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目的 为深入了解消费者对食品添加剂的认知情况,有针对性地制定食品添加剂的食品安全风险交流策略开展本研究。方法 采用海纳网络舆情监测系统V2.0,对2011年-2020年消费者食品添加剂的网络舆情大数据进行数据采集和数据清理,之后进行数据分析和可视化展示。结果 2011年-2020年消费者关注的食品添加剂种类有所变动,但食品添加剂的用量一直备受关注;消费者最关注的事件类型是违规添加或滥用添加剂;消费者对食品生产企业信心一直不足,但对市场监管职能日渐清晰,期待值不断提高;消费者对食品添加剂的认知水平随宣传科普工作的加强而提高,但自媒体对公众认知的影响日益加大且其认知存在偏差,容易误导消费者。结论 消费者对食品添加剂的认知情况是进行风险交流的基础。结合研究结果,本文就市场和社会监管措施、网络媒体引导策略、风险交流策略等三方面分别有针对性地提出了建议。  相似文献   

世界上任何技术、任何东西都有风险,只不过就是人们如何来看待,并尽量规避其中的风险。到目前为止,转基因食品已有充分的证据说明其安全性,在肯定其安全的同时必须明白,消费者对其风险的认知才是影响其在我国商业化发展的重要因素。研究过程中,通过运用问卷调查的方式,围绕着消费者对转基因食品的风险感知现状、影响风险感知的因素及风险感知与购买意愿的关系等相关问题进行了探讨。研究发现:(1)消费者对转基因食品的风险感知可以分为健康、时间、功能、经济以及社会心理维度;(2)消费者对转基因食品的风险感知受月收入、受教育程度和了解程度等因素的影响;(3)消费者对转基因食品的风险感知,降低了购买意愿,其中健康维度与购买意愿的关系最为显著。  相似文献   

食品安全问题是公共卫生的重中之重,随着世界经济环境的不断发展,食品传播范围增大,食品安全在生产加工、储存、分销等方面都面临着巨大的压力和挑战。频繁发生的食品安全事件冲击着公众的信任,也影响消费者对食品安全风险的认知。对消费者风险认知的测量,逐渐由双因素风险认知理论模型转变为多因素模型。影响人们食品安全风险认知的因素有很多,比如人口特征属性,包括年龄、性别、种族和受教育程度等;接收食品信息的渠道,例如媒体、政府和企业;以及消费者对食品加工过程中涉及的技术和概念的了解程度等。这些因素对消费者的食品安全风险认知有不同程度的影响,对这些因素进行总结概述,能够为有关部门提供未来食品安全工作中可以采取的有效措施,且提升消费者对食品安全和质量的信心。  相似文献   

构建网络食品安全感知风险能力指标测量体系,评价浙江省消费者感知风险能力。以问卷调查的方式获取样本数据,采用因子分析法对感知风险能力进行综合评价。结果表明,浙江省感知风险能力排名前三的县市分别为嘉兴、衢州、金华,排名最后的是舟山,但各县市差异并不大。食品功能风险成为浙江消费者感知风险能力测量中最重要的维度,财务风险是最不重要的维度;建议政府监管部门加强食品质量的管理,同时推动食品企业发展互联网经营模式。  相似文献   

为了研究仿冒服装购买意愿的影响因素,基于“认知-态度-行为意愿”理论逻辑,首先探究产品认知、消费者态度与仿冒服装购买意愿间的影响关系,然后加入金钱崇拜与道德判断两个因素,探究二者在此逻辑关系中所起到的影响作用。结果表明:产品认知的外观、体验、功能三个维度均能正向影响象征价值及购买意愿、负向影响社会风险;消费者态度中的象征价值正向影响购买意愿,社会风险负向影响购买意愿;并且产品认知的三个维度均能通过象征价值正向影响购买意愿,通过社会风险负向影响购买意愿;金钱崇拜正向影响购买意愿,道德判断负向影响购买意愿;而金钱崇拜在产品认知的三个维度与象征价值间并不起到正向的调节作用,道德判断在产品认知的三个维度与社会风险间也不起到正向的调节作用。最后,根据得到的研究结果,提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

陈思  路西  吴昊  钟凯  郭丽霞  赵洁  罗晓静 《食品科学》2014,35(13):245-249
目的:了解大学生对食品添加剂的认知状况和影响因素,为食品添加剂风险交流提供依据。方法:采用随机抽样方法,对北京大学学生进行自填式问卷调查。结果:北京大学学生对于食品添加剂有较高的风险认知和负性情绪。知识和企业风险控制等对于降低风险认知和负性情绪都有显著影响。但是,知识知晓和企业风险控制评价的情况均较差,71.4%的受访者将违法添加物三聚氰胺等视为食品添加剂,仅8.9%的受访者认为企业会按标准使用食品添加剂。结论:要促进食品添加剂的科学认知、降低负性情绪,应加强食品添加剂知识的科普宣教、并规范企业遵纪守法的行为。  相似文献   

转基因食品是人们生活中难以回避的问题.了解消费者对于转基因食品的认知情况,对于转基因食品管理和宣传具有重要作用.国内外学者对消费者的认知态度进行了大量研究,但针对信息传递导向的研究还很少见.本文根据南京市实地调查资料,重点从转基因食品信息传递角度对转基因消费认知情况进行研究,调查发现,南京市消费者对转基因食品有一定的认知度,但对转基因食品接受和购买采取了较为谨慎、理性的态度;转基因信息内容属性、传播载体和转基因食品的不同特性都会影响消费者对转基因食品认知情况.  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查所获得的资料认真分析了不同样本特征的消费者对畜产食品质量安全风险的认知程度、购买行为和支付意愿。结果表明,被调查的消费者认为他们在购买和食用畜产食品的过程中面临的质量安全风险问题较为严重,不同样本特征的消费者对畜产食品质量安全风险的认知程度存在显著差异,消费者对畜产食品质量安全的关心程度比较高,消费者愿意为无公害猪肉支付比一般猪肉较高的价格。  相似文献   

食品添加剂是现代食品生产加工不可或缺的重要物质,它的安全使用关系着食品工业的健康发展。近年来,食品添加剂安全风险事件对消费者的身体健康、主观认知和心理感受影响较大,使得食品添加剂安全使用问题受到社会的广泛关注。基于消费者视角分析,社会共治理论是符合消费者期望和现实需要的食品安全治理理论,科学构建社会共治体系是治理食品添加剂安全使用问题和保障食品工业健康发展的有效途径。在此方面,既要发挥社会力量以弥补政府监管力量的不足,也要注重伦理道德和社会责任对法律制度和技术标准的补充作用。通过完善法律制度和加强行政监管,强化企业责任和加强行业自律,加强社会监督和优化风险交流,食品添加剂安全使用问题的治理状况将得到改善。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 探讨消费者对转基因食品的风险感知及购买行为影响因素;方法 以成都消费者为研究对象, 通过构建风险认知感知模型, 研究不同不同人口统计特征、认知程度和参与程度对转基因食品安全的风险感知因素,并探寻转基因风险感知因素对购买意愿的影响。结果 不同人口统计特征对风险感知因子的影响不同。认知程度与功能风险的影响呈现为显著的负相关关系;信息渠道获取数量越多,越不认为转基因食品具有健康风险和功能风险。关注程度和担心程度越高,对风险感知因子的影响越显著。风险感知因子对购买意愿都有呈现的显著负相关,即风险感知因子越强,越不愿意购买转基因食品。  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore, on the one hand, public perception of risks associated with different food‐related hazards and, on the other hand, perception of reliability of various sources providing information on food‐related risks. Some differences were found when consumers compared six food‐related hazards in terms of perceived personal risk and their knowledge of potential food risks. The concern about food risks was found to be statistically significantly dependent on the perception of risk to the individual. As far as the perception of the reliability of information was concerned, a principal component analysis revealed some differences in terms of respondents’ perception when the sources were compared. Furthermore, a regression analysis showed that the perceived amount of information each source contained about food‐related hazards was an important element in perception of reliability, as well as the degree of concern consumers believed the agencies had with protecting their health from food risks.  相似文献   

New food technologies, such as genetic modification, food fortification, and processing technologies, are of growing interest for future food security and safety. For ensuring successful implementation of such technologies, consumers and other food supply chain actors should embrace them. We present a systematic review to identify and compare key factors of supply chain actors’ evaluation of new food technologies. Evaluation encompasses indicators such as likelihood or intention to perform a behavior, perceived benefits/risks, willingness to pay, acceptance/adoption, and attitudes. Results from 183 studies showed several imbalances in research. Although studies mainly focused on (1) genetically modified foods, (2) by consumers, (3) in developed countries, only very few studies have targeted other food technologies, other supply chain actors such as farmers (13 studies) or processors (two studies), or developing countries (43 studies). With respect to consumers’ evaluation, key determinants were trust in institutions, information assessment, perceived risks and benefits, attitudes toward the product or technology, perceived behavioral control, quality perception of the product, and impact on health. Farmers’ evaluation of new food technologies was explained by the factors of perceived risk and benefits and of actual source of information. For the few processor evaluation studies, no convergence of factors could be reached. This systematic review contributes to a better understanding of consumers’ and farmers’ evaluation behavior and opens up avenues for future research on supply chain actors’ food technology evaluations. The differences in the conceptualization and measurement of extracted factors demonstrate the need for standardized approaches in future studies.  相似文献   

In several areas, Kentuckians practice more risky health behaviors than most of the rest of the nation. The Health Belief Model states that individuals with lower perceived risks practice less healthy behaviors. This study sought to determine if this was true for food safety by assessing food safety perceptions and behaviors of Kentucky consumers. Data were collected through a telephone questionnaire based on a survey by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; 728 respondents participated. Food safety perceptions were analyzed by examining participants' responses to confidence in the safety of the food supply, perception of likelihood of people becoming sick because of foodborne illness, and perception of where food safety problems are most likely to occur. Significant differences were found in food safety perceptions for age, gender, household income, education, and employment in the food industry. Analysis of food safety behaviors revealed differences in food handling behaviors for gender, education level, household income, race, and households with a member aged 65 years or older. Significant relationships were found between respondents' food safety perceptions and behaviors. In general, Kentucky consumers who perceived higher risks exhibited safer food handling behaviors. Strategies to increase the understanding of real and perceived food safety risks in the home combined with strategies that target specific demographic groups may be the most effective approach to improve food handling practices. A better understanding of consumers' food safety risk perceptions and behaviors could lead to more effective food safety education materials and messages.  相似文献   

At the time of this study, the Canadian government intends to legalize the use of recreational cannabis. Despite its intentions, the regulatory framework remains ambiguous. Food businesses, with their constant search for growth, are considering launching several food products with cannabis as an ingredient, once the drug is legalized. This study does not look at the health effects of cannabis per se, but rather consumers’ perception of cannabis as a food ingredient through the lens of food innovation, if it were to be legalized. It explores several dimensions, including cannabis-infused food products sold in grocery stores and dishes served at restaurants. It evaluates potential times when consumers would consume these products, in addition to their preferred food products. The survey also looks at perceived risks related to specific demographics such as children and pregnant women. The survey assesses both perceived risks and anticipated behaviour in a market in which a former illicit product becomes readily available.The results show that Canadians, although mostly favourable to cannabis's legalization and willing to try cannabis-infused food products, are concerned about health risks the drug represents, especially for young children. Results also suggest that most Canadians do not feel knowledgeable enough to cook with cannabis at home, which opens an opportunity for leaders in the industry. Finally, the study presents limitations and suggested future paths for research.  相似文献   

Food safety scandals are recurring events in the food industry worldwide and companies are not immune to these incidents. However, there is a paucity of studies that examine how consumers evaluate and respond to brands involved in food crises and how consumers’ prejudicial views about brands may bias these responses. Following attribution theory, the current study analyzes the psychological mechanisms through which consumers form judgments about a brand’s culpability in the aftermath of a food safety scandal. Furthermore, this study assesses how the dimensions of a brand’s country-of-origin (perceived competence and perceived warmth) affect the mechanism of blame attribution.A real food crisis, the 2013 European horsemeat adulteration scandal, provides the framework for an experimental study with 816 Italian consumers. The results show that perceived country-of-origin warmth diminishes consumers’ perceptions of internal locus, stability, and controllability of the food incident, thus decreasing consumers’ attributions of blame toward the faulty brand. Perceived competence increases consumers’ perceptions of the controllability of the harmful behavior which leads to higher attributions of blame. Higher blame attribution leads to lower intentions to buy the brand in the future. Furthermore, when consumers perceive the food scandal as highly severe and when they are highly ethnocentric, perceived competence diminishes consumers’ perceptions of internal locus and stability of the food incident.The theoretical contribution of the study and practical implications for food brand managers are addressed.  相似文献   

为深入了解植物基人造肉市场快速发展背景下国内消费者对人造肉产品购买的意愿及影响因素,以武汉市202位消费者调研数据为样本,构建了消费者人造肉食品购买意愿研究模型。研究发现,消费者的感知体验和感知信任对购买意愿的影响显著,但感知有用性并未对消费者购买意愿产生显著影响。价格制定、技术风险和口感风味等因素通过影响消费者感知特性间接对消费者购买意愿产生作用。其中,价格制定对消费者感知特性影响最为显著,技术风险和口感风味对消费者感知特性影响次之。该研究有助于更好地了解国内一线城市消费者对人造肉产品的购买意愿及关切。研究结论可为人造肉生产商更好地研发产品,为零售企业激发消费端的购买热情提供借鉴。  相似文献   

李佳洁  李楠  罗浪 《食品科学》2016,37(9):258-263
我国食品安全事件频发,大众对食品安全风险越来越关注。本研究从系统性风险的理论出发,构建了认知食品安全系统性风险的4 个维度,并以转基因食品安全风险为例,从4 个维度解释了公众对这种系统性风险存在较大争议的原因。提出了食品安全系统性的新的认知视角,为相关部门开展有效的风险交流,帮助公众正确理解食品安全风险,避免不必要的恐慌情绪和信任危机提供参考依据。  相似文献   

目的 了解消费者对进口食品安全的风险认知及其影响因素,提出相应的对策和建议.方法 采用问卷调查的方式,结合均值分析、方差分析、t检验、假设检验、相关分析、因子分析和二元Logistic回归等统计学方法进行消费者对进口食品安全的风险认知及其影响因素研究.结果 消费者对进口食品安全的具象风险认知与国家检验检疫结果基本一致,...  相似文献   

Successfully engaging consumers in a dialogue may provide opportunities for better tailored and more effective communication about food-related risks and benefits. Using an online deliberation concept and software, VIZZATA™, we explored the validity of a behavioral measure of deliberation in an online environment in the context of consumers’ perceptions and information seeking about the risks and benefits of red meat. Participants from Belgium, Portugal and the United Kingdom (n = 150) were given the opportunity to engage in an asynchronous interaction with the research team about the information provided. Online deliberation was operationalized as an individual metric based on the number of questions asked in relation to the information, the number of comments left, the number of glossary terms accessed, and the time spent on deliberative activity. This operationalization provided a coherent measure of deliberation which was positively correlated with information recall about the risks and benefits of red meat. Participants who perceived the information about red meat risks and benefits as too complex engaged less with the information. The study herewith presents a novel method of investigating consumers’ deliberation about food issues that conceptualizes consumer engagement as more than just information seeking.  相似文献   

Consumer perceptions of food-related risks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent research indicates that the majority of respondents in nineteen of thirty‐four countries feel their food is less safe than 10 years ago. Concerns over food safety may result in elevated levels of perceived risk, particularly when fuelled by intense media coverage. The purpose of this study was to assess Ohioans’ perceptions of various food safety risks and to identify factors influencing risk judgments. Mail survey data are reported for 4014 respondents with a total response rate of 56%. Findings reveal moderate perceived levels of risk for the food safety items assessed. Pesticide residues in food and contamination of drinking water generated the highest levels of perceived risk, while mad cow disease and genetically modified foods generated the lowest levels of perceived risk. Regression results indicate that attitude toward biotechnology was the strongest predictor of perceived risk, followed by perceptions of media system dependency. Findings from this research can assist food safety specialists in developing more effective education and risk communication programmes for target audiences.  相似文献   

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