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阐述了油中污染物的产生和影响,油液污染度测试技术的研究动向,油液污染度的分级标准的研究现状及各种分级标准的特点,重点介绍了油液污染度的测试方法及各种方法的适用性、优缺点等,指出各种方法的不同用途和潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

液体自动颗粒计数器在液压润滑系统的污染控制中获得广泛应用,但是,用户在使用这些仪器测试各种油样固体污染度的过程中,对于仪器流速的控制还存在误区。文章以目前国内广泛使用的HIAC一8011型液体自动颗粒计数器为例,详细探讨了在使用过程中其流速的控制对于得到准确固体污染度数据的重要性。  相似文献   

对润滑油污染度进行监测是了解设备工况的重要方法之一。基于光散射原理,结合计算机数据处理技术,提出了利用光纤传感器技术监测油液污染度大小的设计方案,以检测柴油机润滑油的污染状况,并进行了相关的实验影响因素分析,为该类仪器的设计和性能完善提供了一定依据。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的飞速发展,国内外各个行业对固体颗粒污染的检测也越来越重视,在进行固体颗粒污染检测时,液样中生成的气泡会影响固体颗粒计数的判级,造成检测结果的失真。本文针对这一点对采取何种方式消除液样中产生的气泡进行了说明。  相似文献   

为了解决固体生物质燃料在纯氧条件下易发生爆燃的现象,本文从理论上分析了影响生物质燃烧的因素,提出了以压饼方式控制固体生物质燃料的燃烧速度的方法,并研制出高强度生物质燃料压饼机。结果表明,采用高压强压饼机,在固体生物质燃料发热量测定前先对样品进行压饼处理,能有效防止样品爆燃、喷溅,使之燃烧彻底,从而获得精密度好、准确度高的检测结果。  相似文献   

太阳能固体吸收式制冰机张建国太阳能致冷技术能有效地利用太阳能,节省常规能源,无环境污染,因而越来越受到人们的重视。太阳能致冷系统有多种类型,如太阳能吸收式致冷系统、太阳能吸附式致冷系统等。它们是纯热力系统。还有一些太阳能致冷系统采用动力循环,首先将太...  相似文献   

固体生物质的热解液化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文介绍了固体生物质热解液化的特点、工艺流程、典型装置以及国内外在这方面的现状。热解液化是在高加热速率,中温和极短停留时间下将生物质快速热解,冷凝而成油料的新工艺,具有速度快,产物用途广泛的特点,是一种很有前景的技术。  相似文献   

新一代太阳能固体吸收式制冰机   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新一代太阳能固体吸收式制冰机在强化传热传质过程、冷却回路的设计、选择性吸收涂料等方面作了改进,日产冰量由原来的2kgm^-2提高到3.5kgm^-2。  相似文献   

一、概述 固体润滑剂是用十八碳酸为载体、二硫化钼为耐压充剂,并添加适量的提高滴点控制剂和防锈剂制成的,具有良好的润滑性能。 固体润滑剂对金属材料有一定的结合力,能在摩擦金属表面形成一层牢固的润滑膜,使两金属表面的直接摩擦转化为二硫化钼内部分子层的相对滑移,从而降低了摩擦系数。  相似文献   

简述了汽轮机油系统颗粒污染的危害,通过对比汽轮机油中颗粒度不同检测方法的结果,分析了汽轮机油运行中颗粒度升高的原因,提出了解决问题的措施。  相似文献   

基于地下水资源供给功能,选取地下水防污性能和污染荷载等级作为评价因子,引入模糊识别概念,构建了地下水污染风险模糊评价模型,并将该模型应用于天津市地下水污染风险中。评价结果表明,天津市地下水污染风险很高、较高、稍高、略高、略低的面积分别为454、3 678、4 831、2 619、59km2,污染风险很高区分布在市区南部近郊一带、污染风险较高区分布在市区北部郊区、津南、塘沽南部、大港南部、静海东部和宝坻北部,与当地实际情况相吻合,可见所提模型可行、有效。  相似文献   

生物质与煤共燃污染物的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈祎  罗永浩  陆方  段佳 《锅炉技术》2007,38(2):40-42,47
简要阐述了生物质与煤共燃的意义及其应用前景.在此基础上,介绍了生物质与煤共燃的分类方法,总结了生物质与煤共燃的各种污染物状况,着重分析了生物质再燃脱除NOx以及利用生物质型煤脱除SOx的研究形状,最后指出了共燃研究中存在的问题.  相似文献   

随着我国水资源危机的不断加剧,多数炼化企业新建、改扩建时不能增加用水指标,急需实施节水减排措施。炼化污水的回用,是企业节水减排的重要措施。目前,许多炼化企业采用双膜处理工艺,将污水深度处理后,最大限度实现污水回用。锦西石化污水回用装置采用双膜法进行处理,污水回用项目采用污水处理后达标排放的炼油污水作为原水,通过动态砂滤过滤单元、纤维球过滤单元、超滤单元、反渗透单元,进行炼化污水回用处理。结合锦西石化污水深度处理与回用的工程案例,进行膜污染原因分析。通过水质分析、污染膜片表面形态分析与污染物元素分析,确定了膜污染物的主要成分为有机物,膜污染发生的原因为微生物滋生引起的有机物污染。提出锦西石化污水回用膜污染、堵塞问题的解决方案:在超滤前投加NaClO等杀菌剂,且保证一定的余氯含量,预防膜的生物污染。同时,在反渗透前投加适当富裕量的NaHSO3,防止氧化剂对反渗透膜的破坏,有效预防微生物污染。  相似文献   

进行了螺旋翅片管束沾污特性的半工业性试验研究。得出了不同横、纵向相对节距的螺旋翅片管束的沾污系数与烟速的拟合关联式,可应用于锅炉的受热面设计及运行分析。  相似文献   

Atomic hydrogen is predicted to form fractional Rydberg energy states H(1/p) called “hydrino atoms” wherein n = 1/2,1/3,1/4,…,1/p (p ≤ 137 is an integer) replaces the well-known parameter n = integer in the Rydberg equation for hydrogen excited states. The transition of H to a stable hydrino state H[aH/p = m + 1] having a binding energy of p2⋅13.6 eV occurs by a nonradiative resonance energy transfer of m⋅27.2 eV (m is an integer) to a matched energy acceptor such as nascent H2O that has a potential energy of 81.6 eV (m = 3). The nascent H2O molecule formed by an oxidation reaction of OH at a hydrogen anode is predicted to serve as a catalyst to form H(1/4) with an energy release of 204 eV compared to the 1.48 eV required to produce H from electrolysis of H2O. CIHT cells, each comprising a LiOH–LiBr eutectic mixture as the electrolyte exploit hydrino formation as a half-cell reaction to serve as a new electrical energy source. Net electrical production over the electrolysis input and hydrogen supplied to the anode was measured using an Arbin BT 2000. The electrical energies were continuously output over long-duration, measured on different systems, configurations, and modes of operation and were typically multiples of the electrical input that in most cases exceed the input by a factor of about 2 at about 10 mW/cm2 anode area. The power density was increased by a factor of over 10 by running a corresponding high current. The thermal energy balance of solid fuels that form the HOH catalyst by a reaction akin to those of CIHT cells were measured using both a water flow calorimeter and a Setaram DSC 131 differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The DSC results confirmed water flow calorimetric (WFC) results and the former were further independently replicated at Setaram Instrumentation based in France. The thermal energy balance for solid fuels such as Co(OH)2 + CuBr2 and Cu(OH)2 + CuBr2 were up to 60 times the maximum theoretical for both types of calorimeters with supportive XRD of the WFC products. DSC performed on FeOOH and Cu(OH)2 + FeBr2 in gold crucibles at Perkin Elmer showed up to four times the maximum theoretical energy. DSC and XRD were independently performed on the starting materials. The MAS 1H NMR showed a predicted upfield matrix shift of a KOH–KCl hydrino getter when exposed to the gas from a reacting Cu(OH)2 + CuBr2 solid fuel in a sealed cell. A Raman peak starting at 1950 cm−1 matched the free space rotational energy of H2(1/4) (0.2414 eV). The solid fuels scaled linearly to over 5 kW and confirm the energetic reaction of hydrinos and may serve as a thermally reversible system to continuously generate power for commercial uses.  相似文献   

Mechanical degradation of the catalyst coated membrane (CCM), which contains a perfluorosulfonic acid (PFSA) proton transport layer, can significantly deteriorate the performance of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. We initially report on the adhesive and cohesive fracture properties of CCMs and show that failure occurs cohesively in the catalyst layer (CL). We then investigate the effects of foreign cations and chloride contamination and moisture absorption on the mechanical properties of CCMs. The fracture resistance of contaminated CCMs is significantly reduced and the time dependent growth of cracks in the CLs in moist air environments occurs at lower crack driving force thresholds. The deterioration in fracture resistance of the CCMs after foreign cation contamination is related to cation interaction with the molecular structure of PFSA polymer. The harmful effect of chloride contamination is attributed to chloride blocking on the surface of catalyst Pt particles, which tends to weaken the catalyst-polymer interface and induces crack initiation and subsequent propagation with lower energy. The accelerated time dependent crack growth at higher humidity is explained by the role of water molecules on weakening ionic interactions and the intermolecular strength of the PFSA polymer.  相似文献   

城市固体废物的处置及其前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖郴松  朱彤 《节能技术》1999,17(4):32-34
本文介绍了处置城市固体废物的几种方法,分析其利弊,指出在城市固体废物无机物含量高,经济条件差的地方,以填埋方法为主,应注意填埋场对环境的污染;在城市固体废物可燃有机物含量高,经济条件好的地方,庆以焚烧和热解处置为主,且以热解为发展方向。  相似文献   

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