods. Products were compared with respect to yield, free acid, hydroxyl number, saponification value and peroxide value. Fish oils oxidized with performic acid resulted in high yields (83% to 95%), low acid values (0.12 to 0.19), high hydroxy (142 to 245) and saponification (247 to 271) numbers, and relatively low peroxide values (72 to 266). Performic acid hydroxylated alewife and menhaden oils were used to prepare urethane foams. These foams exhibited characteristic low compressive strengths at 10% deflection (6.4 to 9.5 psi), low density (1.45 to 1.65 pcf), high porosity (0.7 to 1.7% closed cells) and high water absorption compared to a conventional polyether urethane foam. Performic acid hydroxylated alewife oil was further refined, using cation and anion exchange resins, for use in the preparation of urethane elastomers. These polymers generally exhibited higher tensile and Graves tear strengths than a comparable castor oil elastomer used as a control. though dielectric strengths were similar for both fish oil and castor oil elastomers, tensile elongation at break point was greater for the castor oil elastomers. When the isocyanate index of the fish oil elastomers was increased from 105 to 156, the Graves tear strength exhibited the greatest change.  相似文献   

Fatty acids, recently reported as constitutents of certain fish lipids, were identified to be derivatives of furan (furanoid fish fatty acids). 12,15-Epoxy-13,14-dimethyleicosa-12,14-dienoic acid is predominant among the furan acids and is associated withbis-homologs in regard to chain length. Monomethyl acids, such as 12,15-epoxy-13-methyleicosa-12,14-dienoic, are present in appreciable amounts. The structures were concluded from oxidative degradations, from mass spectrometry of methyl esters of the novel acids and fatty acids derived from them by opening the ring, and from nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared, and Raman spectra. The results from chemical procedures and from spectrometric methods were in aggreement with those obtained with authentic methyl 9,12-epoxyoctadeca-9,11-dienoate. The number of substituents at the furan ring greatly influences hydrogenation, hydrogenolysis, and hydrolysis reactions of the ring. Scientific Journal Series 9154, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55101; Hormel Institute Publication No. 749.  相似文献   

Tocher DR  Sargent JR 《Lipids》1984,19(7):492-499
Lipid class analyses and fatty acid analyses of neutral and polar lipids were carried out on ripe roes of herring, cod, haddock, whiting, saithe, sand eel and capelin. Total lipid was 10–26% of roe dry weight. The species with the highest total lipid, sand eel and capelin, also had the highest percentage of neutral lipid in total lipid, 77% and 49% respectively. In the other species, phospholipids accounted for 62–77% of roe total lipid. Both the neutral lipids, and especially the phospholipids, of all species were very unsaturated because of high concentrations of (n−3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), frequently amounting to 50% of the total egg lipid. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) had similar fatty acid compositions in all species, with an average ratio (n−3)/(n−6) of ca. 20∶1. Phosphatidylinositol (PI) consistently had high concentrations of 18∶0 and 20∶4 (n−6) with an average ratio of (n−3)/(n−6) of 1.8∶1. Requirements for high levels of (n−3) PUFA in the embryonic and early larval development stages of marine fish are suggested as is a special role for the 20∶4(n−6) in PI.  相似文献   

The spongeLissodendoryx isodictyalis is an odorous, encrusting, blue-gray sponge found on subtidal flats in North Carolina waters. The strong odor ofL. isodictyalis, coupled with the observation that it is rarely overgrown by fouling organisms, suggested that this sponge may produce metabolites with potent antifouling activity. Ethyl acetate extracts ofL. isodictyalis inhibit larval settlement of the barnacleBalanus amphitrite in laboratory assays at 10 ng/ml. Barnacle settlement bioassays of isolated preparative TLC fractions show thatL. isodictyalis produces at least two pungently scented, antifouling agents with EC50 values of less than 85 μg/ml and less than 250 μg/ml, respectively. The most potent agent inhibits settlement at or below a concentration of 400 ng/ml and kills approximately 25 % of settlement-stage barnacle larvae at 400 μg/ml. The other agent causes 100% mortality of larvae at concentrations greater than 400 μg/ml and inhibits settlement at approximately 40 μg/ml. These metabolites ofL. isodictyalis may inhibit overgrowth of the sponge in nature.  相似文献   

Andrzej Jarzebski 《Lipids》1991,26(7):561-563
4-Desmethylsterols fromMacoma balthica L. were investigated by gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry after isolation by argentation and column chromatography. Twenty-three Δ0- and Δ5-sterols with saturated and unsaturated side chains were identified. It is suggested that sterols inM. balthica are derived from dietary sources. The great diversity of minor 4-desmethylsterols is likely to be due to their role as intermediates in the metabolism of dietary sterols.  相似文献   

Production of eicosapentaenoic acid from marine bacteria   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Kazunaga Yazawa 《Lipids》1996,31(1):S297-S300
A marine bacterium, judged as a new species close toShewanella putrefaciens, was isolated from the intestinal contents of the Pacific mackerel. The isolated strain SCRC-2378 produced eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) as the sole polyunsaturated fatty acid, which amounted to 24–40% of the total fatty acid in the cell, which corresponded to 2% of dry cell weight. Under the optimal growth conditions (pH 7.0, 20°C, and grown aerobically for 12–18 h), the yield of SCRC-2738 reached 15 g of dry cells/L or 2×1010 viable cells/mL. EPA existed as phospholipid and was found in thesn-2 position of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol. The 38 kbp (1,000 base pairs) genome DNA fragment was cloned from SCRC-2738 and expressed inEscherichia coli, which resulted in the production of EPA. The nucleotide sequence of the 38 kbp DNA fragment was determined. The DNA fragment contains eight open reading frames, and three of them posses homology with enzymes involved in fatty acid synthesis. Thus, it may be possible that these EPA biosynthesis genes are applied for EPA production in yeasts or higher plants, and offer a new method for EPA synthesis as new foods containing EPA.  相似文献   

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