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Having the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) as a starting point, this study examined the effect of the various leaching parameters on the leaching of Pb and Cd from cementitious wastes. Using modified TCLP procedures, the parameters investigated were the acid concentration, leaching duration, particle size of the crushed waste, liquid to solid ratio, and the acid type. The main finding was that the final leachate pH controls the leachability of metals due to its influence on their solubility. The high alkalinity of cementitious waste buffers the leachate at a pH where most metals become insoluble. The TCLP was found to result in an unrealistic condition for cementitious wastes due to the high resultant leachate pH.  相似文献   

This paper presents a characterization methodology for vapor-injection scroll compressors (SCVI). An SCVI was characterized in a modified calorimetric test bench, which is able to control the intermediate pressure and the injection superheat independently. Based on the characterization results, the injection mass flow rate was correlated with the intermediate pressure through a linear expression, and a modified AHRI polynomial was proposed to estimate the compressor power input. The correlations were used in a simple model to predict the intermediate conditions of the SCVI installed in a heat pump prototype with an economizer. The deviations obtained for the evaporator mass flow rate, injection mass flow rate, intermediate pressure, and compressor power input were lower than 5% in all cases. The proposed methodology allows evaluating SCVI in a wide range of operating conditions, being only dependent on compressor characteristics and totally independent of the system in which it is installed.  相似文献   

An experimental methodology is proposed to evaluate the thermal shock resistance of ceramics. A technique based on infrared heating has been developed to perform systematic and well controlled thermal shock experiments. This novel technique was used to evaluate the resistance of yttria-stabilized zirconia–alumina foams to thermal loads. Foams of varying cell sizes were subjected to thermal shock and the damage was evaluated using retained strength and non-destructive elastic modulus measurements. The transient thermal gradients and the resulting thermoelastic stresses in the foams were predicted using finite element analysis and the extent of damage was correlated to the maximum thermal strains generated in foams.  相似文献   

A natural vermiculite has been modified with titanium and sulfated by the intercalation and impregnation method in order to optimize the acidity of the clay mineral, and characterization of samples were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption isotherms, diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and temperature programmed desorption with ammonia (TPD-NH3). All the modified solids have a significantly higher number of acidic sites with respect to the parent material and in all of these, Brönsted as well as Lewis acidity are identified. The presence of sulfate appears not to increase the number of acidic centers in the modified clay. For the materials sulfated with the intercalation method, it is observed that the strength of the acidic sites found in the material increases with the nominal sulfate/metal ratio. Nevertheless, when elevated quantities of sulfur are deposited, diffusion problems in the heptane reaction appear.  相似文献   

This paper aims to devise a new methodology for evaluating water conservation programs based on expert computer knowledge-based systems and fuzzy set analyses. Computer-programmed surveys were carried out on a random sample of water users in Amman City, Jordan, before and after they received water educational material. Relative weights were given for each response and a cumulative grade was estimated. The follow-up surveys reveal that a reasonable rise of water-related knowledge is achieved after respondents are exposed to water educational material. Fuzzy set analyses reveal that some fluctuations in the relative rise of public awareness programs may be attributed to insufficient knowledge. The fuzzy set logic technique enabled us to condense a great many data into a small set of variable rules. This in turn made our expert system effective in evaluating water conservation programs. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms of damage formation in materials irradiated with energetic ions is essential for the field of ion-beam materials modification and engineering. Utilizing incident ions, electrons, photons, and positrons, various analysis techniques, including Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), electron RBS, Raman spectroscopy, high-resolution X-ray diffraction, small-angle X-ray scattering, and positron annihilation spectroscopy, are routinely used or gaining increasing attention in characterizing ion beam modified materials. The distinctive information, recent developments, and some perspectives in these techniques are reviewed. Applications of these techniques are discussed to demonstrate their unique ability for studying ion-solid interactions and the corresponding radiation effects in modified depths ranging from a few nm to a few tens of μm, and to provide information on electronic and atomic structure of the materials, defect configuration and concentration, as well as phase stability, amorphization and recrystallization processes. Such knowledge contributes to our fundamental understanding over a wide range of extreme conditions essential for enhancing material performance and also for design and synthesis of new materials to address a broad variety of future energy applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, an optimized and reliable approach for the evaluation of the mechanical properties of brittle materials is proposed and applied to the characterization of geopolymer mortars. In particular, the Young’s modulus, the Poisson’s ratio and the tensile strength are obtained by means of a Brazilian disk test combined with the digital image correlation (DIC) technique. The mechanical elastic properties are evaluated by a special routine, based on an over-deterministic method and the least square regression, that allows to fit the displacement fields experienced by the samples during the experiment. Error sources, like center of the disk location and rigid-body motion components, were analyzed and estimated automatically with the proposed procedure in order to perform an accurate evaluation of the elastic constants. The strain field measured by DIC and the computed elastic properties were then used to perform a local stresses analysis. This latter was exploited to investigate the failure mechanisms and to evaluate the tensile strength of the investigated material and the obtained data were compared with those predicted by the ASTM and ISMR standards. Three different loading platens (flat, rod and curved) were adopted for the Brazilian test in order to evaluate their effect on the elastic properties calculation, on the failure mechanisms and tensile strength evaluation. Results reveal that the curve platens are the most suitable for the tensile strength calculation, whereas the elastic properties did not show any influence from the loading configuration. Furthermore, the proposed procedure, of easy implementation, allows to accurately calculate Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and the tensile strength of brittle materials in a single experiment.  相似文献   

Fault tree analysis (FTA) is based on constructing a hypothetical tree of base events (initiating events) branching into numerous other sub-events, propagating the fault and eventually leading to the top event (accident). It has been a powerful technique used traditionally in identifying hazards in nuclear installations and power industries. As the systematic articulation of the fault tree is associated with assigning probabilities to each fault, the exercise is also sometimes called probabilistic risk assessment. But powerful as this technique is, it is also very cumbersome and costly, limiting its area of application. We have developed a new algorithm based on analytical simulation (named as AS-II), which makes the application of FTA simpler, quicker, and cheaper; thus opening up the possibility of its wider use in risk assessment in chemical process industries. Based on the methodology we have developed a computer-automated tool. The details are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Landfill siting should take into account a wide range of territorial and legal factors in order to reduce negative impacts on the environment. This article describes a landfill siting method, which is based on EVIAVE, a landfill diagnosis method developed at the University of Granada. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology is also used to generate spatial data for site assessment. Landfill site suitability is assessed on a scale based on territorial indices that measure the risk of contamination for the following five environmental components: surface water, groundwater, atmosphere, soil, and human health. The method described in this article has been used to evaluate an area in Granada (Spain) where there is a currently operating landfill. The results obtained show that suitable locations for the disposal of municipal waste were successfully identified. The low environmental index values reflect the suitability of this landfill site as well as its minimal negative impacts on the environment.  相似文献   

以胰蛋白酶为水解剂对明胶进行水解后,利用鞣制化学中的铁鞣机理使Fe(Ⅲ)络合在水解后所得胶原蛋白分子上,从而制备出了胶原蛋白改性阳离子絮凝剂,并将其用于废弃钻井液的絮凝处理,以CODCr去除率、悬浮物含量为指标,考察了不同络合反应条件对废弃钻井液絮凝效果的影响。利用IR、XRD、荧光光谱等对产物进行检测与表征。实验结果表明此种絮凝剂制备的最佳反应条件为反应时间4h,体系pH值为2.6,m(胶原)∶m(Fe2(SO4)3)=1∶1.4,温度35℃。所制备的絮凝剂用于废弃钻井液的絮凝时,其CODCr去除率为73.1%,悬浮物含量从2115mg/L降至330mg/L。  相似文献   

Design methodology for a braided cylinder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, the design methodology for a braided cylinder was presented. The concept of an analytical model which involved both micro model and macro model was proposed. The analytical method was applied to estimate the rigidity and elastic limit of a braided cylinder subjected to bending and torsional load independently and as combined load. Using the analysis method, the design of a braided cylinder would be carried out in consideration of the factors that decide the mechanical properties of braided cylinder. This method has the possibility to be useful for structural design of braided composites and can be included as a unit in CAE systems for braided composites.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize and evaluate a modified release, multiparticulate tablet formulation consisting of placebo beads and drug-loaded beads. Acetaminophen (APAP) bead formulations containing ethylcellulose (EC) from 40-60% and placebo beads containing 30% calcium silicate and prepared using 0-20% alcohol were developed using extrusion-spheronization and studied using a central composite experimental design. Particle size and true density of beads were measured. Segregation testing was performed using the novel ASTM D6940-04 method on a 50:50 blend of uncoated APAP beads (60%EC) : calcium silicate placebo beads (10% alcohol). Tablets were prepared using an instrumented Stokes-B2 rotary tablet press and evaluated for crushing strength and dissolution rate. Compared with drug beads (60%EC), placebo beads (10% alcohol) were smaller but had higher true densities: 864.8 mum and 1.27 g/cm(3), and 787.1 mum and 1.73 g/cm(3), respectively. Segregation testing revealed that there was approximately a 20% difference in drug content (as measured by the coefficient of variation) between initial and final blend samples. Although calcium silicate-based placebo beads were shown to be ineffective cushioning agents in blends with Surelease(R)-coated APAP beads, they were found to be very compactibile when used alone and gave tablet crushing strength values between 14 and 17 kP. The EC in the APAP bead matrix minimally suppressed the drug release from uncoated beads (t(100%) = 2 h). However, while tablets containing placebo beads reformulated with glycerol monostearate (GMS) showed a slower release rate (t(60%)= 5 h) compared with calcium silicate-based placebos, some coating damage ( approximately 30%) still occurred on compression as release was faster than coated APAP beads alone. While tablets containing coated drug beads can be produced with practical crushing strengths (>8 kP) and low compression pressures (10-35 MPa), dissolution studies revealed that calcium silicate-based placebos are ineffective as cushioning agents. Blend segregation was likely observed due to the particle size and the density differences between APAP beads and calcium silicate-based placebo beads; placebo bead percolation can perhaps be minimized by increasing their size during the extrusion-spheronization process. The GMS- based placebos offer greater promise as cushioning agents for compacted, coated drug beads; however, this requires an optimized compression pressure range and drug bead : placebo bead ratio (i.e., 50:50).  相似文献   

Three different Ti alloys of biomedical interest have been studied by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to determine their surface chemical composition in both as-received condition and after oxidation at 750 °C in air for different times. Compositions of the investigated alloys were, in wt.%, Ti-7Nb-6Al, Ti-13Nb-13Zr and Ti-15Zr-4Nb. XPS analyses showed a behaviour of the Ti-7Nb-6Al alloy different from that of the two TiNbZr alloys, evidencing the role of the chemical composition of the alloys on the oxidation mechanisms. The oxidation process generates an aluminium-oxide rich surface on the Ti-7Nb-6Al, while in the case of the TiNbZr alloys a titanium-oxide rich layer is formed. The effect of the heat treatment on the contribution of the minority elements at the surface is also discussed.  相似文献   

以壳聚糖和L-半胱氨酸为原料,利用戊二醛与壳聚糖发生Shiff碱反应,并与环氧氯丙烷发生交联反应,最后将L-半胱氨酸成功接枝到中间产物,合成L-半胱氨酸改性壳聚糖。利用红外光谱(IR)、X射线衍射(XRD)、元素分析、扫描电镜(SEM)、热重分析(TG)等对合成产物进行了表征。结果表明,改性后衍生物有较好的吸附孔径,热失重率下降,热稳定性能得到提高,且合成产物不溶解于酸性溶液和常用的极性溶剂。  相似文献   

The mechanics of ductile fracture is receiving increased focus as the importance of integrity of structures constructed from ductile materials is increasing. The non-linear, irreversible mechanical response of ductile materials makes generalized models of ductile cracking very difficult to develop. Therefore, research and testing of ductile fracture have taken a path leading to deformation-based parameters such as crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) and crack tip opening angle (CTOA). Constrained by conventional test techniques and instrumentation, physical values (e.g. crack mouth opening displacement and CTOA angles) are measured on the test specimen exterior and a single through-thickness “average” interior value is inferred. Because of three-dimensional issues such as crack curvature, constraint variation, and material inhomogeneity, inference of average parameter values may introduce errors. The microtopography methodology described here measures and maps three-dimensional fracture surfaces. The analyses of these data provide direct extraction of the parameters of interest at any location within the specimen interior, and at any desired increment of crack opening or extension. A single test specimen can provide all necessary information for the analysis of a particular material and geometry combination.  相似文献   

Arrays for screening metabolite-generated toxicity utilizing spots containing DNA, enzyme, and electroluminescent (ECL) polymer ([Ru(bpy)(2)PVP(10)](2+)) were extended to include a fully representative set of metabolic enzymes from human and rat liver microsomes, human and rat liver cytosol, and mouse liver S9 fractions. Array use involves two steps: (1) enzyme activation of the test chemical and metabolite reaction with DNA, and then, (2) capture of ECL resulting from DNA damage using a charge coupled device (CCD) camera. Plots of ECL increase vs enzyme reaction time monitor relative rates of DNA damage and were converted into turnover rates for enzymic production of DNA-reactive metabolites. ECL turnover rates were defined by R, the initial slope of ECL increase versus enzyme reaction time normalized for amounts of enzyme and test chemical. R-values were used to establish correlations for 11 toxic compounds with the standard toxicity metrics rodent liver TD(50) and lethal dose (LD(50)), Ames tests, and Comet assays for in vitro DNA damage. Results support the value of the ECL genotoxicity arrays together with toxicity bioassays for early screening of new chemicals and drug candidates.  相似文献   

A modified chemical-precipitation method is proposed to synthesize MgO nanopowders with high crystallinity at a low temperature of 400 degrees C using acetic acid as a modifier. The as-obtained intermediates and final products were investigated by Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, respectively. The influence of acetic acid in the MgO preparation process was also investigated by a comparison of the samples without acetic acid, and the mechanism of acetic acid modification is also proposed. The carboxyl group of acetic acid could coordinate with Mg atom in a monodentate mode to form a new organic ligand intermediate Mg(OH)(OCOCH3), which facilitates the thermal decomposition of the intermediate at low temperature and enhances the crystallization of MgO.  相似文献   

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