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Electrical energy is used inefficiently in many abattoirs during days of no production and a technique has been proposed to save energy by operating the refrigeration plant intermittently instead of continuously. During a test in an Australian abattoir, the refrigeration plant was off for 33 h and on for 15 h between 0600 Saturday and 0600 Monday. energy savings of over half normal week-end consumption were achieved, and evaporative weight loss from chilled carcasses reduced, without risk to the hygiene quality of chilled or frozen meat.  相似文献   

Electrical energy is used inefficiently in many abattoirs during days of no production and a technique has been proposed to save energy by operating the refrigeration plant intermittently instead of continuously. During a test in an Australian abattoir, the refrigeration plant was off for 33 h and on for 15 h between 0600 Saturday and 0600 Monday. energy savings of over half normal week-end consumption were achieved, and evaporative weight loss from chilled carcasses reduced, without risk to the hygiene quality of chilled or frozen meat.  相似文献   

新的十年,关于节能环保发展方向的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着近年来中国经济的高速增长,中国制冷空调行业也取得了强劲增长,并且在可见的未来仍具有良好的发展前景。但是中国经济过去的粗放型增长模式给中国的能源供应和环境保护带来了巨大的压力与挑战。纵观全球,节能减排、应对气候变化、保护臭氧层、保护生存环境、实现可持续发展已经成为人类社会的共识。制冷空调行业作为中国能源消费的一个重要的关联产业和最大的HCFCs消费行业之一,必须以国家政策为导向,以节能环保作为行动的指南,与国内各行各业共同完成国家确定的宏观经济发展战略及节能、环保、减排的具体任务和目标,这既是中国制冷空调行业不可推卸的责任和义务,又是我们由制造大国向制造强国迈进的必由之路。  相似文献   

根据太阳能混合吸收式制冷循环的特点,提出一种可用于该循环的新型高效蓄能系统。分析该系统的工作原理及特性,并与传统的蓄热方式和蓄冷方式蓄能系统进行性能比较分析,在相同蓄冷量情况下,新型蓄能系统的蓄能体积是传统系统蓄能体积的1/10以下,从而为促进蓄能装置小型化、推动小型太阳能空调的商品化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

近年来我国能源消费增长快、利用效率低的问题比较突出,原有《节能法》已经不能适应当前节能工作的要求。为了推动全社会的节约能源工作,全国人大今年修订了这部法律。文章介绍了修订后的《节能法》基本思路、主要内容和实施后的初步效果。  相似文献   

结合目前水产品冷库的现状,提出适用于水产品冷库的蓄能技术。阐述蓄能技术的分类、应用的必要性及现状。提出以氨/硝酸锂为工质的制冷潜能储存系统,进行热力性和经济性计算,并与目前用于水产品冷库的常规氨双级压缩制冷系统进行比较。结果表明:潜能储存系统的热力性能比常规系统提高10.65%;虽然初投资增加30.45万元,但每年节约运行费用(折合为电费)44.7万元;动态投资回收期为0.72年,经济寿命周期为16年(比常规冷库系统长4年)。  相似文献   

In the context of the time‐finite element method, algorithmic stresses, which enable the conservation of energy, are designed for temporal integrators derived from the midpoint and trapezoidal schemes. This is achieved through an appropriate modification of the standard midpoint and trapezoidal quadrature rules used for the numerical integration of time integrals. Either scalar scaling or vectorial adjustments can be employed for the modification, and well‐designed simple tests allow to investigate the quality of these different strategies of energy‐conserving enforcements. Numerical examples with semi‐discrete elasto‐dynamics problems are presented to show the superior stability of energy‐conserving schemes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analytic penetration modeling usually relies on either a momentum balance or an energy-rate balance to predict depth of penetration by a penetrator based on initial geometry and impact velocity. In recent years, fairly sophisticated models of penetration have arisen that develop the three-dimensional flow field within a target. Based on the flow field and constitutive assumptions, it is then possible to derive a momentum or an energy-rate balance. This paper examines the use of assumed flow fields within a target created by impact and then examines the resulting predicted behavior based on either momentum conservation or energy conservation. It is shown that for the energy-rate balance to work, the details of the energy transfer mechanisms must be included in the model. In particular, how the projectile energy is initially transferred into target kinetic energy and elastic compression energy must be included. As impact velocity increases, more and more energy during the penetration event is temporarily deposited within the target as elastic compression and target kinetic energy. This energy will be dissipated by the target at a later time, but at the time of penetration it is this transfer of energy that defines the forces acting on the projectile. Thus, for an energy rate balance approach to successfully model penetration, it must include the transfer of energy into kinetic energy within the target and the storage of energy by elastic compression. Understanding the role of energy dissipation in the target clarifies the various terms in analytic models and identifies their origin in terms of the fundamental physics. Understanding the modes of energy transfer also assists in understanding the hypervelocity result that penetration depth only slowly increases with increasing velocity even though the kinetic energy increases as the square of the velocity.  相似文献   

工程爆破节能环保技术研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工程爆破节能环保技术的核心内容是往炮眼中一定位置注入一定量的水并用专用设备制成的炮泥回填堵塞,与常规工程爆破相比,具有显著的节能环保作用。主要介绍了往炮眼底部注水在实际应用中所产生的作用与效果并对此进行了分析,而且通过模拟实验应变测试结果证明了理论分析的正确性。  相似文献   

通过对动能定理、功能原理和机械能守恒定律的简明推导,总结出动能定理、功能原理和机械能守恒定律三者之间的相互关系及各自的应用条件。重点阐述了动能定理与机械能守恒定律应用的区别。  相似文献   

因全球能源危机和环境污染日益严峻,加上建筑空调需求量的增长和电力成本增加,考虑到吸收式制冷具有无比的优越性,提出了将可再生能源—太阳能和沼气联合驱动吸收式制冷空调的思想,建立了此系统主要性能参数的数学模型,按照三种不同的运行方案,运用matlab/simulink软件分别建立其仿真模块并对主要性能参数进行仿真计算,仿真结果够很好的反映太阳能沼气吸收式制冷空调运行的特点。为可再生能源应用于建筑空调的研究与应用、缓解化石能源供给的危机和保护环境提出了有意义的参考。  相似文献   

能效标识制度作为能效标准的实施和延伸,以其投入少、见效快、对消费者影响大、节能与环保效果显著的优点,成为世界各国普遍采取的一项节能管理措施。制冷空调产品属于典型的使用量大、应用面广、节能潜力和技术提升空间大的用能产品,对其实行能效标识管理意义重大,效果显著。本文重点介绍我国5类制冷空调产品能效标识制度实施情况,并简要介绍国外部分国家能效标识实施情况,旨在借鉴成功经验,推动我国能效标识制度取得更大进展。  相似文献   

从我国面临科学发展和转变经济发展方式迫切需求出发,分析节能降耗的总体经济效益,以探讨实施积极的节能降耗目标的经济合理性。笔者对"十一五"期间节能降耗工作的总体经济效益进行了评估,用数据和事实肯定了"十一五"节能降耗的巨大经济效益;并分析了提高能效对我国"十二五"转变经济发展方式,支持长期可持续经济发展的宏观经济效果及其必要性和合理性。  相似文献   

可持续发展问题在全球范围内已经受到了越来越多的关注,行业的可持续发展是实现整体可持续发展的基础与保障。介绍了可持续科学发展观的形成及行业可持续发展理念,研究了国际制冷业致力于推行可持续发展所做的努力和取得的成果。针对我国制冷业在实现可持续发展进程中面临的挑战,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

我国制冷空调主要产品能效现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍我国能源状况、能源政策,以及制冷空调行业现状、制冷空调产品标准状况。在试验数据的基础上,分析我国制冷空调主要产品能效水平,并从政策、标准、技术等方面对我国制冷空调行业发展情况进行分析。  相似文献   

为完善我国音视频产品能效测试标准的不足,通过调研和追踪发达国家的能效法律法规与标准,制定音视频产品能效检测方法和榆测标准,提出我国应对国外音视频产品能效技术壁垒方法,可起到指导出口企业提升音视频产品能效水平、提高出口音视频产品竞争力的作用.  相似文献   

我国正由汽车工业消费大国向汽车生产大国过渡,汽车工业在GDP中的比重不断攀升,已成长为国民经济支柱,目前已基本形成汽车产品自主开发和技术创新能力.面对日益突出的能源及环境保护问题,以及正面参与国际竞争的压力,汽车产品的竞争要素也在不断转变,动力总成作为汽车产品的关键核心部件,在其中扮演着举足轻重的角色.随着竞争环境的复杂多变,以及顾客需求的多样化,汽车动力总成产品新的竞争局面正在形成,由单纯的追求性能,发展成为目前面向节能、环保、安全及发展循环经济的国际竞争,分析了中国汽车动力总成节能、环保的主要课题,阐述了目前汽车动力总成产品的主要技术,并剖析了一汽(FAW)的技术对策及产品战略.  相似文献   

The concentration-enthalpy chart for R 21-DMF refrigerant-absorbent combination is presented for the temperature range of interest for solar-driven cooling applications. A thermodynamic analysis of the vapour absorption refrigeration system (VARS) working with R 21-DMF is made to study the theoretical performance characteristics. At evaporator temperatures lower than about 0°C, R 21-DMF has a distinct advantage over R 22-DMF systems in being able to operate at lower generator temperatures. Also R 21-DMF systems perform better than R 22-DMETEG systems.  相似文献   

制冷空调能效标准和节能政策措施的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国制冷空调能效标准的进展,结合近期实施的主要节能促进措施及取得的成效,分析制冷空调领域的节能潜力,提出开展节能工作的展望。  相似文献   

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