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面向智能电网应用的网络规划方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传感器网络是智能电网和物联网的重要支持系统,贯穿智能电网输、变、配、用等各个环节。智能电网中各种传感器应用环境中对现有的移动网络具有多样化的需求。本文从智能电网中传感器网络需求出发,浅析满足智能电网无线网络规划和覆盖等要求的网络关键技术,给面向复杂智能电网通信环境下物联网大规模部署和可靠通信研究建议,从而实现智能电网中...  相似文献   

最近一些年,由于社会经济日新月日的发展,科学技术也呈现了蓬勃发展的态势,光纤和无线逐渐取代了传统的有线通讯方式,在这样的形势下,使得我国智能电网的建设规模也日趋在壮大。并且在对智能电网进行建设时,电力信息同时技术发挥着巨大的现实作用,在智能电网的中有效的应用电力信息通信网络系统,既能够推动其建设质量提升,又会发挥出显著的效果[1]。为此,本文对智能电网中的电力信息通信网络进行了详细的分析和研究,旨在为相关人士提供一定的参考,助力于智能电网的建设。  相似文献   

本文立足智能电网,介绍了电力信息通信网络的主要特征,详细阐述了建设要点,探讨了其具体的应用.  相似文献   

针对传统电网数据分析平台计算效率低、数据误差大等问题,提出了一种基于Apache-Spark(AS)平台的集成数据统一模型(UDM),该模型结合了故障数据预测的优化线性回归模型、皮尔逊相关系数提取的新数据融合以及基于二叉树优化的支持向量机的故障类型分类等技术,提高了对电网故障数据的预测精度和分类精度。实验结果表明,UDM框架处理电力电网数据具有较低的均方误差,当测试样本数为50000个时,AS平台的响应时间小于5秒,体现出极佳的性能优势。  相似文献   

李玉芬 《通讯世界》2017,(18):220-221
随着智能电网的发展,传统电力通信网络已经不能满足其越来越高的信息通信需求,因此升级建设能够满足智能电网的通信网络势在必行.本文首先对传统电力通信网内存在的问题进行了分析,在此基础上,对智能电网中电力通信网络的规划方法进行了论述,指出智能电网电力通信网路的规划要从网络拓扑结构及分层、网络设备选型、故障检测及自愈和网络管理系统四个方面考虑.  相似文献   

张建伟 《信息技术》2009,33(9):79-81,85
从空间信息网络的结构特点及面临的安全问题出发,基于对现有的信息网络脆弱性分析方法的比较,提出适用于空间信息网络的结构安全脆弱性图模型分析方法,构建了由概念、层次和数学模型组成的空间信息网络结构安全脆弱性分析框架.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,城市电网系统也开始智能化改造.城市配电网设施进行智能化改造,有利于建立弹性的电网电力输送机制,保证工业生产的效率,满足居民生产用电需求.本文通过结合先进的智能电网配电通信理论,研究智能电网的建设方案,为电力系统深化电网智能化改造,提供行之有效的参考意见.  相似文献   

智能网络技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了智能网络(IN,IntelligentNetworks)的发展、概念模型、技术特征及其业务。  相似文献   

结合“十三五”期间建设“坚强智能电网”的总体方向和云计算、大数据、能源路由器等新一代信息通信技术趋势,分析电网业务需求的变化特点,提出未来电力通信网网络架构及技术与设备的应用建议,以支持构建开放、泛在、智能、互动、可信的电力通信网,有效支撑电力系统新应用的发展.  相似文献   

智能电网在传统电网基础上,通过先进的信息技术手段实现能源和电力的进一步精密化调控。文章从信息流的角度提出适合于我国未来电网发展的智能电网架构模型。该结构包括4个层次,即电网设备层、通信网络层、信息存储与管理层、信息分析与应用层,各个层次组成的信息支撑体系是智能电网信息运转的有效载体。  相似文献   

信息通信融合的大趋势下,当前的电力通信网络存在诸多问题,面临转型压力.通过研究智能电网业务发展模式、电力信息通信网技术体制、网络架构以及转网实现策略,提出构建“综合接入、一体传送、网络扁平、业务贯通”的新型智能电网信息通信网架结构.  相似文献   

The past decade has brought prolific developments to power systems that range from large-scale renewable integration to digital twins. Modern power systems consist of highly variable generation clusters. Hence, monitoring and prediction of power generation has become a vital part of today's power systems. On the other hand, detailed real-time information of power usage is also a key parameter for the control algorithms used for the demand side management. With this information flow, power systems become smart grids which offer improved service and enable many advanced operations. In this regard, the home area network (HAN), which collects the power consumption/generation of household devices, plays a key role. So far, a number of technologies such as ZigBee, Z-Wave, and Power Line Communication (PLC) have been considered for the HAN. Yet, widely used wireless local area network (WLAN) technology, Wi-Fi, was not identified as a prominent candidate due to the limitations in its latency and reliability. However, with the introduction of the IEEE 802.11ax standard, Wi-Fi 6 was developed, and it demonstrates guaranteed latency and reliability for its users. Thus, with its widespread deployment in households, Wi-Fi is becoming a natural candidate for HAN. In this article, we present a comprehensive HAN protocol based on Wi-Fi 6 which can achieve guaranteed latency and reliability for HAN users. The results show that when an efficient resource allocation mechanism is in place, using Wi-Fi for HAN does not adversely affect the other Wi-Fi users in the normal WLAN.  相似文献   

In order to timely and precisely locate a problem over the power lines, the control center needs to monitor the status of the transmissionlines and the towers. In this paper, we design such a monitoring network by taking advantage of the existing optical fiber composite overhead ground wire (OPGW) alongside the transmission lines. Because it is not cost‐effective to have gateway access to the OPGW for every transmission tower, we propose to deploy a multi‐hop wireless sensor network in between two sparsely deployed neighboring OPGW gateways. We mainly study the power allocation for the data transmission of the wireless sensors because of the assumption that such sensors are powered by green energy and a battery with limited capacity for easy deployment and maintenance. Specifically, we propose several centralized schemes with different objectives, for example, the minimum power usage and fast computation. We also propose a distributed scheme so that the sensors can be even more energy efficient dealing with dynamic traffic in field operations. Moreover, we analyze the centralized schemes to study their pros and cons. We also conduct a case study for the distributed scheme to demonstrate its feasibility in field operations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王翀  曾锃 《电信科学》2016,(3):183-186
无线传感器网络在智能电网目标检测、监测和定位中得到到越来越多的应用.在无线传感器网络中,能量是一种临界资源,系统寿命通过节能策略得到延长.提出了一种基于能量感知的节点检测和定位方法.这种方法只需要少量的传感器节点信息,由簇头执行定位程序来确定进一步定位所需的传感器子集.这样减少了能量消耗和通信带宽需求,延长了系统寿命.实验结果显示,这种定位方法可以节省高达32%的能量.  相似文献   

面向智能电网双向互动信息服务的通信组网方案设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以建设智能电网对于智能用电的需求为出发点,研究了智能用电的关键技术以及智能用电新型服务,针对不同的用户设计了面向智能电网的双向互动信息服务系统以及通信组网方案。采用先进的双向互动通信技术、智能交互终端技术以及智能表计技术,为电网和用户之间的互动提供可靠的信息通道和网络支撑,并对应用层信息互动平台提出建设方案,构建了电网...  相似文献   

周建 《信息技术》2020,(5):102-107,116
随着用电负荷需求不断增加所引发的峰值负荷过载问题,文中建立了智能家居(SH)和智能电网(SG)服务器之间数据通信模型,给出了配电网负荷需求管理的总体条件,并提出了一种面向智能电网(SG)的负荷数据分析DR管理方法,通过对用户的SH收集用电数据进行分析,设计了峰值负荷情况下的DR决策,分别从用户、电力公司和瞬时负荷变化三个角度设计了不同的峰值负荷降低算法。仿真结果表明,所提出的方法在很大程度上有效地降低了配电网的峰值负荷。  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络的智能电网配电系统改进算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘冰心  王宁  张冬 《现代电子技术》2012,35(21):143-144,148
提出一种基于BP神经网络的智能电网配电系统改进算法.由于BP网络是一种按误差逆传播算法训练的多层前馈网络,具有学习性,可以根据已有的配电参数样本集进行训练,从中分析出内蒙古各地区根据时间不同所配电的分配情况的内在联系,实现对以后配电系统进行自适应控制.该算法的优点就是在构造过程考虑了BP的预测精度和训练时间,采用了梯度下降法的方法,进行Matlab仿真实验,获得了较为准确的预测结果.  相似文献   

针对我国智能电网的建设和发展特征,介绍了面向智能电网应用的传感器技术、信息通信网络技术以及数据融合技术等物联网应用关键技术,对支撑电力物联网的电力光纤专网、电力无线专网和电信运营无线宽带网络等长距离数据传输网络做了详细说明,最后对电力物联网典型应用场景中的输电线路在线监测技术、输变配电智能巡检系统、复合智能用电信息采集系统和电动汽车辅助管理系统4种技术做了阐述.对提升电力系统信息化水平、有效管理电力系统基础设施有一定意义.  相似文献   

Smart grid technology has attracted a lot of attention in the communication and power engineering communities because of its high efficiency and environmental friendly power production and delivery. Smart grid communication networks act as not only a bridge between the end power users and the utility but also a backbone of the entire smart grid system. It is a challenging task to deploy smart grid communication networks because of interference‐intensive environment. The goal of this paper is to explore various issues on deployment of smart grid communication networks. The first half of this paper provides a survey on smart grid communication networks. The background of smart grid communication networks is introduced, and the IEEE 802.15.4g standard for smart utility networks is reviewed. In addition, the issues on network topology and routing protocols of smart utility networks are addressed, followed by the discussions on optimizing gateway deployment. Various methods for addressing coexistence issues in smart grid communication networks are presented. The second half of this paper is to propose a channel discovery algorithm exploiting the inherent CSMA/CA mechanism in the protocols. Because of the use of CSMA/CA mechanism and up‐to‐date channel status table, the proposed algorithm can quickly find an available channel for transmission when interferences occur. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Smart grid systems are widely used across the world for providing demand response management between users and service providers. In most of the energy distributions scenarios, the traditional grid systems use the centralized architecture, which results in large transmission losses and high overheads during power generation. Moreover, owing to the presence of intruders or attackers, there may be a mismatch between demand and supply between utility centers (suppliers) and end users. Thus, there is a need for an automated energy exchange to provide secure and reliable energy trading between users and suppliers. We found, from the existing literature, that blockchain can be an effective solution to handle the aforementioned issues. Motivated by these facts, we propose a blockchain‐based smart energy trading scheme, ElectroBlocks, which provides efficient mechanisms for secure energy exchanges between users and service providers. In ElectroBlocks, nodes in the network validate the transaction using two algorithms that are cost aware and store aware. The cost‐aware algorithm locates the nearest node that can supply the energy, whereas the store‐aware algorithm ensures that the energy requests go to the node with the lowest storage space. We evaluated the performance of the ElectroBlocks using performance metrics such as mining delay, network exchanges, and storage energy. The simulation results obtained demonstrate that ElectroBlocks maintains a secure trade‐off between users and service providers when using the proposed cost‐aware and store‐aware algorithms.  相似文献   

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