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为明确沙子空心李果实营养特性和引导消费,研究检测其接近完全成熟的果实果肉的24项营养成分指标。结果表明,有21项营养指标正常检出;其中,干物质、可溶性固形物、总糖等营养成分含量分别为11.8%、13.3%及8.8%,糖酸比为21.5,烟酸、多不饱和脂肪酸、碳水化合物、维生素D等营养素参考值均高于10%;受检16种氨基酸总量为0.494 g/100 g,必需氨基酸和鲜味氨基酸占比分别为30.2%和60.9%。沙子空心李营养物质种类丰富且总含量较高,酸甜可口,又具有特别的营养保健价值,是7月成熟的优质李品种。研究结果可作为沙子空心李果实营养的重要参考,也可为果实采后加工研究提供相关资料。  相似文献   

果实和蔬菜中的过氧化物酶   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
介绍了果实和蔬菜中过氧化物酶催化的反应 ,过氧化物酶的底物、最适 p H和最适温度 ,过氧化物酶的热失活与酶的恢复和再生 ,过氧化物酶的化学物质抑活。  相似文献   

Multiscale Biomechanics of Tomato Fruits: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bruising and other mechanical damage to fruit caused by external forces during and postharvesting is manifested at the macroscale but is ultimately the result of failure of cells at the microscale. However, fruits have internal structures and cells from different tissue types react differently to application of an external force. Not much is known about the effects of such forces on single cells within tissues and one reason for this is the lack of multiscale models linking macro- (organ or whole fruit), meso- (tissue), and micro- (cell) mechanics. This review concerns tomato fruits specifically as this is an important crop and is an excellent exemplar of past and proposed research in this field. The first consideration is the multiscale anatomy of tomato fruits that provides the basis for mechanical modeling. The literature on experimental methods for studying multiscale mechanics of fruit is then reviewed, as are recent results from using those methods. Finally, future research directions are discussed, in particular the combination of work over all scales. It is clear that a bottom-up approach incorporating single-cell mechanics in finite element models of whole fruit assumed to have internal structures is a promising way forward for tomato fruits but further method developments may be needed for these and other fruits and vegetables, in particular recovery of representative single cells from tissues for mechanical characterization.  相似文献   

Agricultural value chain is fundamental to the survival of human society, the growth or maintenance of regional and national economies, and the wealth and welfare of individual producers. Few staple food crops holding the lion's loin of food and income security of the rural farming communities where the role of unrecognized and underutilized crops was invisible. Previous researches and many past applications were focused on individual elements of the value chain rather than the holistic view. Complex interacting drivers in production, processing, marketing, consumption, environment and the people were neglected and this limitation hiders the recognition of underutilized crops. Our paper takes a critical stock take of underutilized crop value chains in Sri Lanka and focused to identify its role in rural food and income security with special concern to the availability of those crops at respective village markets and at their own household premises. Study aimed to map the underutilized crop value chain and describe its upstream and downstream nodes, agents, functions, and products. For the purpose of this study, mixed methods approach was employed which focuses on research questions that call for real-life contextual understandings on value chain agents, multi-level perspectives, both vertical and horizontal linkages and cultural interpretations. We employed qualitative research exploring the meaning and understanding of constructs; utilizing multiple methods (rapid market chain analysis). Value chain architecture explains the structure, agents, and strength of the relationships. Downstream composed of two main nodes, farmers, wild collectors and traders or village level collectors link with the upstream. Primary processors, secondary processors, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers were the key upstream agents. Chain structure heavily depends on the type of crop. Downstream activities depends on location, water availability, season and market demand which decides the crop mix. Informal collecting centres were common and village level collectors link farmers and wild collectors with upstream. Upstream activities were more concern on value addition and creation and the agents were multifunctional. Food basket analysis highlighted that underutilized crops were more attracted to urban consumers than the rural. Meal analysis revealed that considerable amount of underutilized crops consumed at household level were own production or wild collection. Complex and indirect income generation process was unrecognized yet.  相似文献   

樱桃果实褪黑素及其营养功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王蒙  冯晓元  戴莹  韩平 《食品科学》2014,35(19):307-311
樱桃果实褪黑素含量高于其他水果,有规律地食用樱桃及其产品,会改善人体的健康。本文综述樱桃果实成熟度、采收时间、加工方式对褪黑素含量的影响,并着重分析目前国内外樱桃褪黑素的检测方法及其营养功能研究进展,对樱桃褪黑素的发展趋势进行展望,以期为樱桃褪黑素的开发利用提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

The current global food system must adapt to the expected growth of world population (about 9 billion individuals by 2050). This adaptation will probably include an increased consumption of edible wild foods, due to their richness in micronutrients and bioactive compounds, besides providing a cost‐effective and sustainable way of improving caloric food security. A striking example of such natural matrices is the Quercus genus, which has the additional advantage of being widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere. In a traditional sense, Quercus fruits (acorns) were mainly used in animal feeding, despite their potentially important role on the rural economy. But this preconception is changing. In fact, their nutritional value, high contents in phytochemical compounds, biological activity (such as antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, and cardioprotective properties) and use in the treatment of specific diseases (such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, or Alzheimer's disease) have raised the interest in integrating acorns into the human diet. Accordingly, this comprehensive overview was designed to provide an evidence‐based review of the literature, with the objective to achieve useful conclusions regarding the nutritional properties, methodologies of extraction, identification, and characterization of a wide variety of bioactive compounds and scientifically validated bioactivities in Quercus species worldwide. The industrial by‐products from acorn oil extraction or flour production are also included. Data regarding the analytical techniques, individual compounds, and their bioactivities, are organized in tables. The reported data are discussed and directions for further investigations are suggested, highlighting the use of acorns in food, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical applications.  相似文献   

Edible coatings are an environmentally friendly technology that is applied on many products to control moisture transfer, gas exchange or oxidation processes. Edible coatings can provide an additional protective coating to produce and can also give the same effect as modified atmosphere storage in modifying internal gas composition. One major advantage of using edible films and coatings is that several active ingredients can be incorporated into the polymer matrix and consumed with the food, thus enhancing safety or even nutritional and sensory attributes. But, in some cases, edible coatings were not successful. The success of edible coatings for fresh products totally depends on the control of internal gas composition. Quality criteria for fruits and vegetables coated with edible films must be determined carefully and the quality parameters must be monitored throughout the storage period. Color change, firmness loss, ethanol fermentation, decay ratio and weight loss of edible film coated fruits need to be monitored. This review discusses the use of different edible coatings (polysaccharides, proteins, lipids and composite) as carriers of functional ingredients on fresh fruits and vegetables to maximize their quality and shelf life. This also includes the recent advances in the incorporation of antimicrobials, texture enhancers and nutraceuticals to improve quality and functionality of fresh-cut fruits. Sensory implications, regulatory status and future trends are also reviewed.  相似文献   

鲜切果蔬是近年来国际上流行的新型食品,具有新鲜、营养、方便、无公害等特点。本文根据鲜切果蔬的加工特性,研究了其在生产流程中的潜在危害,并对国内外有关鲜切果蔬质量安全的防控措施进行了综述。  相似文献   

果蔬中的外泌体样纳米颗粒(exosome-like nanoparticles,ELNs)是由果蔬细胞释放的纳米级囊泡结构,与动物的外泌体具有类似的超微结构,但其脂质、蛋白质及核酸等化学成分具有显著差异,并具有独特的生物学功能.本文综述了2013年以来数十种果蔬中ELNs的相关研究进展,对其提取方法和表征手段进行了分析...  相似文献   

The drying of fruits and vegetables is a complex operation that demands much energy and time. In practice, the drying of fruits and vegetables increases product shelf‐life and reduces the bulk and weight of the product, thus simplifying transport. Occasionally, drying may lead to a great decrease in the volume of the product, leading to a decrease in storage space requirements. Studies have shown that dependence purely on experimental drying practices, without mathematical considerations of the drying kinetics, can significantly affect the efficiency of dryers, increase the cost of production, and reduce the quality of the dried product. Thus, the use of mathematical models in estimating the drying kinetics, the behavior, and the energy needed in the drying of agricultural and food products becomes indispensable. This paper presents a comprehensive review of modeling thin‐layer drying of fruits and vegetables with particular focus on thin‐layer theories, models, and applications since the year 2005. The thin‐layer drying behavior of fruits and vegetables is also highlighted. The most frequently used of the newly developed mathematical models for thin‐layer drying of fruits and vegetables in the last 10 years are shown. Subsequently, the equations and various conditions used in the estimation of the effective moisture diffusivity, shrinkage effects, and minimum energy requirement are displayed. The authors hope that this review will be of use for future research in terms of modeling, analysis, design, and the optimization of the drying process of fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

果蔬采后贮藏过程中,活性氧清除系统功能下降,产生大量活性氧,从而引起果蔬发生细胞膜的氧化损伤和组织衰老。外源活性氧清除剂可以延缓果蔬组织衰老,褐变与膜脂过氧化作用。概述了活性氧与果蔬成熟衰老的关系,外源活性氧清除剂对果蔬衰老的控制作用,旨在了解活性氧对果蔬衰老的调控机理。  相似文献   

Objective quality assessment and efficacious safety surveillance for agricultural and food products are inseparable from innovative techniques. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI), a rapid, nondestructive, and chemical‐free method, is now emerging as a powerful analytical tool for product inspection by simultaneously offering spatial information and spectral signals from one object. This paper focuses on recent advances and applications of HSI in detecting, classifying, and visualizing quality and safety attributes of fruits and vegetables. First, the basic principles and major instrumental components of HSI are presented. Commonly used methods for image processing, spectral pretreatment, and modeling are summarized. More importantly, morphological calibrations that are essential for nonflat objects as well as feature wavebands extraction for model simplification are provided. Second, in spite of the physical and visual attributes (size, shape, weight, color, and surface defects), applications from the last decade are reviewed specifically categorized into textural characteristics inspection, biochemical components detection, and safety features assessment. Finally, technical challenges and future trends of HSI are discussed.  相似文献   

超声声学效应在果蔬酚类化合物提取中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王鹏旭  成传香  马亚琴  张震  贾蒙 《食品科学》2019,40(17):338-347
本文综述了应用超声声学效应提取果蔬酚类化合物的增强优势,并分析了超声声学效应可能引起酚类化合物的降解反应以及对其稳定性的影响。同时,本文介绍了目前超声辅助提取果蔬酚类化合物的商业化应用现状,为加快超声辅助技术在提取果蔬酚类化合物中的有效利用,促进该技术在食品工业领域的快速发展提供参考。  相似文献   

果蔬中含有丰富的多酚类化合物,其含有的酚羟基中邻位酚羟基极易被氧化,有较强捕捉活性氧等自由 基的能力,因此能够清除自由基和淬灭活性氧。Nrf2(NF-E2-related factor 2)信号通路是增强机体抗氧化功能最 重要的保护性信号途径,在细胞抵御氧化应激机制中有着重要的地位,是抗氧化研究领域的热点。本文通过阐述 Nrf2/Keap1(Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1)信号通路及其调节方式,讨论Nrf2在肿瘤化学预防和促进癌症发 生中的双重作用,重点介绍和归纳了果蔬中几种典型的多酚类物质对Nrf2/Keap1信号通路双向调控作用的分子机 制,以期为利用果蔬多酚开发健康绿色食品和药品提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

枣(Zizyphus jujuba Mill)属于鼠李科枣属,是我国第一大干果树种和第七大果树,其果实是一种药食两用同源食品。枣果具有多种生物活性,包括抗癌、抗氧化、抗炎、护肝、免疫刺激、护肠、抗焦虑、防止肥胖、抑菌等特性。目前的研究主要集中在枣果化学成分分离、结构鉴定、含量测定以及生物活性等方面。化学成分研究结果表明枣果中主要有多糖、酚酸、黄酮、萜类化合物、核苷和核苷碱基、生物碱、胡萝卜素、α-生育酚、维生素C、挥发油类化合物等多种有益成分,其中多糖、黄酮、酚酸、萜类化合物和环核苷酸是枣果中主要功能性成分。多糖是枣果发挥护肝和免疫刺激作用的物质基础;维生素C、酚酸和黄酮类化合物是枣果中主要的抗氧化物质;三萜类化合物是枣果中主要的抗癌活性成分。  相似文献   

本文研究了真空冷冻干燥过程中鲜食枣营养品质及抗氧化活性的变化规律,为实际生产加工产品选择合适的干燥时间提供理论依据。结果表明:冷冻干燥过程中,鲜食枣还原糖含量存在显著性差异,且干燥结束时显著升高(p0.05);冻干产品维生素C保留率高达99.58%;有机酸是产品中重要的风味营养物质,其中,草酸、柠檬酸含量在冻干过程中均存在显著性差异(p0.05),且在干燥结束时,草酸、酒石酸、柠檬酸含量分别是鲜样的1.64倍、1.32倍、3.83倍;冻干过程鲜食枣ABTS+·清除能力、抗氧化力均存在显著性差异(p0.05),且冻干后ABTS+·清除能力提高6.91%,抗氧化力保留率达92.01%。由此可见,冻干过程中冻干时间对营养物质含量及活性有重要影响。冻干6~9 h有利于保持贮藏的水分和较高的营养品质,同时有助于降低能耗,并保持其功能价值。  相似文献   

蒲桃中氨基酸组成与含量对其营养与风味的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王齐  朱伟伟  苏丹  杨俊 《食品科学》2012,33(16):204-207
采用柱前衍生-液相色谱法对蒲桃中水解氨基酸与游离氨基酸的种类与含量进行测定。通过对蒲桃中水解氨基酸的分析,发现蒲桃中含有全部18种氨基酸,人体所必需的8种氨基酸占总氨基酸比例为33.49%,表明蒲桃是具有较高营养价值的水果;对影响感官的游离氨基酸进行分类,研究各类味觉氨基酸对蒲桃风味的影响,结果表明,人体所必需的氨基酸中蛋氨酸和半胱氨酸含量不足,影响蒲桃的营养价值,而谷氨酸与天冬氨酸对果实的整体鲜味有较高的贡献。  相似文献   

赖灯妮  彭佩  李涛  覃思  赵玲艳  邓放明 《食品科学》2017,38(21):294-301
马铃薯是全球重要的粮食作物,富含营养成分和生物活性物质。马铃薯通常采用煮、蒸、炸、烘焙等烹饪方式。在不同烹饪过程中马铃薯的物理、化学性质和酶活性的变化不同,从而影响马铃薯的营养成分和功能作用。本文综述了不同烹饪方式对马铃薯的营养成分及生物活性物质的影响,分析了烹饪方式对马铃薯抗氧化、抗癌症、调节血糖等功能影响的研究进展,以期为马铃薯的精深加工、综合利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

切割果蔬的微生物及其生物控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
切割果蔬由于其食用方便、营养丰富、清沽卫生等特点近年来受到人们的广泛关注。然而,实际生产中的许多问题,如褐变、失色、脱水、微生物污染等限制了切割果蔬加工业的进一步发展。微生物是影响切割果蔬质置与安全的重要冈素。本文分析了切割果蔬中微生物的来源、构成、生物膜形成以及切割果蔬生产过程对微生物的影响。同时对微生物的快速检测技术和切割果蔬的生物控制方法进行了综述,以期对切割果蔬加工业提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

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