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本文将多描述编码与运动补偿三维小波可扩展视频编码相结合,提出了一种基于运动补偿三维小波的多描述视频编码方法.该方法首先根据编码序列的运动特性,自适应地进行每个描述的码率分配,以控制各个描述中的冗余,然后将编码序列的关键信息-运动矢量和低频帧码流复制到两个描述中,并将高频帧码流分配到不同的描述中.在解码端根据正确接收信息的不同,采用不同的方法进行视频重建.实验结果表明,与单描述编码方法相比,在信道丢包率较高的情况下,本文方法可以提供更好的传输鲁棒性. 相似文献
高性能三维小波视频编码方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
讨论并实现了基于3D-SPIHT算法的三维小波视频编码方法。该方法建立在真三维小波分解基础上,通过定义一种新的时空方向树结构,实现了静止图像SPIHT算法的三维扩展。该方法不涉及运动估计,具有较低的计算负荷和时间延迟,所产生的视频流是完全嵌入的。实验结果表明该方法能够快速地、高质量地压缩视频图像,是一种很有潜力的视频编码方法。 相似文献
全局运动补偿编码是一种基于模型的编码方法,它可以提高编码效率,但是目前由于全局运动补偿编码中的一些关键技术(全局运动估计)的计算量比较大,所以使得全局运动补偿编码还不能在实时应用中得到很好应用.本文就针对全局运动补偿编码中核心技术进行研究,提出快速全局运动补偿编码算法,解决全局运动补偿实时编码问题.通过和MPEG-4中已有的全局运动补偿编码方法实验比较可以看到本文提出的快速全局运动补偿编码方法在保证编码效率的同时编码速度得到了很大提高. 相似文献
本文提出一种新的空间域帧间编码方法-预测信号梯度控制的四叉树编码,模拟实验表明,这种编码方法的效率已经与DCT相当,并稍有超出,而其算法比较简单。 相似文献
改进的小波域三维等级树集分割视频编码方法 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文主要研究了视频图像在小波域进行压缩的三维等级树集分割编码(3D-SPIHT)方法,提出了一种改进的三维等级树集分割编码方法(13D-SPIHT),该方法克服了3D-SPIHT的限制。通过分析和仿真实验发现,本文的改进算法在降低编码延迟的基本下基本上能达到和3D-SPIHT方法相同的编码结果,在相同的编码时延的条件下可得到更好的编码结果。 相似文献
A novel scheme for scalable video coding using three-band lifting-based motion-compensated transform is presented in this article. A series of flexible three-band motion-compensated lifting steps are used to implement the temporal wavelet transform, which provide improved compression performance by selecting specific motion model according to real video sequences, and offer higher temporal scalability flexibility by using three-band lifting steps. The experimental results compared with motion picture expert group (MPEG)-4 codec concerning standard video sequences demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. 相似文献
In this paper, we develop an approach toward joint source-channel coding for motion-compensated DCT-based scalable video coding and transmission. A framework for the optimal selection of the source and channel coding rates over all scalable layers is presented such that the overall distortion is minimized. The algorithm utilizes universal rate distortion characteristics which are obtained experimentally and show the sensitivity of the source encoder and decoder to channel errors. The proposed algorithm allocates the available bit rate between scalable layers and, within each layer, between source and channel coding. We present the results of this rate allocation algorithm for video transmission over a wireless channel using the H.263 Version 2 signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) scalable codec for source coding and rate-compatible punctured convolutional (RCPC) codes for channel coding. We discuss the performance of the algorithm with respect to the channel conditions, coding methodologies, layer rates, and number of layers. 相似文献
针对彩色视频图像提出了一种DCT域内基于矢量量化的高效编码方法。为去掉彩色图像各分量间的相关性,首先将图像由RGB空间转换到YUV空间,然后根据人类视觉特征(HVS)对色度信号U、V进行了亚采样和平均化处理;对亮度信号Y则进行分块DCT变换,并根据HVS特征对变化域内的块矢量进行自适应分类,然后根据矢量的类型分别构造码矢和进行全局码书设计。提出的全局码书设计方案可以根据帧间相关性及码字使用频率,对码书的内容自动进行更新和替换,以适应场景内容的变化。实验结果表明:在保证图像重建质量的前提下,本文提出的方法具有较高的压缩效率,比较适合于视频会议以及水下视频观测等应用场合。 相似文献
针对彩色视频图像提出了一种DCT域内基于矢量量化的高效编码方法.为去掉彩色图像各分量间的相关性,首先将图像由RGB空间转换到YUV空间,然后根据人类视觉特征(HVS)对色度信号U、V进行了亚采样和平均化处理;对亮度信号Y则进行分块DCT变换,并根据HVS特征对变化域内的块矢量进行自适应分类,然后根据矢量的类型分别构造码矢和进行全局码书设计.提出的全局码书设计方案可以根据帧间相关性及码字使用频率,对码书的内容自动进行更新和替换,以适应场景内容的变化.实验结果表明:在保证图像重建质量的前提下,本文提出的方法具有较高的压缩效率,比较适合于视频会议以及水下视频观测等应用场合. 相似文献
一种改进的视频切变检测方法 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
在分析视频切变类型、常用切变检测算法及问题的基础上,提出了一种改进的累积平均差值视频渐变检测算法,降低了阈值选取难度,取得了较好的实验效果。 相似文献
Wu Peng Zhang Miaolan Li Xianglin 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2000,17(2):97-107
This paper presents an algorithm for coding video signal based on 3-D wavelet transformation. When the frame order t of a video signal is replaced by order 2, the video signal can be looked as a block in 3-D space. After splitting the block into smaller sub-blocks, imitate the method of 2-D wavelet transformation for images, we can transform the sub-blocks with 3-D wavelet. Most of video signal energy is in the decomposed low-frequency sub-bands. These sub-bands affect the visual quality of the video signal most. Quantizing different sub-bands with different precision and then entropy encoding each sub-band, we can eliminate inter- and intra-frame redundancy of the video signal and compress data. Our simulation experiments show that this algorithm can achieve very good result. 相似文献
Sampson D.G. Da Silva E.A.B. Ghanbari M. 《Vision, Image and Signal Processing, IEE Proceedings -》1995,142(3):141-148
A method for low bit-rate video coding based on wavelet vector quantisation is proposed. Motion estimation/compensation using overlapped block matching (OBM) is employed to eliminate the blocking effects in the prediction error introduced by conventional block matching. It is shown that OBM significantly increases the efficiency of the wavelet transform coder. The motion-compensated interframe prediction error is decomposed using a wavelet transform and a method is employed for the efficient coding of the wavelet coefficients. In this technique, the coefficients are coded with a zero-tree multistage lattice vector quantiser. Simulation results are provided to evaluate the coding performance of the described coding scheme for low bit-rate video coding. It provides constant bit rate, obviating the need for buffer, with just small fluctuations in PSNR. Moreover, comparison with the RM8 implementation of the standard H261 video coder shows that the presented codec provides improvements in both peak signal-to-noise ratio and picture quality 相似文献
本文结合小波分解和MPEG-4的图像分割技术的优点,提出面向对象的小波变换编码技术。本方案在甚低码率的信道下,解码端可以根据接收到的部分码流恢复出原始图像的结构信息,对带宽不固定的信道有很好的自适应性。文中还对如何在有噪声的信道下进行错误纠正进行了探讨。 相似文献