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In this paper, we consider progressive image transmission over differentially space‐time coded orthogonal frequency‐division multiplexing (OFDM) systems and treat the problem as one of optimal joint source‐channel coding (JSCC) in the form of unequal error protection (UEP), as necessitated by embedded source coding (e.g., SPIHT and JPEG 2000). We adopt a product channel code structure that is proven to provide powerful error protection and employ low‐complexity decision‐feedback decoding for differentially space‐time coded OFDM without assuming channel state information. For a given SNR, the BER performance of the differentially space‐time coded OFDM system is treated as the channel condition in the JSCC/UEP design via a fast product code optimization algorithm so that the end‐to‐end quality of reconstructed images is optimized in the average minimum MSE sense. Extensive image transmission experiments show that SNR/BER improvements can be translated into quality gains in reconstructed images. Moreover, compared to another non‐coherent detection algorithm, i.e., the iterative receiver based on expectation‐maximization algorithm for the space‐time coded OFDM systems, differentially space‐time coded OFDM systems suffer some quality loss in reconstructed images. With the efficiency and simplicity of decision‐feedback differential decoding, differentially space‐time coded OFDM is thus a feasible modulation scheme for applications such as wireless image over mobile devices (e.g., cell phones). Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Novel closed-form upper bounds on the error performance of coded modulation systems over fast-fading multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channels are obtained for two different space-time schemes: direct transmission and orthogonal space-time block codes. The concept of the distance spectrum for associated space-time codes is developed and used to derive the bounds which can be calculated readily through polynomial expansion. Comparison of the bounds for the two systems indicates the performance of direct transmission is superior. Comparison with simulation results shows that the bounds are tight and useful for benchmarking the practical iterative decoding process.  相似文献   

张静  鄷广增 《通信学报》2006,27(5):90-94
在频率选择性信道下给出了单载波频域均衡系统结合空时分组编码传输基于训练序列的最优信道估计算法。由于选取具有恒幅特性的Chu序列作为训练序列,因此这一算法能够实现信道估计的最小均方误差,并作了理论证明。最后,对本方案的性能进行了仿真比较,仿真的结果证实了本方案的优点。  相似文献   

This letter proposes a hybrid use of channel codes in wireless systems employing multiple transmit/multiple receive antennas. We concatenate space-time codes (STCs) serially with low-density parity check (LDPC) codes and turbo codes. We show that by using these powerful coding schemes effectively, substantial performance improvements can be achieved. This is motivated by the need for a scheme that gives promising performance even when no training is available. The proposed scheme results in a desirable trade-off between performance and complexity.  相似文献   

Bit-interleaved coded differential space-time modulation for transmission over spatially correlated Ricean flat fading channels is discussed. For improved noncoherent detection without channel state information at the receiver, iterative decoding employing hard-decision feedback and prediction-based metric computation is applied. The performance is assessed based on the associated cutoff rate, analytical expressions for the bit error rate and the outage probability, respectively and simulations. It is shown that the proposed scheme offers high power efficiency exploiting both space and time diversity, while the computational complexity is kept at a relatively low level.  相似文献   

Bit-interleaved space-time coded modulation (BI-STC), which combines serial concatenation of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) with space-time block codes, can effectively exploit the available diversity in space and time under various fading conditions. In this letter, we propose to use iterative decoding to further improve the performance of BI-STC by exploiting the concatenating structure of the codes. The decoding metric is therefore modified to fit for the iterative process, and the derived error bounds suggest that set-partition labeling instead of gray labeling should be used when considering iterative decoding.  相似文献   

Decoding of space-time codes in frequency-selective fading channels is considered. The approach is based on iterative soft-in soft-out equalization and decoding. It is applicable to space-time coded systems that deploy symbol/bit interleavers. We focus on the equalization stage by extending the Ungerboeck equalizer formulation to a multiple-input multiple-output time-variant channel. The resulting structure comprises a bank of matched filters, followed by an a posteriori probabilities calculator that runs the Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv/maximum a posteriori algorithm with an appropriate metric. Simulation results are reported for space-time bit-interleaved codes designed over the enhanced data rates for GSM evolution (EDGE) air interface.  相似文献   

A DC offset compensated variable rate variable power (VRVP) adaptive modulation (AM) MIMO system with perfect channel state information is introduced. By this approach, BER degradation of AM MIMO due to DC offset is removed considerably. This technique provides a good trade-off between BER and average spectral efficiency (ASE) and increases the robustness of the system relative to DC offset.  相似文献   

任爱锋  殷勤业  罗铭 《通信学报》2005,26(7):114-118
基于子空间方法的无线信道盲估计由于其算法的固有特性,使得估计结果与实际信道之间存在一个不确定复系数,无法得到无线信道的精确估计。在利用子空间分解方法对空时编码多输入多输出MC-CDMA系统下行频率选择性信道盲估计的基础上,利用发射符号的有限码集特性,将单载波系统下的模糊复系数盲辨识方法推广到多载波多输入多输出系统,从而得到信道的精确估计。Monte-Carlo仿真表明,在信噪比较低的情况下,本方法的信道估计误差仍然较小。  相似文献   

张钟琴  徐昌庆 《信息技术》2005,29(11):72-75
研究在发射端和接收端两端都分布有散射体的情况下基于OFDM的MIMO信道容量,推导了归一化信道功率情形下信道容量的上限,分析了各种参数对容量的影响,仿真结果表明:MIMO-OFDM信道容量不仅受到天线数目的限制,同时还受到延时扩展、簇角度扩展、相邻天线间距等因素的影响。  相似文献   

From theory to practice: an overview of MIMO space-time coded wireless systems   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
This paper presents an overview of progress in the area of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) space-time coded wireless systems. After some background on the research leading to the discovery of the enormous potential of MIMO wireless links, we highlight the different classes of techniques and algorithms proposed which attempt to realize the various benefits of MIMO including spatial multiplexing and space-time coding schemes. These algorithms are often derived and analyzed under ideal independent fading conditions. We present the state of the art in channel modeling and measurements, leading to a better understanding of actual MIMO gains. Finally, the paper addresses current questions regarding the integration of MIMO links in practical wireless systems and standards.  相似文献   

Abstract-Channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter can be used to adapt transmission rate or antenna gains in multi-antenna systems. We propose a rate-adaptive M-QAM scheme equipped with orthogonal space-time block coding with simple outdated, finite-rate feedback over independent flat fading channels. We obtain closed-form expressions for the average BER and throughput for our scheme, and analyze the effects of possibly delayed feedback on the performance gains. We derive optimal switching thresholds maximizing the average throughput under average and outage BER constraints with outdated feedback. Our numerical results illustrate the immunity of our optimal thresholds to delayed feedback.  相似文献   

朱程  杨菲  张翠芳 《信息技术》2007,31(3):70-72,78
在空时系统设计中,信道估计是一个关键技术。对一种基于空时分组码的盲信道估计算法进行了研究。在信道输出端进行子空间分解,如果信号子空间是由信道唯一决定的,那么信道参数可被唯一估计为一个常数。提出的算法是基于空时分组码的普通形式,因此可被应用于任何分组码。最后,仿真结果显示了一些特定码字的估计效果。  相似文献   

Practically, the maximum transmission power of transmission systems is limited. This power constraint causes the variable power control derived from no maximum power limitation suffering from performance degradation. In this paper, a constrained variable‐power adaptive M‐ary quadrature amplitude modulation scheme for MIMO systems with space–time coding is developed. Convex optimization is used to derive the switching thresholds of the instantaneous signal‐to‐noise ratio for power control (PC) and adaptive modulation under the constraints of maximum power, average power, and target BER. In the derivation of the relation between modulation and power, the exact BER expression of binary phase shift keying modulation and a tight bound for higher order quadrature amplitude modulation are used to make the PC scheme fulfill the target BER even at low signal‐to‐noise ratio where the previous PC schemes fail to meet the target BER. Numerical results show that the derived control scheme under the power constraints can obtain the spectrum efficiency and BER performance close to the previous control scheme without power limitation. Moreover, it can satisfy the requirements of power limitation and target BER and can effectively avoid the excessive power consumption of previous PC scheme in poor channel condition. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a joint channel estimation and detection method of space-time trellis codes (STTC) in the context of an unknown flat fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel. A combined state-space model for the space-time code and the Rayleigh fading MIMO channel is introduced, in order to use deterministic particle filtering at the receiver side. An important feature of the proposed method is that the fading rate need not be known to the receiver. Monte-Carlo simulations show that the performances of the proposed scheme are close to decoding with perfect channel state information (CSI) using the Viterbi algorithm (VA).  相似文献   

Recently, Eyuboglu (1988) has shown that adaptive noise-predictive decision-feedback equalization (DFE) can be combined with coded modulation to achieve high-speed data transmission by periodic interleaving. In this paper, we present a new method of adaptive DFE with periodic interleaving for coded modulation systems. The method is an improved version of that proposed by Eyuboglu, where the deinterleaving operation is performed on a vector-by-vector basis, instead of a sample-by-sample basis. Unlike the original system in which the linear equalizer's coefficients can be adjusted only with hard decisions from the threshold detector, the improved structure updates the coefficients of both the linear equalizer and the noise predictor based on soft decisions from the most likely path in the soft decoder. The improved system achieves better error-rate performance than the original with a little increase in hardware complexity. As compared to another improved design reported by Zhou et al. (1990), the new structure also gains advantages in error-rate performance, hardware complexity, and throughput delay  相似文献   

Based on the special features of space-time coding (STC) and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), it is mathematically proved that all channel responses of a multiple-input-multiple-output STC-OFDM system can be identified blindly subject to two ambiguity matrices with a subspace-based method. A method is then presented to resolve the two ambiguity matrices by using few pilot symbols. With the estimated channels, a frequency domain approach is presented to recover the transmitted symbols. The presented semiblind algorithms are valid even if the channel transfer functions are not coprime and do not require precise channel order information (only an upper bound for the orders is required).  相似文献   

We design an optimal linear precoder for a space-time coded system assuming knowledge of only the transmit antenna fading correlations. Assuming a flat fading channel and a maximum-likelihood receiver, we show that the linear precoder transmits power on the eigenmodes of the transmit antenna correlation matrix. The power allocation on the eigenmodes is a form of waterpouring policy. Simulation results are presented to show performance improvement on a space-time coded system  相似文献   

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