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Performance advantages for stimuli presented in the right versus the left visual field have been found in a variety of attentional tasks. Such advantages were exploited in the present set of studies to examine orientation priming and directional biases in retinotopic and scene-based spatial coordinates. The results demonstrate that directional biases occur within spatial coordinates across orientation transformations that dissociate retinotopic from scene-based visual half fields. The results are discussed concerning the representation of spatial maps in higher visual analysis, the role of spatial coordinates in guiding covert orienting, and methods of presenting stimuli in the right or left visual field to test for functional hemispheric asymmetries. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Scores on the Bem Sex-Role Inventory were obtained for 289 Ss aged 13–85 yrs. A categorical analysis of the data showed age differences in androgyny. Percentages of androgynous males were low in the 13–20 and 21–40 yrs age categories but were high in the 41–60 yrs and 61 yrs-and-over groups. Females showed the opposite trend, with high percentages of androgynous young females and low percentages for older women. (3 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examines the available research on memory awareness during adulthood and summarizes a framework for broadening life-span metamemory research to capture potentially important types of knowledge about memory. This framework, by M. Pressley, J. G. Borkowski, and W. Schneider (1987) is termed the Good Strategy User Model. Types of metamemory specified by the model are described, followed by commentary about their potential relevance to the elderly. The focus of metamemory research across the adult lifespan is viewed as becoming broader, in light of contemporary thinking about the nature of metacognition. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Covert orienting in hearing was examined by presenting auditory spatial cues prior to an auditory target, requiring either a choice or detection response. Targets and cues appeared on the left or right of Ss' midline. Localization of the target in orthogonal directions (up vs down or front vs back, independent of target side) was faster when cue and target appeared on the same rather than opposite sides. This benefit was larger and more durable when the cue predicted target side. These effects cannot reflect criterion shifts, suggesting that covert orienting enhances auditory localization. Fine frequency discriminations also benefited from predictive spatial cues, although uninformative cues only affected spatial discriminations. No cuing effects were observed in a detection task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The spatial relevance hypothesis (J. J. McDonald & L. M. Ward, 1999) proposes that covert auditory spatial orienting can only be beneficial to auditory processing when task stimuli are encoded spatially. We present a series of experiments that evaluate 2 key aspects of the hypothesis: (a) that “reflexive activation of location-sensitive neurons is not sufficient to produce attentional facilitation” and (b) that “any task constraint that makes space important for the listener will produce auditory spatial cue effects” (p. 1236). Experiment 1 showed significant reflexive-orienting benefits on a nonspatial task, refuting the first claim. However, Experiments 2 to 4 reveal that informative spatial cues can improve performance on a nonspatial task, consistent with the second claim. Auditory spatial-cue benefits found with nonspatial tasks appear smaller and less reliable than those found in visual spatial-orienting studies, possibly due to differences in the coding of spatial information in vision and audition. The final experiments consider the mechanisms by which auditory spatial orienting might facilitate auditory processing and provide tentative evidence that attention enhances processing at one ear rather than influencing neurons tuned to the attended location. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It is still unclear whether impairments in visuospatial processing in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) are a consequence of their motor deficits or are independent of them. In two experiments, 20 children with DCD and 20 matched controls were tested on the covert orienting of a visuospatial attention task (COVAT). Experiment 1 used a COVAT with peripheral cues and an 80% probability that targets would appear at the cued location. While the results suggested a deficit in the disengage operation of orienting covert attention for the DCD group, they were difficult to reconcile with models of covert orienting and the results of past research. Experiment 2 tested subjects on two new versions of the COVAT: the first used peripheral cues and no probability information (exogenous mode), and the second used central cues and an 80% probability that targets would appear at the cued location (endogenous mode). The DCD group displayed attentional orienting deficits only for the endogenous mode. These results suggest that impairments in the endogenous control of visuospatial attention are independent of motor deficits in DCD.  相似文献   

Three experiments studied the orienting behavior (OB) at 30, 60, 90, or 120 days old of male Long-Evans rats, of whom 88 were light-reared (LR) and 84 dark-reared (DR). OB was assessed by examining S's ability to interrupt ongoing licking and perform appropriate head and postural adjustments when presented with apparently moving or stationary light displays or tones. When the lights were first presented to the LR and DR Ss, their OB did not differ at any of the ages. However, age and visual experience did influence habituation and recovery of orienting with changes in the light display. The older DR Ss habituated with fewer repeated presentations of the light displays than the LR Ss and did not recover orienting as effectively to all the subsequent changes of the light displays. The younger LR and DR Ss did not differ reliably. Results are discussed with regard to the nature of the habituation process for rodents and the relation between visual experience and habituation of attentional responses. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Picture-naming performance for 48 black-and-white drawings was investigated in 1,145 Hebrew speakers, ages 5–86. Both a linear and a curvilinear quadratic model fit the data, reflecting an increase in ability with age as well as an increase followed by a decrease beyond that linear rise. Late-life performance was more affected by access difficulty than was early-life performance, with children's responses limited by lexicon size. Immigrants performed more poorly than nonimmigrants, but an identical correlation between participant age and naming scores was found in both groups. We discuss the role of vocabulary funds and controlled access in naming pictures throughout life. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined change in self-reported empathy in a four-wave longitudinal study spanning 12 years (1992-2004) and the association between empathy and other measures, including daily reports of relationship experiences. Participants initially ranged in age from 10 years to 87 years. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of age with empathy revealed divergent patterns. Whereas cross-sectional analyses suggested that older adults scored lower in empathy than younger adults, longitudinal analyses showed no age-related decline in empathy. This combined pattern suggests that the cross-sectional age-differences reflect a cohort rather than an age effect, with older cohorts reporting lower levels of empathy than younger ones. Independent of age, empathy was associated with a positive well-being (e.g., life satisfaction) and interaction profile (e.g., positive relations with others). In addition, a subsample of participants (n = 114) conducted experience-sampling about social interactions for a week. People with high self-reported empathy perceived their interactions as more meaningful, felt more positive in these interactions, and thought that their interaction partner felt also more positive. Thus, self-reported empathy was meaningfully associated with adults' actual social interactions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Object-based attention was examined in 2 split-brain patients. A precued object could move within a visual field or cross the midline to the opposite field. Normal individuals show an inhibition in detecting signals in the cued object whether it moves within or between fields. Both patients showed this effect when the cued object moved within a visual field. When it crossed the midline into the opposite visual field, however, detection was faster in the cued box. These results reveal both facilitatory and inhibitory effects on attention that are object based and may last for several hundred milliseconds. However, the inhibition requires an intact corpus callosum for interhemispheric transfer, whereas the facilitation is transferred subcortically. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The influence of spatial attention on lexical decisions to lateralized target letter-strings appearing either along with a distractor (Experiment 1) or in an otherwise empty field (Experiments 2–6) was examined. Attentional orienting was controlled by peripheral (Experiments 1, 2, 3, and 6) and central (Experiments 4–5) cuing methods. Manipulations of spatial attention, including cue validity and cue–target stimulus onset asynchrony, were combined with manipulations of word frequency in Experiments 3-6. All the attentional manipulations were effective, but they did not modify the right visual field advantage in word performance, In addition, the attentional effects did not interact with either the presence or absence of distractors or with stimulus familiarity. Implications of these results regarding the influence of spatial attention (the posterior attention system) on word processing are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments, with 24 university students and staff, investigated an inhibitory effect associated with externally controlled orienting, first identified by M. I. Posner and Y. A. Cohen (1980, 1984). The effect takes the form of an inability to respond quickly to a stimulus appearing in the same location in the visual periphery as a previous one that produced covert orienting. Several characteristics of the effect were revealed that eliminate possible explanations in terms of response inhibition, masking, and sensory habituation. Results show that the inhibitory component of orienting occurred whether or not the 1st stimulus required a response, lasted at least a second, affected not only the originally stimulated location but also nearby locations, was determined by environmental coordinates, and occurred both in the periphery and at the fovea. It is concluded that inhibition may act together with an early facilitatory component in directing the attention and eye movement systems to maintain efficient spatial sampling. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ss made speeded responses to peripheral luminance increments or decrements preceded by informative central precues. In 4 experiments with 48 university students, one of these stimuli was much more likely to occur than the other. In a simple detection task, the likely and unlikely stimuli showed equivalent cuing effects. In a discrimination task (bright/dim), the likely stimuli showed cuing but the unlikely one did not (spotlight failure), and there was a tendency to make the likely response when the unlikely stimulus occurred at the cued location. In Exp 5, the 2 stimuli were equally likely, and a choice was required. Large cuing effects were observed for both stimuli with no evidence of a speed–accuracy trade-off. A logogen-activation framework is described within which criterion and sensitivity adjustments are needed to accommodate the full pattern of results. Endogenous orienting appears to enhance processing of all stimuli at attended (relative to unattended) locations, an effect that may be masked by specific stimulus or response expectancies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the recall of autobiographical (ATB) and public events across the lifespan among 24 middle-aged (40–55 yrs old) and 24 older (aged 65–75 yrs) individuals. Ss were asked to recall events from specific time periods across their lifespan. The 4 tasks differed in their nature of the episodes requested (ATB or public) and whether recall was word-cued or nonword-cued. Verification of public events was assessed archivally, while ATB events were verified by relatives of a subgroup of the Ss and reported events. Memory for public events decreased with increased age of Ss, but this effect generally did not occur for the recall of ATB events. Older Ss recalled an equal number of ATB episodes from all life segments, whereas recall of news events tended to decrease with remoteness of the episode. Findings suggest that generalizations regarding age or time-related deficiencies are unwarranted. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The structure of episodic memory was investigated by assessing different modalities of material (verbal, figural, and spatial) and different types of tests (recall, cued recall, and recognition). A 3-factor model that distinguished among modalities of material was found to be the best representation of memory and the verbal, figural, and spatial memory factors exhibiting construct validity. This 3-factor modality of material model also demonstrated configural, metric, and structural age invariance across a sample of adults (N = 327) between the ages of 18 and 94. There was evidence that latent constructs corresponding to recall, cued recall, and recognition could be distinguished from one another within the verbal domain but not within the figural and spatial domains. A mediation model examining the retrieval constructs was examined within the verbal domain, and there were unique age-related influences on cued recall and recall performance. This result is consistent with findings that increased age is associated with increased difficulty in retrieving information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Scenario-based, self-report measures were developed to assess how people characteristically experience and manage anger from middle childhood through adulthood. The Anger Response Inventories ( ARIs) for children, adolescents, and adults each assess (a) anger arousal, (b) intentions, (c) cognitive and behavioral responses, and (d) long-term consequences. Several independent studies provide support for the reliability and validity of the ARIs. Theoretically consistent patterns of correlations were observed with (a) global self-report measures of hostility, aggression, and anger-management strategies (adult version); ( b) teacher reports of behavioral and emotional adjustment (child and adolescent versions); and (c) self- and family-member reports of behaviors in specific anger episodes (adolescent and adult versions ) . Findings from additional personality and developmental studies are summarized, further supporting construct validity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated normative beliefs about personality development. Young, middle-aged, and older adults indicated the age-relevance of 835 French adjectives by specifying person characteristics as typical for any age decade from 0 to 99 years. With this paradigm, the authors determined age-relevance (How typical is a characteristic for a given age decade?). Most characteristics were ascribed to young adulthood. The pattern differed across the lifespan, however, for positive and negative person characteristics as well as for physical, cognitive, and personal/expressive characteristics. Whereas the total number of ascribed positive characteristics peaked in young adulthood and declined thereafter, the number of ascribed negative person characteristics peaked during adolescence, remained fairly low during middle adulthood, and increased slightly in old age (70+ years). As a consequence, the most positive profile was ascribed to young olds (60 to 69 years), whereas the most negative personality profiles were ascribed to the oldest age groups (70+ years) and to adolescence (10 to 19 years). The negative profiles are primarily due to more negative physical characteristics ascribed to older adults and more negative cognitive characteristics ascribed to adolescence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many social interactions require the synchronization—be it automatically or intentionally—of one's own behavior with that of others. Using a dyadic drumming paradigm, the authors delineate lifespan differences in interpersonal action synchronization (IAS). Younger children, older children, younger adults, and older adults in same- and mixed-age dyads were instructed to drum in synchrony with their interaction partner at a constant, self-chosen tempo. Adult-only dyads showed the highest and children-only the lowest levels of IAS accuracy. It is important to note that children improved reliably in IAS accuracy when paired with older partners. The observed age-related differences in IAS accuracy remained reliable after statistically controlling for individual differences in the ability to synchronize to a metronome and for between-dyad differences in tempo. The authors conclude that IAS improves from middle childhood to adulthood and that adult interaction partners may facilitate its development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Prospective memory (PM) reflects the product of cognitive processes associated with the formation, retention, delayed initiation, and execution of intentions. It has been proposed that developmental changes in PM across the lifespan are heavily dependent upon the developmental trajectory of executive control functions. This study is the first to apply a complex PM task to children, young adults, and older adults. The procedure allows for the assessment of each of the 4 phases of PM. During intention execution, the authors additionally manipulated whether participants had to actively interrupt attention to the current 'ongoing' task in order to switch to the execution of the next intended task. Group differences mirroring inverted U-shaped functions were observed in those phases conceptualized as relying on executive control (intention formation, initiation, and execution). Age differences in intention execution were substantially greater when active task interruption was necessary. The current study provides the first evidence of growth and decline of complex PM across the lifespan and suggests that the degree of inhibitory control needed to succeed in the task may be one factor underlying this development (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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