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The bullwhip effect is an amplification of the variability of the orders placed by companies in a supply chain. This variability reduces the efficiency of supply chains, since it incurs costs due to higher inventory levels and supply chain agility reduction. Eliminating the bullwhip effect is surely simple; every company just has to order following the market demand, i.e., each company should use a lot-for-lot type of ordering policy. However, many reasons, such as inventory management, lot-sizing, and market, supply, or operation uncertainties, motivate companies not to use this strategy. Therefore, the bullwhip effect cannot be totally eliminated. However, it can be reduced by information sharing, which is the form of collaboration considered in this paper. More precisely, we study how to separate demand into original demand and adjustments. We describe two principles explaining how to use the shared information to reduce the amplification of order variability induced by lead times, which we propose as a cause of the effect. Simulations confirm the value of these two principles with regard to costs and customer service levels  相似文献   

美国当前在大数据方面全球领先。2010年奥巴马将发展大数据上升为国家战略,建立了一系列负责大数据的专门机构,发布大量相关战略性文件和法令。大数据在美国各个领域得到广泛应用,并基本成体系。当前我国大数据发展取得进步但仍存在问题,借鉴美国大数据战略的具体做法可为完善我国大数据战略提供较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,全球信息技术飞速发展.作为信息技术的重要创新者和引领者,美国政府从克林顿时期即开始实施以"国家信息高速公路"为代表的一系列重大战略,对支持和促进数字技术和数字经济发展发挥重要作用.本文对美国政府的数字战略进行系统梳理,从发展历程、主要举措、实施路径等多方面分析美国联邦政府数字战略的主要特点,以期有...  相似文献   

The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), in response to industry pressure, has conducted four Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) sessions in which companies could apply for licenses for satellite systems operating at new frequencies (Ka‐ or Q/V‐band) or in new, non‐geostationary orbits at Ku‐band. The first NPRM resulted in the award, in May 1997, of licenses for 13 systems operating at Ka‐band. Of these, seven propose to offer global or near‐global service. The FCC opened a second window for companies to file for Ka‐band systems, which closed in December 1997 and resulted in nine additional filings, seven of which are for global systems. Thus far, none of these systems have been licensed. In parallel with the second Ka‐band window was one for systems operating at still higher frequencies, in the Q‐ and V‐bands. This resulted in 16 filings, 14 of which are for global systems. Still more recently (January 1999), the FCC concluded an NPRM for non‐geostationary satellite systems operating at Ku‐band. Applications were filed for six systems—all intended for global service. Nearly all of the above systems are intended to serve small offices and consumers by providing broadband services such as multimedia distribution and Internet access. The proposed global systems are reviewed, and the technical approaches taken to provide this type of service at low cost to the user are discussed. Fielding any of the global systems entails significant technical challenges and a large degree of business risk. This seems likely to hamper efforts to raise capital and may defer the completion of any of the systems beyond their announced dates of initial operation (2001–2003). Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The U.S. auto industry in the 1990s was in a state of transition, driven by a rapidly changing environment and attempts to adopt best practices from other automakers. The Japanese supplier management system is regarded as extremely effective in delivering high-quality component systems integrated into the vehicle with short design lead times. American automakers dedicated themselves to reengineering their product development systems, benchmarking the Japanese model, and outsourcing increasing levels of vehicle content and design responsibility. This paper analyzes how these attempts at institutional imitation evolved new approaches to supplier involvement in design in the U.S. auto industry based on interviews conducted during 1998-2001. Although once copying the Japanese model, the United States has chosen a modified approach and developed models distinctively different from the original. The authors identify two dominant supplier management models emerging during this time and a newly emerging hybrid original equipment manufacturer/supplier relationship style. Concepts from organizational design and behavioral economic theories are used to explain observations across industries overtime. Evidence suggests that American automaker practices have not evolved to support the great responsibility being outsourced to suppliers. There are still barriers that create adversarial relationships when a partnership model is required for true integration of design efforts.  相似文献   

In order to study supply chain of the telecom value-added service,a multi-leaders and multi-followers Stackelberg game model with multiple telecom operators and multiple service providers whose income is composed of information fee division and advertisement was constructed.Then a demonstration was simulated,and the results were compared with the situation of service providers' income only from information fee division.The simulated and compared results indicate that,the enterprises in the supply chain have...  相似文献   

如果简单地从供应链的角度来看,元器件分销商的存在似乎增加了不必要的供应环节和成本,让原本直线形的供应链变成了曲线.然而,真正深入到这个行业来研究,就会发现其实并非如此,元器件分销商在供应链中所起到的作用是延长和连接,将元器件制造商的服务和产品延长到客户端,将整机厂商的真实需求带到元器件厂商面前,将原本断开的链条紧密地连接起来.作为分销商,在此供应链中发挥的作用主要表现在以下三个方面:核心产品-增值服务能力,核心技术-技术支持能力,核心能力-客户挖掘能力.为了达到上述三个方面的要求,作为分销商可以在以下方面加以提高:  相似文献   

The telecommunications policies of the United States have mostly been spearheaded through the “Free Market Philosophy.” The Federal Communications Commission has been most influential in leading this effort. This philosophy has permeated U.S. international telecommunications, and its effects are producing interesting results worldwide.  相似文献   

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