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In most of quality of service (QoS)-based web service selection systems, inexperienced end users are not the focal point of the design. Most systems assume that users could formulate their QoS requirements easily and are accurately using the provided query languages. However, oftentimes it is not true. To tackle this issue and emphasize more on the user-centered design of the service selection system, in this paper, we come up with a more expressive and flexible way for non-expert users to define their QoS queries, together with the user support on formulating queries and understanding services in the registry. Then, we propose an enhanced selection model that could handle both exact and fuzzy requirements, return two categories of matching offers—super-exact and partial matches, and rank them using a two-level ranking algorithm. A prototype system is implemented, and experiments are done using a real QoS dataset to show the system performance.  相似文献   

实时数据仓库中,数据更新不再是定期批量执行,而是持续不间断地进行.因此更新与查询的执行调度成为了重要问题.提出一种支持服务质量(QoS)的更新和查询调度算法,定义了查询相关的QoS参数,包括期望的查询响应时间和可接受的实时数据延迟;根据查询任务的具体QoS要求,进行更新和查询的实时调度.实验证明该算法能够根据查询的具体QoS需求,合理地调整任务的执行顺序,为用户提供更快速的查询响应和更高的数据实时性.  相似文献   

The idea of allowing query users to relax their correctness requirements in order to improve performance of a data stream management system (e.g., location-based services and sensor networks) has been recently studied. By exploiting the maximum error (or tolerance) allowed in query answers, algorithms for reducing the use of system resources have been developed. In most of these works, however, query tolerance is expressed as a numerical value, which may be difficult to specify. We observe that in many situations, users may not be concerned with the actual value of an answer, but rather which object satisfies a query (e.g., "who is my nearest neighbor?”). In particular, an entity-based query returns only the names of objects that satisfy the query. For these queries, it is possible to specify a tolerance that is "nonvalue-based.” In this paper, we study fraction-based tolerance, a type of nonvalue-based tolerance, where a user specifies the maximum fractions of a query answer that can be false positives and false negatives. We develop fraction-based tolerance for two major classes of entity-based queries: 1) nonrank-based query (e.g., range queries) and 2) rank-based query (e.g., k-nearest-neighbor queries). These definitions provide users with an alternative to specify the maximum tolerance allowed in their answers. We further investigate how these definitions can be exploited in a distributed stream environment. We design adaptive filter algorithms that allow updates be dropped conditionally at the data stream sources without affecting the overall query correctness. Extensive experimental results show that our protocols reduce the use of network and energy resources significantly.  相似文献   

We consider a system where users wish to find similar users. To model similarity, we assume the existence of a set of queries, and two users are deemed similar if their answers to these queries are (mostly) identical. Technically, each user has a vector of preferences (answers to queries), and two users are similar if their preference vectors differ in only a few coordinates. The preferences are unknown to the system initially, and the goal of the algorithm is to classify the users into classes of roughly the same preferences by asking each user to answer the least possible number of queries. We prove nearly matching lower and upper bounds on the maximal number of queries required to solve the problem. Specifically, we present an “anytime” algorithm that asks each user at most one query in each round, while maintaining a partition of the users. The quality of the partition improves over time: for n users and time T, groups of [(O)\tilde](n/T)\tilde{O}(n/T) users with the same preferences will be separated (with high probability) if they differ in sufficiently many queries. We present a lower bound that matches the upper bound, up to a constant factor, for nearly all possible distances between user groups.  相似文献   

信息检索的效果很大程度上取决于用户能否输入恰当的查询来描述自身信息需求。很多查询通常简短而模糊,甚至包含噪音。查询推荐技术可以帮助用户提炼查询、准确描述信息需求。为了获得高质量的查询推荐,在大规模“查询-链接”二部图上采用随机漫步方法产生候选集合。利用摘要点击信息对候选列表进行重排序,使得体现用户意图的查询排在比较高的位置。最终采用基于学习的算法对推荐查询中可能存在的噪声进行过滤。基于真实用户行为数据的实验表明该方法取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

According to the specific requirements and interests of users, search engines select and display advertisements that match user needs and have higher probability of attracting users’ attention based on their previous search history. New objects such as user, advertisement or query cause a deterioration of precision in targeted advertising due to their lack of history. This article surveys this challenge. In the case of new objects, we first extract similar observed objects to the new object and then we use their history as the history of new object. Similarity between objects is measured based on correlation, which is a relation between user and advertisement when the advertisement is displayed to the user. This method is used for all objects, so it has helped us to accurately select relevant advertisements for users’ queries. In our proposed model, we assume that similar users behave in a similar manner. We find that users with few queries are similar to new users. We will show that correlation between users and advertisements’ keywords is high. Thus, users who pay attention to advertisements’ keywords, click similar advertisements. In addition, users who pay attention to specific brand names might have similar behaviours too.  相似文献   

With the popularization of data access and usage, an increasing number of users without expert knowledge of databases is required to perform data interactions. Often, these users face the challenges of writing and reformulating database queries, which consume a considerable amount of time and frequently yield unsatisfactory results. To facilitate this human–database interaction, researchers have investigated the Query By Example (QBE) paradigm in which database queries are (semi) automatically discovered from data examples given by users. This paradigm allows non-database experts to formulate queries without relying on complex query languages. In this context, this work aims to present a systematic review of the recent developments, open challenges, and research opportunities of the QBE reported in the literature. This work also describes strategies employed to leverage efficient example acquisition and query reverse engineering. The obtained results show that recent research developments have focused on enhancing the expressiveness of produced queries, minimizing user interaction, and enabling efficient query learning in the context of data retrieval, exploration, integration, and analytics. Our findings indicate that future research should concentrate efforts to provide innovative solutions to the challenges of improving controllability and transparency, considering diverse user preferences in the processes of learning personalized queries, ensuring data quality, and improving the support of additional SQL features and operators.  相似文献   

元数据驱动的个性化查询工具设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统查询定制工具只关注动态组合SQL语句,并没有关注与业务相关的实体,如用户、专业等。用户无法定制个性化的查询,企业不能对数据按专业、查询对象和用户等组织多维度、多专业的数据查询。为解决上述问题,提出了一个元数据驱动的个性化查询定制框架,用元数据描述用户需求和企业环境。用户通过个性定制工具,形成用户需求的元数据描述,查询引擎通过元数据读取用户需求,然后查询专业数据库并形成个性化界面。既有通用查询的通用数据接口,又有友好、个性化的用户接口,在油田企业信息集成中得到应用,并取得良好应用效果。  相似文献   

The paper proposes an adaptive web system—that is, a website that is capable of changing its original design to fit user requirements. For the purpose of improving shortcomings of the website, and also to make it much easier for users to access information, the system analyzes user browsing patterns from their access records. This paper concentrates on the operating-efficiency of a website—that is, the efficiency with which a group of users browse a website. By achieving high efficiency, users spend less operating cost to accomplish a desired user goal. Based on user access data, we analyze each user's operating activities as well as their browsing sequences. With this data, we can calculate a measure of the efficiency of the user's browsing sequences. The paper develops an algorithm to accurately calculate this efficiency and to suggest how to increase the efficiency of user operations. This can be achieved in two ways: (i) by adding a new link between two web pages, or (ii) by suggesting to designers to reconsider existing inefficient links so as to allow users to arrive at their target pages more quickly. Using this algorithm, we develop a prototype to prove the concept of efficiency. The implementation is an adaptive website system to automatically change the website architecture according to user browsing activities and to improve website usability from the viewpoint of efficiency.  相似文献   

在Web应用中,以XML为格式的信息查询通常会受到网络传输速度有限等因素的影响。为了减少XML的物化视图与其数据源之间的一致性维护中所需的网络数据传输开销,提出了一种面向远程的XML物化视图增量维护方法和系统框架。这种方法根据多用户的查询请求和数据源更新信息,生成视图维护程序代码,以程序代码的网络迁移代替XML视图的重复查询,有效地减少了网络数据传输量。介绍了物化视图增量维护的基本原理、系统框架以及设计实现思路。最后通过性能测试,说明这种增量维护系统能够有效地减少传输开销。  相似文献   

Thousands of users issue keyword queries to the Web search engines to find information on a number of topics. Since the users may have diverse backgrounds and may have different expectations for a given query, some search engines try to personalize their results to better match the overall interests of an individual user. This task involves two great challenges. First the search engines need to be able to effectively identify the user interests and build a profile for every individual user. Second, once such a profile is available, the search engines need to rank the results in a way that matches the interests of a given user. In this article, we present our work towards a personalized Web search engine and we discuss how we addressed each of these challenges. Since users are typically not willing to provide information on their personal preferences, for the first challenge, we attempt to determine such preferences by examining the click history of each user. In particular, we leverage a topical ontology for estimating a user’s topic preferences based on her past searches, i.e. previously issued queries and pages visited for those queries. We then explore the semantic similarity between the user’s current query and the query-matching pages, in order to identify the user’s current topic preference. For the second challenge, we have developed a ranking function that uses the learned past and current topic preferences in order to rank the search results to better match the preferences of a given user. Our experimental evaluation on the Google query-stream of human subjects over a period of 1 month shows that user preferences can be learned accurately through the use of our topical ontology and that our ranking function which takes into account the learned user preferences yields significant improvements in the quality of the search results.  相似文献   

Companies, government agencies, and other organizations are making their data available to the world over the Internet. They often use large online relational tables for this purpose. Users query such tables with front-ends that typically use menus or form fillin interfaces, but these interfaces rarely give users information about the contents and distribution of the data. Such a situation leads users to waste time and network/server resources posing queries that have zero- or mega-hit results. Generalized query previews enable efficient browsing of large online data tables by supplying data distribution information to users. The data distribution information provides continuous feedback about the size of the result set as the query is being formed. Our paper presents a new user interface architecture and discusses three controlled experiments (with 12, 16, and 48 participants). Our prototype systems provide flexible user interfaces for research and testing of the ideas. The user studies show that for exploratory querying tasks, generalized query previews can speed user performance for certain user domains and can reduce network/server load.  相似文献   

Information search and retrieval from a remote database (e.g., cloud server) involves a multitude of privacy issues. Submitted search terms and their frequencies, returned responses and order of their relevance, and retrieved data items may contain sensitive information about the users. In this paper, we propose an efficient multi-keyword search scheme that ensures users’ privacy against both external adversaries including other authorized users and cloud server itself. The proposed scheme uses cryptographic techniques as well as query and response randomization. Provided that the security and randomization parameters are appropriately chosen, both search terms in queries and returned responses are protected against privacy violations. The scheme implements strict security and privacy requirements that essentially disallow linking queries featuring identical search terms. We also incorporate an effective ranking capability in the scheme that enables user to retrieve only the top matching results. Our comprehensive analytical study and extensive experiments using both real and synthetic datasets demonstrate that the proposed scheme is privacy-preserving, effective, and highly efficient.  相似文献   

一种高性能流式并行加密算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络用户的数量持续增多和对安全需求的增长,以AES加密的方式对用户数据流进行加密保护得到了广泛的应用。对服务器而言,大量用户形成的数据流具有流速高和突发性强的特点,而传统的串行加密却效率低下,会造成服务失效或服务质量差,因此在目前普及的CPU+GPU异构环境的基础上,通过流水线方式组织并行AES加密,以提高加密的性能,并通过滑动窗口进行突发流量控制,以提供高质量的流加密服务。实验结果显示,所提出的异构环境下的流式AES并行加密算法能满足高速率突发性的用户数据流的流式加密的需求,提高了加密的处理速度并有效地控制了流量。  相似文献   

Distributed groupware systems provide computer support for manipulating objects such as a text document or a filesystem, shared by two or more geographically separated users. Data replication is a technology to improve performance and availability of data in distributed groupware systems. Indeed, each user has a local copy of the shared objects, upon which he may perform updates. Locally executed updates are then transmitted to the other users. This replication potentially leads, however, to divergent (i.e. different) copies. In this respect, Operational Transformation (OT) algorithms are applied for achieving convergence of all copies, i.e. all users view the same objects. Using these algorithms users can exchange their updates in any order since the convergence should be ensured in all cases. However, the design of such algorithms is a difficult and error-prone activity since building the correct updates for maintaining good convergence properties of the local copies requires examining a large number of situations. In this paper, we present the modelling and deductive verification of OT algorithms with algebraic specifications. We show in particular that many OT algorithms in the literature do not satisfy convergence properties unlike what was stated by their authors.  相似文献   

Privacy-Conscious Location-Based Queries in Mobile Environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In location-based services, users with location-aware mobile devices are able to make queries about their surroundings anywhere and at any time. While this ubiquitous computing paradigm brings great convenience for information access, it also raises concerns over potential intrusion into user location privacy. To protect location privacy, one typical approach is to cloak user locations into spatial regions based on user-specified privacy requirements, and to transform location-based queries into region-based queries. In this paper, we identify and address three new issues concerning this location cloaking approach. First, we study the representation of cloaking regions and show that a circular region generally leads to a small result size for region-based queries. Second, we develop a mobility-aware location cloaking technique to resist trace analysis attacks. Two cloaking algorithms, namely MaxAccu_Cloak and MinComm_Cloak, are designed based on different performance objectives. Finally, we develop an efficient polynomial algorithm for evaluating circular-region-based kNN queries. Two query processing modes, namely bulk and progressive, are presented to return query results either all at once or in an incremental manner. Experimental results show that our proposed mobility-aware cloaking algorithms significantly improve the quality of location cloaking in terms of an entropy measure without compromising much on query latency or communication cost. Moreover, the progressive query processing mode achieves a shorter response time than the bulk mode by parallelizing the query evaluation and result transmission.  相似文献   

In many decision-making scenarios, decision makers require rapid feedback to their queries, which typically involve aggregates. The traditional blocking execution model can no longer meet the demands of these users. One promising approach in the literature, called online aggregation, evaluates an aggregation query progressively as follows: as soon as certain data have been evaluated, approximate answers are produced with their respective running confidence intervals; as more data are examined, the answers and their corresponding running confidence intervals are refined. In this paper, we extend this approach to handle nested queries with aggregates (i.e., at least one inner query block is an aggregate query) by providing users with (approximate) answers progressively as the inner aggregation query blocks are evaluated. We address the new issues pose by nested queries. In particular, the answer space begins with a superset of the final answers and is refined as the aggregates from the inner query blocks are refined. For the intermediary answers to be meaningful, they have to be interpreted with the aggregates from the inner queries. We also propose a multi-threaded model in evaluating such queries: each query block is assigned to a thread, and the threads can be evaluated concurrently and independently. The time slice across the threads is nondeterministic in the sense that the user controls the relative rate at which these subqueries are being evaluated. For enumerative nested queries, we propose a priority-based evaluation strategy to present answers that are certainly in the final answer space first, before presenting those whose validity may be affected as the inner query aggregates are refined. We implemented a prototype system using Java and evaluated our system. Results for nested queries with a level and multiple levels of nesting are reported. Our results show the effectiveness of the proposed mechanisms in providing progressive feedback that reduces the initial waiting time of users significantly without sacrificing the quality of the answers. Received April 25, 2000 / Accepted June 27, 2000  相似文献   

Evaluating refined queries in top-k retrieval systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In many applications, users specify target values for certain attributes/features without requiring exact matches to these values in return. Instead, the result is typically a ranked list of "top k" objects that best match the specified feature values. User subjectivity is an important aspect of such queries, i.e., which objects are relevant to the user and which are not depends on the perception of the user. Due to the subjective nature of top-k queries, the answers returned by the system to an user query often do not satisfy the users need right away, either because the weights and the distance functions associated with the features do not accurately capture the users perception or because the specified target values do not fully capture her information need or both. In such cases, the user would like to refine the query and resubmit it in order to get back a better set of answers. While there has been a lot of research on query refinement models, there is no work that we are aware of on supporting refinement of top-k queries efficiently in a database system. Done naively, each "refined" query can be treated as a "starting" query and evaluated from scratch. We explore alternative approaches that significantly improve the cost of evaluating refined queries by exploiting the observation that the refined queries are not modified drastically from one iteration to another. Our experiments over a real-life multimedia data set show that the proposed techniques save more than 80 percent of the execution cost of refined queries over the naive approach and is more than an order of magnitude faster than a simple sequential scan.  相似文献   

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