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The haptoglobin plasma concentrations in 110 fattening pigs living on three commercial farms and in 28 animals on the university pilot farm were measured using a nephelometric detection method based on an immunoassay. Following calibration of the automated analyser (Nephelometer BN 100) with a human haptoglobin standard, the measurements were performed using anti-human antiserum from rabbits. Differences in age, gender or breed of apparently healthy animals seem to have no influence on the plasma concentration of the protein. The average plasma level of haptoglobin in animals suffering from acute respiratory diseases was significantly higher. Furthermore, an increase was observed in animals without clinical symptoms living on a farm characterized by obvious defects in housing conditions. Comparison studies of the nephelometric method by use of a human or porcine standard for calibration and different anti-human or anti-porcine antisera with radial immunodiffusion as a reference method resulted in high correlation coefficients for all variations. Optimal accuracy was obtained by calibrating the analyser with a porcine standard. Haptoglobin determinations have been shown to be a useful tool for health monitoring during the integrated pig-production process, allowing recognition of performance-reducing conditions. The immunonephelometric determination method is suitable for quantifying porcine plasma haptoglobin for routine checks. The use of animal-specific standards for calibration improves the accuracy of this method.  相似文献   

Thrombosis is a rare complication in patients with aplastic anemia because of the presence of coincidental thrombocytopenia. We have recently treated two cases, a 61-year-old male and a 59-year-old female, with acute myocardial infarction associated with aplastic anemia. Although their platelet counts were lower than normal in spite of treatment with anabolic steroids for aplastic anemia, the coronary angiographic findings strongly suggested coronary thrombosis in both cases. Anabolic steroids, which have been commonly used for the treatment of aplastic anemia, are a possible risk factor for coronary thrombosis because they have an accelerating effect on thrombus formation. We report two very rare but clinically important cases.  相似文献   

Anabolic steroids are currently used in the treatment of established osteoporosis. It has been demonstrated that, at least partly, anabolic steroids increase bone density by stimulating bone formation. Very little is known about how anabolic steroids affect bone in experimental animals. Because bone studies in animals have been performed only with the anabolic steroid nandrolone, or its long-acting ester nandrolone decanoate (ND), we present a general overview in this paper of the effect of these anabolic agents in various steroid-affected animal models for osteoporosis, viz. gonadectomized rats, heparin-treated mice and intact or ovariectomized dogs. In rats and mice these agents increase longitudinal and periosteal bone growth and bone mass, thus demonstrating their anabolic action. They also decrease trabecular bone resorption in ovariectomized and orchidectomized rats, which indicates that they have anti-catabolic effects. In ovariectomized rats, ND was found to increase the mechanical strength of cortical bone, which is an important property in a drug that is intended to be used in treating established osteoporosis. In elderly dogs, ND was found to stimulate endosteal bone formation. These findings indicate that nandrolone and ND have beneficial effects on bone in both oestrogen and androgen-deficient animals.  相似文献   

Over a period of two years, 7 137 localisations of placenta were performed. In 67 patients on the first examination it was found that the lower margin of placenta reached the internal os of the uterus. All these patients were followed up by examinations every two or four weeks. In 63 of the 67 patients, placental migration was found involving a change in the level of the lower placental edge from the cervix towards the fundus. The change in this position varied from 3 to 9 cm. All four cases where the placenta extended from anterior to posterior wall ended as placenta praevia. Ultrasonic proof of placental migration shows the necessity for ultrasonic examination shortly before the birth, as only then is the final diagnosis of placenta praevia possible.  相似文献   

For nonruminants, stress and disease greatly increase requirements for vitamin B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and ascorbate. The effects of feed restriction, virus infection, and vitamin injections on plasma concentrations of B vitamins critical to the immune response were evaluated. Twelve beef steer calves, 6 to 8 mo of age, were fed below maintenance for 17 d and deprived of food for 3 d during a 20-d period after weaning. They then were inoculated intranasally with live attenuated bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1). Six calves received saline injections and six received injections of a B vitamin mixture and ascorbate every 48 h for 14 d before and 14 d after inoculation. A mild respiratory infection developed in all calves 4 to 5 d after inoculation. In control calves, restricted intake and food deprivation decreased plasma vitamin B6 and pantothenate and increased vitamin B12 but did not affect folic acid and ascorbate concentrations. Vitamin injections increased plasma concentrations of vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, and ascorbate (P < .002). Plasma concentrations of vitamin B6, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, and ascorbate, but not folic acid, were markedly reduced in all calves during the BHV-1 infection (P = .001). The vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, vitamin B12, and ascorbate status of stressed calves may affect their immune response to vaccination or infection.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the role of anabolic steroids on baseline heart rate (HR) and HR responses to the threat of capture in Macaca fascicularis. Ten cynomolgus monkeys were randomly assigned either to a steroid or to a sham control group. Steroid-treated animals were given testosterone injections biweekly for 10 weeks, whereas sham controls received injections of sesame oil on an identical schedule. Pretreatment and posttreatment HRs were evaluated to establish both baseline and acute-stress responses. Results revealed that animals given testosterone experienced a statistically significant increase in baseline HR when contrasted with the sham controls. No difference between the groups was detected in response to the threat of capture. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We assessed the zinc status of veal calves that were fed milk replacers containing either skim milk protein as the sole source of protein or a mixture of skim milk protein and soybean protein. After the milk replacers had been fed for 26 wk, mean body weight gain was 3 kg lower for calves fed the skim milk plus soybean proteins; this decrease was not significant. Inclusion of dietary protein from soybeans versus milk protein alone reduced plasma concentrations of zinc by 43% and reduced hepatic concentrations of zinc by 81%. The impairment of zinc status that was induced by the inclusion of soybean protein was probably caused by its phytate component. The effect of soybean protein on zinc status was rather specific because plasma and hepatic concentrations of copper were unaffected. Despite the high concentration of zinc (142 mg/kg of dry matter) in the milk replacer that contained milk plus soybean proteins, calves displayed a shortage of zinc because their plasma and hepatic concentrations of zinc were significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Stumptailed monkeys (Macaca arctoides) received a lethal nitrogen mustard injection. Autologous bone marrow reinjection resulted in survival of the majority of animals. Treatment with an anabolic steroid accelerated erythropoietic and leukopoietic recovery. This appears to be related to increased erythropoietin production and increased number of colony forming units in the bone marrow.  相似文献   

The fate of salbutamol sulphate given orally has been investigated in calves. The urinary excretion rate and the tissue distribution of this beta-agonistic drug were studied by capillary gas chromatography coupled to low resolution mass spectrometry (GC-LRMS) under electron impact (EI) ionization mode, using an hexadeuterated salbutamol analogue as the internal standard. The parent drug and metabolites were extracted via solid phase extraction (SPE) mixed-phase-containing disposable columns and analysed as their trimethylsilyl derivatives. A more efficient clean-up had to be carried out for tissue samples. An acidic precipitation followed by a liquid-liquid extraction were therefore performed before the SPE. Moreover, the problem of tissue digestion was elucidated by means of an ultrasonic probe. Samples were also analysed before and after enzymic hydrolysis using purified beta-glucuronidase and a mixture of beta-glucuronidase and arylsulphatase, to obtain evidence of phase II conjugation mechanisms. Both free salbutamol and conjugated metabolites were detected in urine and tissue samples. Except for liver or kidney, salbutamol was rapidly cleared from most tissues after a withdrawal period. The possible excretion of some phase I metabolites was also investigated, using further analyses under positive chemical ionization LRMS and high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS).  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is synthesized in tissues involved in fatty acid metabolism such as muscle and adipose tissue. LPL is also found in the circulation, but is mostly lipolytically inactive. The proportion of active circulating LPL increases after a fatty meal. We investigated the release of active and inactive LPL from adipose tissue and muscle in the fasting and postprandial states. Arteriovenous concentration gradients of LPL across adipose tissue and forearm muscle were measured in male subjects before and after a fat-rich meal (n = 7) and before and during infusion of a triacylglycerol emulsion (Intralipid) (n = 6). Plasma LPL activity rose after the meal and more so during Intralipid infusion. Plasma LPL mass (>95% inactive LPL) increased after the meal but decreased after Intralipid infusion. In the fasting state (n = 13) muscle efflux of LPL activity was 0.263 +/- 0.098 mU/min per 100 ml of muscle tissue whereas there was an influx of LPL activity to adipose tissue of 0.085 +/- 0.100 mU/min per 100 g of adipose tissue (P < 0. 02 muscle vs. adipose tissue). Similarly in the postprandial state only muscle released LPL activity. Both tissues released LPL mass. In the fasting state efflux was 17.8 +/- 8.8 ng/min per 100 ml muscle and 55.2 +/- 21.3 ng/min per 100 g of adipose tissue (P < 0. 05 muscle vs. adipose tissue). Release of LPL, either active or inactive, was not correlated with levels of non-esterified fatty acids or plasma triacylglycerol. In conclusion, there is a substantial release of LPL from adipose tissue and muscle, most of which is inactive. A small proportion of active LPL seems to be redistributed from muscle to adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E (PGE), prostaglandin F (PGF) and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F (PGFM) have been measured in cotyledons and myometrium from sheep before and after labour. Fetal cotyledons contained more PGE than maternal cotyledons which in turn contained more than myometrium. The maternal cotyledon contained the highest concentrations of PGF, but the fetal cotyledon was the only tissue exhibiting a statistically significant rise in the concentration of PGF following labour. Concentrations of PGFM were closely correlated with (although usually lower than) those of PGF.  相似文献   

The gadobenate ion is an intravascular paramagnetic contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging. An HPLC method for assaying gadobenate ion in plasma, urine, faeces, bile and tissue samples is described. The analysis is based on the reversed-phase chromatographic separation of gadobenate ion from the endogenous components of biological matrices and detection by UV absorption at 210 nm. The selectivity of the method was satisfactory. The mean absolute recovery was greater than 95%. The precision and accuracy of the analytical methods were in the range 0.1-6.5% and -12 to +9.3%, respectively. The detection limits in plasma (0.1 ml), urine (0.05 ml), dried faeces (200 mg suspended in 4 ml water), bile (0.5 ml), and dried liver tissue (100 mg suspended in 1 ml water) were, respectively, 0.24, 0.47, 2.6, 0.63 and 2.8 nmol ml(-1) (corresponding to 0.16, 0.31, 1.7, 0.42 and 1.9 microg ml(-1)).  相似文献   

During the last 10 years, several cases of myocardial infarction associated with anabolic steroid use have been reported. Postulated mechanisms to explain this association have included changes in lipid levels, the fibrinolytic system, and platelet aggregation. Clenbuterol is a beta 2-agonist with anabolic properties that has not been seen previously with myocardial infarction. We report a case of myocardial infarction in an otherwise healthy 26-year-old body-builder who recently used clenbuterol and anabolic steroids. In this case, synergistic effects of the two agents seem likely to have played a role in the infarct. The normal coronary arteriograms before any anticoagulant or thrombolytic therapy strongly suggest coronary spasm as the mechanism of the infarct.  相似文献   

Holstein bull calves at 138.4 d of age were fed one of four diets that contained 2.28, 2.43, 2.61, or 2.8 Mcal of metabolizable energy/kg of dry matter and 10.8, 11.7, 12.8, or 13.9% crude protein, respectively, for 77 d followed by a diet that contained 2.80 Mcal of metabolizable energy/kg of dry matter and 13.9% CP. During the energy restriction period, the metabolizable energy of the diets was positively correlated with the plasma concentration of insulin-like growth factor-I, which was positively correlated with daily body weight (BW) gain during this period and the plasma concentration of total thyroxin. During the first 37 d of the realimentation period, compensatory growth occurred, and the rate of increase in plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I was positively correlated with that of daily BW gain. At d 37 of the compensatory period, the mean plasma concentration of total thyroxin in calves in three of the four groups did not differ significantly; only the concentration of total thyroxin in the plasma of calves fed the highest energy restricted diet was significantly higher. The mean BW of calves in groups fed the high energy diets during the restriction period tended to be heavier even after 158 d of the realimentation period.  相似文献   

Saliva is an alternate biological matrix for drug testing that has several advantages over more traditional fluids such as blood and urine. Collection is rapid, noninvasive, and relatively easy to obtain. Several reports have detailed the appearance of drugs of abuse in saliva, but few have compared the excretion profiles of drugs administered by different routes. In this study, subjects were administered three smoked and three intravenous doses of heroin in an ascending dose design. Blood and saliva were collected periodically after drug administration and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for heroin, 6-acetylmorphine, and morphine. In a second study, subjects were administered a single, smoked dose of 40 mg cocaine base and an intravenous dose of 44.8 mg cocaine HO on separate occasions. Plasma and saliva were collected and analyzed by CC-MS for cocaine, anhydroecgonine methyl ester (AEME), and seven additional metabolites. Heroin and 6-acetylmorphine were detected in the first saliva sample collected (2 min) following drug administration by both routes. Peak heroin concentrations were achieved quickly, between 2 and 5 min after intravenous administration and at 2 min after smoke heroin. Peak heroin concentrations in saliva after smoking heroin base ranged from 3534 (2.6 mg) to 20,580 ng/mL (5.2 mg), and after intravenous administration, concentrations ranged from 6 (10 mg heroin HCl to 30 ng/mL (12 mg heroin HCl. Saliva concentrations of heroin declined rapidly after intravenous administration, reaching the limit of sensitivity of the assay (1 ng/mL) by 60 min. Heroin concentrations in saliva after smoking declined slowly; detection times ranged from 4 to 24 h. Cocaine was the major analyte detected in saliva and plasma after smoked and intravenous administration. Peak saliva cocaine concentrations after intravenous administration ranged from 428 to 1927 ng/mL (N = 7); after smoking, they ranged from 15,852 to 504,880 ng/mL (N = 7). Peak plasma cocaine concentrations after intravenous administration ranged from 122 to 442 ng/mL A = 7), and after smoking, concentrations ranged from 46 to 291 ng/mL A = 7). The thermal degradation product of cocaine, AEME, was detected in saliva but not in plasma after smoking. Peak saliva AEME concentrations were achieved at 2 min and ranged from 558 to 4374 ng/mL (N = 7). These are the first reported observations of heroin and metabolites in saliva following heroin smoking and of AEME in saliva after smoking cocaine base. The presence of AEME in saliva may be useful as a marker of the smoked route following cocaine administration.  相似文献   

Six healthy adult mares were given a single dose (25 mg/kg of body weight) of sodium oxacillin IM. Oxacillin concentrations in serum, synovial fluid, peritoneal fluid, and urine were measured serially over a 48-hour period. The mean peak serum oxacillin concentration was 9.75 microgram/ml at 0.5 hour after injection. Mean peak oxacillin concentrations in synovial and peritoneal fluids were 1.45 microgram/ml and 2.60 microgram/ml at 1 hour and 2 hours, respectively. These concentrations decreased in parallel with serum values and were not measurable at 48 hours. Urine concentrations of oxacillin were high, with a mean peak concentration of 2,790.2 microgram/ml at 0.5 hour.  相似文献   

Eleven du Pont operators participated in a special dimethylformamide metabolite (monomethylformamide, MMF) urine monitoring study to investigate a possible seasonal influence on urine metabolite concentrations. Variables considered included urine volume, MMF concentration, MMF mass, urine specific gravity, and ambient temperature. Statistical analysis revealed a 13% reduction in urine volume under hot weather conditions as a cause of increased MMF concentrations. A correction for this change in urine volume should be made subjectively.  相似文献   

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