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Reports an error in "Memory illusions: False recall and recognition in adults with Asperger's syndrome" by Dermot M. Bowler, John M. Gardiner, Sarah Grice and Pia Saavalainen (Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 2000[Nov], Vol 109[4], 663-672). On page 665, Figure 1, the figure caption incorrectly reads, "Serial position effects for the Asperger and control groups of participants. Gray boxes = Asperger; black boxes = controls." The correct Figure 1 caption appears in the correction. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2000-12687-011.) As persons on the autistic spectrum are known not to use semantic features of word lists to aid recall, they might show diminished susceptibility to illusory memories that typically occur with lists of associated items. Alternatively, since such individuals also have poor source monitoring, they might show greater susceptibility. The authors found that adults with Asperger's syndrome (n?=?10) recalled similar proportions of a nonpresented strong associate of the study list items, compared with controls (n?=?15). In Exp 2, rates of true and false recognition of study list associates did not differ significantly between Asperger (n?=?10) and control (n?=?10) participants. Moreover, the Asperger participants made fewer remember and more know judgments than controls for veridical but not for false recognitions. Thus, deficits found in some aspects of memory in people with Asperger's syndrome do not affect their susceptibility to memory illusions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The focus of this study was on the relationship between young and older adults' performance on tasks of deliberate recall from episodic memory. A meta-analysis on 91 relevant studies (comprising a total of 154 conditions) was conducted. It was found that 83% of the variance in older adults' recall probability was accounted for by a quadratic function using young adults' recall probabilities as predictors. No significant interaction with age of older adults was found. Interaction with task type was, however, significant, resulting in separate functions for list recall, prose recall, and paired-associate recall. Results point at the importance of the main effect of age in studies on memory aging. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We examined age-related differences in susceptibility to fluency-based memory illusions. The results from 2 experiments, in which 2 different methods were used to enhance the fluency of recognition test items, revealed that older and young adults did not differ significantly in terms of their overall susceptibility to this type of memory illusion. Older and young adults were also similar in that perceptual fluency did not influence recognition memory responses when there was a mismatch in the sensory modality of the study and test phases. Likewise, a more conceptual fluency manipulation influenced recognition memory responses in both older and young adults regardless of the match in modality. Overall, the results indicate that older adults may not be more vulnerable than young adults to fluency-based illusions of recognition memory. Moreover, young and older adults appear to be comparable in their sensitivity to factors that modulate the influence of fluency on recognition decisions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

114 1st, 3rd, and 5th graders were administered 4 tasks that assessed their accuracy in predicting future memory. Two tasks required recall and 2 required recognition. For each type, one version involved a word list, the other a sentence list. As expected, accuracy at predicting recall performance improved across grades, but accuracy to predicting recognition did not. Examination of Ss' predictions revealed that there was no systematic differentiation of task difficulty. (8 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Use of an odor learning test and the California Verbal Learning Test in young and elderly adults enabled comparison of age-related effects on recall and recognition memory. Assessment of odor identification further enabled study of which odor function (recall, identification, recognition) is most affected by aging, the odor functions' interrelationships, and predictors of odor recall. Results suggested that both recall and recognition were significantly affected by aging and that the odor-recall decline cannot simply be referred to poor identification. Very similar age-related effect sizes were found for the 3 types of odor functions. Finally, the combined ability to encode, store, and retrieve odors appears to predict overall recall performance (including its identification component) better than do identification and recognition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes a general model of retrieval of episodic memory information, within which basic phenomena of recall and recognition can be integrated and related to commonly accepted theoretical ideas. The model also provides a statement of the relation between recall and recognition as 2 forms of retrieval: They are similar with respect to the process of ecphory, combining trace information and retrieval information into ecphoric information; they are different with respect to conversion of ecphoric information into recollective experience and memory performance. (French abstract) (52 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An experiment is reported in which young and elderly adults performed cued-recall and recognition tests while carrying out a choice reaction-time task. An analysis of covariance, with recognition performance as the covariate, showed a reliable age decrement in recall. It was therefore concluded that older people perform more poorly on recall tasks than they do on recognition tasks. Performance on the secondary (reaction time) task showed that recall was associated with greater resource "costs" than was recognition and that this effect was amplified by increasing age. The results are in line with the suggestion that recall requires more processing resources than does recognition and that such resources are depleted as people grow older. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 15(3) of Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition (see record 2008-10697-001). In this article, the authors failed to specify how the group of amnesics that they test in their article differed from the nonalcoholic amnesics tested in Hirst, Johnson, Kim, Phelps, Risse, and Volpe (1986). The pertinent statistics are given in the erratum. Additionally, in the last sentence on page 760, the degrees of freedom for the t test should be 8 instead of 10.] Hirst et al. (1986) reported that amnesic forced-choice recognition was relatively preserved when compared with amnesic recall. They equated normal recognition and amnesic recognition by extending exposure time for the amnesics and then comparing amnesic recall and normal recall. Amnesic recall was worse than normal recall, despite equated recognition. We conducted two experiments to extend that result. Experiment 1 established that the findings of Hirst et al. are not paradigm specific and hold when amnesic recognition and normal recognition are equated by increasing the retention interval for normals. In Experiment 2 we further established the generality of the result by examining yes–no recognition. Findings further specify the selective nature of the direct memory deficits in amnesics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present studies used response time (RT) and accuracy to explore the processes and relation of recognition and cued recall. The studies used free-response and signal-to-respond techniques and varied list length and presentation rate. In Experiment 1, the free-RT distributions for recognition had much lower mean and variance than those for cued recall. Similarly, signal-to-respond curves showed fast rates of accumulation of information in recognition and slow rates in recall. (Quantitative models of the results are presented in the companion article by D. E. Diller, P. A. Nobel, and R. M. Shiffrin). To rule out the possibility that the slower responses in cued recall were due to a fast retrieval process followed by a slow process of cleaning up the retrieved trace for output, additional signal-to-respond tasks provided the relevant alternatives at test. Yet, these conditions showed slow growth rates, similar to those seen in recall. The results support the hypothesis that retrieval processes differ for single-item recognition and cued recall, with retrieval in cued recall (and associative recognition) due to a sequential search. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The results of 3 studies testing whether associative interference occurs in recognition as it does in recall are reported. Associative interference was found as expected in cued recall, but it did not occur in recognition. Rather, in recognition, both the hit rate and the false alarm rate increased under interference conditions so that there was no net change in discrimination. The design of the recognition studies enabled the rejection of displaced backward rehearsals and variance differences in the matching strengths of interference and noninterference pairs as artifactual explanations of the results. The presence of associative interference in recall, but not in recognition, supports the distinction put forward by the global matching models of recognition that there is a fundamental difference between the memory access processes underlying recognition and recall. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments compared the effects of neutral, separate, and interactive imagery instructions on the learning performance of 160 1st and 168 5th graders for both single-item and paired-associate tasks. As in previous studies, instructions to use interactive imagery were facilitative only for the older Ss. However, further investigation revealed that both younger and older Ss who reported using images did show facilitation, compared with those who did not report using images. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Older adults often demonstrate higher levels of false recognition than do younger adults. However, in experiments using novel shapes without preexisting semantic representations, this age-related elevation in false recognition was found to be greatly attenuated. Two experiments tested a semantic categorization account of these findings, examining whether older adults show especially heightened false recognition if the stimuli have preexisting semantic representations, such that semantic category information attenuates or truncates the encoding or retrieval of item-specific perceptual information. In Experiment 1, ambiguous shapes were presented with or without disambiguating semantic labels. Older adults showed higher false recognition when labels were present but not when labels were never presented. In Experiment 2, older adults showed higher false recognition for concrete but not abstract objects. The semantic categorization account was supported. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Study tested whether Ss could accurately estimate the intensity and the relative frequency of their positive vs. negative emotions and the degree to which 1 dimension biases the recall of another. Ss completed mood reports at random moments each day or at the end of the day against which were compared their mood estimates. Estimates made prior to the mood-reporting periods were used to control for the effects of prolonged mood reporting. Various types of accuracy were examined: absolute, in which Ss overestimated their emotional intensity and underestimated the frequency of their positive affect vs. their negative affect; relative, in which Ss' relative frequency estimates were moderately accurate; and discriminant, in which intensity estimates were biased by actual frequency, whereas frequency estimates were unbiased by intensity. Ss' accuracy did not improve substantially following the daily recording of their moods, suggesting a problem at the retrieval stage. The theoretical and measurement implications of the results are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presented a list of categorically related words to 20 2nd graders and 20 6th graders in a memory test. Multiple recall tests followed the initial presentation of words so that changes in memory organization could be assessed over recall attempts. Ss in both grades remembered many new words on later recall trials that they had not remembered on Trial 1. The proportions of new words recalled and the retrieval characteristics of these words were similar in both grades. Younger Ss, however, forgot many words during repeated recall, and older Ss did not. Different patterns of forgetting were correlated with different types of organizational strategies. Second graders recalled words in a sequential, rote manner with few transformations or rearrangements of words. Sixth graders, on the other hand, actively constructed larger categories or chunks of words over recall attempts. The spontaneous reconstruction of remembered information by 6th graders is interpreted as a manifestation of constructive memory-monitoring skills. Some potential advantages of a repeated recall paradigm for developmental research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

R. E. Smith and R. R. Hunt (1998) reported a dramatic reduction in false remembering in a list-learning paradigm by switching from auditory to visual presentation at study. The current authors replicated these modality effects in college students, using written recall and visual recognition tests but obtained smaller effects than those in Smith and Hunt's study. In contrast, no modality effect occurred on auditory recognition tests. Manipulating study and test modality within-subjects (Experiment 2) and between-subjects (Experiment 3) yielded similar results. It was also found that subjectss frequently judged critical nonstudied words as having been presented in the modality of their corresponding study lists. The authors concluded that subjects could retrieve distinctive information about a study list's presentation modality to reduce false remembering but only did so under certain conditions. The modality effect on false remembering is a function of both encoding and retrieval factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between recall and recognition memory in amnesia, the authors conducted 2 experiments in which recognition memory was equated between patients with amnesia and control participants. It was then determined whether recall was also similar across groups. In Experiment 1, recognition was equated by providing amnesic patients with additional study exposures; in Experiment 2, recognition was equated by testing controls following a longer delay. These different methods of equating recognition across groups led to divergent results because amnesic patients' recall performance was lower than controls' recall performance in Experiment 1 but not in Experiment 2. These findings are accounted for by considering the differential contribution of recollection and familiarity to the performance of amnesic patients and controls in the 2 experiments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although perceptual information is utilized to judge size or depth, little work has investigated whether such information is used to make memory predictions. The present study examined how the font size of to-be-remembered words influences predicted memory performance. Participants studied words for a free-recall test that varied in font size and made judgments of learning (JOLs) for each item. JOLs were influenced by font size, as larger font sizes were given higher JOLs, whereas little relationship was evident between font size and recall. The effect was modified when other, more valid, sources of information (e.g., associative strength) were available when JOLs were made and persisted despite experience with multiple study-test sessions, use of a forgetting scale to assess predictions, and explicit warning of participants that font size has little effect on memory performance. When ease of reading was manipulated, such that large font size words were made less fluent, the effect was eliminated. Thus, highly accessible perceptual cues can strongly influence JOLs, likely via encoding fluency, and this effect can lead to metacognitive illusions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted 3 paired-associate learning studies to compare signal-detection analysis of recall and recognition memory performance. Exp. I with 80 female undergraduates, showed that (a) recall and recognition signal-detection model sensitivity measures (d's) are substantially different in later trials, and (b) a previously suggested correction for guessing does not transform the data to theoretical expectations. Exp. II, with 45 Ss, showed that S's guessing rates change systematically over trials and further supported the inappropriateness of a guessing correction. Exp. III, with 40 Ss, attempted to hold constant the probability of guessing correctly. It is suggested that for purposes of comparing recognition and recall, a receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis of recall data is inappropriate and that a better approach is the use of the forced-choice or 1-of-M-orthogonal signals model. A possible interpretation of a recall ROC d' is suggested. (French summary) (22 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

40 kindergartners, 42 3rd graders, and 40 5th graders (CA's 5 yrs, 5 mo; 8 yrs, 3 mo; and 12 yrs, 4 mo, respectively) viewed 30 pictures of familiar objects, and then their free recall of the object names and their recognition of the original pictures were tested. The recognition test included pairing each picture with another similar picture of the same object. Half the Ss in each age group were prepared for recall with a strategy known to improve it in adults, and half were prepared for recognition with a strategy known to improve recognition in adults. Children encoded the stimuli differentially in accordance with the expected memory task and retrieved different stored information for each task. Both free recall and picture recognition memory improved with age. The recall strategy improved free recall performance at all ages, but the recognition strategy improved recognition performance only at the oldest age tested. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Despite increasing evidence that the fornix is important for memory, uncertainty remains about the exact nature of subsequent impairments arising from damage to this tract. This uncertainty is often created by pathology in additional brain structures. The present study involved a young man, DN, who had almost complete bilateral loss of the rostral columns of the fornix and much of the surrounding septum in the left hemisphere following the surgical removal of a cavernous angioma. Quantitative MRI analyses of structure size, normalized to intracranial volume, showed no difference in any of the additional brain regions measured, apart from those areas removed to expose the tumor. DN showed a marked, stable anterograde memory impairment that was still present 4 years postsurgery. In contrast, DN performed within normal levels on most tests of recognition memory. This sparing was most striking when given a 24-hr delay between study and test of the Warrington Recognition Memory Test. This recall/recognition dissociation provides further evidence for neuroanatomical divisions within recognition memory processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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