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复合性状转基因植物安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复合性状转基因植物由于其多元化的功能和高效的资源利用率,已成为当前发展最快的转基因产品类型.但由于多个外源基因间潜在的协同效应,使得对其安全性评价有更高的要求.然而当前缺乏国际通行的复合性状转基因植物的安全性评价规范.本文以欧盟制定的评价指导为框架,从参照物的选择、分子特征评价、对比分析、环境影响评价、毒性和过敏性评价以及营养价值评价等方面概述了复合性状转基因植物安全性评价体系,并指出了其中应关注的问题.  相似文献   

Lu Y  Xu W  Kang A  Luo Y  Guo F  Yang R  Zhang J  Huang K 《Journal of food science》2007,72(7):M228-M232
ABSTRACT:  The hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene ( hpt ) has been widely used in the process of plant genetic engineering to produce plants that can secrete the HPT protein. As part of a safety assessment, sufficient quantities of the protein were produced in Escherichia coli to conduct in vitro digestibility and animal studies. Western blotting analysis showed that the HPT protein was digested by simulated gastric fluid within 40 s. ELISA demonstrated that the protein did not induce detectable levels of specific IgE antibodies or histamine in test animals. Alignment of the amino acid sequence of HPT with those of known allergens did not produce evidence of sequence similarities between these allergens and the HPT protein. We conclude that HPT has a low probability to induce allergenicity.  相似文献   

转基因食品检测技术及其安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前转基因食品的安全性问题已经越来越受到人们的广泛关注。本文介绍了转基因食品的发展现状,并对转基因食品的检测技术和安全性评价进行了全面的综述,为进一步开展转基因食品的定性检测及其安全性评价工作提供一定参考。   相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Many animal studies have been performed on products with the Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal toxin‐encoding gene (Bt products), but less have focused on its effects on intestinal microflora owing to difficulties in culturing. This 90 day study was designed to assess unintended effects of genetically modified T2A‐1 rice (GMR) on selected intestinal bacteria (Lactobacillus group, Bifidobacterium genus, Escherichia coli subgroup, Enterococcus genus and Clostridium perfringens) of rats by the real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. RESULTS: During the whole experiment, no statistically significant differences in the numbers of specific bacteria and total bacteria were found between the GMR group and its parental group. At all stages of the experiment the two main probiotics (Lactobacillus group and Bifidobacterium genus) in faeces accounted for 11–23% of the total bacteria, whereas the conditional pathogens (E. coli subgroup, Enterococcus genus and C. perfringens) made up less than 1% of the total bacteria. B/E (log10 copies of Bifidobacterium genome g−1 faeces/log10 copies of E. coli genome g−1 faeces) ratios from 1.19 to 1.34 were obtained. Furthermore, significant correlations (P < 0.01) between the real‐time PCR method and the plate count method were found, with r values ranging from 0.60 to 0.75. CONCLUSION: No adverse effects on the numbers of specific bacteria in rat faeces were observed as a result of GMR feeding. The real‐time PCR method is recommended in further studies on the composition and dynamics of the intestinal bacteria community for better safety assessment of GM materials. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

本文在简述转基因食品安全性及其研究现状的基础上 ,提出的若干对应策略 ,其中重点介绍转基因食品安全性评估的基本原则———实质等同性 ,和管理措施和检测技术的应用前景  相似文献   

伴随着环境的恶化及资源的短缺,世界范围内正面临着一场粮食危机,转基因育种技术也因此得以迅速发展与应用。主要介绍了转基因大米的育种技术,同时对转基因大米的食用安全性进行了论述。  相似文献   

食用槟榔加工的安全风险评估研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着食用槟榔消费人数的增加,食用槟榔生产加工企业迅速发展,人们对其安全问题也给予了高度的关注。本文综合论述了近几年来食用槟榔加工过程中常出现的安全问题、安全风险评估现状、检测方法及其发展情况,并对一些问题的解决措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Genetically modified microorganisms (GMMs) are involved in the production of a variety of food and feed. The release and consumption of these products can raise questions about health and environmental safety. Therefore, the European Union has different legislative instruments in place in order to ensure the safety of such products. A key requirement is to conduct a scientific risk assessment as a prerequisite for the product to be placed on the market. This risk assessment is performed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), through its Scientific Panels. The EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms has published complete and comprehensive guidance for the risk assessment of GMMs and their products for food and/or feed use, in which the strategy and the criteria to conduct the assessment are explained, as well as the scientific data to be provided in applications for regulated products. This Guidance follows the main risk assessment principles developed by various international organisations ( and ). The assessment considers two aspects: the characterisation of the GMM and the possible effects of its modification with respect to safety, and the safety of the product itself. Due to the existing diversity of GMMs and their products, a categorisation is recommended to optimise the assessment and to determine the extent of the required data. The assessment starts with a comprehensive characterisation of the GMM, covering the recipient/parental organism, the donor(s) of the genetic material, the genetic modification, and the final GMM and its phenotype. Evaluation of the composition, potential toxicity and/or allergenicity, nutritional value and environmental impact of the product constitute further cornerstones of the process. The outcome of the assessment is reflected in a scientific opinion which indicates whether the product raises any safety issues. This opinion is taken into account by the different European regulatory authorities prior to a decision regarding authorisation to commercialise the product.  相似文献   

食用大豆油中转基因成分的检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食用油脂中转基因成分的检测是当前食品检验工作的一个主要方面。针对食用油脂中DNA含量极低、DNA序列片段短、破坏严重的特点,建立了食用油脂中DNA提取方法,通过实时荧光PCR可检测出大豆内源基因(Lectin)以及外源抗除草剂基因EPSPS,为食用油脂进行核酸类生物性检测提供了一种简捷有效的方法。  相似文献   

随着转基因食品在人类消费生活中的应用日益增加,人们对于完善转基因食品潜在致敏性评价方法的需求也不断增强.本文就现有转基因食品潜在致敏性的评价方法,包括决策树、序列同源性、血清学筛选、消化稳定性(抗胃蛋白酶性)以及动物模型等的研究进展做一概述,对其现状做出总结并对其发展提出建议.  相似文献   

目的调查楚雄州常见食用菌重金属含量水平,评估食用菌中重金属污染程度及健康相关风险。方法采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法和原子荧光光谱法对汞(Hg)、镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)、砷(As)的含量进行测定。单因子污染指数法进行污染评价。结果 86份食用菌样品中重金属检出率为100.00%,重金属总体超标率为44.19%,Hg超标率高于Cd、As、Pb(P0.01);同一种重金属在不同品种以及不同地区采集的食用菌样品中含量存在显著差异。食用菌样品质量评价为三级;干食用菌和新鲜野生牛肝菌的食品安全指数(international food standard,IFS)大于1。结论食用菌中的Hg、Cd、Pb、As等4种重金属污染现状不容乐观,野生牛肝菌重金属污染程度和食品安全风险等级均较高,对人体有一定的健康危害,应高度关注并进行风险管理。  相似文献   

The hot topic of genetic modification and genome editing is sometimes presented as a rapid solution to various problems in the field of animal breeding and genetics. These technologies hold potential for future use in agriculture but we need to be aware of difficulties in large-scale application and integration in breeding schemes. In this review, we discuss applications of both classical genetic modifications (GM) using vectors and genome editing in dairy cattle breeding. We use an interdisciplinary approach considering both ethical and animal breeding perspectives. Decisions on how to make use of these techniques need to be made based not only on what is possible, but on what is reasonable to do. Principles of animal integrity, naturalness, risk perception, and animal welfare issues are examples of ethically relevant factors to consider. These factors also influence public perception and decisions about regulations by authorities. We need to acknowledge that we lack complete understanding of the genetic background of complex traits. It may be difficult, therefore, to predict the full effect of certain modifications in large-scale breeding programs. We present 2 potential applications: genome editing to dispense with dehorning, and insertion of human genes in bovine genomes to improve udder health as an example of classical GM. Both of these cases could be seen as beneficial for animal welfare but they differ in other aspects. In the former case, a genetic variant already present within the species is introduced, whereas in the latter case, transgenic animals are generated—this difference may influence how society regards the applications. We underline that the use of GM, as well as genome editing, of farm animals such as cattle is not independent of the context, and should be considered as part of an entire process, including, for example, the assisted reproduction technology that needs to be used. We propose that breeding organizations and breeding companies should take an active role in ethical discussions about the use of these techniques and thereby signal to society that these questions are being responsibly addressed.  相似文献   

According to the information reported by the WHO, the genetically modified (GM) products that are currently on the international market have all passed risk assessments conducted by national authorities. These assessments have not indicated any risk to human health. In spite of this clear statement, it is quite amazing to note that the review articles published in international scientific journals during the current decade did not find, or the number was particularly small, references concerning human and animal toxicological/health risks studies on GM foods. In this paper, the scientific information concerning the potential toxicity of GM/transgenic plants using the Medline database is reviewed. Studies about the safety of the potential use of potatoes, corn, soybeans, rice, cucumber, tomatoes, sweet pepper, peas, and canola plants for food and feed were included. The number of references was surprisingly limited. Moreover, most published studies were not performed by the biotechnology companies that produce these products. This review can be concluded raising the following question: where is the scientific evidence showing that GM plants/food are toxicologically safe?  相似文献   

食用油脂鉴伪技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
近年来,地沟油事件多次引起人们对我国食品安全现状的担忧。由于缺乏有效的食用油脂中地沟油鉴别检测技术,制约着相关方面的食品安全监管和预警体系建设。由于地沟油通常是作为一种添加物掺入食用油脂中,更有甚者,地沟油渣直接冒充正常油脂流向餐桌,因此食用油脂鉴伪技术研究对地沟油的检测有较大借鉴作用。基于此,该文对近几年来食用油脂鉴伪技术研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

目前在世界范围内对转基因食品的安全性存在争议,食用植物油转基因成分的定性检测是当前食品检验工作中的一个重要方向。就食用植物油中转基因成分的核酸提取和检测技术的最新进展进行了综述,为后续的检测及研究提供参考,同时指出转基因成分的定量检测将是检验的另一个方向。  相似文献   

欧盟转基因食品安全的法律基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全的法律建设 ,既是保证食品安全 ,搞好“放心菜篮子”的需要 ,也是在国际贸易中实施本国环境战略的需要。简要介绍欧盟转基因食品安全的法律要求 ,以期在我国相应的法律建设中起参考作用。  相似文献   

脆弱性评价是全球可持续发展领域关注的研究方法。本文在前人研究的基础上综述了脆弱性评价的概念及方法,并鉴于传统食品安全风险评估方法的局限性,进一步探讨了脆弱性评价在食用农产品质量安全风险评估中的应用。最后,提出食用农产品质量安全风险评估领域中脆弱性评价亟待解决的问题。   相似文献   

Compositional analysis of genetically modified (GM) rice (OsCK1), non‐GM comparator and reference rice as commercial rice was conducted for the safety assessment. The tolerance intervals (TI) of commercial rice were also set to illustrate compositional variability. GM rice, non‐GM rice and reference rice were compared using principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares‐discriminant analysis (PLS‐DA) to assess the impact of genetic modification vs. environmental influence on the rice component. Seventeen components in forty‐six analysed components were significantly different between GM rice and non‐GM rice. But, the mean ranges of the seventeen components were all within those of the reference TIs. These results demonstrate that the nutrition components of GM rice (OsCK1) fell within the range of natural variability and were biologically equivalent to non‐GM rice. In addition, multivariate analysis by PCA and PLS‐DA revealed that environmental factors such as growing locations were important due to the variability of the rice metabolite profiles. These comparisons lead to the conclusion that disease‐resistant transgenic rice (OsCK1) is compositionally equivalent to and as safe and nutritious as conventional rice varieties grown commercially.  相似文献   

加拿大转基因食品监管体系简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因食品在加拿大属于新资源食品。加拿大没有针对转基因食品的专门立法和管理部门,对转基因食品的管理涉及多部法律规章和管理部门。加拿大政府转基因食品安全管理以产品本身为基础,而不涉及产品生产过程,主要体现在全面的上市前安全评估制度和食品标签制度和食品标签制度两个方面。转基因食品在加拿大进行商业化上市销售前需经过加拿大卫生部、环境部和渔业海洋部等部门严格的安全性评估过程,上市后接受加拿大卫生部和加拿大食品检验局通过食品标签制度管理。当某一转基因食品通过安全性评估上市销售后,加拿大政府对转基因食品的种植不作继续监管,并且对转基因食品的标签也没有强制要求,也没有明确的转基因成分含量限值。  相似文献   

A safety assessment of genetically modified (GM) rice Agb0102 (resveratrol synthesis) and Agb0103 (drought‐tolerant) were conducted by comparing with their non‐GM comparators. Phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors and phenolic acids of the rices were analysed to identify the biological equivalences and the impacts of the environment. The analytical tools were principal component analysis (PCA), Pearson's correlation analysis and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA). The PCA results of phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors revealed no clear separation among rices due to breeding conditions, environmental conditions or among various cultivars. The total, bound, free and ester forms of phenolic acids were not separated in the environmental conditions and different cultivars. The HCA analysis showed strong relationship between GM rice and non‐GM rice. The concentrations of anti‐nutrient and phenolic compounds of the GM rices were not different from those of non‐GM comparators and that various chemometric tools were useful to describe the separation of GM and non‐GM groups.  相似文献   

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