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流化床生物质快速裂解制液体燃料   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
在流化床反应器内进行生物质快速裂解制液体燃料的研究,实验装置包括加热、反应、分离和控制等部分。设计生物质最大处理量为5kg/h。反应在常压和420-525℃的温度范围内进行,以木屑为生物质原料,以二氧化碳为流化气,石英沙为加热介质。在适当的裂解条件下液体产率可达70%,气体和焦的收率均为15%左右,研究了反应温度,流化气流量,固体进料速度等对气液固产率及产物气体组成的影响。  相似文献   

生物质热裂解制取液体燃料的实验研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
在对生物质热裂解技术进行系统研究的基础上,率先在国内自行开发研制了以流化床反应器为主体的可连续运行的生物质热裂解制取游液体燃料系统,成功地制取出了产率高达60%的生物油。同时简要介绍了适合于生物油分析的GC-MS分析方法,得出生物油由于高水分含量和高含氧量需作进一步改性处理后才能投入实际应用。  相似文献   

我国发展生物质液体燃料的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从我国发展生物质液体燃料的重要性出发,通过对我国生物质液体燃料资源情况以及乙醇作为车用燃料使用的动力性、经济性、使用中的特殊性(对发动机冷起动、气阻、产生液膜的影响)及安全性(乙醇的毒性、对人体、生态的影响,乙醇的安全性、在使用过程中的排放等)进行了较为全面、详细的分析,提出应大力开展生物质液体燃料的基础研宄工作.  相似文献   

生物质转化为高品位液体燃料的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析国内外发展现状的基础上,总结了国内外相关的工艺类型和反应装置,提出了通过生物质气化合成甲醇、二甲醚和生物质热解液化制油这两条工艺途径制取液体燃料时存在的问题,及可能的解决方案,对发展生物质转化为液体燃料技术有指导意义。  相似文献   

生物质液化制取液体燃料和化学品   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
何方  王华 《能源工程》1999,(5):14-17
重点介绍了通过水解,热解和直接液化等方法将低品位,能量密度低的生物持能转化成优质液体燃料和化学品的新技术,并对其做了技术经济评价,指出了发展过程客观存在的问题,分析了其发展对策及前景。  相似文献   

生物质液体燃料的特性和转化利用技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于全球变暖、大气污染等问题越来越严重,使人类开始越来越重视清洁能源的使用.京都议定书的签订使得各国在环境方面的压力越来越大,不得不积极寻求更为清洁有效的可再生能源来替代化石燃料,有关生物质的制取和燃烧特性方面的研究越来越受到重视.介绍生物油的发展前景,概述生物油的优越性能、生物油制备方法以及生物油的利用方式.  相似文献   

介绍我国生物质液体燃料发展状况及面临的问题,根据我国实际情况,提出了解决这些问题的对策.  相似文献   

对生物质液体燃料转换技术进行综合评价,把各评价方案涉及的技术、经济、社会等多方面的因素综合起来,优选方案,为今后的研究、开发、决策提供依据.  相似文献   

一、生物质液体燃料(生物燃油)是我国开发利用生物质能的一个主要方向 (一)保障石油安全推动了生物液体燃料产业发展 生物质能资源包括农作物秸秆和农业加工剩余物、薪材及林业加工剩余物、禽畜粪便、工业有机废水和废渣、城市生活垃圾和能源植物,可转换为多种终端能源如电力、气体燃料、固体燃料和液体燃料,其中受到最多关注的是生物质液体燃料(又简称为“生物燃油”,以下使用这一简称)。  相似文献   

介绍国内外以及上海的生物质生产燃料乙醇技术应用和发展现状,概述了燃料乙醇生产的生物质原料和生产方法,并分析了生产技术存在的主要问题。最后,提出了上海未来生物质燃料乙醇生产的发展方向。  相似文献   

Global biomass fuel resources   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An overview of biomass for production of densified biofuels on a global scale is given. Bioenergy production as heat, electricity, and liquid fuels represents about 14% of the World's primary energy supply. About 25% of the usage is in industrialised countries and the other 75% is used in developing countries. There is an estimated 3870 (106) ha of forest worldwide. The average area of forest and wooded land per inhabitant varies between 6.6 ha in Oceania, 0.2 ha in Asia, and 1.4 ha in Europe. The world's total above-ground biomass in forests amounts to 420 (109) tonnes, of which more than 40% is located in South America. Estimates by FAO (2000) show that global production and use of woodfuel and roundwood reached about 3300 (106) m3 in 1999. About 55% is used directly as fuel, e.g. as split firewood, and about 90% of this is produced and consumed in the developing countries. The remaining 45% is used as industrial raw material, but about 40% of this is used as primary or secondary process residues, suitable only for energy production. The total sustainable worldwide biomass energy potential is about 100 EJ/a (the share of woody biomass is 41.6 EJ/a), which is about 30% of total global energy consumption today. About 40 EJ/a of available biomass is used for energy. Nearly 60% of this biomass is used only in Asia. A comparison between the available potential with current use shows that on a worldwide level about two-fifths of the existing biomass potential is used, and in most areas of the world the current biomass use is clearly below the available potential. Only in Asia does the current use exceed the available potential. Therefore, an increased biomass use is possible, e.g. for production of densified biofuels, in most countries.  相似文献   

为研究生物质颗粒燃料燃烧时气态污染物(CO,CO_2,NO_2,SO_2)和颗粒物排放情况,选用一种小型民用炉,基于自行搭建的生物质燃烧试验平台,采用TESTO便携式烟气分析仪,低压电子冲击仪等设备,对锅炉进行了瞬时输出功率的测定,并对生物质颗粒燃料在不同质量和不同过量空气系数下的气态污染物和颗粒物排放特性进行了研究。试验结果表明:CO的浓度变化与瞬时输出功率变化存在负相关关系,CO_2,NO_x和SO_2的浓度变化与瞬时输出功率变化存在正相关关系;增大生物质颗粒燃料的质量,控制较小的过量空气系数有利于降低气态污染物和颗粒物浓度,尤其是积聚模态的颗粒物的数量浓度和质量浓度。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of United States and world petroleum, natural gas, and natural gas liquids presumed recoverable but as-yet undiscovered resources and suggests that the depletion of these fuels may not occur as quickly as frequently predicted. the paper points out that the construction of a synthetic fuels industry will be very costly and will provide only a small amount of increased energy independence. the fear is expressed that haste in accepting a specific synfuels process on the basis of present technology may serve to forestall the development of a better technology in order to gain better understandings of the various technologies, more information on costs and the essential but as yet unknown information on environmental and socioeconomic effects of large scale plants.  相似文献   

设计了适合生物质(秸秆)破碎的弯口刀和直刃刀的刀片,及含粗破碎、细破碎和收集装置为一体的破碎系统,试验揭示了生物质的破碎机理。得到的粗破碎产物粒径小于10mm,细破碎产物粒径小于0.5mm。对影响该系统的细破碎产率、破碎粒径的重要因子进行了试验研究,得到了获得经济粒径和产率的相关运行参数,为生物质燃料破碎的工业化和生物质能的开发利用奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Emissions from a conical FBC fired with a biomass fuel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of experimental tests conducted on a conical fluidised bed combustor (FBC), firing mixed sawdust of some Thai woods, are discussed. The concentration profiles for major gaseous emissions (CO, NOx and CO2), as well as the temperature and O2 profiles along the combustor height, were obtained for various operating conditions (fuel feed rate and excess air) for three “fixed” bed heights (20, 30 and 40 cm). The influence of fuel quality (through varying the fuel's moisture content) on the formation of gaseous emissions was also studied. Both CO and NOx axial profiles were found to have an extreme (maximum) in the active combustion zone. The effects of FBC load and excess air, as well as fuel moisture, on the COmax were found to be very strong. The NOx,max was less affected by the combustion conditions, approaching 1.5–3 times the NOx values at the combustor outlet. The influence of the sand's bed height on the rate of gaseous emissions was found to be minor. The dependencies of the CO and NOx emissions (i.e. concentrations in the waste flue gas) on the FBC operating conditions are shown for different values of fuel's moisture content.  相似文献   

Gasification process is being developed to produce a clean and efficient gas flue from fuels such as coal, biomass, and solid/liquid wastes for power generation. In this work, a biomass gasification kinetic model that can predict reaction temperature, gasification performance, and gas composition has been developed for a circulating fluidized bed (CFB). Experimental data from a CFB power plant have been used to validate the model. It is confirmed that the addition of steam is important for increasing the hydrogen concentration and syngas caloric value. Based on the predicted results, an optimal condition is suggested for air and steam gasification in the CFB gasifier.  相似文献   

利用纤维素制备燃料酒精的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
纤维素原料资源贮量十分丰富,又是可再生资源,利用纤维素制备燃料酒精是发展新能源的重要途径,具有巨大的潜力和可再生性。文章综述了燃料酒精的发展状况,重点阐述利用纤维素制造燃料酒精的预处理、糖化、发酵过程的新工艺。  相似文献   

介绍了一种适用性广泛、效率高、能耗低的生物质燃料破碎技术。该技术与国外同类技术相比,综合破碎效率有所提高,综合吨料耗电量有所下降,购置费用降低70%,且维护方便。该技术的成功开发及应用,扩大了我国生物质发电燃料的利用范围,提高了生物质燃料破碎效率,降低了破碎作业成本,在生物质燃料供应方面有效地推动了我国生物质发电的技术进步。  相似文献   

文章利用偏相关分析法研究了湛江生物质电厂生物质燃料的灰分含量与元素分析等指标间的相关性;以灰分含量为因变量,元素分析指标为自变量,建立起具有定量关系的多元线性回归方程;利用误差分析方法,对所建立的回归方程预测效果进行评估。结果表明,生物质灰分含量与其C,H和O含量有着显著负相关关系,同时在以灰分为因变量,C,H和O为自变量的回归方程中,若待测试的生物质各性质指标变量在适用范围内,则预测结果误差较小,预测效果较为理想。  相似文献   

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