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We explored the structure and physical properties of Ge15Sb20Se65‐xSx (with x = 0, 16.25, 32.5, 48.75, and 65) glasses in order to screen the best compositions for the applications in photonics, since the laser damage thresholds in Se‐based glasses are too low although their optical nonlinearities are high. We found that, linear and nonlinear refractive index of the glasses decreased, but glass transition temperature Tg, optical bandgap Eg and the laser damage threshold increased with increasing S content. We further employed Raman scattering and high‐resolution X‐ray photoelectron spectra to probe the structure of the glasses. Through the analysis of the evolution of the different structural units in the glasses, it was concluded that, the heteropolar bonds (Ge–Se/S, Sb–Se/S) were dominated in these glasses. With the increase in chalcogen Se/S ratio, the number of the Se‐related chemical bonds (Ge–Se, Sb–Se and Se–Se) increased and that of S‐related chemical bond (Ge–S, Sb–S and S–S) decreased gradually, and Ge was prior to bond with S rather than Se. The elemental substitution thus had negligible effect on the glass structure. The change of the physical properties was mainly due to the difference of the strength of the chemical bonds between S–Ge(Sb) and Se–Ge(Sb).  相似文献   

The crystallization behaviors of As–Se–Bi chalcogenide glasses were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X‐ray diffraction (XRD). Three models were used to study the glass transition behavior and the activation energy. Results showed thermal stability of glass against crystallization decreased with Bi addition in As–Se–Bi system. The mechanism of crystal growth in glasses was also studied by the Avrami exponent n. For B0, B2.5, and B5, n values are 3.12, 1.59, and 2.21 (low temperature) and 4.61 (high temperature), respectively. The thermal stability of glass is in good agreement with glass network structure. It was found that glass network structures closely associated with the Bi content and As/Se ratio were studied by X‐ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. And the different ratios lead to the change in Bi2Se3 crystalline orientation.  相似文献   

Frequency conversion using nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals is widely used in advanced photonic technologies to produce coherent light in the spectral regions where the available laser sources are missing. Isotropic glasses usually do not show second order nonlinear processes like second harmonic or difference frequency generation (SHG, DFG) except for temporarily induced anisotropy under external stimuli. Here, we show that a HgI2–Ga2S3–GeS2 homogeneous glass exhibits a strong intrinsic SHG response comparable with that of the well-known NLO single crystal LiNbO3. The origin of this extremely rare phenomenon seems to be noncentrosymmetric bent HgI2 molecules embedded in a sulfide glassy host. Taking into account the unique properties of chalcogenide glasses (wide IR transmission, low phonon density, unlimited ability to be modified changing the appropriate glass properties, fiber drawing and thin layer design), the observed phenomenon opens up the possibility of creating fundamentally new devices for mid-IR photonics.  相似文献   

Laser Desorption Ionization Time‐of‐Flight Mass Spectrometry was exploited for the characterization of Ge–As–Se chalcogenide glasses and corresponding thin films fabricated using pulsed laser deposition. Main achievement of the paper is the determination of laser generated clusters’ stoichiometry. The clusters observed were Asb+ (b = 1–3), Se2?, binary AsbSe+ (b = 1–3), AsbSec? (b = 1–3, c = 1–4), Ge2Sec? (c = 2–3), As3Se2+, Ge2Asb? (b = 2–3), Ge3Asb? (b = 1–2), Ge3Se4?, As5Sec? (c = 4–5), GeAsSe4?, GeaAsSe5? (a = 1–4), GeAs2Se3?, GeAs3Se2?, Ge2As2Se2?, Ge2AsSec? (c = 6–7), and GeAs3Sec? (c = 5–6) (in positive as well as in negative ion mode). The stoichiometries of identified species are compared with the structural units of the glasses/thin films revealed via Raman scattering spectra analysis. Some species are suggested to be fragments of bulk glass as well as thin films. Described method is useful also for the evaluation of the contamination of chalcogenide glasses or their thin films.  相似文献   

The temperature dependences of the electrical conductivity , Seebeck coefficient , and heat capacity Cp(T) of polycrystalline samples of Bi2Te3, Bi2Te3+1%CuI, and Bi2Te3+1%(CuI+1/2Pb) are investigated in the temperature range below room temperature. Based on the temperature dependences of all investigated physical properties, it is discovered that phase transition occurs at 120–200 K. Investigation of single crystals shows that anomalies in the electrical resistivity occur only across the crystal growth axis (across the well-conducting Bi–Te plane). Investigation of the low-temperature dependence of electrical conductivity shows that all polycrystalline samples exhibit quasi-two-dimensional electron transport. Additionally, quasi-two-dimensional transport is detected in single crystals based on anisotropy analysis (where is the resistivity along the crystal growth axis, and is resistivity across the crystal growth axis) and temperature dependence below 50 K. The Fermi energy is estimated using the temperature dependence of . It is discovered that an increase in at T > 200 K is associated with the phase transition. For single-crystal samples, the maximum thermoelectric figure of merit ZT, as observed along the crystal growth axis, increases with doping. A maximum ZT value of ∼1.1 is observed for the Bi2Te3+1%(CuI+1/2Pb) sample at room temperature ().  相似文献   

For fiber‐optic mid‐infrared bio‐ and chemical‐sensing, Ge–Sb–Se glass optical fibers are more attractive than Ge–As–Se because of: (i) lowered toxicity and (ii) lower phonon energy and hence transmission to longer wavelengths, with potential to reach the spectral “fingerprint region” for molecular sensing. There is little previous work on Ge–Sb–Se fibers. Here, fibers are fabricated from two glass compositions in the GexSb10Se90?x atomic (at.) % series. Both glass compositions are of similar mean‐coordination‐number, lying in the overconstrained region, yet of different chemical composition: stoichiometric Ge25Sb10Se65 at. % and non‐stoichiometric Ge20Sb10Se70 at. %. Thermal analysis on bulk glasses has previously shown that the former exhibited the maximum glass stability of the series. However, during fiber‐drawing of Ge25Sb10Se65 at. %, the preform tip is found to undergo surface‐devitrification to monoclinic GeSe2 alone, the primary phase, no matter if the preform is an annealed, as‐melted rod or annealed, extruded rod. The heating rate of the preform‐tip to the fiber‐drawing temperature is estimated to be up to ~100°C/min to ~490°C. Lower heating rates of 10°C/min using thermal analysis, in contrast, encourage crystallization of both Sb2Se3 and GeSe2. The non‐stoichiometric: Ge20Sb10Se70 at. % composition drew successfully to low optical loss fiber, no matter whether the preform was an annealed, as‐melted rod or annealed, extruded rod.  相似文献   

The structural relaxation of chalcogenide glasses is discussed within Tool–Narayanaswamy–Moynihan (TNM) formalism. The TNM parameters for more than 70 different glassy compositions are compared on the basis of the relaxation rate defined as RfT) = −(dTf/dlogt)i at the inflection point of the isothermal relaxation curve plotted on a logarithmic timescale. The RfT) depends on the TNM parameter ß and the parameter σ, combining the nonlinearity parameter x, the effective activation energy h* or the fragility m. It is shown that Rf(10) estimated at 10 K below Tg is useful for the prediction of structural relaxation kinetics in different amorphous materials. The chalcogenide glasses are, for example, compared with oxide glasses and organic polymers. For all these materials, the Rf(10) versus σ plot shows a well-defined pattern that is thoroughly discussed.  相似文献   

An environment friendly nonlinear chalcogenide glass fiber with a Ge‐Sb‐Se core and a Ge‐Se cladding is fabricated for bright broadband mid‐infrared (MIR) supercontinuum (SC) generation. The fabricated Ge‐Sb‐Se/Ge‐Se fiber with a core diameter of 6 μm shows zero group velocity dispersion at ~4.2 μm and ~7.3 μm. By pumping the fiber with a length of 11 cm at 4.485 μm with 330 fs pulses, we achieve a SC covering the 2.2–12 μm spectral range and with an output average power of ~17 mW. This bright broadband SC source is promising for high‐resolution MIR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The Faraday effects of Ge‐Ga‐Sb(In)‐S serial chalcogenide glasses were investigated at the wavelengths of 635, 808, 980, and 1319 nm, respectively. The compositional dependences were analyzed and associated influencing factors including the absorption edge, the concentration of Sb3+/In3+ ions, and the wavelength dispersion of refraction index were discussed. 80GeS2·20Sb2S3 composition glass was found to have the largest Verdet constant (V=0.253, 0.219, 0.149, and 0.065 min·G?1·cm?1 for wavelengths 635, 808, 980, and 1319 nm, respectively) in these glasses, which is larger than that of commercial diamagnetic glasses (Schott, SF 6, V=0.069 min·G?1·cm?1@633 nm, for example). Sb3+ ions with high polarizability possessing s2‐sp electron jumps involving 1S01P1, 3P0,1,2 transitions are responsible for large Verdet constant, and Becquerel rule is proved to be an effective guidance for estimating the Verdet constant and further optimizing the compositions in chalcogenide glasses.  相似文献   

In this work we succeeded in synthesizing a chalcogenide glass, that is, the Ag3PS4 glass, by milling the mixture of the crystalline Ag2S and P2S5 powder. In terms of potential energy, the glass was excited by the milling process. The evidence for the energy excitation was the occurrence of the sub‐Tg relaxation recorded by a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The relaxation behavior in the milling‐derived Ag3PS4 glass was found to significantly differ from that of a hyperquenched oxide glass. We observed two decoupled peaks of the energy release during a DSC scan, which are in contrast to the single asymmetric peak of the hyperquenched glass. The low‐temperature peak could be attributed to the β‐relaxation of the Ag–S ionic bonds, whereas the high‐temperature peak could arise from the α‐relaxation of the distorted rigid [PS4] units involving covalent bonds. The decoupling between the two peaks implies the fragile nature of the Ag3PS4 glass. Upon the dynamic heating and the sub‐Tg annealing we found that the relaxation of the Ag3PS4 glass is of high nonexponentiallity, and hence, of high structural heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A novel family of Ga2S3–Sb2S3–XI (XI = PbI2, CsI, AgI) was investigated to understand the role of metal halides and exploit new chalco‐halide glasses for infrared optics. The dependence of the thermal properties, infrared optical properties, and structural information of the novel family on different metal–iodines was investigated. Results showed that metal halides increase the glass stability but decrease the glass network connectivity. The compositional dependence of the short‐wave cut‐off edge is associated with the electronegativity difference between the cations and anions of the metal halides. Raman study showed that the metal–iodine modified the glass structure mainly through the iodide content, and the cations dissolved in the glass network mostly as charge compensators for the aperiodic network. For the glasses in the series Ga2S3–Sb2S3–XI–Dy3+, Dy3+ emission increased in the PbI2‐ and CsI‐doped glasses but decreased in the AgI‐doped glass due to the combined effect of dysprosium and oxygen. For all that, these novel glasses are highly promised for use in infrared optics.  相似文献   

A novel and simple approach was used to disperse Cu nanoparticles uniformly in the Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 matrix, and the thermoelectric properties were evaluated for the Cu-dispersed Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3. Polycrystalline Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 powder prepared by encapsulated melting and grinding was dry-mixed with Cu(OAc)2 powder. After Cu(OAc)2 decomposition, the Cu-dispersed Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 was hot-pressed. Cu nanoparticles were well-dispersed in the Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 matrix and acted as effective phonon scattering centers. The electrical conductivity increased systematically with increasing level of Cu nanoparticle dispersion. All specimens had a positive Seebeck coefficient, which confirmed that the electrical charge was transported mainly by holes. The thermoelectric figure of merit was enhanced remarkably over a wide temperature range of 323-523 K.  相似文献   

Calcium hydroxide and tricobalt tetroxide were used as starting materials in a Ca:Co molar ratio of 3:4 and sintered at 1073‐1373 K in a pure oxygen atmosphere. Polycrystalline single‐phase Ca3Co4O9 was obtained at all sintering temperatures in oxygen gas, and comparison with a sample sintered in air showed that controlling the oxygen partial pressure during sintering was important. In the sample sintered at 1373 K, the Seebeck coefficient was slightly lower than that of the samples sintered at lower temperatures, but the resistivity was decreased by half, so the power factor was doubled.  相似文献   

The structure of Te‐rich (75–80 at.% Te) and Te‐poor (40 at.% Te) Ge–As–Te glasses has been investigated by diffraction and extended X‐ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements. Large‐scale structural models have been created by fitting simultaneously diffraction and EXAFS datasets by the reverse Monte Carlo simulation technique. It is found that As–As bonds improve the fit quality in the case of Te‐rich glasses while no Ge–Ge bonding is necessary in these compositions. In the Te‐poor glasses, Te–Te homopolar bonds are also observed while Ge binds preferentially to Te rather than to As. Ge–As and Ge–Te coordination numbers do not change significantly with increasing Ge content.  相似文献   

The mixed modifier effect (MME) in the lithium‐calcium borosilicate glasses, which have a composition of 0.4[(1?x)Li2O–xCaO]–0.6[(1?y)B2O3ySiO2] with x in the range of 0~1 and y in the range of 0.33~0.83, is investigated. The MME manifests itself as a positive deviation from linearity in the activation energy of electrical conductivity (Eaσ) and as a negative deviation from linearity in the fraction of four‐coordinated boron (N4), glass transition temperature (Tg), dilatometric softening temperature (Td), Vickers microhardness (Hv), dielectric constant (ε), and dielectric loss (tanδ). Moreover, the deviation, which exhibits a maximum at [CaO]/([CaO]+[Li2O])=0.5, is enhanced with increasing [SiO2]/[B2O3] ratio in the glass network. The observed MME in Tg, Td, and Hv are attributed to the bond weakening in the network; however, the MME in ε, tanδ, and Eaσ are caused by the obstruction of modifier transport in the glass network.  相似文献   

Electrical measurements, dc and ac, show that (AgI)x(HgS)0.5‐x/2(As2S3)0.5‐x/2 glasses, 0.0 ≤   0.6, exhibit drastic changes in ionic conductivity σi with silver iodide additions. The ionic transport increases by 13 orders of magnitude with increasing silver content from ~0.002 to ~23 at.%, and the activation energy decreases from 1.05 to 0.35 eV. Two distinctly different ion transport regimes above the percolation threshold concentration, xc ≈ 30 ppm, were distinguished. The critical percolation regime at low silver content (≤ 2‐5 at.% Ag) is characterized by a random distribution of silver‐related entities and obeys a power‐law composition dependence of σi. The ion transport parameters depend on the host network connectivity, represented by the average coordination number <n0>, via the critical fictive temperature T0; the calculated T0 value is comparable to the glass transition temperature for the glassy (HgS)0.5(As2S3)0.5 host matrix. In contrast, in the modifier‐controlled domain, the silver‐related entities are nonrandomly distributed. The high Ag+ ionic mobility results from interconnected tetrahedral (AgI2/2S2/2)n chains in the silver iodide content range 0.2 <  0.5, and from 2D layers (Ag3/3I3/3)n or 3D mixed tetrahedral subnetwork (AgI3/3S1/2) in the range > 0.5.  相似文献   

Due to their excellent optical properties, glasses are used for various applications ranging from smartphone screens to telescopes. Developing compositions with tailored Abbe number (Vd) and refractive index at 587.6 nm (nd), two crucial optical properties, is a major challenge. To this extent, machine learning (ML) approaches have been successfully used to develop composition–property models. However, these models are essentially black boxes in nature and suffer from the lack of interpretability. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of ML models to predict the composition-dependent variations of Vd and nd. Further, using Shapely additive explanations (SHAP), we interpret the ML models to identify the contribution of each of the input components toward target prediction. We observe that glass formers such as SiO2, B2O3, and P2O5 and intermediates such as TiO2, PbO, and Bi2O3 play a significant role in controlling the optical properties. Interestingly, components contributing toward increasing the nd are found to decrease the Vd and vice versa. Finally, we develop the Abbe diagram, using the ML models, allowing accelerated discovery of new glasses for optical properties beyond the experimental pareto front. Overall, employing explainable ML, we predict and interpret the compositional control on the optical properties of oxide glasses.  相似文献   

Electric field‐induced softening (EFIS) is a recently discovered phenomenon leading to significant reduction in the furnace temperature at which glass softens under the application of DC voltage. Unfortunately, it is accompanied by local compositional changes due to migration of ions that could limit its usefulness. To overcome this drawback, we have investigated the same phenomenon using AC voltage, that is, AC‐EFIS on a sodium disilicate glass and a 50/50 mixed lithium‐sodium disilicate glass of very different ionic resistivity yet similar network structure. The results show that the magnitude of EFIS temperature reduction is significantly greater for AC compared to DC for both glass compositions. The enhancement of EFIS under AC voltage appears to be due to a more uniform power dissipation and self‐healing of changes than under DC voltage. This uniformity allows for the overall sample temperature to increase throughout the bulk and provides a better technique for practical applications than the DC case which produces potentially undesirable changes, especially in the anode region.  相似文献   

Oxynitride glasses are glasses where threefold coordinated nitrogen atoms substitute for twofold oxygen ones, hence resulting in a larger interatomic cross-linking degree. Such glasses were first observed at the grain boundary in silicon nitride ceramics, where they govern the high-temperature behavior. Later, they were prepared as bulk materials and motivated numerous researches, thanks to their large viscosity, glass transition range, elastic moduli, hardness, and fracture toughness among inorganic and non-metallic glasses. In different chemical systems that were investigated, the synthesis routes and the sources for these exceptional mechanical properties are reviewed. Oxynitride glasses are not easy to process and suffer from the loss of transparency as nitrogen is incorporated over some critical content. Nevertheless, they are attractive “specialty” glasses in various niche areas, thanks to their large refractive index and dielectric constant, improved chemical durability, high softening point, etc., and majorly to their exceptional mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Fluorescent glass frits were prepared and used to synthesize phosphor‐in‐fluorescent glass composites (PiFGs) to realize stable white light emitting diodes with high color‐rendering properties. Commercial red, green, and blue phosphors were co‐sintered and red phosphors were partially replaced by Eu3+ in glass frits. Phosphor‐in‐glass composites were placed on UV‐light emitting diodes (UV‐LEDs) to generate white light. Pure white light with a luminous efficacy=58.4 lm/W, general color rendering index Ra=87 and special color rendering index for strong red R9=73 was realized with glass frits containing 7 mol% Eu2O3 and RGB ratio of 35:20:15. Luminous efficacy, Ra and R9 increased as red phosphors were replaced by red‐fluorescent glass frits.  相似文献   

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