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碳纳米管-碳纤维/水泥基材料微观结构和热电性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姚武  左俊卿  吴科如 《功能材料》2013,44(13):1924-1927,1931
研究了碳纳米管-碳纤维/水泥基材料的微观结构以及碳纳米管-碳纤维/水泥基材料升温与降温过程中的热电性能。实验结果表明,当水泥基材料中碳纳米管掺量较低时(碳纳米管掺量占水泥质量百分比不高于0.5%),碳纳米管能有效改善水泥基体性能,密实基体结构。在碳纤维水泥基材料中掺入碳纳米管能有效提高和改善复合材料热电性能;当碳纳米管掺量为水泥质量0.5%,水泥基材料热电势率最多能提高260%,达到22.6μV/℃。与此同时,碳纳米管掺入能增强热电效应中温差电动势与温差关系的线性规律和可逆性规律。  相似文献   

研究了水泥砂浆的抗压强度、抗折强度以及劈裂抗拉强度在固定硅灰掺量的条件下随着碳酸钙晶须掺量的变化关系,并以试验结果和微观形貌观察为基础探讨了碳酸钙晶须对水泥砂浆的增强增韧机理。  相似文献   

Review of the mechanical properties of carbon nanofiber/polymer composites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the mechanical properties of vapor grown carbon nanofiber (VGCNF)/polymer composites are reviewed. The paper starts with the structural and intrinsic mechanical properties of VGCNFs. Then the major factors (filler dispersion and distribution, filler aspect ratio, adhesion and interface between filler and polymer matrix) affecting the mechanical properties of VGCNF/polymer composites are presented. After that, VGCNF/polymer composite mechanical properties are discussed in terms of nanofibers dispersion and alignment, adhesion between the nanofiber and polymer matrix, and other factors. The influence of processing methods and processing conditions on the properties of VGCNF/polymer composite is also considered. At the end, the possible future challenges for VGCNF and VGCNF/polymer composites are highlighted.  相似文献   

Simulation of silica fume blended cement hydration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model is proposed in this paper to simulate silica fume (SF) blended cement hydration based on the kinetics, stoichiometry and physical chemistry of cement hydration and pozzolanic reaction. The pozzolanic reaction degree, volume fraction of hydration products, capillary porosity and gel porosity can be obtained from model simulation. By using proper amount of silica fume replacement, the microstructure of silica fume blended cement paste is improved since the volume fraction of C-S-H gel is increased, Ca(OH)2 content and capillary porosity are decreased due to pozzolanic reaction compared with ordinary Portland cement (OPC) paste. The effects of silica fume particle size, glass phase content and the percentage of silica fume replacement on pozzolanic reaction degree, volume fraction of hydration products, and capillary porosity are simulated. The simulation results show that finer silica fume particles with higher glass phase content (GP) are of higher reactivity. There is an optimum silica fume replacement; extra silica fume only acts as inert filler because there is no enough Ca(OH)2 from cement hydration to react with it pozzolanically.
Résumé Le modèle proposé dans cet article simule l'hydratation de ciment mélangé à de la fumée de silice et est basé sur la cinétique, la stoichiométrie et la physico-chimie de l'hydratation du ciment et la réaction pozzolanique. Le degré de réaction pozzolanique, la fraction volumique des produits de l'hydratation, la porosité capillaire et la porosité de gel peuvent être obtenues par un modèle de simulation. En utilisant la bonne quantité de remplacement de fumée de silice, la microstructure de la fumée de silice mélangée à la pate de ciment est améliorée étant donné que la fraction volumique du gel C-S-H augmente, que le taux de Ca(OH)2 et la porosité capillaire décroissent en raison de la réaction pozzolanique lorsque l'on compare avec une pate de ciment à base de Portland ordinaire (OPC). Les effets de la taille des particules de fumée de silice, le contenu de la phase de verre et le pourcentage de remplacement de fumée de silice sur le degré de réaction pozzolanique, la fraction volumique des produits d'hydratation et la porosité capillaire sont simulés. Les résultats de cette simulation montrent que de plus fines particules de fumée de silice avec une plus grande quantité de phase de verre (GP) sont de forte réactivité. Il existe un remplacement de fumée de silice optimal; de la fumée de silice en plus ne sert que de filler inerte car il n'y a pas assez de Ca(OH)2 à partir de l'hydratation du ciment pour provoquer une réaction pozzolanique

Epoxy nanocomposites of different content of carbon nanofibers up to 1 wt.% have been fabricated under room temperature and refrigerated curing conditions. The composites were studied in terms of mechanical and electrical properties. Flexural modulus and hardness were found to increase significantly in refrigerated samples due to prevention of aggregates of nanofibers during cure condition. Increase and shifting in G-band by Raman spectra of these samples confirmed stress transfer and reinforcement between epoxy matrix and carbon nanofiber. Electrical conductivity improved by 3–6 orders after infusing carbon nanofibers in insulating epoxy. Room temperature samples acquired higher conductivity that was attributed to network formation by aggregates of nanofibers along the fiber alignment direction as revealed by electron microscopic studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, two kinds of clay/carbon nanofiber hybrid sheets containing 0.05 wt% and 0.20 wt% of Cloisite Na+ clay, were fabricated through a high-pressure filtration system. These sheets were integrated onto the surface of laminated composites like traditional continuous fiber mats through vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding process. The fire performance of the laminated composites was evaluated with cone calorimeter tests under an external radiant heat flux of 50 kW/m2. Their residues were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy and thermal gravimetric analyses. It was found that the clay/nanofiber hybrid sheets survived on the combustion surface of composites and significantly reduced the heat release rate by 60.5%. The protective clay layer reduces the heat release rates and the nanofiber network reinforces the clay layer against the air bubbling and melt flow of the products degraded from the polymer resin. The clay/carbon nanofiber hybrid sheet combines the barrier and insulator effects of the clays with the re-emitting heat effect of carbon nanofibers on the combustion surface of composites.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity and morphology of injection molded polypropylene based composites containing two conductive fillers, carbon black (CB) and carbon fibers (CF) were studied. Injection moldings containing both, CB and CF, where the content of each filler was above its own percolation threshold, resulted in similar or lower values of overall composite volume resistivity compared with the resistivity of systems filled only with CB at the corresponding content. However, the resistivity of two-filler systems is always higher than the resistivity of systems filled only with CF at the corresponding content. The morphology and fiber length analysis of the injection molded composites are quite intriguing. Fiber orientation in the injection molded two-filler systems was found to be almost perpendicular to the melt flow direction, with no significant skin-core fiber orientation patterns, contrary to the typically observed fiber orientation in injection molded fiber filled composites. Moreover, the CF breakage in the presence of the CB was found more intense than when just CF is used, resulting in shorter fibers with narrower length distributions. This unexpected fiber behavior is responsible for the unexpected electrical behavior. However, the coexistence of CB and CF electrically conductive networks, supporting each other, was confirmed, in spite of the mechanical disturbances caused by the presence of fibrilar and particulate fillers.  相似文献   

Carbon nanofiber (CNF) reinforced epoxy matrix nanocomposites and CNF reinforced glass hollow particle filled syntactic foams are studied for electrical properties. The effect of CNF weight fraction, hollow particle volume fraction, and hollow particle wall thickness on impedance and dielectric constant are characterized. The results show that the impedance decreases and the dielectric constant increases with increasing CNF content in the composites. Nanocomposites containing 10 wt.% CNFs showed significantly higher dielectric constant because of the presence of a continuous network of CNFs in the composite. CNF reinforced syntactic foams showed higher dielectric constant than the neat resin. The CNF content had a more prominent effect on the dielectric constant than the glass hollow particle volume fraction and wall thickness. The Maxwell–Garnett and the Jayasundere–Smith models are modified to include the effect of hollow particle wall thickness and obtain predictions of dielectric constants of syntactic foams. The semi-empirical predictions obtained from Maxwell–Garnett models are closer to the experimental values. Lightweight syntactic foams, tailored for electrical properties, can be useful in electronic packaging applications.  相似文献   

A novel phenolic resin/silica hybrid ceramer fabricated via the sol-gel method was prepared. Hybrid systems with different inorganic contents were used as the matrix precursors to fabricate the silica containing carbon/carbon composites. Isothermal oxidation tests at temperatures ranging between 650°C and 750°C were employed to investigate how the oxidation resistance of the derived carbon/carbon composites is improved. Furthermore, the isothermal oxidation test results between 550°C and 615°C were used to calculate the activation energy of oxidation. Experimental results demonstrate that the silica containing carbon/carbon composites have a better oxidation resistance than those derived from pure phenolic resins. Meanwhile, morphological observations indicate that the oxidation of carbon fibers is retarded in the phenolic resin/silica hybrid derived carbon/carbon composites.  相似文献   

The effects of carbon nanofibers (CNF) on the performance of three- or more phase composites are complicated. CNFs formulated into wood flour (WF)/maleated polypropylene (MAPP)/polypropylene (PP) composites by high shear blending alone improved flexural properties. Addition of an extrusion step after high shear blending enhanced CNF dispersion and improved the composites’ flexural moduli, but in these systems CNF did not contribute to flexural property enhancement. The addition of 1.0 wt% CNF to WF/MAPP/PP by high shear blending followed by extrusion did not affect either the WF dispersion or WF/PP adhesion. The adhesion between WF and PP/MAPP matrix was good (SEM), but CNF adhesion to the PP/MAPP matrix was poor.  相似文献   

Several varieties of vapor-grown carbon nanofiber with diameters under 200 nm and conically shaped graphene planes canted with respect to the longitudinal fiber axis are available. Because of the strong inter-fiber bonding, compounding these fibers with polymeric resins demands some care. Therefore, fabrication of nanofiber composites has led to variable and occasionally disappointing electrical conductivity and tensile strength. In the following paper we review the published data for vapor-grown carbon nanofiber (VGCNF) composites and show that the best results, achieved with satisfactory dispersion, are consistent with each other and with calculation. With careful preparation techniques, composite tensile strength and modulus of more than triple that of the neat resin can be achieved with 15 vol% fibers. Electrical conductivity can be achieved with less than 1/2 vol% fiber loading, while above 15 vol% loading resistivities near 0.1 Ω cm are possible. Excellent compressive strength and thermal conductivity can also be achieved.  相似文献   

Nanofiber-matrix adhesion was studied after surface treating carbon nanofibers using a variety of methods. Among as-grown fibers, those produced with longer gas phase feedstock residence times were less graphitic but adhered to the polypropylene matrix better, giving improved tensile strength and modulus. A modest degree of oxidation was also found to increase adhesion to the matrix and increase composite tensile strength, while extended oxidation attacked the fibers sufficiently to decrease composite properties. Two chemical treatments were found to be ineffective in increasing tensile strength or modulus.  相似文献   

Organic–inorganic composites with nanostructure could exhibit a diverse range of multi-functional properties. In this study, nafion/silica composite nanofibers were successfully fabricated by using electrospinning technique with nafion coated surface. The tunable wettability of composite nanofiber was controlled by addition of nafion or flame-treatment. The thermal stability of nafion has been improved as it hybridized with silica nanofiber. Interestingly, the hydrophobic behavior still existed after heat-treatment with 500 °C for 2 h. The fire resistant property of composite nanofiber has been characterized. The effect of nafion polymer and post treatment on the morphology and wettability of composite nanofiber was evaluated. The mechanism of formation of nafion/silica composite nanofiber during electrospinning process has been proposed. The results of this study improve the understanding of the structure rearrange in organic–inorganic sols during high voltage field.  相似文献   

This paper examines the microstructure of composite materials containing fibrous wastes (as reinforcement in granulated blast furnace slag or ordinary Portland cement matrices). Both secondary and back-scattered electron imaging and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy were used for compositional analysis. Evaluation of both fractured and cut surfaces provided the morphological and bonding information that was related to mechanical performance obtained from flexural tests. Sisal and Eucalyptus grandis pulps showed satisfactory bonding to the cement matrix, with fibre pullout predominating as indicated by high values of energy absorption. In contrast banana pulp reinforced composites exhibited fibre fracture as the main failure mechanism. In all analysed composites, partial fibre debonding and matrix micro-cracking were dominant at the interfaces. However, there was no evidence of a porous transition zone or massive concentration of calcium hydroxide at the interface.  相似文献   

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) resin has been compounded with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using a twin-screw extruder. The composites of 4 wt% CNTs in PET had a volume electrical resistance of 103 Ω cm, which was 12 orders lower than pure PET. The volume electrical conductivity of CNTs/PET composites with different CNTs containing followed a percolation scaling law of the form σ = κ(ρ  ρc)t well. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrograph showed that CNTs had been well dispersed in PET matrix. Optical microscopy micrograph showed that discontinuity of conductive phase existed in some segments of composite fiber. Rheological behavior of CNTs/PET composites showed that the viscosity of CNTs/PET composites containing high nanotube loadings exhibited a large decrease with increasing shear frequency. Crystallization behavior of CNTs/PET composites was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the nucleating effect of CNTs in the cooling crystallization process of PET was confirmed. Composite fiber was prepared using the conductive CNTs/PET composites and pure PET resin by composite spinning process. Furthermore, cloth was woven by the composite fiber and common terylene with the ratio 1:3. The cloth had excellent anti-static electricity property and its charge surface density was only 0.25 μC/m2.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of hybrid fabrics in pultruded cement composites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work concerns the tensile properties of cement-based hybrid composites manufactured as: (i) sandwich composites that combine different layers of single fabric types; and (ii) hybrid composites, made from several yarn types within the same fabric. Hybrid combinations of low-modulus fabrics of polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP) and high-modulus AR glass or aramid fabrics were prepared by the pultrusion process and tested in tension. Influence of pultrusion direction on the results was one of the parameters studied. It was found that hybrid composites made from PE and AR glass sustain strains better than 100% AR glass composites, and are stronger than a single PE fabric composite. A hybrid fabric composites made with combination of high strength–high cost aramid and low stiffness–low cost PP yarns performed better than a single aramid fabric composite relative to their reinforcing volume contents. Results show that making hybrid composites is an attractive option for cement-based elements. The performance of hybrid fabric composites is also influenced by the arrangement of fabric layers in the laminates. Composites with brittle and relatively strong fabrics (glass) at the mid-section and ductile fabrics (PE) near the surfaces of the composite performed better in tension than composites with the opposite arrangement.  相似文献   

《Composites Part B》2004,35(3):245-249
Single wall carbon nanotubes, multiwall carbon nanotubes, as well as carbon nanofibers (CNF) are being used for reinforcing polymer matrices. In this study, poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) nanocomposites have been processed by melt blending, containing two different grades (PR-21-PS and PR-24-PS) of CNF manufactured by Applied Sciences Inc. The amount of nanofibers used was 5 and 10% by weight, respectively. The PMMA/CNF composites were processed into 4 mm diameter rods and 60 μm diameter fibers using the small-scale melt processing fiber spinning equipment. At 5 wt% CNF, composite rods as well as fibers show over 50% improvement in axial tensile modulus as compared to the control PMMA rod and fibers, respectively. The reinforcement efficiency decreased at 10 wt% CNFs. The PMMA/CNF nanocomposite fibers also show enhanced thermal stability, significantly reduced shrinkage and enhanced modulus retention with temperature, as well as improved compressive strength. CNF reinforcement efficiency has been analyzed using the modified Cox model.  相似文献   

Carbon nanofiber (CNF) reinforced elastomer composites with light weight, sustainability of large deformation, chemical stability, corrosion and fatigue resistance, and vibration and noise reduction capability can have positive impact on a wide range of applications. However, this type of composite is still a under studied research area due to the difficulties in material handling and processing. To improve processing control and reproducibility for large scale engineering applications, cost effective carbon nanofibers (CNFs) in form of interconnected porous network structure were used as nanofillers. Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon nanofibers reinforced polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) have been studied. Mechanical measurements on the composites show that the CNF-PDMS interfacial bonding can be until failure, interfacial debonding happens in the CNF-PDMS composites and the resulted permanent deformation stabilizes with increasing load-unload cycles with significant energy dissipation.  相似文献   

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