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52 Long-Evans male water-deprived rats were given 150 licks of a 10% sucrose solution, followed 4 sec later by 30 sec of low-intensity electrical brain stimulation applied in the dorsal hippocampus, amygdala, or lateral hypothalamus. Retention of the licking experience was then tested either 90 sec of 24 hrs after the lick experience by measuring the number of licks taken on an empty drinking tube. Ss that received hippocampal stimulation licked the empty tube less than the 17 controls did during the 24-hr, but not during the 90-sec, retention test. Data suggest that the hippocampus may be critically involved in processes (e.g., consolidation) mediating long-term, but not short-term, memory. Compared with controls, Ss that received amygdala stimulation did not exhibit any changes in licking at either retention test. Ss given lateral hypothalamic stimulation showed more licking compared with controls during the 90-sec, but not the 24-hr, test. Subsequent tests suggest that facilitation of short-term memory may have been influenced by stimulation-induced motivational changes. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments asked whether subjects could retrieve information from a 2nd stimulus while they retrieved information from a 1st stimulus. Ss performed recognition judgments on each of 2 words that followed each other by 0, 250, and 1,000 msec (Experiment 1) or 0 and 300 msec (Experiments 2 and 3). In each experiment, reaction time to both stimuli was faster when the 2 stimuli were both targets (on the study list) or both lures (not on the study list) than when 1 was a target and the other was a lure. Each experiment found priming from the 2nd stimulus to the lst when both stimuli were targets. Reaction time to the 1st stimulus was faster when the 2 targets came from the same memory structure at study (columns in Experiment l; pairs in Experiment 2; sentences in Experiment 3) than when they came from different structures. This priming is inconsistent with discrete serial retrieval and consistent with parallel retrieval. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments examined age-related differences in memory for spatial location information in a museum exhibit (Exp 1) and in a secretarial office (Exp 2). In Exp 1, Ss were the visitors to the exhibit (N?=?302, 15–74 yrs of age), and memory was assessed using a map test. In Exp 2, Ss were 64 young adults (M?=?21.2 yrs) and 32 older adults (M?=?71.2 yrs), and memory was assessed using both a map test and a relocation test. The relocation test required Ss to replace the to-be-remembered targets where they appeared at study. Exp 1 showed an age-related decline in spatial memory performance, and it placed the onset of this decline in the 6th decade of life. Exp 2 showed an age-related decline on both tests, but age effects were smaller on the relocation test than on the map test, and when Ss knew that spatial memory would be tested than when they were not informed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors review the principles of reconstructive surgery for lower limb salvage after severe lower limb trauma to determine factors that have been used as decision-making criteria for limb salvage or amputation in severe lower extremity injuries and the methods of reconstruction and their outcome. The use of scoring systems and their value in acute decision making (primary amputation or limb salvage) are described. Soft-tissue reconstructive techniques, with emphasis on the use of flaps and the importance of selecting the best technique and time for the reconstruction are reviewed. Skeletal reconstructive techniques are described, including available options and currently held views on indications and use of the best contemporary methods. It is essential for the physician to make a good initial decision on the need for primary amputation or limb salvage. A multidisciplinary approach is fundamental to successful salvage.  相似文献   

Gave 27 female Holtzman albino rats CER training, with each CS-UCS pairing followed by hippocampal stimulation through chronically implanted electrodes. Findings show that (a) localized posttrial stimulation may have blocked CER acquisition, although individual Ss differed considerably in degree of impairment; (b) the blocking was due neither to an implant-produced lesion nor to reinforcing properties of the stimulation; and (c) stimulation passed through separated electrodes spanning a large area of hippocampus was effective at both high and low current levels, with or without concomitant electrographic afterdischarges. Results indicate that posttrial hippocampal stimulation interferes with CER consolidation, and suggest that there may be critical locations within hippocampus whose activity must be disrupted in order for the blocking to occur. (16 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 of this report, we examined the neuropharmacological nature of short-term working memory of rats trained to retrieve food from all arms of a 12-arm radial maze. Delay intervals of varying length were placed between Choices 6 and 7. Lanthanum (LaCl?) and glutamate (GLU) injected bilaterally into the hippocampus effectively impaired retention over short delay intervals, which suggests a possible role for calcium and/or potassium and for glutamate in working memory. However, another equally likely explanation for the amnesic effects of LaCl? and GLU is that these drugs impaired reference memory. To test more directly the hypothesis that LaCl?, GLU, or ANI might differentially affect working and reference memory, we tested the effects of these drugs on performance of rats trained to retrieve food from only 8 arms of the 12-arm maze in Experiment 2. The remaining 4 arms were never baited, in order to test reference memory function. We predicted that rats would make errors only in baited arms (i.e., errors of working memory). Instead, results of Experiment 2 showed that LaCl?, GLU, or ANI injection produced errors in unbaited arms even before a 120-min delay. If rats were injected with LaCl? or GLU, baited-arm errors were observed only after the delay period. No impairment of performance on baited arms were observed after injection of ANI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated differing predictions from the spatial mapping hypothesis of hippocampal function proposed by O'Keefe and Nadel (1978) and the working memory hypothesis proposed more recently by Olton and colleagues (Olton, Becker, & Handelmann, 1979). Each of 2 groups of rats was trained to use a different strategy to locate a submerged platform in opaque water. The MAP group used a spatial mapping strategy to reach a platform in a fixed location, whereas the CUE group used a guidance strategy, which involved following a cue that signaled the location of a randomly placed platform. Half of each group was given low-level unilateral electrical stimulation of the dentate gyrus and immediately tested on the water maze task. Results of Exp 1 show that both the MAP and CUE groups were impaired by stimulation. However, there was an inadvertent spatial element involved in the CUE task. When this element was eliminated in Exp 3, the same CUE Ss were unaffected by a 2nd series of stimulation trials, whereas the MAP Ss continued to show impairment. Results strongly support the cognitive mapping hypothesis and provide little support for the working memory hypothesis of hippocampal function. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 6 experiments, a total of 142 male Holtzman rats implanted with electrodes in the dorsal or ventral hippocampus received posttrial stimulation in training sessions with footshock reinforcement. Afterdischarges without overt seizures were consistently without effect on the rate of acquisition of suppression of licking during an auditory CS, although conditioning was retarded by the delivery of distracting stimuli following footshock. The rate of conditioning remained insensitive to elicitation of dorsal hippocampal afterdischarges (DHAD) despite subsequent alterations of session length, intertrial interval, and preexposure to the CS. However, faster extinction of suppression occurred following DHAD, suggesting a limited but essential role of the hippocampus in addressing stored information. (28 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

J. F. Kihlstrom (see record 1980-11245-001) hypothesized that posthypnotic amnesia involved a dissociation between episodic and semantic components of memory. The present study tested an alternative hypothesis that Kihlstrom's findings resulted from experimental demands conveyed by the wording of the amnesia suggestion he employed. It was hypothesized that hypnotically amnesic Ss would show performance deficits on semantic and episodic memory tasks if expectations for such deficits were subtly conveyed to them. Using 2 treatment conditions, 60 undergraduates were divided into susceptibility groups. Condition 1 replicated Kihlstrom's experiment; in Condition 2, Ss were given an alternative hypnotic suggestion. It was found that Ss could be induced to show only episodic impairments (thereby replicating Kihlstrom) or both episodic and semantic impairments (contrary to Kihlstrom) by subtly varying the wording of amnesia suggestions. Findings are inconsistent with a dissociation hypothesis. Instead, they support the notion that hypnotic amnesia is a strategic enactment strongly influenced by expectations generated in the amnesia testing situation. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between spatial working memory and hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) using the allocentric place discrimination task (APDT) in rats, in which the selection accuracy is a good index for spatial working memory. Either the selective M1 muscarinic receptor antagonist pirenzepine (50 μg) or the choline uptake inhibitor hemicholinium-3 (5 μg) impaired APDT selection accuracy, but neither affected the induction of LTP in the hippocampal CA1 region in anesthetized rats. In contrast, the selective N-methyl-{d}-aspartate receptor antagonist D-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate (200 nmol) did not impair APDT selection accuracy but completely blocked hippocampal CA1 LTP. These results suggest that spatial working memory is independent of hippocampal CA1 LTP and that the central cholinergic system is involved in spatial working memory, but not through the modulation of hippocampal CA1 LTP. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Long-Evans rats with electrolytic hippocampal ablations exhibited chronic impairment in performance on a spatial delayed nonmatching-to-sample task in the arms of a T-maze. The same rats exhibited only mild deficits, which disappeared with practice, in dispositional memory-dependent discrimination in the stem. Both types of discrimination were learned rapidly preoperatively with no marked positive or negative interaction between types of discrimination. The present results suggest that hippocampal lesions in rats have far more serious consequences on the performance of representational memory-dependent tasks than similar lesions in monkeys. In agreement with our past studies, the present experiment demonstrated that dispositional and representational memory systems in rodents have at least partially distinct anatomical substrates in brain. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Animal models of amnesia have yielded many insights into the neural substrates of different types of memories. Some very important aspects of memory, however, have been ignored in research using experimental animals. For example, to examine long-term memory investigators traditionally have relied on measures of information acquisition, which stand in contrast to the measures of retention commonly used in work with humans. We have recently developed a behavioral paradigm that measures both the acquisition and long-term retention of object discriminations, and found a selective retention impairment in rats with entorhinal-hippocampal disconnection (Vnek et al., 1995). The present study was designed to determine whether direct damage to the hippocampus likewise would lead to a selective deficit in the retention of visual discriminations. Rats with aspiration lesions of the dorsal hippocampus, rats with neocortical control lesions, and normal controls were trained on three object discrimination problems and then retrained 3 weeks later to measure retention. All animals showed the same level of performance during the training (acquisition) phase of testing, but the performance of animals with dorsal hippocampal injury fell below that of controls during retraining (retention). Taken together, these and our earlier results suggest that the hippocampus and anatomically related structures are particularly important for retaining visual discriminations over long delay intervals. These findings may clarify the role of the hippocampus in nonspatial memory.  相似文献   

The extent to which protein synthesis is involved in working memory was investigated with the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin (ANI). Male albino and Long-Evans rats were trained to perform accurately on a 12-arm radial maze when delays of 240 min were interposed between Choice 6 and Choice 7. Bilateral hippocampal cannulas were then implanted. Accuracy on Choices 7–22 was studied when ANI (80 μg/μl) or saline was injected either 30 min before Choice 1 or 5–20 min after Choice 6 in Exp I. Pretrial injection of ANI significantly impaired performance following the 240-min delay, whereas ANI injected during the delay had no such effect. In Exps II and III, the ANI-induced amnesia was replicated, and the temporal course of development of the amnesia was determined. Pretrial administration of ANI did not significantly affect retention after a 2-min delay but produced amnesia after delays of 15 min or longer. Data suggest that protein synthesis is important for the formation of temporary memories, provided the retention interval is long enough. It is suggested that working memory includes both short- and long-term components. Protein synthesis appears to be important for formation of the long-term component, but not the short-term component, of working memory. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Guinea-pig soleus muscles were denervated and electrically stimulated for periods of 43 to 66 days. Stimuli were in 1 s bursts of 40 Hz pulses, repeated every 5 min. Other guinea-pigs were denervated for 82 days without stimulation and, in a third group, the soleus muscle was necrotized and allowed to regenerate without reinnervation for 13-15 days. Isometric and isotonic recordings were made in vivo. Denervated guinea-pig muscles were embedded in epoxy resin for light and electron microscopy. Chronic stimulation of denervated guinea-pig soleus had no effects on the prolonged twitch or on reduced maximal shortening velocity, maximal rate of rise of tension and tetanic force. This contrasts with the slow-to-fast conversion produced by denervation and denervation-stimulation of rat soleus. Loss of force was much greater in rat than guinea-pig after denervation, and chronic stimulation increased force in rat to the same level as in guinea-pig after denervation (with or without stimulation). Eighty-day denervated guinea-pig soleus did not reveal those morphological signs of fibre breakdown and regeneration which are prominent in denervated rat soleus muscles. Those changes in rat resembled aneurally regenerated muscles in several aspects, especially the increased incidence of fibres with internal myo-nuclei which did not appear in guinea-pig soleus after denervation. Aneurally regenerated guinea-pig soleus became fast like aneurally regenerated rat muscle. Our data are compatible with the hypothesis that slow-to-fast transformation of denervated rat soleus is not directly brought about by chronic stimulation but by de-novo formation of fast-contracting regenerated fibres. The persistence of fibrillation in guinea-pig but not rat after denervation may account for the species difference.  相似文献   

Changes in anatomical or functional connectivity during normal aging are thought to contribute to cognitive alterations over the lifespan. Neural network theories predict that synaptic loss in an aging brain could place the organism near the point of dysfunction in the nonlinear curve defining neural compromise versus performance. The present experiments examined whether aged rats are closer to this point of behavioral dysfunction by reversibly inactivating one or both hippocampal hemispheres. As expected, bilateral tetracaine inactivation of the hippocampus disrupted spatial memory in both age groups. Unilateral left hippocampal inactivation significantly increased errors only in aged rats; however, unilateral inactivation of the right hippocampus had no effect. The present outcome could reflect more extensive synaptic dysfunction in the aged right hippocampus or a greater involvement of the left hippocampus in spatial working memory problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The ability to remember past experiences (episodic memory) is thought to be related to the ability to imagine possible future experiences (episodic future thinking). Although previous research has established that individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have diminished episodic memory, episodic future thinking has not previously been investigated within this population. In the present study, high-functioning adults with ASD were compared to closely matched typical adults on a task requiring participants to report a series of events that happened to them in the past and a series of events that might happen to them in the future. For each event described, participants completed two modified Memory Characteristics Questionnaire items to assess self-reported phenomenal qualities associated with remembering and imagining, including self-perspective and degree of autonoetic awareness. Participants also completed letter, category, and ideational fluency tasks. Results indicated that participants with ASD recalled/imagined significantly fewer specific events than did comparison participants and that participants with ASD demonstrated impaired episodic memory and episodic future thinking. In line with this finding, participants with ASD were less likely than comparison participants to report taking a field (first-person) perspective and were more likely to report taking an observer (third-person) perspective during retrieval of past events (but not during simulation of future events), highlighting that they were less likely to mentally reexperience past events from their own point of view. There were no group differences in self-reported levels of autonoetic awareness or fluency task performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated episodic memory and metamemory for verbs and nouns in patients who have cognitive impairments associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD). PD patients and healthy control participants were asked to recall word pairs and provide feeling-of-knowing (FOK) judgments for the items they were unable to recall. This was followed by a 4-alternative recognition test. PD patients were impaired in both recall and recognition, compared with controls. In terms of metamemory, PD patients were less confident in their ability to recognize the unrecalled items in a future recognition test. Most important, accuracy of PD patients’ FOK judgments was not above chance and was lower than that of control participants. The PD group correctly recognized fewer verbs than nouns, but type of material (verb vs. noun) had no impact on recall or FOK judgments. In addition, contribution of executive functions to FOK accuracy was different in PD patients and controls. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Proposes that the role of the hippocampus in the storage of information is to form and retain an index of neocortical areas activated by experiential events. The hippocampal index, thus, represents those unique cortical regions activated by specific events. The neuronal mechanism underlying the memory index is hypothesized to be long-term potentiation. It is asserted that the reactivation of the stored hippocampal memory index will serve to also reactivate the associated unique array of neocortical areas and thus will result in a memorial experience. This hippocampal reactivation of a neocortical array may also be involved in establishing a cortically based memory trace. It is suggested that the theory predicts similarities between hippocampal and neocortical damage, since the 2 structures are hypothesized to work in a cooperative manner. (52 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigations of memory impairment in schizophrenia have frequently revealed a strategic processing deficit at encoding. The authors studied an early encoding process, refreshing (in this case, thinking of a stimulus that has just-previously been presented), and its impact on recognition memory in schizophrenia. Following simultaneous presentation of three words or a single word in the top, middle, or bottom position of the screen, 25 patients with schizophrenia and 25 control participants saw and read a new word (read condition), or a word presented on the previous screen (repeat condition), or saw a dot indicating that they should think of and say the last word to have appeared in that position (refresh condition). Later, on a surprise test, participants were asked to recognize words seen previously and give a Remember, Know, or Guess response according to whether they recognized each on the basis of conscious recollection, familiarity, or guessing. The cognitive operation of refreshing was impaired in schizophrenia: patients were slower on 1-word trials and less accurate on 3-word trials to refresh a word, and their Remember responses did not benefit from refreshing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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