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贾迎峰  邹昌成  申春霞 《建筑》2014,(12):75-76
<正>五月的濮阳,春风拂面,暖意融融。自东向西,驱车走在S303省道上,两侧绿油油的麦田、热闹的村镇,交叉相连,错落有致。中铁七局一公司山西中南部铁路通道项目部承建的标段就位于这条十余米宽的公路南侧,管段内26公里的线路穿梭于村落与麦田之间,一路走来,头顶不时掠过一座座整齐的"一"字型公跨铁大桥,这一座座"天桥"横跨在铁路线上,像一条条纽带,将原本被铁路线冲断的一条条道路、一片片麦田、一个个村庄重新连接了起来。  相似文献   

下穿铁路线的结构施工方法昆登安久著(日本国铁总公司线路及结构部结构工程处)唐英译任庆铨校(铁科院西南分院)1序言本文所说的“下穿铁路线的结构”是下穿铁路线的公路。河道以及铁道线路这类交叉结构的通称。目前,由于城市的发展和公共事业的增加,这种结构正日益...  相似文献   

津塘公路立交工程,津塘公路立交工程是天津市快速路系统的一部分,坐落于河东区富民路与京山铁路之间.为三层全互通式立交,跨越津塘公路、津滨轻轨以及京山铁路正线等5股铁路线,是连接天津市区与塘沽开发区的重要交通枢纽。该工程共包括快速路及津塘公路两条主线,10条匝道.桥梁总面积97941.2m^2,引路总面积12923.6m^2.工程总造价为29600万元。  相似文献   

  特区政府表示,6条新增的线路,包括建议兴建东九龙线,连接观塘线的钻石山站至宝琳站,成本最高,初步估计达275亿元。港岛方面,会增加南港岛线西段及北港岛线。而新界和离岛会增3条线,包括北环线、东涌西延线及屯门南延线。  相似文献   

米瑞公路是318国道(川藏线)在林芝县分出的一条旅游公路,这条公路沿着尼洋河谷东岸蜿蜒起伏的河岸线向南延伸,在通往雅鲁藏布江大峡谷的20km距离内,将尼洋河谷独特的地貌一览无余。公路沿线的达则村被选为这条观光线路的起点,达则村的可建设用地所剥无风,村口的一片滩涂因此成为了修建旅客接待站的不二选择。  相似文献   

伊朗计划将铁路线延伸至阿富汗,日本计划在尼日利亚液化天然气领域投资约24亿美元,阿尔及利亚将建立北非最大的铝业生产企业,孟印签署24万kW电站合同,中国企业在斯中标3条公路项目,埃及拟重振尼罗河航道  相似文献   

随着铁路建设数量的增加,占地的现象进一步凸显出来。虽然在线路设计的过程中一定程度上考虑减少铁路建设用地的需求,将改建铁路大型铁路枢纽站临近区间的新增铁路线选择在既有营业铁路两侧作为新建线位置。但也导致了原有上跨铁路公路桥梁由于孔跨不满足新建线路位置关系,桥梁墩台占压了新建铁路线的线位,需要拆除重建。由于遇到类似桥梁拆除工程多次。故结合拆除工程探讨跨铁路营业线上跨桥拆除施工安全要点。  相似文献   

鹿特丹中心区火车站地区的改造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简介 鹿特丹中心火车站在建成50年后再一次被拆除重建,取而代之的将是一座新的车站建筑,其主要原因是贯穿阿姆斯特丹-鹿特丹-安特卫普-布鲁塞尔-巴黎的高速铁路线将要到达这里.  相似文献   

今年,甘肃省将新建马峪口至安口等6条公路,同时将对重要旅游线路进行养护维修。  相似文献   

鹿特丹中心火车站在建成50年后再一次被拆除重建.取而代之的将是一座新的车站建筑.其主要原因是贯穿阿姆斯特丹-鹿特丹-安特卫普-布鲁塞尔-巴黎的高速铁路线将要到达这里。此外.鹿特丹的公共交通系统和海牙的公共交通系统将会通过兰斯塔德区域轻轨铁路(Randstadrail)相连接,从而建立起兰斯塔德南翼的公共交通网络。  相似文献   

在近代哈尔滨城市建设中,铁路起到了举足轻重的作用。铁路的建设使哈尔滨迅速从边陲乡村发展成新兴近代城市。该文以铁路兴建到日占前(1896—1931)的哈尔滨为研究对象,分析铁路建设对哈尔滨城市分区、道路系统等影响,以理解这一时段哈尔滨城市建设与铁路的紧密关系。  相似文献   

The new railway bridge across the Donaukanal and the Winterhafen in Vienna. The load tests for the new Winterhafenbrücke performed on September 1, 2008 were the last steps in reconstruction of the railway connection between Donaulände und Donauuferbahn, which was destroyed in April 1945. With a length of 168 m this new single‐line railway bridge, which is designed as a two‐field continuous girder bridge, is the central link and the heart of the project. The bridge spans were realised by triangular trussed girder across the Donaukanal on the one hand and a trough bridge across the Winterhafen on the other. Design, manufacture and assembly of the steel bridge was carried out in different stages and constituted a great technical challenge. The completion of the entire project in September 2009 will be an essential contribution towards shifting commercial transport from the road to the environmentally friendly rail.  相似文献   

The bridge across the Oberhafenkanal in Hamburg. The replacement of 4 steel railway bridges with a total steel construction weight of 4000 tons in the centre of Hamburg, which connect the central station of Hamburg with the south of Germany was a great challenge in bridge building. The central steel superstructure of the bridge, the Oberhafenbrücke, a five‐span truss continuous beam is special because it is a combined railway and road bridge. The railway travels on the upper deck between the upper chords whereas the road traffic travels on the lower deck between the truss. This superstructure crosses the Oberhafenkanal. The available time for the complete building process comprised of statics, design, manufacturing and assembly was only 14months. The end of this process was totally fixed because of the long‐time announced complete shutdown of the railway connections to the south and parts of the Hamburg central station between December 24th and December 31st, 2007. Despite the new definition of substantial design‐parameters (load models for road and railway, permanent bearing‐system, temporary bearing‐system after December 31st, 2007) and therefore a reduction of the available time by 4 months the task of building the new bridge was carried out successfully by the consortium comprised of Eiffel Deutschland Stahltechnologie GmbH, Bilfinger Berger AG ZN Hamburg and Jürgen Martens GmbH & Co. KG.  相似文献   

吕海军 《山西建筑》2009,35(19):265-266
介绍了西安铁路枢纽新建北环线工程的项目概况,对该项目方案研究的特点和研究重点进行了分析,并阐述了通过工程设计解决的具体技术问题,从而合理解决铁路线路与城市道路,各种保护区的具体问题。  相似文献   

闫恒超 《山西建筑》2012,38(13):191-192
结合新疆哈密货车南环线上跨既有兰新铁路架梁施工实践,针对新线架梁与跨既有线架梁的差异,在尽量减少对既有线行车干扰的条件下,阐述了JQ165架桥机上跨营业线架设铁路2101型T梁施工方案、安全卡控措施及施工组织要点,以供类似工程借鉴。  相似文献   

In the early morning of January 17, 1995, an earthquake of magnitude 7.2 occurred, with its epicenter in Awaji Island, to the south of Kobe City located near Osaka City. It was later named the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.

The earthquake left over 6,400 people dead and about 40,000 injured, completely destroying over 100,000 houses and buildings, causing about 300 fires, resulting in the suspension of such “lifelines” as city water, electricity, and gas supply, and halting transportation systems including road and railway traffic. It inflicted extensive damage not only on Kobe, but also on Osaka and other cities.

In the light of destruction caused by the earthquake, in 1997, the Osaka Municipal Government, the Osaka City Regional Preparedness Plan, which includes citizen evacuation in the event of earthquake, construction of seismic-resistant facilities, and fire-fighting and other emergency activities. The original plan was prepared, on the basis of an inter-plate earthquake occurring beneath the Pacific Ocean. In addition to this hypothesis, the new plan also incorporates the assumption that an earthquake with its epicenter under Osaka could occur due to movement of the Uemachi Faults running under the central part of the City in the north-south direction. Estimated damage that could be incurred through this potential earthquake were used for the latter plan.  相似文献   

由于重庆特殊的地形地质条件,重庆市轨道交通较场口至新山村线工程之大堰村车辆段及维修基地建设形成高约30m的岩质边坡。经过论证,决定对该边坡采用杆体材料为精轧螺纹钢的锚杆进行支护。这是首次将这一新型锚杆成功用于城市永久边坡工程。通过这一工程,获得了关于这种新型锚杆性状及其边坡工程应用的一些认识。本边坡工程的实践表明,在适当的条件下,精轧钢锚杆用于城市高边坡支护是可行的,并能获得可观的经济效益。  相似文献   

分析了上海市中心区道路的交通现状及存在问题,结合“十五”道路建设计划,研究并提出了完善中心区路网功能的切实可行的方案,以指导建设项目的实施。  相似文献   

武琼 《山西建筑》2010,36(26):267-268
通过分析区域路网布局,对比研究了汾西铁路专用线在南同蒲铁路的接轨方案,分别对半列装车和整列装车方案进行分析,从而进一步优化了线路走向方案。  相似文献   

本文以衡阳市衡酃路(衡州大道)工程(第二标段)道路工程为例,对钢箱梁跨铁路施工工程出现的难点进行分析并提出相应地解决措施,以期给同类工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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