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采用溶液前驱体等离子喷涂(solution precursor plasma spray,SPPS)方法制备了La2Ce2O7涂层。通过SEM、XRD、EDS、激光导热仪对制备的涂层进行了表征,应用STA-FTIR-QMS联用技术对La2Ce2O7干燥前驱体的分解过程进行了研究,分析了前驱体的分解温度及分解过程,从而确定了喷涂温度为450℃。通过正交实验确定了雾化压力0.1MPa、电流700A、送液速率23 mL/min为最佳喷涂工艺参数,用此参数喷涂20遍制备的La2Ce2O7涂层厚度达到121μm,相对密度为92.4%,硬度为2.1 GPa。结果表明,得到了热导率较低、元素分布均匀、具有萤石结构的La2Ce2O7热障涂层。 相似文献
大气等离子喷涂锆酸镧热障涂层 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用自制的稀土元素复合掺杂锆酸镧热喷涂粉末,采用大气等离子喷涂技术,在镍基高温合金表面制备La1.6Nd0.4Ce1.0Zr1.0O7(LNCZ)热障涂层,研究了喷涂参数对涂层沉积率、显微结构、结合强度及抗热震性能的影响。结果表明,增大喷涂功率,降低送粉速率可以有效地提高涂层的沉积率,但对涂层结合和抗热震性能不利。减小喷涂距离不仅提高沉积率,还有利于获得孔径细小、孔隙率适中的层状组织结构,该结构对提高涂层的抗热震性能极为有利。采用DH-1080大气等离子喷涂设备制备LNCZ涂层较好的喷涂条件为:功率40 kW,喷涂距离9 cm,送粉速率12 g/min。 相似文献
利用自行研制的La1.4Nd0.6Zr2O7(LNZ)喷涂粉末,采用大气等离子喷涂在Mo基体上制备LNZ热障涂层.测试粉末的各项热物理性能,考核涂层的抗热震性能和高温隔热性能,并与常规氧化钇稳定氧化锆(YSZ)涂层进行比较.结果表明,与YSZ相比,LNZ由于具有热膨胀系数小、导热系数低、烧结速率低等特点而更适合在Mo基体作为热障涂层使用. 相似文献
采用多种方法制备不同类型的Al2O3-13%TiO2热障涂层,即等离子喷涂常规涂层、纳米结构涂层及激光熔覆纳米结构涂层.在分析三类涂层微观组织的基础上,对其隔热性能进行了比较.结果表明,即等离子喷涂常规陶瓷涂层呈典型的层状堆积特征,纳米结构涂层都为特殊的两相结构,其中部分熔化区由类似的残留纳米粒子组成,等离子喷涂纳米结构涂层的完全熔化区为片层状结构,而相应的激光熔覆涂层的完全熔化区则为细小等轴晶.在相同条件下,等离子喷涂纳米结构热障涂层具有最好的隔热性能,而激光熔覆纳米结构涂层的隔热性能要好于等离子喷涂常规涂层. 相似文献
等离子喷涂热障涂层的隔热性分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
采用大气等离子喷涂方法制备不同类型的氧化钇部分稳定氧化锆热障涂层:传统涂层、纳米团聚粉末制备的纳米涂层和空心球粉末制备的空心球涂层。通过扫描电镜、透射电镜、压汞仪和激光脉冲法观察和测试各种涂层的组织形貌、空隙分布和导热系数,并在相同条件下测试各种涂层的隔热性能。结果表明:纳米涂层空隙率最低,内部孔洞细小。空心球涂层组织相对疏松,内部层片更薄,有最高的空隙率和最大的平均空隙大小。传统涂层介于二者之间。纳米涂层和传统涂层均表现出双态空隙大小分布。涂层的导热系数均随着温度的上升而升高。传统涂层的热导率最高,纳米涂层与空心球涂层的热导率相接近。纳米涂层具有最好的隔热性能,空心球涂层接近纳米涂层的隔热效果。隔热效果与涂层厚度呈线性关系。随着厚度增加,导热系数低的纳米涂层和空心球涂层的隔热效果增长幅度高于传统涂层。 相似文献
Maurice Gell Eric H. Jordan Matthew Teicholz Baki M. Cetegen Nitin P. Padture Liangde Xie Dianying Chen Xinqing Ma Jeffrey Roth 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》2008,17(1):124-135
The solution precursor plasma spray (SPPS) process is a relatively new and flexible thermal spray process that can produce
a wide variety of novel materials, including some with superior properties. The SPPS process involves injecting atomized droplets
of a precursor solution into the plasma. The properties of resultant deposits depend on the time-temperature history of the
droplets in the plasma, ranging from ultra-fine splats to unmelted crystalline particles to unpyrolized particles. By controlling
the volume fraction of these three different constituents, a variety of coatings can be produced, all with a nanograin size.
In this article, we will be reviewing research related to thermal barrier coatings, emphasizing the processing conditions
necessary to obtain a range of microstructures and associated properties. The SPPS process produces a unique strain-tolerant,
low-thermal conductivity microstructure consisting of (i) three-dimensional micrometer and nanometer pores, (ii) through-coating
thickness (vertical) cracks, (iii) ultra-fine splats, and (iv) inter-pass boundaries. Both thin (0.12 mm) and thick (4 mm)
coatings have been fabricated. The volume fraction of porosity can be varied from 10% to 40% while retaining the characteristic
microstructure of vertical cracks and ultra-fine splats. The mechanism of vertical crack formation will be described. 相似文献
提高等离子喷涂热障涂层隔热性能的方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为进一步提高等离子喷涂热障涂层的隔热性能,对陶瓷材料的导热理论及热障涂层的热导率进行了研究.提出了包括寻求新型热障涂层陶瓷材料、添加掺杂剂、制备纳米涂层及双陶瓷层热障涂层等能够改善等离子喷涂涂层隔热性能的方法;并指出,采用等离子喷涂技术制备带颜色的稀土锆酸盐纳米双陶瓷层热障涂层,将会进一步改善热障涂层的隔热性能. 相似文献
Yttria stabilized zirconia thick coatings were thermally sprayed from two different feedstock powders. Coating characteristics such as density, crystalline phase composition, and microstructure were evaluated. The thermal expansion coefficient and thermal diffusivity were measured as a function of temperature up to 800 °C and analyzed in terms of the microstructural features. The ability of available models to relate the measured thermal properties to the microstructural features as characterized by readily available methods was assessed. The importance of pore shape and orientation on the thermal conductivity was evidenced. The thermal contact resistance between the substrate and the coating in these samples was estimated from the thermal diffusivity data, and found to change during cooling from 800 °C. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to determine the creep/sintering characteristics of thermally sprayed zirconia coatings and
attempt to understand the influence of microstructure on the creep resistance of deposits. The major modification, compared
with more typical practice, was employment of a new powder feedstock with agglomerated sub-micron size particles (Nanox),
which is compared to one of the best commercially available powders (HOSP). Thick plasma-sprayed coatings were prepared and
their physical and mechanical properties were characterized. Creep/sintering experiments were then conducted to investigate
the response of the materials when exposed to high temperatures under load. The results showed that it could be possible to
correlate the splat thickness to the creep behavior of the coatings. 相似文献
Maria Ophelia Jarligo Daniel Emil Mack Robert Vassen Detlev Stöver 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》2009,18(2):187-193
In an effort to improve the performance of heat engines at high temperatures, advanced surface coatings have been developed
from complex perovskites. Materials of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 and La(Al1/4Mg1/2Ta1/4)O3 composition were synthesized and applied as ceramic topcoats of thermal barrier coating (TBC) systems by atmospheric plasma
spraying (APS) in single layer and in double-layer combination with conventional yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ). Microstructural
and phase analyses reveal that plasma spraying of complex perovskites is accompanied with the formation of vertical crack
networks and secondary oxide phases which influence the failure mechanism of the TBCs. The low value of fracture toughness
for the complex perovskites and the thermally grown oxide at the topcoat-bondcoat interface of the TBCs are, however, the
major factors which lead to the coating failure on thermal cycling at about 1250 °C. 相似文献
提出了功能梯度热障涂层隔热与应力缓和的组合设计思想,给出了材料基本物性参数物理模型,并在此基础上首先由隔热能力确定不同层数对应的成分分布指数,继而进一步计算出与之匹配的轴向及径向应力分布情况,最后结合涂层材料的制备成本,确定了满足组合设计准则的涂层结构。 相似文献
爆炸喷涂制备NiCrAlY/NiAl/ZrO2-Y2O3体系热障涂层 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了提高热障涂层的高温抗氧化性,采用爆炸喷涂技术在M22合金上制备了Ni-25Cr-5Al—0.5Y/Ni-50Al/ZrO2—8Y2O3(质量分数,%)体系的热障涂层.喷涂态Ni-50Al(NiAl)扩散阻挡层由δ-Ni2Al3,3-NiAl和NiAl3组成.对该涂层进行1050,1100和1150℃下的等温氧化,研究了NiAl层对氧化膜生长机制的影响.结果表明,NiCrAlY/NiAl/YSZ体系的氧化增重明显小于双层结构热障涂层的,其氧化动力学在1050和1100℃下符合四次方规律,在1150℃下符合抛物线规律,NiAl层有阻碍粘结层元素向外扩散、促进以Al2O3为主的氧化膜形成的作用. 相似文献