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The past year has seen significant advances in our understanding of the mechanism of RNA movement between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The emerging view is that proteins bind to and escort RNAs to their proper subcellular location. The discovery of peptide signals that target nuclear export and the identification of novel protein mediators of RNA export are examples of significant recent discoveries.  相似文献   

We investigated the early effects of the anti-idiotypic antibody (clone 1D5), which recognized the estrogen receptor (ER), on cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and its long term effects on creatine kinase (CK) specific activity in female human and rat osteoblasts. These actions were compared to the known membrane and genomic effects of 17 beta estradiol (E2). Like E2, clone 1D5 increased within 5 s [Ca2+]i in both cell types by two mechanisms: 1) Ca2+ influx through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels as shown by using EGTA a chelator of extracellular Ca2+, and nifedipine, a Ca2+ channel blocker; 2) Ca2+ mobilization from the endoplasmic reticulum as shown by using phospholipase C inhibitors, such as neomycin and U-73122, which involved a Pertussis toxin-sensitive G-protein. Clone 1D5 and E2 stimulated CK specific activity in human and rat osteoblasts with ten fold higher concentrations than those needed for the membrane effects (0.1 microgram/ml and 10 pM, respectively). Both effects were gender-specific since testosterone and 5 alpha-dihydotesterone were uneffective. Tamoxifen and Raloxifene, two estrogen nuclear antagonists, inhibited CK response to 1D5 and E2 and Ca2+ response to 1D5, but not Ca2+ response to E2. By contrast, (Fab')2 dimer, a proteolytic fragment of 1D5 with antagonist properties, inhibited both membrane and genomic effects of 1D5 and E2. In conclusion, these results imply that clone 1D5 has an estrogen like activity both at the membrane and nuclear levels in female human and rat osteoblasts. 1D5 must therefore interact with membrane binding sites, penetrate the cells, and reach the nuclear receptors by an as yet uncharacterized mechanism.  相似文献   

In mammals, the suprachiasmatic nucleus is critical for the generation of circadian rhythms and their entrainment to environmental cues. In the rat, the ventrolateral aspect of the suprachiasmatic nucleus receives a robust retinal input. This region also exhibits the most intense immunolabeling for the low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor in the forebrain. Our study was aimed at identifying the sources of this low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor immunoreactivity using immunohistochemistry combined with retrograde tract-tracing, and orbital enucleation. To determine the origin of the low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor immunoreactivity from sources extrinsic to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, unilateral injections of the retrograde tracer, Fluorogold, were made into the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Retrogradely labeled neurons that were also immunopositive for the low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor were found in both the basal forebrain and the retina. In the basal forebrain, such cells were found throughout its rostrocaudal extent, with the majority also being immunoreactive for the cholinergic marker, choline acetyltransferase. In the retina, cells retrogradely labeled with Fluorogold that were immunoreactive for low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor were located in the ganglion cell layer. Orbital enucleations were performed to confirm the findings observed following retrograde labeling in the retina. Unilateral orbital enucleations resulted in a significant reduction in low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor immunoreactivity in the contralateral suprachiasmatic nucleus compared to that seen on the ipsilateral side when examined one week post-surgery. Bilateral enucleations resulted in an equal decrease on both sides of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Similar low-affinity nerve growth factor-like immunoreactivity was seen in the suprachiasmatic nucleus even two to four weeks after bilateral enucleations. Taken together, these findings suggest that low-affinity nerve growth factor receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus derive from multiple sources. While some receptors may be intrinsic to suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons, most appear to be of extrinsic origin and are located on axon terminals of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons and retinal ganglion cells.  相似文献   

To determine when the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin appears during development, neurons in the chick Edinger Westphal nucleus were examined for parvalbumin immunoreactivity at a variety of embryonic stages. Parvalbumin immunoreactivity appeared on embryonic day 14 (E14, Hamburger and Hamilton stage 40) in predominantly lateral Edinger Westphal neurons. Cytochrome oxidase activity within the nucleus was examined throughout development, as an indicator of physiological activity, and expression of cytochrome oxidase was compared with that of parvalbumin. Cytochrome oxidase activity was found to be uniformly high in all parts of the Edinger Westphal nucleus throughout development. Either the Edinger Westphal nucleus in physiologically active quite early in its development or other energy demands mask the correlation of cytochrome oxidase with electrical activity. Cytochrome oxidase was expressed well before parvalbumin immunoreactivity appeared. Voltage-activated calcium currents were characterized in E12 Edinger Westphal neurons. In both amplitude and composition, E12 calcium currents resemble those of E16 neurons, excluding the possibility that calcium currents appear de novo during or just prior to the appearance of parvalbumin. Both cytochrome oxidase activity and calcium currents are observed in Edinger Westphal neurons well before the appearance of parvalbumin during development. These findings do not exclude the possibility that physiological activity affects the expression of parvalbumin since other factors such as changing patterns of synaptic activity or the appearance of calcium conducting NMDA receptors have yet to be examined. However, they raise the possibility that additional factors such as an intrinsic developmental program or a change in the neuron's basal intracellular calcium requirements may also be involved.  相似文献   

Kin selection coefficients are used in two distinct ways. First, these coefficients measure phenotypic correlations that affect the marginal costs and benefits of behaviors. For example, the phenotypic correlation in sex ratio produced by two females in an isolated patch influences the favoured sex ratio. Second, kin selection coefficients describe genotypic correlations that measure fidelity of transmission. For example, a female values daughters vs. nieces according to genotypic correlations. It is widely known that kin selection coefficients may be interpreted as phenotypic or genotypic correlations in different contexts. However, these different interpretations have never been fully separated, and their different role have not been clearly explained. I provide proofs of a generic analytical approach. The technique automatically separates phenotypic correlations among social partners from genotypic components of transmission. The result is a general method that can be derived from first principles and applied to multivariate problems in social evolution. I emphasize a simple, practical maximization method that can be used to calculate equilibrium conditions for complex social interactions.  相似文献   

The mu-opioid receptor (mu-OR), like most G-protein-coupled receptors, is rapidly internalized after agonist binding. Although opioid peptides induce internalization in vivo, there are no studies that demonstrate mu-OR internalization in response to natural stimuli. In this study, we used laser-scanning microscopy to demonstrate that estrogen treatment induces the translocation of mu-OR immunoreactivity (mu-ORi) from the membrane to an internal location in steroid-sensitive cell groups of the limbic system and hypothalamus. Estrogen-induced internalization was prevented by the opioid antagonist naltrexone, suggesting that translocation was largely dependent on release of endogenous agonists. Estrogen treatment also altered the pattern of mu-ORi at the bright-field light microscopic level. In the absence of stimulation, the majority of immunoreactivity is diffuse, with few definable mu-OR+ cell bodies or processes. After stimulation, the density of distinct processes filled with mu-ORi was significantly increased. We interpreted the increase in the number of mu-OR+ processes as indicating increased levels of internalization. Using this increase in the density of mu-OR+ fibers, we showed that treatment of ovariectomized rats with estradiol benzoate induced a rapid and reversible increase in the number of fibers. Significant internalization was noted within 30 min and lasted for >24 hr after estrogen treatment in the medial preoptic nucleus, the principal part of the bed nucleus, and the posterodorsal medial amygdala. Naltrexone prevented the increase of mu-OR+ processes. These data imply that estrogen treatment stimulates the release of endogenous opioids that activate mu-OR in the limbic system and hypothalamus providing a "neurochemical signature" of steroid activation of these circuits.  相似文献   

In male infants, traumatic ablation of the penis, with or without loss of the testicles may occur as a sequel to mutilatory violence, accidental injury, or circumcision error. Post-traumatically, one program of case management is surgical sex reassignment to live as a girl, with female hormonal therapy at the age of puberty. The other program is genital reconstructive surgery to live as a boy, with male hormonal therapy at puberty if the testicles are missing. In both programs, the long term outcome is less than perfect and is contingent on intervening variables that include societal ideology; surgical technology; juvenile and adolescent timing and frequency of hospital admissions construed by the child as nosocomial abuse; development of body image; health and sex education; fertility versus sterility; coitus and orgasm; possible lesbian orientation if living as a girl; and long-term cost accounting, including the psychic cost of being a pawn in possible malpractice litigation on whose disability a very large fortune in compensation may devolve. There is, as yet, no unanimously endorsed set of guidelines for the treatment of genital trauma and mutilation in infancy, and no provision for a statistical depository for outcome data.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics and distribution of neurocalcin (NC)-immunoreactive elements were studied in the rat main olfactory bulb (OB) using a polyclonal antibody and the avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method. NC-positive elements were abundant in the glomerular layer (GL), where numerous immunostained external tufted cells and periglomerular cells were detected. Other less abundant NC-immunolabeled populations included middle and internal tufted cells, Van Gehuchten cells, horizontal cells, vertical cells of Cajal, deep short-axon cells and granule cells. This study demonstrates the presence of NC immunoreactivity in subsets of different neuronal types in the rat main OB. This calcium-binding protein has been found in interneurons, and no evidence of immunoreactivity to NC is detected in projecting neurons. Despite the large population of labeled external tufted cells, most of them belong according to morphological criteria to the local circuit group and some others to those with interbulbar and/or intrabulbar connections. The identification of neuronal subpopulations expressing NC provides a further characterization and shows the existence of biochemical differences within morphologically identical neurons. Thus, this marker may be a useful tool in unravelling the circuitries of the rodent OB in both normal and experimental conditions. The exact physiological function of NC in the olfactory system remains unknown. On the basis of similarities to recoverin, it could be involved in mechanisms responsible for sensory adaptation. Additionally, its calcium-binding abilities may contribute to improve the temporal precision of stimuli transmission, or be concerned with general calcium-related events occurring in specific interneuronal groups.  相似文献   

The present work was aimed to study the immunocytochemical localization of the calcium-binding protein, calretinin, in the rat thalamus from embryonic day 14 to the third postnatal week. In the adult rat thalamus, calretinin immunoreactivity is intensely expressed in some intralaminar and midline nuclei, as well as in selected regions of the reticular nucleus. At embryonic day 14, calretinin was expressed by immature and migrating neurons and fibres laterally to the neuroepithelium of the diencephalic vesicle in the region identified as reticular neuroepithelium. At embryonic day 16, immunoreactive neurons were present in the primordium of the reticular nucleus and in the region of the reticular thalamic migration, where neurons showed the morphology of migratory cells. At the end of embryonic development and in the first postnatal week, calretinin-positive neurons were observed in selected region of the reticular nucleus and it was intensely expressed in some intralaminar and midline nuclei. Bands of immunopositive fibres were also observed crossing the thalamus. During the second postnatal week, the immunolabelling in the reuniens, rhomboid, paraventricular and central medial thalamic nuclei remains very intense while a decrease of immunoreactivity in mediodorsal, centrolateral and laterodorsal nuclei was observed. The immunostaining of fibres, particularly evident in the perinatal period, progressively decreased and it was no longer visible by the end of the second postnatal week when the distribution and intensity of calretinin immunostaining was similar to that observed in the adult rat thalamus. The present findings indicate that the immunolocalization of calretinin can be used to identify subsets of thalamic neuronal population during pre- and postnatal maturation allowing also the detection of the migratory pattern of early generated reticular thalamic neurons.  相似文献   

A 71-year-old man was treated with transurethral microwave thermotherapy because of symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The treatment session was performed without any abnormal complaints from the patient. Two hours post-treatment the patient felt pain in his penile shaft and noticed a wound. A thorough investigation revealed that the only possible explanation for the injury was a dislocation of the catheter.  相似文献   

Selegiline is used as an adjunct to levodopa in the symptomatic treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD). The normal daily dose of selegiline is 10 mg administered orally. This study, based on monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibition, investigates whether a reduction in selegiline dose can provide the same beneficial effects seen with a 10-mg dose. The inhibition of platelet MAO-B activity against multiple dosing of selegiline (2.5, 5, and 7.5 mg) was predicted from the data obtained from literature (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 10 mg). A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model for selegiline was also developed. The data suggested that by 96 hours (four doses) the inhibition of platelet MAO-B activity is approximately 95% after a daily dose of 2.5 mg selegiline, whereas it takes only 48 hours (two doses) for doses of 5 mg and 7.5 mg to achieve this degree of inhibition. The pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model was best described by a sigmoidal Emax model with an effect compartment. Based on the inhibition of MAO-B activity, a reduction in daily oral dose of selegiline appears possible without compromising the therapeutic effect. Therefore, lower doses of selegiline should be tested in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Investigated the effects of bilateral lesions of the anterodorsal caudate nuclei on reactivity in 5 experiments with male albino Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats. In the open-field apparatus, Ss with caudate lesions were more active, showed increased thigmotaxism, defecated more, and groomed less. Exp II showed that in a nonstressful situation Ss with caudate lesions defecated no more than those with cortical lesion or unoperated Ss. Under stressful conditions Ss with caudate lesions defecated significantly more than the control Ss. Exps III, IV, and V indicated that Ss with lesions of the caudate nucleus were hyperresponsive to conditions of illumination and food deprivation. It is suggested that the heightened reactivity of the caudate-damaged Ss reflects the role of the caudate nucleus in the modulation of CNS arousal mechanisms. (52 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study has examined the involvement of sensory neurotransmitters in activating neurones in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis following stimulation of the trigeminovascular system in anaesthetised guinea-pigs. Electrical stimulation of the right trigeminal ganglion produced a unilateral expression of Fos-like immunoreactivity (Fos-LI) in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis. The tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonist, GR205171 (100 micrograms/kg i.v.) and the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, MK-801 (1 mg/kg i.v.) each inhibited expression of Fos-LI following electrical stimulation. The calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonist, CGRP8-37 (1.3 mg/kg i.v.), administered following rostral intracarotid infusion of mannitol to disrupt the blood-brain barrier, tended to reduce Fos-LI evoked by electrical stimulation, although this failed to reach statistical significance. Capsaicin (10 nmol in 0.1 ml), administered intracisternally, produced a bilateral expression of Fos-LI in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis. This expression was unaffected by the peripherally acting NK1 receptor antagonist, GR82334 (0.2 mg/kg i.v.) or CGRP8-37 (1.3 mg/kg i.v.). The centrally penetrant NK1 receptor antagonist, GR205171 (100 micrograms/kg i.v.), inhibited significantly Fos-LI evoked by intracisternal capsaicin administration. It is concluded that the sensory neurotransmitters, substance P and glutamate are released centrally following activation of the trigeminovascular system and that each may be involved in activation of cells in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis.  相似文献   

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