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针对欠驱动航天器姿态稳定的非线性控制设计问题,给出了欠驱动航天器姿态运动的运动学方程和动力学方程,并将姿态四元数和角速度整合,引进分段连续变量和相应的时变函数,提出周期性连续时变反馈控制律,使欠驱动航天器姿态达到稳定状态.数值仿真实验结果表明了所设计控制律的有效性.  相似文献   

给出了带有多个挠性附件的充液飞行器的动力学方程,针对此模型采用变结构控制方法设计了系统的控制器。控制任务包括操纵天线使之跟踪事先给定的运动规律,并保持星体在惯性空间稳定,同时有效地抑制附件的弹性振动。通过仿真算例验证了此控制律的有效性。  相似文献   

给出了带有多个挠性附件的充液飞行器的动力学方程,针对此模型采用变结构控制方法设计了系统的控制器。控制任务包括操纵天线使之跟踪事先给定的运动规律,并保持星体在惯性空间稳定,同时有效地抑制附件的弹性振动。通过仿真算例验证了此控制律的有效性。  相似文献   

Hu  RenXiang  Shan  Xu  Yuan  GuangYuan  Wang  ShuWen  Zhang  WeiHang  Qi  Wei  Cao  Zhe  Li  YiRen  Chen  ManMing  Yang  XiaoPing  Wang  Bo  Shao  SiPei  Li  Feng  Zhong  XiaoQing  Fan  Dan  Hao  XinJun  Feng  ChangQing  Su  ZhenPeng  Shen  ChengLong  Li  Xin  Dai  GuYue  Qiu  BingLin  Pan  ZongHao  Liu  Kai  Xu  ChunKai  Liu  ShuBin  An  Qi  Zhang  TieLong  Wang  YuMing 《中国科学:技术科学(英文版)》2019,62(6):1015-1027
A low-energy ion spectrometer(LEIS) for use aboard three-axis stabilized spacecraft has been developed to measure ion energy per charge distribution in three-dimensional space with good energy-, angular-and temporal-resolutions. For the standard top-hat electrostatic analyzer used widely in space plasma detection, three-axis stabilized spacecraft makes it difficult to obtain complete coverage of all possible ion arrival directions. We have designed angular scanning deflectors supplementing to a cylindrically symmetric top-hat electrostatic analyzer to provide a half-space field of view as 360°×90°(–45°–+45°), and fabricated the LEIS flight model for detecting magnetospheric ions in geosynchronous orbit. The performance of this payload has been evaluated in detail by a series of simulation and environmental tests, and the payload has also been calibrated through laboratory experiments using a low-energy ion source. The results show that capabilities of the LEIS payload are in accordance with the requirements of a magnetospheric mission.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于PID(Proportion integration differentiation)的航空遥感三轴惯性稳定平台控制系统的设计,并进行了相关试验研究。首先采用了一种基于DSP的三环复合控制方案,然后通过考虑控制系统的超调量、调节时间、阻尼性等各项指标,逐次对三环控制器进行设计,得到了合适的PID参数。通过车载试验,对平台的稳态精度、动态响应能力进行了验证。  相似文献   

应用齐次控制方法研究欠驱动航天器姿态稳定性问题。采用(w,z)参数描述航天器姿态的运动,在无扰力矩的假设下,给出欠驱动航天器的姿态动力学方程。通过分析系统模型的特点,确定系统的向量场f为齐次的,利用齐次系统理论和齐次反馈设计欠驱动航天器姿态角速度ωx和ωy的控制律,使系统姿态参数和角速度w1、w2、ωz趋于渐近稳定。数值仿真实验验证了控制律的有效性。  相似文献   

A dual-stage control system design method is presented for the three-axis-rotational maneuver and vibration stabilization of a spacecraft with flexible appendages embedded with piezoceramics as sensor and actuator. In this design approach, the attitude control and the vibration suppression sub-systems are designed separately using the lower order model. The design of attitude controller is based on the variable structure control (VSC) theory leading to a discontinuous control law. This controller accomplishes asymptotic attitude maneuvering in the closed-loop system and is insensitive to the interaction of elastic modes and uncertainty in the system. To actively suppress the flexible vibrations, the modal velocity feedback control method is presented by using piezoelectric materials as additional sensor and actuator bonded on the surface of the flexible appendages. In addition, a special configuration of actuators for three-axis attitude control is also investigated : the pitch attitude controlled by a momentum wheel, and the roll/yaw control achieved by on-off thrusters, which is modulated by pulse width pulse frequency modulation technique to construct the proper control torque history. Numerical simulations performed show that the rotational maneuver and vibration suppression are accomplished in spite of the presence of disturbance torque and parameter uncertainty.  相似文献   

针对挠性航天器三轴姿态同时机动时太阳帆板的振动抑制问题,提出了采用压电智能元件作为致动器的主动振动控制方法,基于Lagrangian方法和四元数参数化建立了航天器姿态动力学和运动学模型.利用航天器姿态控制问题固有的无源性,设计了一种仅利用姿态四元数而无需以角速度测量、挠性变形位移及速率测量作为反馈的控制规律,使得在大角度姿态机动的同时能有效地抑制太阳帆板的振动;基于Lyapunov方法证明了设计的动态控制器能够保证姿态的渐近稳定性和模态振动的衰减性.将该方法的控制效果与PD控制方法进行了比较,仿真验证了所给出的控制方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

针对在高水头、大流量水流和强电磁场的共同作用下,水轮发电机组时常发生激烈振动的难题,尝试从全局耦合的角度,运用有限单元法,通过分析水轮发电机组的机电耦合关系和液固耦合关系,建立表达上述耦合关系的发电机单元、主轴单元和板壳单元,在此基础上,建立混流式水轮发电机系统的非线性动态方程,为进一步分析系统的振动机理提供了一种新的模型。  相似文献   

A novel Lyapunov-based three-axis attitude intelligent control approach via allocation scheme is considered in the proposed research to deal with kinematics and dynamics regarding the unmanned aerial vehicle systems.There is a consensus among experts of this field that the new outcomes in the present complicated systems modeling and control are highly appreciated with respect to state-of-the-art.The control scheme presented here is organized in line with a new integration of the linear-nonlinear control approaches,as long as the angular velocities in the three axes of the system are accurately dealt with in the inner closed loop control.And the corresponding rotation angles are dealt with in the outer closed loop control.It should be noted that the linear control in the present outer loop is first designed through proportional based linear quadratic regulator(PD based LQR) approach under optimum coefficients,while the nonlinear control in the corresponding inner loop is then realized through Lyapunov-based approach in the presence of uncertainties and disturbances.In order to complete the inner closed loop control,there is a pulse-width pulse-frequency(PWPF) modulator to be able to handle on-off thrusters.Furthermore,the number of these on-off thrusters may be increased with respect to the investigated control efforts to provide the overall accurate performance of the system,where the control allocation scheme is realized in the proposed strategy.It may be shown that the dynamics and kinematics of the unmanned aerial vehicle systems have to be investigated through the quaternion matrix and its corresponding vector to avoid presenting singularity of the results.At the end,the investigated outcomes are presented in comparison with a number of potential benchmarks to verify the approach performance.  相似文献   

研究了控制力矩受限时空间飞行器的大角度姿态机动控制问题。为克服大角度机动时使用欧拉角可能产生的奇异问题,文中使用四元数形式的微分方程来描述飞行器的运动。首先运用Lyapunov方法,然后根据能量重置耗散思想,基于非线性脉冲混杂系统的扩展La-Salle不变集原理,设计了混杂脉冲大角度调节器。仿真结果表明:控制算法能在输入力矩有限的条件下较快地实现姿态大角度机动,具有设计简单、易于工程实现的特点。  相似文献   

应用滑动模态和时间尺度分离的航天器姿态控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了基于时间尺度分离和滑动模态的航天器姿态控制问题.利用时间尺度分离的方法将航天器状态分成对应于姿态角的慢子系统和对应于姿态角速度的快子系统,从而构成内外两个控制回路,外回路跟踪给定的姿态角,内回路跟踪设计的姿态角速度.针对每个子系统分别设计PI型的滑动平面,在Lyapunov稳定性分析的基础上,推导出两个回路的变结构控制律.仿真结果证明了所提控制方法能够克服大幅值、高频率的外部干扰,比传统控制方法具有更高的精度和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

航天器系统在忽略外力矩作用时,系统对总质心的角动量矩守恒使其成为非完整系统.利用这一特性讨论了带空间机械臂的刚体航天器三维姿态运动的控制问题.栽体姿态引入Calay参数,导出带空间机械臂的刚体航天器姿态运动的数学模型,利用遗传算法进行优化控制计算.通过数值仿真,表明该方法对航天器姿态控制是有效的.  相似文献   

研究了基于时间尺度分离和滑动模态的航天器姿态控制问题.利用时间尺度分离的方法将航天器状态分成对应于姿态角的慢子系统和对应于姿态角速度的快子系统,从而构成内外两个控制回路,外回路跟踪给定的姿态角,内回路跟踪设计的姿态角速度.针对每个子系统分别设计PI型的滑动平面,在Lyapunov稳定性分析的基础上,推导出两个回路的变结构控制律.仿真结果证明了所提控制方法能够克服大幅值、高频率的外部干扰,比传统控制方法具有更高的精度和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

为了解决存在参数不确定和外干扰的航天器位置与姿态控制问题,提出一种自适应滑模控制方法.该方法用于控制航天器的位置和姿态,确保航天器执行位置与大角度机动,完成捕获和移除大空间目标的任务.提出的控制算法无需不确定的界,比传统的滑模方法容易实现.Lapunov分析表明,设计的控制器保证了位置与姿态的渐近跟踪.最后,将该方法用于航天器的位置与姿态控制,仿真结果验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

扩展卡尔曼滤波(以下简称EKF)算法应用于卫星姿态确定系统时需要已知精确的系统模型及过程噪声和观测噪声统计特性,并有计算量过大的问题。本文在EKF算法中加入噪声观测器,构成自适应扩展卡尔曼滤波算法(Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter,以下简称AEKF),使系统能够在传感器噪声统计特性未知的情况下,依然获得较高的系统状态估计精度,增强了系统的鲁棒性。并且AEKF算法简化了系统状态方程,相对于EKF算法减少计算量。经数学仿真验证,AEKF算法能较好地对传感器噪声的统计特性进行在线估计,使姿态确定系统正常工作,有较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

三轴稳定卫星点目标观测任务优化调度技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先进行了三轴稳定卫星观测问题的背景分析,建立了相应的数学模型,进而提出了一种基于遗传算法和模拟退火算法的混合遗传算法,通过多个仿真算例验证了其有效性,并与模拟退火算法的运算结果进行了比较分析,结果表明其运算速度和全局寻优能力均优于单独使用模拟退火算法。  相似文献   

扩展卡尔曼滤波(以下简称EKF)算法应用于卫星姿态确定系统时需要已知精确的系统模型及过程噪声和观测噪声统计特性,并有计算量过大的问题。本文在EKF算法中加入噪声观测器,构成自适应扩展卡尔曼滤波算法(Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter,以下简称AEKF),使系统能够在传感器噪声统计特性未知的情况下,依然获得较高的系统状态估计精度,增强了系统的鲁棒性。并且AEKF算法简化了系统状态方程,相对于EKF算法减少计算量。经数学仿真验证,AEKF算法能较好地对传感器噪声的统计特性进行在线估计,使姿态确定系统正常工作,有较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new gyro and star sensor fault diagnosis architecture that designs two groups of cascade H∞ optimal fault observers using LMI for spacecraft attitude control systems.The basic idea of the approach is to identify the gyro fault to good effect first and then makes a further diagnosis for the star sensor based on the former.The H∞ optimal fault observer in design has the robustness with respect to model uncertainties and diagnosis uncertainties.Its robustness to unknown inputs is as a special study in frequency domain.Finally,simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed control algorithm.  相似文献   

为了实现航天器故障处理的实时性、智能性,本文构建了基于MAS(Multi-Agent System)的航天器故障诊断系统模型。该结构通过分层实现了系统级诊断、缩小计算空间及加快隔离故障源。诊断智能体根据本系统的领域知识特点,建立自己的智能诊断模型,能够自主处理紧急故障;多个智能体能够协同并行地工作,提高了诊断速度。本文还构建了基于HLA(high level architecture)的故障诊断系统的仿真平台,通过仿真证明了该航天器故障诊断系统模型的优越性,也验证了仿真平台的可行性。  相似文献   

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