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贺雪梅  刘佳 《包装工程》2013,34(12):72-75
对绿色设计发展进行了深入而全面地思考,以工业文明所带来的环境问题为启示,分析了绿色设计的成就,论述了绿色设计下存在的一些“伪绿色”设计。在此基础上,解析了当代绿色设计的发展,呼吁设计道德和责任。  相似文献   

当前,股市围绕3000点上下剧烈震荡,许多股民为了能够在震荡中发掘所谓的"金股",往往会参考或听从一些"专家"的推荐,这就为犯罪分子实施诈骗提供了可乘之机。近日,番禺的高先生(化名)就遭遇了一场骗局,三天之内被假"国金证券"网站骗去了一百多万元。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的不断深入,越来越多的名牌产品涌现全国各地,这极大地满足了人民群众日益增长的物质生活需求,同时也使生产这些名牌产品的企业取得了良好的经济效益.但是,一些利欲熏心的人在这些名牌产品的包装上下功夫,达到以假乱真的目的,欺骗消费者,又使名牌企业的经济效益受到了巨大损害.下面我们从企业组建与实施"名牌战略"的角度论述打击假冒伪劣包装在企业实施"名牌战略"中的地位与作用,从而从一个方面说明打击假冒包装对企业营销的重大促进作用.  相似文献   

Investment appraisal using quantitative risk analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Investment appraisal concerned with investments in fire safety systems is discussed. Particular attention is directed at evaluating, in terms of the Bayesian decision theory, the risk reduction that investment in a fire safety system involves. It is shown how the monetary value of the change from a building design without any specific fire protection system to one including such a system can be estimated by use of quantitative risk analysis, the results of which are expressed in terms of a Risk-adjusted net present value. This represents the intrinsic monetary value of investing in the fire safety system. The method suggested is exemplified by a case study performed in an Avesta Sheffield factory.  相似文献   

This study suggests an approach to investment risk analysis which provides a useful complement to more detailed analyses. The analyst specifies an appropriate distribution of cash flows and associated utility function from one of the four models suggested. Next, the risk adjusted present value of the investment stream is calculated using the simplified procedure outlined in the paper. Sensitivity analysis is then performed on the results to determine whether a more extensive analysis of the decision maker's risk preferences is called for.  相似文献   

富涵友 《制冷》2011,30(2):73-75
目前,越来越多"山寨"版的即插用型商用冷柜(即仿制的冷柜)充斥于超市。这些外表看上去相当"高仿"的冷柜,其运行的技术指标却十分令人堪忧,由此引发的食品质量问题给超市的食品安全与卫生也埋下了不小的隐患。廉价仿制冷柜由于无法达到国家规定的最低温  相似文献   

In collaboration with the research reactor of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, the Gemäldegalerie Berlin is the only institute worldwide, which systematically employs the method of Neutron-Activation-Autoradiography to analyze paintings and painting techniques. To date more than 70 paintings were investigated with this effective, non-destructive, and exceptional method. It allows the visualization of structures and layers beneath the top surface and, in addition, enables the identification of elements contained in the pigments. The instrument B8 at the research reactor BER II is dedicated to this research.Jan Steen is one of the prolific artists from the 17th century. Like other artists from that time he produced several versions of one specific topic during life-time. The topic “As the old ones sing, so the young ones pipe” was painted by Jan Steen in 13 versions. The painting from the Gemäldegalerie is an exception in this series as it differs in style and content from the other oeuvres. The question arises: why did the artist deviate from his usual scheme?The possible answer is provided by X-ray images and neutron autoradiographs made of the painting, allowing insight into hidden paint layers and, therefore, in the genesis of the painting. Jan Steen did not simply change the composition of the room and the figures. He originally intended an altogether different topic. Assumedly it was supposed to be a so-called merry company, located in a generous, stately room. Many pieces of this sophisticated ambiance have been eliminated from the version visible today; others were modified and integrated into the composition of the new painting. Thus, Jan Steen commenced the topic “As the old ones sing, so the young ones pipe” from a different context.  相似文献   

We show that the claims of a recent paper on coupling which states that the complex coupling has mathematical difficulties and is inconsistent with a specific experiment are incorrect.  相似文献   

在非公有制企业中如何开展党的先进性教育活动?怎样使企业在职党员在先进性教育中学在前、干在先、受教育、见实效?  相似文献   

对<铸造高温合金显微疏松评定>和<铸造高温合金晶粒度评定>两项航标的编制背景、取样、主要技术内容作以说明,供标准使用者参考.  相似文献   

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