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Phytase (myo-inositol hexakisphosphate phosphohydrolase) has been purified about 2,000-fold from ungerminated rye with a recovery of 6%. The enzyme behaves as a monomeric protein of a molecular mass of about 67 kDa. OptimalpH for the degradation of phytate has been found at pH 6.0 and 45C. Kinetic parameters for the hydrolysis of Na-phytate are KM300 μM and kcat 358 s?1 at 35C and pH 6.0. The rye enzyme exhibits a broad affinity for various phosphorylated compounds and hydrolyses phytate in a stepwise manner; the pentakis- and tetrakisphosphate were identified as 1(1,2,3,4,5)P5 and I(2,3,4,5)P4 Consequently, this enzyme is a 6-phytase (EC  相似文献   

Germinated Altex and Westar (Brassica napus) and Candle and Tobin (B. campestris) cultivars of Canola were screened for phytase activity. On the basis of this preliminary screening, 7-day germinated Altex seedlings were selected as a source for isolation and characterization of phytase. Partial purification of a crude extract (FI) by acetone precipitation resulted in an 8-fold increase in phytase activity. Ion-exchange chromatography of the partially purified preparation (FII) yielded two fractions (FIIIA and FIIIB) both of which demonstrated phytase and phosphatase activities. Further purification by gel filtration chromatography resulted in two fractions (FIVA1 and FIVA2) from fraction FIIIA and two fractions (FIVB1 and FIVB2) from fraction FIIIB. Fraction FIVB1 demonstrated both phytase and phosphatase activities, FIVA2 and FIVB2 demonstrated phosphatase activity but no phytase activity and FIVA1 showed phytase but no phosphatase activity. Fraction FIVB1, which showed highest phytase activity (5.3 IU/mg protein), had the following characteristics: temperature optimum of 50°C, pH optimum of 5.2, Km of 0.36 mM and relative activity for pyrophosphate 232 times higher than for phytate.  相似文献   

A 65 kDa intracellular lipase from Lactobacillus plantarum 2739 was purified to homogeneity (482-fold, specific activity of 251 μmol/mg per min) and characterized. The purification procedure included chromatography with Q-Sepharose, Sephacryl 200, Phenyl-Superose and Mono Q. The purified lipase was optimally active at pH 7.5 and 35C; it retained about 40% of the maximum activity at pH 5.0 and 15C. The enzyme was stable at 65C (D65C= 18.6 min) and was irreversibly inactivated at 75C for 2 min. On triglycerides, the highest activity was determined on tributyrin but trilaurin and tripalmitin were hydrolyzed also. The Km on tributyrin was 2.31 mM. β-Naphthyl esters of fatty acids from C2 to C12 were hydrolyzed with a preference for β-naphthyl butyrate. After lipolysis, the fatty acid profiles in β-monoacylglycerols of milk fat showed similarities among porcine pancreatic lipase, rennet paste and lipase from Lb. plantarum 2739, but the bacterial enzyme caused a greater hydrolysis of C10 and C12 fatty acids esterified at the Sn-2 position of glycerol. The lipase was strongly inhibited by 1 mM Nethylmaleimide and iodoacetic acid, by 10 mM Hg2+ and Ag+, and was moderately stimulated by Ca2+ and Mg2+.  相似文献   

A malate dehydrogenase (MDH) was identified and isolated from the seeds of the mung bean (Phaseolus mungo). The procedure entailed extraction, ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion exchange chromatography on CM‐Sephadex and high performance liquid chromatography on POROS HS‐20. The purified protein exhibited a molecular mass of 38 kDa in SDS‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under both nonreduced and reduced conditions. The pI was 9.7 by isoelectric focusing. The specific activity of the MDH was estimated to be 199 U/mg. The enzyme expressed its optimum activity at pH 7.2, 35C, and showed stable activity below 40C. The Km for oxaloacetate was 112 µM. The partial N‐terminal amino acid sequence data analysis of the first 20 amino acids of the mung bean MDH revealed 95 and 80% homology with two reported MDH from soya bean (Glycine max) and potato (Solanum tuberosum), respectively.  相似文献   

An extract from Jatropha curcas seeds, purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G-75 and Sephacryl S-200, yielded an active hemagglutinin of high purity as assessed by electrophoresis and isoelectric focussing. The hemagglutinin had a molecular weight of around 660,000 and a pI value of 5.75. The molecule was composed of two different subunits of molecular weights 23,450 and 11,500. Amino acid analysis suggested that the molecule lacked 1/2 cystine but contained a high proportion of acidic and basic amino acids. Agglutination of trypsinized erythrocytes, groups A, B and O, took place over the range pH 4–10, and was prevented by D- galactose, D- galactosamine and N- acetyl -D- galactosamine. The hemagglutinin has only a weak binding capacity for D- galactose. Its activity was stable up to 60°C; at 80°C activity was lost in 50 min.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (Isozyme I) from potato was extracted and purified with ammonium sulfate, cation-exchange (Bio-Rad Bio-Scale S2) and Sephadex G-100 column chromatography. The enzyme was purified 11.8 fold resulting in a specific activity of 250.3 units/mg. Optimum pH of the enzyme was 6.6. Optimum temperature of the enzyme was 40C and its half-life was 0.8 min at 70C. The Kmfor catechol, pyrogallol, 4-methyl catechol, caffeic acid and L-DOPA were 4.11 mM, 0.61 mM, 0.78 mM, 0.50 mM and 32 mM, respectively. However, monophenols such as tyrosine, p-cresol and 1-naphtol did not show any activity. Data for Vmax/Km which represents catalytic efficiency show that 4-methyl catechol has the highest value. The molecular weight of the active enzyme was 86,000 Da, composed of two identical subunits. The number of Cu2+ ions bound was found to be 2 per enzyme molecule.  相似文献   

A 15.0 kDa serine proteinase with collagenase activity from pyloric caeca of tuna, Thunnus thynnus, was purified in four steps; acetone precipitation, gel filtration chromatography on a Sephadex G‐100, ion‐exchange chromatography on a DEAE‐Sephadex α‐50 and gel filtration chromatography on a Sephadex G‐75 column. The purification and yield were 30.5‐fold and 0.023%, respectively, as compared with those in the starting crude extract. The optimum pH and temperature for the purified collagenolytic enzyme were around pH 7.5 and 55C, respectively. The purified proteinase was strongly inhibited by metal ions (Hg2+ and Zn2+) and serine proteinase inhibitors (PMSF, TLCK and soybean trypsin inhibitor) suggesting it is a serine protease. The Km and Vmax of the purified enzyme for collagen type I were approximately 3.82 mM and 851.5 U, respectively.  相似文献   

Three isozymes of pectin methylesterase (EC have been purified to homogeneity from tomato (var. S. marzano). The isozymes were separated by affinity chromatography on Heparin-Sepharose column. They exhibited a molecular mass of 31 kDa when analyzed in sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis and of 35 kDa in gel-filtration chromatography in native conditions. The isoelectric points of all three isozymes were found to be higher than 9.3. The Kms calculated for the three isozymes were different toward citrus pectin used as substrate; one had a Km of 9.7 mM (by expressing the pectin concentration as mmoles/L of methoxy groups) and the other two had similar Kms of 3.0 and 2.6 mM, respectively. The isozyme having the higher Km for substrate was inhibited by citrus pectin (which had a degree of methylation of 70%) at concentrations higher than 5 mM, but no inhibition was found using a pectin with a degree of methylation of 30% at concentrations up to 13 mM (i.e. 9 mg/ml) with a Km of 14.7 mM. Furthermore, this isozyme showed a more broad range of activity in a pH range 5–10 with respect to that exhibited by the other two isozymes. All three isozymes were found to be glycosylated, although to different extents.  相似文献   

A pectinase was identified and isolated from a commercial Aspergillus niger pectinase preparation. The crude enzyme preparation, which was prepared by precipitation of the water extract of the culture of A. niger with ammonium sulfate, was further fractionated by three steps of chromatography, i. e., cation exchange, hydrophobic interaction and onion exchange, to obtain an electrophoretically homogeneous pectinase. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was estimated by SDS‐PAGE to be about 40.4 kDa under both nonreducing and reducing conditions, with the optimum pH at 5.0 and the optimum temperature at 36C. The enzyme was stable at temperatures below 35C. The partial N‐terminal ammo acid sequence data analysis of the first 19 amina acids of the obtained pectinase revealed 94.7% and 89.5% homology with two reported pectinases from A. niger.  相似文献   

研究发现鲑鱼鱼精多肽具有较强的羟自由基、DPPH(1,1-二苯基-2-苦基肼)和超氧阴离子清除活性.通过凝胶色谱、离子交换色谱和反相高效液相色谱分离方法,最终分离到一系列具有抗氧化性的肽段.  相似文献   

A lectin was purified from seeds of Dioclea guianensis by Sephadex G-50 affinity chromatography. Apparent homogeneity of the lectin was demonstrated by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, chromatography on DEAE- and CM-Sepharose, and immunochemistry. The lectin showed a carbohydrate specificity for D-mannose (D-glucose)-binding, had a requirement for Ca?2 and Mn?2, contained no covalently bound carbohydrate and had an amino acid composition characterized by high content of aspartic acid, serine and threonine, and low levels of sulfur-containing amino acids. At pH 7.5 it exists as two species of molecular weight about 100 and 47 kD and in dissociating solvents three subunits of approximate size of 30, 18 and 12 kD were obtained. The lectin agglutinated erythocytes from rabbit and chicken but not from human, cow, sheep, goat or pig and was toxic to brine shrimp (Artemia salina) larvae. It was relatively heat-stable, retaining half of its original activity even after 90 min at 70°C.  相似文献   

The β-galactosidase from Mucor pusillus was purified by acetone precipitation, gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. Its molecular weight was 129 kDa on SDS PAGE, and its pI was 4.55. Optimum activity was observed at pH 4 and at 65C. Thermal denaturation at temperatures above 60C was essentially first order with an activation energy of 26.4 KJ/mole. Activity was not affected by metal ions or EDTA but was inhibited by galactose and galactono 1–4 lactone. The Km for lactose at 37C was 22 mM. The enzyme was devoid of cysteine/cystine and stained positive for carbohydrate. Overall the enzyme is similar in structural and kinetic properties to the β-galactosidase from Aspergillus niger.  相似文献   

Proteases in oyster (Crassotrea gigas) were extracted with 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer solution and purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation, Sephadex G-150 gel filtration, repeated DEAE-Sephadex A-50 and CM-Sepharose CL-6B chromatography. Three fractions with caseinolytic activity, named I, II and III, were obtained from CM-Sepharose CL-6B and DEAE-Sephadex A-50 chromatography. The three proteases were purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. Substrate specificity studies indicated that protease I was a carboxypeptidase A-like enzyme; II and III were trypsin-like enzymes. The optimal pH of protease I for hydrolysis of hippuryl-L-phenylalanine was 9.0, II and III for hydrolysis of p-toluenesulfonyl-L-arginine methyl ester (TAME) was 8.0. The temperatures which inactivated 50% of enzymes were 78°C for protease I in 30 min; 50 and 52°C for protease II and III, respectively, in 5 min. The molecular weights of proteases I, II and III were 23,000, 34, 400 and 31, 000, respectively.  相似文献   

Intracellular, ca 55 kDa monomeric endopeptidase (PsPepO) from Pseudomonas fluorescens ATCC 948 was purified to homogeneity by chromatography on Q-Sepharose, Sephacryl 200, Phenyl-Superose and Mono Q. It was strongly inhibited by the metalloproteinase inhibitor, 1,10 phenanthroline and by dithiothreitol, but less strongly by EDTA; it was stimulated by Co2+. Activity was optimal at pH 7.0 and 40–45C, with considerable activity at pH 5.0 and 12C. The enzyme was relatively heat-stable with a D80Cvalue of 1.2 min. It did not hydrolyze αs1-, β-or κ-casein (CN) and peptides with less than 5 amino acids but readily hydrolyzed αs1-CNfl-23, αs1-CN f157-164, αs1-CN f165-199 and various β-CN fragments and peptide hormones. On αs1-CN fl-23, αs1-CN f165-199, insulin B-chain and bradykinin, it mainly catalyzed the hydrolysis of peptide bonds in which a hydrophobic amino acid (most commonly Phe or Leu) residue occupied the P'1position. β-CN f193- or 194-209, which are the source of bitter peptides in cheese ripening, were hydrolyzed slowly or not at all. β-CN fragments from the sequence 58-70 were degraded or did not inhibit the endopeptidase activity as well as β-CN f193-209. The characteristics of the endopeptidase of Ps. fluorescens ATCC 948 were compared with those of lactococcal endopeptidases.  相似文献   

Recently, a myofibril‐bound serine proteinase (MBSP) in the skeletal muscle of silver carp was identified. MBSP could be dissociated from myofibrils by treatment at pH 4.0. Following ultrafiltration concentration and chromatography on Sephacryl S‐200, High Q ion‐exchange and affinity column of Arginine Sepharose‐4B, MBSP was partially purified. The enzyme with an estimated molecular weight of 28 kDa cleaves synthetic fluorogenic substrates specifically at the carboxyl sites of arginine and lysine residues. MBSP activity is suppressed by serine proteinase inhibitors such as Pefabloc SC, lima bean trypsin inhibitor and benzamidine; it is insensitive to Pepstatin, l ‐3‐carboxy‐trans‐2, 3‐epoxypropionyl‐l ‐leucine‐4‐guanidinobutylamide and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, suggesting MBSP is a trypsin‐like serine proteinase. Optimal profiles of pH and temperature of the enzyme are 8.5 and 55C, respectively. Hydrolysis of myofibrillar proteins such as myosin heavy chain, actin and tropomyosin by purified MBSP occurred especially at around 55C, consistent with our proposal that MBSP plays a significant role in the Modori phenomenon.  相似文献   

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