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为减少计算多状态网络可靠度精确值的复杂性,提出基于分解计算多状态网络不可靠度精确值的思想,在此基础上提出一个求解多状态网络不可靠度动态上界(对应于可靠度动态下界)的算法.算法先通过分解运算去除某些边引起的d-最小割集之间的相关性,将网络不可靠度转化为多个互斥事件的概率之和,再应用MESP界求取这些事件的概率,计算网络不可靠度上界,对应得到可靠度下界,并计算了得到的可靠度下界与精确值间的绝对误差界.通过定义d-最小割集矩阵,利用矩阵分解实现算法,结构清晰、便于编程计算.相关引理的证明及算例分析表明随着分解的深入,算法能够得到满足精度要求的可靠度下界.  相似文献   

为降低计算多状态网络可靠度的复杂性,综合考虑网络中具有多态性的边处于各中间状态的概率及从某中间状态转换到相邻状态对网络性能的影响,提出了一种基于边状态枚举计算多状态网络可靠度上下界的算法.该算法首先令网络中各边仅取完全工作和完全失效两种状态,将处于中间状态的概率分别叠加到完全工作和完全失效状态的概率上,得到可靠度上下界的初始值;而后按照对可靠度影响递减的顺序迭代枚举边的中间状态,通过集合间的比较,计算可靠度上下界的改变值,同时获得不断减小的可靠度上界和不断增加的可靠度下界,使其最终收敛于可靠度精确值.该算法不需提前求取网络d-最小割(路)集,且枚举较少的网络状态即可得到紧凑的可靠度上下界.相关引理的证明及算例分析验证了该算法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

在应用d-最小割(路)集计算多状态网络可靠度精确值算法中,运用容斥原理求解d-最小割(路)集较为复杂。为此,提出一种不需d-最小割(路)集直接计算多状态网络可靠度精确值的算法。该算法按一定规则分割状态空间,在此基础上生成无效状态空间,通过迭代计算直接获得可靠度精确值,同时通过定义边的容量下界及剩余网络。实例分析结果表明,运用该算法可减少计算量,并能精确求解d-最小割(路)集。  相似文献   

为寻求计算多状态网络系统可靠度更为简明的方法,提出了一种d-最小割、路集转换算法。该算法在已知d-最小割(路)集的基础上,基于逻辑代数理论,通过展开和之积表达式获得d-最小路(割)集,再基于两者中数量较少的一个运用容斥原理,得到网络可靠度。同时,分别利用容量未取最大和不为0的边及对应取值组成的集合对表示d-最小割(路),基于集合之间的隶属关系及将集合运算中正常的先取逆再合并的运算顺序变为先合并再取逆的思想,提出相关引理,简化算法。通过复杂度分析,证明算法有效。算例证明了算法的有效性和适用性。  相似文献   

This paper studies the performance index that the system probability is not less than the given demand for a stochastic-flow network whtere each arcs and nodes have several capacities and multiple types of commodities transmitted through the same network. One solution procedure is proposed to evaluate the multi-commodity reliability and a simple algorithm is presented in terms of MPs. An illustrative example is given and the difference between multiple types of commodities systems and single commodity systems is discussed.  相似文献   

A flow network is usually used to describe real world systems such as telecommunication system,computer system and so on. Given the demand d ,the system reliability is defined as the maximum flow of the network is not less than d. The researchers in the field have presented many algorithms on the reliability evaluation of flow-networks. In this paper ,classfies of flow-networks and the properties of each algorithm ,mainly those algorithms based on MPs and MCs,are summarized.  相似文献   

李东魁 《福建电脑》2007,(11):17-17,50
本文我们给出了3-状态设备网络系统可靠度计算的分解定理,包括了2-终端、K-终端的情况,在此基础上,我们给出了2-终端、K-终端情况下的3-状态保可靠度系列简化,并指出了简化的应用。  相似文献   

1 引言随着计算机技术的迅速发展,计算机已在各个领域得到广泛的应用。越来越多的部门,象通讯、金融、国防、工业控制等领域,对计算机产生了很强的依赖性。这些系统的计算机一旦发生故障,将带来不可估量的损失。分布式网络以其可靠、坚固、快速响应、易于修改和扩充、资源共享等优点,而被广泛应用,其可靠度的计算成为人们关注的重要课题。目前,国内外学者对一般网络可靠度进行了较多的研究,但对于具有不可靠结点的分布式网络的分布程序可靠度(Distribut-ed Program Reliability,DPR)的研究还不多见。所谓分布程序可靠度是指分布计算网络中一个给定的程序可以被成功实现的概率,一个程序被成功实现是指执行该程序所需要的所有数据文件已从网络的各结点处得到。文[6]给出一个可靠  相似文献   

基于回声状态网络的多变量预测模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑单变量在混沌时间序列预测中的不足,文章利用多变量模型进行混沌时间序列的预测。针对多变量预测过程中的维数过高问题,文章结合主元分析理论(PCA)和回声状态网络(ESN),构建了基于PCA和ESN的多变量混沌时间序列预测模型,将PCA降维后的时间序列数据输入ESN网络进行预测分析。论文对由Lorenz动态方程生成的三变量混沌时间序列进行了仿真实验,结果表明该模型有效地提高了预测的精度和预测的效率,是一种有效的混沌时间序列预测方法。  相似文献   

基于资源状态可靠度的网格工作流调度算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对执行时间限制严格类型的DAG类型网格工作流提出一种新的基于资源状态可靠度的网格工作流调度算法。该算法根据用户提交的工作流执行时间要求,利用Chapman-Kolmogorov向后方程来计算出DAG图中关键路径上各资源在任务到达时刻均处于“闲状态”的概率大小,然后选择一组资源组合的状态可靠度大于用户要求的信任度置信水平α且总费用较低的一组资源。最后通过实验验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

网络可靠度是衡量网络性能的一个核心指标,随着网络模型被广泛应用于现实生活,人们对网络可靠度的研究也越来越重视。针对不交和算法和因子分解算法在计算网络可靠度方面存在的不足,给出一个计算网络两终端可靠度的新分解算法。该算法具有如下的优点:不需要提前枚举网络的所有极小路和所有极小割;通过引入网络化简操作和新的分解技术。该算法每次可以分解多条边的状态,从而它能够更快速、更高效地去分解网络的状态向量集,使得网络可靠度的计算更简单,更高效。通过实例以及和其他算法的比较验证了所提出算法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

可靠度是衡量网络性能最重要的指标之一,不交和算法和因子分解算法是计算网络可靠度最重要的两种方法。不交和算法需要提前枚举网络所有极小路或极小割,因子分解算法虽然不需要枚举极小路或极小割,但每次只能分解一条边的状态。为了克服这两种算法的不足,基于网络化简和向量集分解,提出一个计算网络可靠度的高效、实用算法。该算法具有如下特点:a)算法首先求得网络的不可靠度,进而可得网络的可靠度;b)算法不需要提前枚举网络所有极小路和极小割;c)通过引入网络化简操作和向量集分解方法,算法每次可以分解多条边的状态,从而能更快速、  相似文献   

This paper studies system reliability for a multi-state manufacturing network with multiple production lines (MSMN-MPL) considering joint buffer station. Joint buffer stations with finite volumes are set into the MSMN-MPL to temporally store blocked outputs from upstream workstations. The usage volume of each joint buffer station is therefore affected by the capacity states of workstations. An adjustment term, defined as the probability that all buffer stations are not blocked, is proposed to analyze volume usage and corresponding probability for joint buffer stations. The system reliability with finite buffer volume is evaluated accurately in terms of the adjustment term. In particular, the relationship between system reliabilities with infinite and finite buffer volumes can be formulated by multiplying the adjustment term. A practical case of footwear manufacturing system is utilized to demonstrate system reliability evaluation with both infinite and finite buffer volumes. The suggested production policy for the case is to produce 144 and 96 products by two production lines because this policy can result a higher reliability. Moreover, experimental results show that the system reliabilities with infinite and finite buffer volume are 87.190% and 83.099%, respectively. This indicates that the assumption of infinite buffer volume overestimates the system reliability in the footwear manufacturing system.  相似文献   

Fault tree analysis is an effective method for predicting the reliability of a system.It gives a pictorial representation and logical framework for analyzing the reliability.Also,it has been used for a long time as an effective method for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the failure modes of critical systems.In this paper,we propose a new general coverage model (GCM) based on hardware independent faults.Using this model,an effective software tool can be constructed to detect,locate and recover fault from the faulty system.This model can be applied to identify the key component that can cause the failure of the system using failure mode effect analysis (FMEA).  相似文献   

From a quality of service viewpoint, the transmission packet unreliability and transmission time are both critical performance indicators in a computer system when assessing the Internet quality for supervisors and customers. A computer system is usually modelled as a network topology where each branch denotes a transmission medium and each vertex represents a station of servers. Almost every branch has multiple capacities/states due to failure, partial failure, maintenance, etc. This type of network is known as a multi-state computer network (MSCN). This paper proposes an efficient algorithm that computes the system reliability, i.e., the probability that a specified amount of data can be sent through k (k ≥ 2) disjoint minimal paths within both the tolerable packet unreliability and time threshold. Furthermore, two routing schemes are established in advance to indicate the main and spare minimal paths to increase the system reliability (referred to as spare reliability). Thus, the spare reliability can be readily computed according to the routing scheme.  相似文献   

Every coherent system has a monomial ideal associated with it and the knowledge of its multigraded Betti numbers provides reliability bounds for the corresponding system, which are the tightest among a certain class of such bounds. Some alternative methods for computing the multigraded Betti numbers are used in this paper and applied in the study of reliability. We obtain special results for well known examples and show that computational commutative algebra techniques can be used beneficially in the reliability analysis of systems of different types.  相似文献   

考虑路段、交叉口运营状态的随机变化,以饱和度作为交通网络连通可靠度的主要影响因素,完善路段连通可靠度的计算式,给出了交叉口可靠度的衡量指标;结合路段、交叉口可靠度特别是交叉口不同转向的可靠度,设计了一种生成树算法寻找交通网络的不交型通路,进而快速计算交通网络中任一OD对间的连通可靠度。算例表明,交叉口的可靠度对城市连通可靠度有重要影响,提出的算法具有一定的应用价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The network of delivering commodities has been an important design problem in our daily lives and many transportation applications. The reliability of delivering commodities from a source node to a sink node in the network is maximised to find the optimal routing. However, the design problem is not simple due to randomly distributed attributes in each path, multiple commodities with variable path capacities and the allowable time constraints for delivery. This paper presents the design optimisation of the multi-state flow network (MSFN) for multiple commodities. We propose an efficient and robust approach to evaluate the system reliability in the MSFN with respect to randomly distributed path attributes and to find the optimal routing subject to the allowable time constraints. The delivery rates of the path segments are evaluated and the minimal-speed arcs are eliminated to reduce the complexity of the MSFN. Accordingly, the correct optimal routing is found and the worst-case reliability is evaluated. The reliability of the optimal routing is at least higher than worst-case measure. Three benchmark examples are utilised to demonstrate the proposed method. The comparisons between the original and the reduced networks show that the proposed method is very efficient.  相似文献   

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