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本文采用现场调查、试验分析、数值模型分析等方法,根据相关规范要求,对某砖混结构营房进行抗震性能鉴定,为既有营房抗震鉴定和加固提供一定的参考和借鉴。经现场调查分析,该营房存在局部钢筋锈蚀、混凝土酥松剥落等结构性损坏现象,应进行加固修复处理;按照B类建筑(后续使用年限40年)进行抗震鉴定,该营房部分抗震措施和首层部分墙段的抗震承载力均不满足相关规范的要求,应进行抗震加固处理。  相似文献   

正阿姆斯特丹的迪默丹堡(Fort Diemerdam)——这道历史上著名的防线最近被列入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录。现存的碉堡和要塞警卫室、原先规划的斜坡和据点均得以修复,自然保护计划也已启动。Emma Architecten建筑事务所在这片区域内设计了全新的文化中心,使堡垒重焕生机,在这里游客们得以了解阿姆斯特丹防线的历史,同时,庭院区域与公共活动完美融合在一起,可以满足露天剧场,讲座和音乐演奏的需要。  相似文献   

正文化中心项目的核心在于对旧军事兵营的改造,这些营房是前La Maestranza炮兵营区的一部分,其中也包含了道伊斯和贝拉尔德的营房。设计希望尊重原有建筑的基本几何关系,新的结构系统将老建筑中现存的桁架与金属柱解放出来,将老建筑内部清空并完成了其他新增室内空间的营造。梯形的平面布局、建筑外部使用的砖墙立面与  相似文献   

翟盼盼 《风景园林》2013,(1):104-109
2012年5月的一周内,在环法旅游活动(Detourde France)期间,街道文化活动组织协会(Vivre la rue,简称VLR)邀请廓勒科狄夫建筑师事务所在圣马罗维勒弗朗什区的布雷斯特设计一块建筑用地。VLR协会成立于1989年,致力于保护和修复圣马罗的街道。这个协会组织了很多文化活动和公开的修复工作室。  相似文献   

1993年6月7日上午,贵池市公安消防中队营房内像往日一洋紧张而又繁忙:留守在营房内的七八名捎防官兵正在进行快速登高强化训练.值班室内.战士刘璃进正机警地守候在火警电话机旁。  相似文献   

本文以现存的清代开封城墙为调查对象,首先针对城墙墙体保存现状进行评估,分析城墙破坏因素;其次对城墙附属文化遗存碉堡、防空洞进行调查研究,分析其保存现状与使用功能;再次对城墙周边环境进行深入调查,分段剖析不利环境因素对城墙整体风貌造成的影响;最后,对开封城墙保护利用提出针对性建议。  相似文献   

张睿  陈强 《山西建筑》2005,31(6):174-175
论述了营房经济的概念及内容,从营房建设时期的经济和使用时期的经济两方面论述了军队营房建设的相关经济问题.提出经济问题贯穿营房工作的始终,必须加以重视。  相似文献   

对新时期部队营房建设中存在的一系列问题进行了分析,针对营房建设忽视结构成本、隐蔽、防护等现象,从可持续营房建设、配套设施建设、资源能源合理利用等角度提出了营房建设的建议,为军队营房的建设提供了思路。  相似文献   

苏铁类植物是现存最古老的裸子植物,起源于大约3.2亿年前的古生代石炭纪,到侏罗纪时达到鼎盛,和拟苏铁类植物、银杏、球果类植物一起成为当时地球植被的主宰。之后大部分种类相继灭绝,只有少数种类繁衍至令成为“活化石”,零星分布于热带和亚热带地区。现存苏铁类植物全世界仅存3科(蕨铁科、泽米铁科、苏铁科)、11属、  相似文献   

随着我国军事化水平逐渐提升,综合国力不断提高,我国对于部队营房建设工程的投入越来越大,为了满足部队营房建设的现代化要求,必须认真对部队营房建设的相关内容进行积极探讨。在我国的部队营房建设管理中还存在一系列问题,这些问题不利于部队营房建设管理水平的提升,因此,本文针对部队营房建设管理中存在的问题进行了深入分析,以期能够提高部队营房建设管理水平。  相似文献   

The potential exists for human exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other contaminants originating from abandoned Mid-Canada Radar Line (MCRL) sites in sub-arctic Canada. We examined patterns of differences with respect to body burden of organochlorines (lipid-adjusted) between residents of the Ontario First Nations of Fort Albany (the site of MCRL Site 050) and Kashechewan (no radar base) and Hamilton (an industrial, southern Ontario community) to assess whether the presence of Site 050 influenced organochlorine body burden with respect to the people of Fort Albany. PCBs (Aroclor 1260 and summation operator14 PCBs congeners [CBs]) and DDE in the plasma of Fort Albany and Kashechewan subjects were elevated relative to Hamilton participants. PCB and DDE-plasma levels in First Nation women were of comparable magnitude to those reported for Inuit women living in the west/central Northwest Territories. Significantly lower DDE/DDT ratios observed for Fort Albany indicates exposure to higher levels of DDT compared to Kashechewan. The probable source of DDT exposure for Fort Albany people is the DDT-contaminated soil surrounding buildings of Site 050. The results of the correspondence analysis (CA) indicated that people from Hamilton had relatively higher pesticides and lower CB body burdens, while people from Fort Albany and Kashechewan exhibited relatively higher CBs and lower pesticide levels (CA-1). The separation of Fort Albany and Kashechewan from Hamilton was also clear using questionnaire data (i.e., plotting dietary principal component [PC]-1 scores against PC-2); PC-1 was correlated with the consumption of a traditional diet. Separation of Kashechewan and Albany residents occurred because the people of Kashechewan ate more traditional meats and consumed shorebirds. Only one significant relationship was found between PC analysis and contaminant loadings; PC-1 versus CA-3 for Kashechewan. The presence of Site 050 on Anderson Island appears to have influenced organochlorine body burden of the people of Fort Albany. ANCOVA results revealed that it was not activity on Anderson Island that was important, but activity on Site 050 was the influential variable. When these results are considered with the DDE/DDT ratio data and the CB 187 results (Fort Albany and Kashechewan residents differed significantly), the findings are suggestive that Site 050 did influence organochlorine body burden of people from Fort Albany.  相似文献   

This study examined trace metal levels in scalp hair taken from 122 children and 27 adult residents of three small northern Alberta (Canada) Indian villages, one of which is situated close to the world's first tar sands oil extraction plants. The three communities studied were: Fort McKay (the exposed village), Fort Chipewyan (also in the tar sands ecosystem but distant from the plants), and Garden River (not in the tar sands ecosystem).Inductively coupled argon plasma emission spectroscopy was used to determine hair sample metal content. Nineteen metals were included in data analysis. Children from Fort McKay had the highest average hair lead, cadmium and nickel levels. Chromium levels were approximately equal in hair from Fort McKay and Garden River children, and significantly elevated above levels found in the hair of Fort Chipewyan children. Children from Garden River showed highest hair levels of eight metals: vanadium, aluminum, iron, manganese, barium, zinc, magnesium and calcium. Fort Chipewyan children had the highest hair levels of copper, but the lowest levels of all other metals.Among adults, hair lead, nickel and cadmium levels were highest in Fort McKay residents, while phosphorous and vanadium were highest in hair from Garden River residents.Bioaccumulation of lead, cadmium, nickel and chromium in hair from Fort McKay residents may be related to exposure to extraction plant pollution. Plant stack emissions are known to contain appreciable amounts of lead, nickel and chromium. Spills into the Athabasca River, until recently the source of Fort McKay drinking water, have been reported from plant wastewater holding ponds, known to contain elevated levels of lead, nickel and cadmium. An increased number of significant metal—metal correlations in hair metal levels for Fort McKay children suggests a richer source of multiple metal exposure, relative to children in the other two communities.  相似文献   

随着福建土楼被列入"世界文化遗产",人们开始关注集中在闽中地区的福建土堡,据初步考察,一些地方的文博工作者认为土堡堪称"土楼之母"。福建土堡具有独特的空间形态、精湛的建筑技艺和深厚的文化底蕴。本文选择尤溪县茂荆堡作为个案研究对象,对其进行了详细的测绘,结合文献研究和实态访谈,分别从茂荆堡的自然环境、建筑空间和传统文化等方面进行深入研究,展示出与福建土楼完全不同的一种更为古老的防御性传统民居类型。  相似文献   

黄惠颖 《福建建筑》2014,(12):35-37
福建土堡是在福建山区土生土长、独一无二的一种防御性民居,具有构筑奇特、防御性强及文化内涵丰富等特点。目前为止,福建土堡的保护与利用现状令人堪忧,本文从福建土堡的研究、保护与利用概况三方面进行现有研究成果的综述,并且在研究对象、研究框架和研究方法上提出福建土堡保护与利用研究更深层次的前景展望。  相似文献   

薛力 《建筑师》2009,(6):41-54
青水福临堡是福建永安的大型土堡。它是典型的防卫性集合型民居。土堡由核心祭祀性主房、中层生活性围屋以及外圈防御性围墙这三部分组成,具有圈层放射和轴线发展的双重特点。其形制来源于对防卫的需要和当地的建筑传统。与附近的其他土堡比较.福临堡均质规整.更接近土楼。  相似文献   

为今天手工制作一个故事Raas酒店位于拉贾斯坦邦焦特布尔城寨中心、在梅兰加尔堡基础上的一块0.6hm2(1.5英亩)的独特地段上。设计任务是要在焦特布尔的老城区里打造一家39间客房的奢华精品酒店。  相似文献   

吴隽宇  朱榴奕 《风景园林》2022,29(5):110-115
景观考古视角下的遗址景观动态研究为大遗址保护与活化提供了理论基础,对优化和提升大遗址管理水平有着重要意义。选取广东省虎门炮台为例,通过古籍研读、实地踏勘等方法,从遗址本体和社会环境2个角度梳理炮台遗址的景观演变历程,从历史文化、选址布局、生态环境、基本形制4个方面挖掘遗址的整体性特征和价值,进而提出虎门炮台可从统筹发展、考古优先、协调环境、有效展示、统一管理5个层次优化管理服务水平,从而为广东省海防大遗址的保护与活化提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

胡英娜  张玉坤 《华中建筑》2006,24(11):98-101
里坊制度曾是我国城市与农村规划的基本组织单位,随着时代的发展而逐渐消失,但经过调查与分析.作者认为在许多乡村聚落里至今仍有里坊制度的遗存该文通过分析山西介休市张壁古堡的形态格局与隐含其中的管理制度,发现其具有类似里坊制度的形态模式,进而将里坊与张壁古堡的结构模式进行详细地对比与分析.从多方面论证了这一观点,与此同时进一步阐述了张壁古堡中里坊制度遗存至夸的原因.从而揭示其村落营造中的里坊文化。  相似文献   

The abundance and types of yeasts in the wet and dry sand of three recreational beaches in South Florida were determined. Samples were collected on 17 occasions between August 2001 and July 2002. After analyzing 102 sand samples, a total of 21 yeast species were identified by molecular methods. These isolates comprised four Basidiomycetes and 17 Ascomycetes and included eight species that had previously been reported from humans. The most frequently encountered yeasts were Candida tropicalis and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. A greater diversity of species (16 species) was found in the dry sand above the high tide mark compared with the wet sand in the intertidal zone (11 species). Densities were also highest in the dry sand relative to wet sand (20-fold higher at Hobie beach, 6-fold higher at Fort Lauderdale Beach and 1.3-fold higher at Hollywood beach). There were no clear temporal patterns in the data and overall densities were greatest at the busiest bathing beach (Hobie Beach) where total yeasts averaged 37,720 cfu 100g(-1) dry sand and 1852 cfu 100 g(-1) in the wet sand. This concentration of yeast was significantly higher than populations at the less populated beaches. Fort Lauderdale beach had a mean count of 4130 cfu 100 g(-1) dry sand and 705 cfu 100g(-1) in the wet sand while the least populated beach, Hollywood Beach averaged 1945 cfu 100g(-1) dry sand and 1483 cfu 100g(-1) wet sand. While definitive statements cannot be made, high levels of yeasts may have a deleterious bearing on human health and the presence of such a diverse aggregation of species suggests that yeasts could have a role as indicators of beach health.  相似文献   

陈运合 《福建建筑》2014,(6):22-24,70
福建闽中土堡作为中国传统防御性乡土建筑的一种形式,是中华民族的先民在历史长河中营造实践的结晶。本文把尤溪县聚奎堡作为研究对象,通过对其因地制宜的布局形式、独特得建筑造型、独具匠心的防御体系以及富有层次的空间变化,来展示土堡建筑独特的文化底蕴和艺术内涵,并提出传统闽中土堡建筑作为一种宝贵的历史遗存,势必要得到保护和继承,创造适应于现代生活的环境,延续文脉,弘扬地域特色。  相似文献   

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