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This paper proposes a variable‐speed wind generation system using the boost converter. The proposed system has three speed control modes for the wind velocity. The control mode of low wind velocity regulates the armature current of the generator with the boost converter to control the speed of wind turbine. The control mode of middle wind velocity regulates the DC link voltage with the vector controlled inverter to control the speed of wind turbine. The control mode of high wind velocity regulates the pitch angle of the wind turbine with the pitch angle control system to control the speed of the wind turbine. The hybrid combination of three control modes extends the variable‐speed range. The proposed system simplifies maintenance, improves reliability, and reduces the costs compared with the variable‐speed wind generation system using a PWM converter. This paper describes the control strategy and modeling for a simulation of the proposed system using Simulink of Matlab. It also describes the control strategy and modeling of a variable‐speed wind generation system using a PWM converter. The steady state and transient responses for wind velocity changes are simulated using Matlab Simulink. This paper verifies the fundamental performance of the system using a boost converter by discussing the simulation results of both systems. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 169(4): 37–54, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20902  相似文献   

This paper proposes sensorless output power maximization control of a wind generation system. A permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is used as a variable speed generator in the proposed system. The generator torque is suitably controlled according to the generator speed and thus the power from a wind turbine settles down on the maximum power point by the proposed MPPT control method, where the information on wind velocity is not required. Moreover, the maximum available generated power is obtained by the optimum current vector control. The current vector of PMSG is optimally controlled according to the generator speed and the required torque in order to minimize the losses of PMSG considering the voltage and current constraints. The proposed wind power generation system can be achieved without mechanical sensors such as wind velocity detector and a position sensor. Several experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed control method. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 150(2): 11–19, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20043  相似文献   

Variable‐speed and constant‐frequency power generating systems using rotor excitation of the wound‐rotor induction machines have been used for such applications as variable‐speed pump generators and flywheel energy storage systems. However, the stand‐alone generating system of this type has only been reported and has not yet been practically used. On the other hand, the stand‐alone generating systems using diesel engines have been widely used for emergency supplies of plants or isolated islands and so on. However, in these cases, synchronous generators are usually used. If the output frequency is to be kept constant, there is the need to control the speed of the engine using a high‐performance governor. Even then, the output frequency changes in the case of a sudden load change. This paper proposes a new stand‐alone power generating system. In this system, the constant‐frequency output voltage can be obtained even though rotor speed changes by several percent. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 146(2): 75–85, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10191  相似文献   

针对通风管道系统,安装单台永磁同步风力发电机不能二次利用风能、风能利用率低,安装多台成本较高的缺点,提出一种具有前后两个半径不同的风机,且风机旋转方向相反的双转子永磁同步风力发电机.在分析双转子永磁同步风力发电机和传统最大功率跟踪控制的工作原理的基础上,得出前后风机风轮半径的关系、前风机作用下发电机输出功率和前风机的最...  相似文献   

风力发电系统中,风力发电机的控制方法是个关键环节.对双馈变速恒频异步风力发电机现有的控制方法进行了研究,提出一种新颖的控制扰动方法,即将四风速模型中的合成风速在轴系模型中产生的转矩引入功率控制扰动中.  相似文献   

针对目前已有的最大功率跟踪(MPPT)控制方法的不足,为提高风力发电的最大风能利用效率,根据风力发电机和boost变换器的输出特性,在变风速条件下,通过给定最佳机械转矩,直接计算最优占空比,控制风机电磁转矩,实现最大功率追踪控制.针对GP-300和FD-5型直驱式永磁风力发电机,进行功率跟踪控制仿真实验,实验结果表明所提出方法的有效性和可靠性,并具有良好的工程应用前景.  相似文献   

基于风速预测的最大风能追踪控制系统仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了使交流励磁变速恒频风力发电系统在无需设置风速计的情况下,双馈电机实现最大风能跟踪的目的,提出了一种新的基于神经网络的无风速检测方案。通过利用高斯径向基神经网络预测为最大风能追踪提供了一个准确的风速数据,从而准确获取最大功率点下对应的电机转子转速,以减少系统的损耗和成本,提高系统的可靠性。本文针对3.6MW风力发电系统的数学模型,建立了基于定子磁链定向矢量控制的系统仿真模型。结合风速预估和有功功率、无功功率的解耦控制实现了最大风能跟踪。  相似文献   

在风力发电机控制中采用叶尖速比法,可以实现快速功率跟踪,但常由于风速测量值与实际风速值不一致,导致无法达到最大功率点。由于爬山搜索法不需要测量风速,所以采用爬山搜索法和叶尖速比控制法相结合来实现快速最大功率跟踪。当风速变化超过±1 m/s时,采用叶尖速比控制法,按测量风速计算出参考转速,迅速跟随,达到指定转速后,切换到爬山搜索法,实现精确的最大功率跟踪。在Matlab环境下,建立了永磁直驱式风力发电机模型,仿真分析了风速变化时,采用叶尖速比法和爬山搜索法相结合的方法能够实现最大功率快速而精确的跟踪,且具有很好的动态特性和稳态特性。  相似文献   

Effects of the fluctuation inherent in wind speed are studied by a probabilistic method. The random variation in wind speed is responsible for random behavior in output power and internal voltage of a wind power generator. In case of fault occurrence at the instant of high internal voltage, the resultant short‐circuit current will be big, and vice versa. The DC component is also affected. According to the study, 2.4% and 1.3% increase of short‐circuit current in AC and DC components are observed respectively in a large variation case. This implies that the wind speed variation should be considered for accurate short‐circuit study. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 166(3): 27–36, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20721  相似文献   

大型风电场的集中功率控制策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析变速恒频风力发电机组与大型风力发电场控制系统关系的基础上,提出风力发电场的集中功率控制策略。利用M atlab/S imu link环境,建立风电场功率控制系统的仿真模型。以风扰动为例,对风力发电场并网的有功和无功功率调节过程进行仿真研究。理论研究和仿真分析结果验证了风电场集中功率控制策略的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对风机接入电网对电力系统稳定性的影响,提出了一种利用相关分析的快速估计风电接入对系统关联程度影响的新方法,即通过创建风电机组模型研究风机转速与风速关系.仿真案例表明,采用该方法可以快速、有效地分析不同类型风速、不同接入地点风机对电力系统相关性的影响.  相似文献   

变速恒频风力发电系统最大风能跟踪控制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
变速恒频机组可以根据风速调整发电机转速以获得更大的风能。本文首先介绍了风轮机的功率特性,然后比较了三种现有的最大风能跟踪控制算法的优缺点。以感应发电机为例,研究了一种用于最大风能跟踪的变步长爬山法,并采用MATLAB软件进行了仿真实验,仿真结果表明了该控制策略的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

风力发电机是实现风能转换为电能的核心部件之一.自上世纪70年代末以来,涌现了多种风力发电机拓扑结构及发电系统.针对现有国内外主要类型风力发电机的技术特点进行评述,分析比较不同类型风力发电机的经济技术性能,讨论风力发电机的最新发展趋势与研究进展,为我国风力发电研发工作提供参考.  相似文献   

Effective utilization of renewable energies such as wind energy as a replacement for fossil fuels is highly desirable. Wind energy is not constant and wind generator output is proportional to the cube of the wind speed, which causes the power output of wind turbine generators (WTGs) to fluctuate. In order to reduce output power fluctuations of wind farms, this paper presents an output power leveling control strategy for wind farms based on both the mean and the standard deviation of wind farm output power, a cooperative control strategy for WTGs, and a pitch angle control method using a generalized predictive controller (GPC) intended for all operating regions of WTGs. Simulation results using an actual detailed model for wind farm systems show the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 154(2): 10–18, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20247  相似文献   

顾鑫  惠晶 《华东电力》2007,35(2):64-68
对目前流行的风力发电机组控制系统进行对比分析.在简述风力机特性的基础上,介绍了定桨距和变桨距发电机组的特点,重点分析了基于双馈发电机的变速恒频发电系统及桨叶节距角控制系统.讨论了未来风力发电控制技术的发展趋势和应用前景.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two types of control method for induction generators used in wind power generating stations. One is aimed at maintaining the voltage of the station node and the other is aimed at maintaining a constant power factor through the branch connecting to the station. Both can be in the controllable area by adjusting the generator reactive power with compensating capacitors. First, theoretical equations for the terminal voltage and power factor of an induction generator are derived, and then the compensating capacitance corresponding to the wind velocity variation is determined quantitatively. By using the proposed control method, it is shown to be possible to maintain the terminal voltage and operating power factor of a wind power generation system at the target values, even when abrupt deviations are caused by wind power disturbances. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 163(3): 19– 26, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20298  相似文献   

阐述了飞轮储能的基本结构和工作原理,介绍了含有飞轮储能装置的风电系统有功功率柔性控制策略,研究了飞轮参考功率指令值的五种获取方法,比较了其优缺点,得出功率平滑控制跟踪效果的差异。  相似文献   

SRG风力发电系统最大功率跟踪控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以8/6极开关磁阻发电机(SRG)为例,基于电机的非线性特性提出一种基于模糊PI控制器的改进型转速反馈最大功率跟踪策略:通过SRG转速及其变化率,确定模糊规则自行整定PI参数,调节励磁电流,控制电机输出功率,使系统运行于最佳工作点。在Matlab平台上搭建基于最大功率跟踪策略的SRG系统仿真模型,仿真结果表明:外界风速稳定时,SRG转速和输出功率均可平稳保持在理论最佳值;风速变化时,SRG系统可快速实现自寻优,具备良好的动静态性能,验证了SRG仿真模型的正确性和控制策略的可靠性。  相似文献   

Effective utilization of renewable energies such as wind energy instead of fossil fuels is desirable. Wind energy is not constant and windmill output is proportional to the cube of the wind speed, which causes the generated power of wind turbine generators (WTGs) to fluctuate. In order to reduce the output power fluctuation of wind farms, this paper presents an output power leveling control strategy for a wind farm based on both the average wind farm output power and the standard deviation of the wind farm output power, a cooperative control strategy for WTGs, and pitch angle control using a generalized predictive controller (GPC) in all WTG operating regions. Simulation results using an actual detailed model for wind farm systems show the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 158(4): 31– 41, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience. wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20448  相似文献   

It is necessary to use renewable energy, such as photovoltaic, wind power, and biomass energy, from the viewpoint of CO2 regulation and environmental protection of the Earth. In recent years, the tendency is toward larger wind power generation systems to achieve cheaper electricity. Generators having capacities of 1500 kW to 2000 kW tend to dominate the market. However, a large wind power generation system has limitations in terms of location and can be installed only in the suburbs. At the same time, a city‐type compact wind power generation system, designed for city needs, has more flexibility and can be installed in the residential areas of a city. In this paper, we introduce an original control operation system called a “pump‐up” operation system, designed to effectively use the city wind, and report the results of its field test. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 158(2): 56–63, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20440  相似文献   

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