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风力发电-发展潜力巨大的清洁能源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了我国仍至全球的风电资源以及风电建设的发展;分析了风力发电的优缺点和风能合理利用的技术,提出借助变频技术和电力电子(PE)控制技术,并应用结构简单,坚固可靠、维护方便,成本低廉的异步发电机,可实现高质量电能的输出,使风电系统处于最佳的风能利用状态。  相似文献   

21世纪的新能源——天然气水合物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周善元 《江西能源》2002,(2):45-46,44
天然气水合物 (GasHydrates)是天然气和水在特定条件下所形成的一种透明的冰状结晶体 ,又称“可燃冰”、“气冰”、“固体瓦斯” ,是一种清洁高效、使用方便的新能源 ,被誉为 2 1世纪能为人类提供电力的燃料。越来越多的科学家相信 ,未来洁净能源的最大一部分也许就藏在海底或高纬度永冻区。1 天然气水合物的构成和性能1 1 构成天然气水合物与天然气的成分相近似 ,且更为纯净。简单地说 ,天然气水合物就是天然气 (甲烷类 ,是细菌分解有机物和原油热解时所产生的 )被包进水分子中 ,在海底低温和很高压力下形成的一种冰状的固态…  相似文献   

风能利用可望成为我国21世纪的新兴产业   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了发达国家风力机工业发展概况及风力机制造业的技术特点,介绍了国内的现状,讨论了国产化与产业化的可能性,分析了经济效益与社会效益。  相似文献   

21世纪中国风力发电展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代新能源和可再生能源技术是由20世纪能源、电力技术发展形成的高新技术 ,最近20年的长足进步 ,它已对世界能源、电力产业的结构调整产生巨大影响 ,进而引起能源电力产业结构的大重组和大调整 ,这不能不说是一个社会可持续发展的战略问题。风力发电在新世纪将大规模开发应用 ,全世界将以30 -50 %的速度持续增长。风力发电技术以安全可靠、无污染 ,不需消耗燃料 ,建设周期短 ,规模大小灵活 ,可并网运行等特点 ,在能源、电力产业中异军突起。可以预言 ,21世纪是人类在能源方面以太阳能、风能等可再生能源为主的世纪 ,能源的开发利…  相似文献   

周善元 《江西能源》2001,(1):37-38,35
风能是一种可再生的洁净能源 ,也是 2 1世纪的新能源之一。风能资源丰富 ,开发潜力很大 ,大力开发风能是解决传统能源危机和环境污染问题的重要手段。1 人类利用风能历史悠久风作为一种最古老的能源和动力 ,人类运用它已有数千年的历史。据文献记载 ,古埃及人在 2 80 0年前就用风帆行舟 ,后来又以风力协助役畜来磨谷、提水。作为文明古国的中国 ,使用风帆船亦有二三千年的历史。最辉煌的风帆时期是明代 ,航海家郑和率领庞大的风帆船队七下西洋 ,成为千古佳话。 10 0 0多年前 ,我国还最先发明风车并传入中东 ,12世纪从中东传入欧洲。 16世纪…  相似文献   

面向21世纪的美国生物质能源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了进入21世纪的美国能源发展要求及重点,简介了地区性生物质能计划(RBEP)及其重要作用,并指出了多种能源互补的方针符合中国国情。  相似文献   

崇明岛是我国第三大岛,位于万里长江入口,三面环江,一面临海,地理位置优越,生态环境良好,自然资源丰富,是崇明腾飞的得天独厚优势所在。而上海的发展为崇明的开发创造了条件和机遇,同时也对崇明的建设提出了更高的要求,崇明将成为二十一世纪上海建设的一  相似文献   

In this paper the statistical data of fifty days' wind speed measurements at the MERC-solar site are used to find out the wind energy density and other wind characteristics with the help of the Weibull probability distribution function. It is emphasized that the Weibull and Rayleigh probability functions are useful tools for wind energy density estimation but are not quite appropriate for properly fitting the actual wind data of low mean speed, short-time records. One has to use either the actual wind data (histogram) or look for a better fit by other models of the probability function.  相似文献   

Low-cost digital wind speed histogram recorders were designed to survey the west coast of British Columbia. Results are presented for several shore and island locations in terms of an available power parameter. Additional short term measurements of autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions showed ten-second exponential correlation in velocity fluctuations and gave values for the root mean square fluctuation. A derivation is given of the response time of a Darrieus wind energy converter, which has implications for the sampling time of any wind speed recorder, and for the power fluctuations to be expected from such a converter.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to apply the regional atmospheric numerical weather prediction Eta model and describe its performance in validation of the wind forecasts for wind power plants. Wind power generation depends on wind speed. Wind speed is converted into power through characteristic curve of a wind turbine. The forecasting of wind speed and wind power has the same principle.Two sets of Eta model forecasts are made: one with a coarse resolution of 22 km, and another with a nested grid of 3.5 km, centered on the Nasudden power plants, (18.22°E, 57.07°N; 3 m) at island Gotland, Sweden. The coarse resolution forecasts were used for the boundary conditions of the nested runs. Verification is made for the nested grid model, for summers of 1996–1999, with a total number of 19 536 pairs of forecast and observed winds. The Eta model is compared against the wind observed at the nearest surface station and against the wind turbine tower 10 m wind. As a separate effort, the Eta model wind is compared against the wind from tower observations at a number of levels (38, 54, 75 and 96 m).Four common measures of accuracy relative to observations - mean difference (bias), mean absolute difference, root mean square difference and correlation coefficient are evaluated. In addition, scatter plots of the observed and predicted pairs at 10 and 96 m are generated. Average overall results of the Eta model 10 m wind fits to tower observations are: mean difference (bias) of 0.48 m/s, mean absolute difference of 1.14 m/s, root mean square difference of 1.38 m/s, and the correlation coefficient of 0.79. Average values for the upper tower observation levels are the mean difference (bias) of 0.40 m/s; mean absolute difference of 1.46 m/s; root mean square difference of 1.84 m/s and the correlation coefficient of 0.80.  相似文献   

储能系统由于能够实现电能的时空平移,具有响应速度快,规模化等优点,是改善风电波动性,提高其并网能力的有效手段,构建风储联合发电系统成为目前研究重点.简单介绍了风电并网对电力系统的影响及不同类型电池储能技术的发展现状,给出了部分国内外风储联合发电系统的示范工程,并分析了平滑风电功率波动,跟踪计划出力曲线和削峰填谷3种主要运行方式,重点阐述了目前风储联合发电系统控制策略和储能容量配置研究现状,对进一步开展风储联合发电系统的研究进行了展望,指出经济性仍然是制约储能技术应用的关键问题之一,提高包含储能单元的风储联合发电系统的经济性是今后的研究重点.  相似文献   

In this paper, it is reported that energy capacitor system (ECS), which combines power electronic devices and electric double‐layer capacitor, can significantly decrease voltage and power fluctuations of grid‐connected fixed‐speed wind generator. The proper selection of wind farm output power reference is still a problem for smoothing the wind farm output power. This paper proposes exponential moving average to generate the reference output power of a grid‐connected wind farm. The objective of the control system is to follow the line power reference by absorbing or providing real power to or from the ECS. Moreover, the necessary reactive power can also be supplied to keep the wind farm terminal voltage at the desired reference level. Real wind speed data were used in the simulation analyses, which validate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. Simulation results clearly show that our proposed ECS can be suitable for wind power application. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目前,风电与压缩空气储能耦合发电系统是发电后再与压缩空气储能系统连接,对于风电场一些不能发电工况的能量无法利用。通过风力发电功率特性和运行状态分析,找出产生废弃能量的2种工况:起动风速到切入风速期间的低风速工况和电网原因弃风工况,设计了一套新型的风电-压缩空气储能耦合发电系统,通过啮合切换装置可以进行风机和压缩机、发电机的切换运行。通过工况的效率分析,系统在2种工况时,可以回收废弃能量,实现电能输出,有效提高风电场的能量利用率。  相似文献   

Direct active and reactive power control of DFIG for wind energy generation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper presents a new direct power control (DPC) strategy for a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind energy generation system. The strategy is based on the direct control of stator active and reactive power by selecting appropriate voltage vectors on the rotor side. It is found that the initial rotor flux has no impact on the changes of the stator active and reactive power. The proposed method only utilizes the estimated stator flux so as to remove the difficulties associated with rotor flux estimation. The principles of this method are described in detail in this paper. The only machine parameter required by the proposed DPC method is the stator resistance whose impact on the system performance is found to be negligible. Simulation results on a 2 MW DFIG system are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed control strategy during variations of active and reactive power, rotor speed, machine parameters, and converter dc link voltage.  相似文献   

Wind energy programmes started in India during the 1980s and gained momentum during 1992–1993 mainly due to the participation of private developers who saw wind as a viable alternative source of power for their existing industrial activities. The liberal incentives provided by the Government of India like 100 per cent depreciation in the first year itself, a five year tax holiday; wheeling/banking, and third party sale by different state governments also gave a big boost to the establishment of wind farms. Dr A. Jagadeesh, Wind Energy Specialist and Consultant, India highlights the current status and actions needed for further development of a wind power industry in India.  相似文献   

In this work, a statistical analysis of wind energy potential in Maiduguri is carried out, using Weibull distribution and 10 years (1995–2004) of wind data. The results show the Weibull distribution parameter C and K, the probability function T (V), the velocity frequency distribution f (V), the energy and power densities. The cost benefit analysis shows the economic feasibility of using wind energy conversion systems for electric power generation and supply in Maiduguri.  相似文献   

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