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In this paper, the authors present their views concerning what types of telecommunications services are likely to come into existence or become widespread during the next decade. The paper is organized in terms of fundamental customer needs which those services should help to satisfy. In particular, the following categories of needs are considered: i) Information Productivity, ii) Cost-Effectiveness and Control, iii) Telemarketing, iv) Media and Protocol Conversion, v) Entertainment, and vi) Telecommunications Ubiquity. Throughout the paper, the special role of ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is highlighted. It is pointed out that ISDN provides generic capabilities--a standardized digital interface, wider bandwidth, and powerful, out-of-band signaling and control--which facilitate the construction of a wide variety of new services. Finally, after discussing many potential new services in detail, the authors summarize some of the major trends which seem certain to characterize the changing face of telecommunications services in the next decade. Among these are: wider bandwidth, more data and digitization, multimedia capability, services "on demand," and internationalization. The authors also briefly discuss network-based versus CPE-based services and the likely roles of public versus private networks.  相似文献   

This article describes the Canadian experience in the development and implementation of service delivery concepts using telecommunications links to people in rural and remote areas. The methods and processes used are discussed. Results of the service development initiatives, particularly in the field of health and education are summarized. Several major conclusions are drawn in the Canadian context and their applicability to developing countries are discussed.  相似文献   

本文介绍了中国联合通信有限公司2002年发展情况和2003年工作思路。  相似文献   

随着中国经济体制改革进入整体推进和重点突破相结合的攻坚阶段,随着信息化时代的到来,供求矛盾和需求层次发生了变化,竞争出现,市场繁荣。电信事业面临新的形势和任务。要加快建设现代通信网,确定发展目标和重点,拓宽业务领域,广开融资渠道,理顺邮电资费,加强行业管理,以适应发展需要。  相似文献   

朱高峰 《电信科学》1994,10(1):6-11
本文简要叙述了我国电信事业发展的主要成就, 提出了今后发展的目标,着重阐明发展我国电信事业的政策和政略。  相似文献   

客户关系管理(CRM)是基于数据仓库的信息分析系统。它利用数据仓库和数据挖掘技术分析客户的需求,从而为企业确定市场方向,巩固和发展新老客户提供依据。中国加入WTO后,面对即将来临的电信市场大战,国内电信运营商必须调整经营观念,加快CRM的建设。  相似文献   

中国卫星通信发展战略若干问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鲁春丛  郭良  闫丽  白春霞 《电信科学》2004,20(12):51-54
由于各种原因,我国卫星通信产业呈现缓慢发展之态势,面临着极为被动的不利局面.本研究项目参考国际卫星通信运营以及下一代卫星通信技术发展情况,结合我国卫星通信的发展环境,立足国家利益、社会利益、产业利益提出若干发展建议.  相似文献   

栾正禧 《电信科学》1994,10(1):17-20
概述了我国电信的经营管理目标以及为达到目前而进行了管理体制的改革等。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,移动通信发展迅猛,电信市场竞争日益加剧,整个电信行业面临新的机遇和挑战。我国电信业在竞争架构、资源配置和发展趋势等方面也出现了一些新情况、新问题。但是本文作者认为,随着3G牌照的逐步发放,在全球移动通信发展迅猛的形势下,以及国内新的市场格局下,未来5年,相信国内通信运营行业将迎来相对均衡、协调的飞跃发展。  相似文献   

Reference to the international cases and experiences of asymmetric regulation in telecommunications industry,based on China's legal environment and telecommunications competition in the market,give analysis to the role of asymmetric regulation for the development of china telecommunications market,put forward feasible measures to asymmetric regulation in China.  相似文献   

重点研究了新形势下,中国通信设备制造业面临的挑战和机遇,挑战主要由于通信运营业面临着全球性增长趋缓,传统通信设备制造业步入成熟期,中国企业价格优势不再明显,且由于缺少拥有自主知识产权的核心技术,技术空心化的危险依然存在,未来在实现可持续发展方面还有相当差距。严峻的形势逼迫通信设备制造企业必须寻找新的蓝海,特别是近期,国务院作出了通过加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定,将"新一代信息技术"列为七大国家战略性新兴产业之一,这为通信设备制造企业抓住下一代通信网络、物联网、三网融合等下一代通信技术发展机遇提供可能。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1994,31(1):22-25
The author presents a technological overview of the telecommunications field covering the topics of: European telecommunication authorities privatisation; mobile communications in Asia; fibre optic amplifiers; and cable TV integration with wireless technology  相似文献   

Stix  G. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1990,27(6):25-26
The telecommunications blueprint for a single Europe after 1992 is examined. This `green paper' is an ambitious three-year-old document in which the European Community's Commission calls for a Western-Europe-wide telecommunications infrastructure based on the integrated-services digital network (ISDN) and other digital communication links. The progress that has been made toward this goal is assessed, showing that progress toward opening national markets and establishing an infrastructure varies greatly from country to country. The highly variable quality of network services throughout Europe presents a further obstacle to unification. Nevertheless, the national segments of a trans-European ISDN system are beginning to emerge, and work on the specific technologies, standards, and regulations for cross-border telecommunications systems are advancing  相似文献   

The impact of past policies and the nature of the existing system is assessed. Present demand and services are discussed. The role of international financing and participation is examined. Barriers to development are identified  相似文献   

The telecommunications in Indonesia is reviewed with emphasis on transmission and switching networks. It is recognized that due to the geographical configuration of Indonesia, problems are created in the field of telecommunication that require special transmission consideration. The existing Perumtel's Transmission Network and Domestic Satellite Project Palapa 1 are discussed. The future expansion programs in transmission and switching are also briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

According to Lithuania's Master Plan, further development of the country's telecommunications infrastructure must be concentrated on modern digital technology, most of it produced in Western countries. The Master Plan is divided into three parts. First, it is a short term plan that covers the development of telecommunication systems with high priority, and covers the period through the end of 1997. Another goal stated in the Master Plan is to have 48 main lines per 100 inhabitants by the year 2005. In addition, the Ministry decided to issue one license for operating a national paging network in 1995. This network must cover most of Lithuania. The number of licenses for local paging networks will not be limited  相似文献   

National telecommunications has undergone significant changes. Some of these changes and the main principles of the national telecommunications system are described. First the milestones of the previous years are considered. Afterward, the structure of the public switched telephone network (PSTN), the basis of national telecommunications, is presented. We then deal with statistics and forecasting. Two tables present the development of the main telecommunication networks. A third table allows us to compare telecommunications development in the republics of the former USSR. Three figures show the forecasts of the main indexes of future telecommunications. General evolution tendencies inherent in Russian telecommunications are described next, including new technologies and services. One example related to modern equipment application is described. Finally, we deal with aspects of Russian telecommunications liberalization  相似文献   

Article 21, paragraph XI of the Brazilian Federal Constitution determines that telecommunication services must be exploited through a government controlled monopoly. Accordingly, all public telecommunication services are exploited by the Brazilian Telecommunications Company (Telebras). Telebras is the holding company of the so-called Sistema Telebras (Telebras System) consisting of 27 state based operating companies (OCs) and of EMBRATEL (Brazilian Telecom Enterprise), in charge of interstate connections and of the international gateway. The Federal law of 1972 that created Telebras also granted it power to exploit the services through its controlled or associate companies. Telebras owns over 97 percent of all telephone lines in the country. The remaining 3 percent are exploited by a private company (an exception foreseen in the Constitution) and two municipal companies. The newly inaugurated federal administration has submitted to the Congress a revised institutional model for the country, which includes the breakup of the state monopoly in telecommunications. The article discusses particularities regarding the future trends of the new approach to be enforced for the exploitation of telecommunication services and technology, and the evolution of the country's telecommunication networks  相似文献   

The general principles of telephone communications organization in Russia and statistics on the current level of communications development are presented. The types of switching equipment, transmission system, transmission media, and urban, rural, and long-distance telephone networks used in Russia are described. Future requirements and directions are discussed  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1995,32(1):30-34
The author discusses advances and changes in: Internet; multichannel optical fibre networks using erbium-doped fibre amplifiers and wavelength division multiplexing; HDTV; digital radio; satellites for mobile voice telephony; the auction of wireless telephony licences; and unlicensed personal communication systems  相似文献   

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