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Large-eddy simulation (LES) and laboratory-flume visualizations were used to investigate coherent structures present in the flow field around a circular cylinder located in a scour hole. The bathymetry corresponds to equilibrium scour conditions and is fixed in LES. The flow parameters in the simulation correspond to the experimental conditions in which the approach flow is fully turbulent. Detailed consideration is given to the interaction of the horseshoe vortex (HV) system within the scour hole with the detached shear layers formed from the cylinder, and the near bed turbulence. It is found that the overall structure of the HV system varies considerably in space and time, though a large, relatively stable, primary necklace vortex is present at practically all times inside the scour hole. The simulation captures the presence of bimodal chaotic oscillations inside the HV system, as well as the sharp increase in the resolved turbulent kinetic energy levels and pressure fluctuations reported in prior experimental investigations. High levels of the mean bed shear stress are observed beneath the primary necklace vortex, especially over the region where the bimodal oscillations are strong, as well as beneath the small junction vortex at the base of the cylinder. It is also found that the detachment and advection of patches of vorticity from the downstream part of the legs of the necklace vortices can induce large instantaneous bed shear stress values. When the critical bed shear stress value for sediment entrainment on a flat surface is adjusted for bed slope effects, the LES simulation correctly predicts that the distribution of the mean bed shear stress is consistent with equilibrium scour conditions.  相似文献   

Local pier scour experiments were performed in the laboratory to investigate the effect of relative sediment size on pier scour depth using three uniform sediment sizes and three bridge pier designs at different geometric model scales. When the data from a large number of experimental and field investigations are filtered according to a Froude number criterion, the effect of relative sediment size on dimensionless pier scour depth is brought into focus. The choice of sediment size in the laboratory model distorts the value of the ratio of pier width to sediment size in comparison with the prototype which in turn causes larger values of scour depth in the laboratory than in the field. This model distortion due to sediment size is shown to be related to the scaling of the large-scale unsteadiness of the horseshoe vortex by studying the relevant time scales of its coherent structure upstream of a bridge pier using acoustic Doppler velocimeter measurements. Observations of sediment movement, probability distributions of velocity components, and phase-averaging of velocity measured upstream of a bridge pier reveal properties of coherent motions that are discussed in terms of their contribution to the relationship between dimensionless pier scour depth and the ratio of pier width to sediment size over a large range of physical scales.  相似文献   

Design Method of Time-Dependent Local Scour at Circular Bridge Pier   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A reliable prediction of local scour depth related to hydrological characteristics such as peak discharge, and time corresponding to the equilibrium scour depth is essential for the efficient design of bridge pier foundation. In this paper, a design method to predict the local scour depth with time is proposed. An experimental program was carried out using a cylindrical pier placed in uniform beds under clear-water flows. The pier scour depth was calculated on the basis of a sediment transport equation. Equilibrium local scour depth is reached when the bed-shear stress tends to critical bed-shear stress in the scour hole. Hence, changes to bed-shear stress at the circular bridge pier should be incorporated in the sediment transport theory. The proposed method follows experimental data of various sources.  相似文献   

Genetic Programming to Predict Bridge Pier Scour   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Bridge-pier scour is a significant problem for the safety of bridges. Extensive laboratory and field studies have been conducted examining the effect of relevant variables. This note presents an alternative to the conventional regression-based equations (HEC-18 and regression equation developed by the writers), in the form of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and genetic programming (GP). There had been 398 data sets of field measurements that were collected from published literature and were used to train the network or evolve the program. The developed network and evolved programs were validated by using the observations that were not involved in the training. The performance of GP was found more effective when compared to regression equations and ANNs in predicting the scour depth at bridge piers.  相似文献   

Bridge Pier Scour under Flood Waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of a single-peaked flood wave on pier scour is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The conditions considered involve clear-water scour of a cohesionless material of given median sediment size and sediment nonuniformity, an approach flow characterized by a flow depth and velocity, a circular-shaped cylindrical bridge pier, and a flood hydrograph defined by its time to peak and peak discharge. A previously proposed formula for scour advance under a constant discharge was applied to the unsteady approach flow. The generalized temporal scour development along with the end scour depth are presented in terms of mainly the densimetric particle Froude number based on the maximum approach flow velocity and the median sediment size. The effect of the remaining parameters on the end scour depth is discussed and predictions are demonstrated to be essentially in agreement with model observations.  相似文献   

Results are presented from laboratory experiments to investigate the effectiveness of bed sills as countermeasures against local scouring at a smooth circular bridge pier, for flow conditions near the threshold of uniform sediment motion. The bed sill was located downstream of the pier, and its effectiveness with the distance between pier and sill was evaluated. The dependence of the scour depth on different dimensionless groups was defined. The results showed that a bed sill placed at a short distance downstream of the pier reduces the scour depth, area, and volume. In particular, the smaller the distance between the two structures, the larger the effectiveness of the countermeasure. The bed sill seems to take effect some time after the beginning of the test, as the scour hole downstream of the bridge pier develops sufficiently and interacts with the countermeasure.  相似文献   

This note deals with the influence of debris accumulation on scour around bridge piers. Clear-water experiments in different hydraulic conditions have been carried out with three wood debris shapes: rectangular, triangular, and cylindrical. A wide range of debris thickness and width were studied in order to determine their influence on the maximum scour hole depth temporal evolution. The ratio of the pier diameter to the channel width was varied between 0.05 and 0.12 with total bridge contractions up to 20%. A proposed relation presents a simple design procedure to predict the increase in scour depth, which mainly depends on the flow contraction due to the debris accumulation.  相似文献   

Experimental Investigation of Clear-Water Local Scour of Compound Piers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Local scour around complex piers under steady clear-water condition was studied experimentally for a variety of configuration, including different sizes and shapes of complex piers. A total of 70 experiments were carried out. Three sets of experiments were performed over the entire range of possible pile cap elevations for complex piers with different geometrical characteristics. The collected data are used to quantify the pile cap elevations that maximize or minimize the local scour depth. Some of the available methodologies to estimate the maximum local scour depth around such complex piers are evaluated. The predictions of the scour depths improved by using the revised methods of Hydraulic Engineering Circular Number 18 and Coleman.  相似文献   

The temporal effect of hydrograph on local scour depth is investigated under clear-water scour condition. By analyzing the characteristics of scour-depth evolutions at bridge piers for different rising hydrographs, a relation for estimating the maximum scour depth in uniform sediment is proposed. In the relation, the flow unsteadiness effect is taken into account by an unsteady flow parameter combining the peak-flow intensity and time-to-peak factors. For nonuniform sediment with d84 employed as the effective sediment size, this relation can yield reasonably good results of the maximum scour depth under rising hydrograph.  相似文献   

Local Scour and Riprap Stability at Bridge Piers in a Degrading Channel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The experimental study examines local scouring and riprap stability at bridge piers in rivers subject to bed degradation. The data show that the equilibrium bed profile associated with that with or without a pier is essentially the same, except for the obvious section around the pier. Total scour depth is shown to be the sum of bed degradation and pier scour depth. The latter can be computed from the time-average live-bed scour depth associated with the undisturbed velocity ratio before bed degradation. The experimental data also show that pier-scour depth is invariant with time, for t ≥ 24?h. In a degrading channel, riprap around a pier will eventually develop into a stable mound when the bed shear stresses reduce with bed degradation. An auxiliary test shows that the mound is very vulnerable to another designed flood flow accompanied by large dunes. This type of riprap instability may be called bed-degradation induced failure.  相似文献   

Evolution of Scour Depth at Circular Bridge Piers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Experiments of bridge pier scour are carried out under steady and unsteady clear-water scour conditions with uniform and nonuniform sediments. Around the pier nose, the sediment size variation of surface bed materials is investigated, and a regressed formula is obtained for estimating the mixing layer thickness in terms of median sediment size and geometric standard deviation of grain size distribution. A method based on the mixing layer concept is developed for calculating the equilibrium scour depth in nonuniform sediment. Based on the experimental data of scour rate, a model simulating the scour-depth evolution under steady flow in nonuniform sediment is presented. By analyzing experimental data, a scheme is proposed for computing the scour-depth evolution under unsteady flow.  相似文献   

This paper presents a protection structure built for a bridge pier consisting of six narrow piles. Accumulation of large woody debris upstream of the pile group during high-flow terms might have induced much larger scour depths compared with those expected for the single pile. A phenomenological sketch of the system suggested that accumulation of debris material during peak flows and subsequent descent of the same material during the tail of the events represented a very dangerous two-stage process owing to the high expected scour. Consequently, a countermeasure was designed, consisting of a plate preventing the descent of debris below its elevation. The performance of the plate in reducing local scour was subjected to some preliminary laboratory tests, and satisfactory results were obtained. This paper reports some tentative performance observations for the real structure built on the river, based on the amount of debris trapped during a recent event with moderate flow.  相似文献   

Experimental Investigation of Clear-Water Local Scour at Pile Groups   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Experiments of local scour around pile groups are carried out under steady clear-water scour conditions. A variety of conditions including different pile group arrangements, spacing, flow rates, and sediment grain sizes are considered. In total, 112 experiments are carried out. It is observed that the scour-hole depth for some cases of pile groups increases as much as two times more than its magnitude for the case of single piles. The data from this study and some laboratory experiment data from previous works are used to derive a correction factor to predict the maximum local scour depth for the pile groups. Two well-known equations, i.e., Federal Highway Administration, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 18, HEC-18 (reported by Richardson and Davis in 2001) and the New Zealand pier scour equation (reported by Melville and Coleman in 2000) are considered. The prediction of scour hole based on the present correction agrees well with the observations.  相似文献   

The writers’ experiments on local scour at vertical cylinders placed in a sand bed show that similitude of large-scale turbulence is an important consideration influencing equilibrium depth of local scour. For the range of cylinder diameters used in their experiments, the writers identify a direct trend between equilibrium scour depth (normalized with cylinder diameter) and the intensity and frequency of large-scale turbulence shed from each cylinder; values of normalized scour depth increased when cylinder diameter decreased. The writers offer a scour-depth adjustment factor to account for this trend, which essentially is a scale effect incurred with experiments involving three independent length scales: cylinder diameter, bed-particle diameter, and flow depth. The consequent similitude consideration, or scale effect, has general significance for laboratory studies of local scour associated with hydraulic structures in sediment beds.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional (2D) depth-averaged river model Finite-Element Surface-Water Modeling System (FESWMS) was used to predict flow distribution at the bend of a compound channel. The site studied was the Highway 13 bridge over the Big Sioux River in Flandreau, South Dakota. The Flandreau site has complex channel and floodplain geometry that produces unique flow conditions at the bridge crossing. The 2D model was calibrated using flow measurements obtained during two floods in 1993. The calibrated model was used to examine the hydraulic and geomorphic factors that affect the main channel and floodplain flows and the flow interactions between the two portions. A one-dimensional (1D) flow model of the bridge site was also created in Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) for comparison. Soil samples were collected from the bridge site and tested in an erosion function apparatus (EFA) to determine the critical shear stress and erosion rate constant. The results of EFA testing and 2D flow modeling were used as inputs to the Scour Rate in Cohesive Soils (SRICOS) method to predict local scour at the northern and southernmost piers. The sensitivity of predicted scour depth to the hydraulic and soil parameters was examined. The predicted scour depth was very sensitive to the approach-flow velocity and critical shear stress. Overall, this study has provided a better understanding of 2D flow effects in compound channels and an overall assessment of the SRICOS method for prediction of bridge pier scour.  相似文献   

Temporal Variation of Scour Depth at Nonuniform Cylindrical Piers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper proposes a semiempirical model to estimate the temporal development of scour depth at cylindrical piers with unexposed foundations. A cylindrical pier with a foundation is considered as nonuniform pier. The concept of primary vortex and the principle of volumetric rate of sediment transport are used to develop a methodology to characterize the rate of evolution of the scour hole at nonuniform cylindrical piers. The model also simulates the entire scouring process at nonuniform cylindrical piers having the discontinuous surface located below the initial bed level. The scouring process includes three zones; viz Zone 1 having the scouring phenomenon similar to that of a uniform pier, Zone 2 in which the scour depth remains unchanged with its value equal to the depth of the top level of foundation below the initial bed level while the dimensions of the scour hole increase, and in Zone 3 the geometry pier foundation influences the scouring process. A concept of superposition using an effective pier diameter is proposed to simulate the scouring process in Zone 3. In addition, the laboratory experiments were conducted to utilize the laboratory results for the validation of the model. The simulated results obtained from the proposed model are in good agreement with the present experimental results and also other experimental data. Also, the effect of unsteadiness of flow is incorporated in the model and the results of the model are compared with the experimental data. The model agrees satisfactorily with the experimental data.  相似文献   

In this paper, three-dimensional turbulent flow field around a complex bridge pier placed on a rough fixed bed is experimentally investigated. The complex pier foundation consists of a column, a pile cap, and a 2×4 pile group. All of the elements are exposed to the approaching flow. An acoustic-Doppler velocimeter was used to measure instantaneously the three components of the velocities at different horizontal and vertical planes. Profiles and contours of time-averaged velocity components, turbulent intensity components, turbulent kinetic energy, and Reynolds stresses, as well as velocity vectors are presented and discussed at different vertical and horizontal planes. The approaching boundary layer at the upstream of the pile cap separated in two vertical directions and induced an upward flow toward the column and a contracted downward flow below the pile cap and toward the piles. The contracted upward flow on the pile cap interacts with downflow in the front of the column and deflects toward the side of the pier, which in return produces a strong downflow along the side of the pile cap. The flow at the rear of the pile cap is very complex. The strong downward flow at the downstream and near the top of the pile cap in interaction with the reverse flow behind the column and upward flow near the bed produce two vortices close to the upper and lower corners of the pile cap with opposite direction of rotation. On the other hand, the back-flow from the wake of the pile cap is forced into the top region resulting in a secondary recirculation at the wake of the column. The contracted flow below the pile cap and toward the piles, a strong downflow along the sides of the pile cap at the upstream region, and a vortex flow behind the pile cap and an amplification of turbulence intensity along the sides of the pile cap at the downstream region are the main features of the flow responsible for the entrainment of bed sediments.  相似文献   

The present study examines the use of independent and continuous pier collars in combination with riprap for reducing local scour around bridge pier groups. The efficiency of collars was studied through experiments. The data from the experiments were compared with data from earlier studies on single piers with collars and bridge pier groups without collars. The data showed that in the case of two piers in line, combination of continuous collars and riprap results in the most significant scour reduction of about 50 and 60% for the front and rear piers, respectively. In other cases for two piers in line, independent collars showed better efficiency than a continuous collar around both piers. It was also shown that efficiency of collars is more on a rectangular pier aligned with the flow than two piers in line. Experiments however, indicated that collars are not so effective in reduction of scouring around two transverse piers.  相似文献   

Temporal Evolution of Clear-Water Pier and Abutment Scour   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Scour related to bridge hydraulics received much attention in the past decade, including its relation to flood hydrology and hydraulic processes in addition to steady flow. This paper presents new research on bridge pier and abutment scour based on a large data set collected at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. In total six different sediments were tested, of which three were uniform. Also a large variety of scour elements were considered, from 1 to 60% of the channel width, and flow depths ranging from 1 to about 40% of the channel width. Using similarity arguments and the analogy to flow resistance, an equation for temporal scour evolution is proposed and verified with the available literature data. The agreement of the present scour equation with both the VAW data and the literature data were considered sufficient in terms of river engineering accuracy, provided limitations relating to hydraulic, granulometric, and geometrical parameters are satisfied. These limitations are discussed and refer particularly to effects of viscosity, which were excluded in the present scour equation.  相似文献   

Numerical Modeling of Three-Dimensional Flow Field Around Circular Piers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three-dimensional numerical model FLUENT is used to simulate the separated turbulent flow around vertical circular piers in clear water. Computations are performed using different turbulence models and results are compared with several sets of experimental data available in the literature. Despite commonly perceived weakness of the k-ε model in resolving three-dimensional (3D) open channel and geophysical flows, several variants of this turbulence model are found to have performed satisfactorily in reproducing the measured velocity profiles. However, model results obtained using the k-ε models show some discrepancy with the measured bed shear stress. The Reynolds stress model performed quite well in simulating velocity distribution on flat bed and scour hole as well as shear stress distribution on flat bed around circular piers. The study demonstrates that a robust 3D hydrodynamic model can effectively supplement experimental studies in understanding the complex flow field and the scour initiation process around piers of various size, shape, and dimension.  相似文献   

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