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针对间歇过程所具有的非线性特性,提出了一种基于核偏最小二乘(KPLS)模型的最终产品质量控制策略。利用初始条件、批次展开后的过程数据以及最终产品质量建立了间歇过程的KPLS模型;采用基于主成分分析(PCA)映射的预估方法对未知的过程数据进行补充,实现了最终产品质量的在线预测。为了解决最终产品质量的控制,利用T2统计量确定KPLS模型的适用范围,并作为约束引入产品质量控制问题,提高控制策略的可行性;采用粒子群优化(PSO)算法实现了优化问题的高效求解。仿真结果表明,与基于偏最小二乘(PLS)模型的控制策略相比,所提出的方法具有更高的预测精度,且能有效解决产品质量控制中出现的各种问题。 相似文献
针对间歇过程的故障诊断问题,提出了一种新的混合模型方法——MPCA-MDPLS.这种方法包括两个模型:多向主元分析(MPCA)模型和多向判别部分最小二乘(MDPLS)模型.这两个模型的建模数据不仅包括正常工况的数据,而且还包含了各种已知故障数据.因此,MPCA模型具有检测未知故障的能力.给出了MDPLS模型故障诊断限,对经MPCA模型检测不是未知故障的故障做进一步诊断.如果故障是未知的,可以采取其他的方法来分析新的故障,并按不同类别存入到数据库中.当多次出现这种故障之后(一般≥5次),把新的故障数据加入到建模数据中,并重新建立MPCA-MDPLS模型.通过对实际工业链霉素发酵过程数据的分析,表明了提出的算法是可行的、有效的,并具有识别未知新故障的能力. 相似文献
Harumi Sato Masahiko Shimoyama Taeko Kamiya Toru Amari Slobodan aic Toshio Ninomiya Heinz W. Siesler Yukihiro Ozaki 《应用聚合物科学杂志》2002,86(2):443-448
Raman spectra have been measured for pellets of five samples of high‐density polyethylene (HDPE), seven samples of low‐density polyethylene (LDPE), and six samples of linear low‐density polyethylene (LLDPE). The obtained Raman spectra have been compared to find out characteristic Raman bands of HDPE, LDPE, and LLDPE. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the Raman spectra in the 1600–650 cm?1 region after multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) to discriminate the Raman spectra of the three different PE species. They are classified into three groups by a score plot of PCA factor 1 vs. 2. HDPE with high density and high crystallinity gives high scores on the factor 1 axis, while LDPE with low density and low crystallinity yields negative scores on the same axis. It seems that factor 1 reflects the density or crystallinity. A PC weight loadings plot for factor 1 shows six upward peaks corresponding to the bands arising from the crystalline parts or all‐trans ? (CH2)n? groups and seven downward peaks ascribed to the bands of the amorphous or anisotropic regions and those arising from the short branches. Partial least‐squares (PLS‐1) regression was applied to the Raman spectra after MSC to propose calibration models that predict the density, crystallinity, and melting points of the polyethylenes. The correlation coefficient was calculated to be 0.9941, 0.9800, and 0.9709 for the density, crystallinity, and melting point, respectively, and their root‐mean‐square error of cross validation (RMSECV) was found to be 0.0015, 3.3707, and 2.3745, respectively. The loadings plot of factor 2 for the prediction of melting point is largely different from those for the prediction of density and crystallinity. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 86: 443–448, 2002 相似文献
Two methodological improvements of the design of dynamic experiments (C. Georgakis, Ind Eng Chem Res. 2013) for the modeling and optimization of (semi‐) batch processes are proposed. Their effectiveness is evaluated in two representative classes of biopharmaceutical processes. First, we incorporate prior process knowledge in the design of the experiments. Many batch processes and, in particular, biopharmaceutical processes are usually not understood completely to enable the development of an accurate knowledge‐driven model. However, partial process knowledge is often available and should not be ignored. We demonstrate here how to incorporate such knowledge. Second, we introduce an evolutionary modeling and optimization approach to minimize the initial number of experiments in the face of budgetary and time constraints. The proposed approach starts with the estimation of only a linear Response Surface Model, which requires the minimum number of experiments. Accounting for the model's uncertainty, the proposed approach calculates a process optimum that meets a maximum uncertainty constraint. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 2796–2805, 2017 相似文献
In this work, we present a novel, data‐driven, quality modeling, and control approach for batch processes. Specifically, we adapt subspace identification methods for use with batch data to identify a state‐space model from available process measurements and input moves. We demonstrate that the resulting linear time‐invariant (LTI), dynamic, state‐space model is able to describe the transient behavior of finite duration batch processes. Next, we relate the terminal quality to the terminal value of the identified states. Finally, we apply the resulting model in a shrinking‐horizon, model predictive control scheme to directly control terminal product quality. The theoretical properties of the proposed approach are studied and compared to state‐of‐the‐art latent variable control approaches. The efficacy of the proposed approach is demonstrated through a simulation study of a batch polymethyl methacrylate polymerization reactor. Results for both disturbance rejection and set‐point changes (i.e., new quality grades) are demonstrated. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 1581–1601, 2016 相似文献
Process computers routinely collect hundreds to thousands of pieces of data from a multitude of plant sensors every few seconds. This has caused a “data overload” and due to the lack of appropriate analyses very little is currently being done to utilize this wealth of information. Operating personnel typically use only a few variables to monitor the plant's performance. However, multivariate statistical methods such as PLS (Partial Least Squares or Projection to Latent Structures) and PCA (Principal Component Analysis) are capable of compressing the information down into low dimensional spaces which retain most of the information. Using this method of statistical data compression a multivariate monitoring procedure analogous to the univariate Shewart Chart has been developed to efficiently monitor the performance of large processes, and to rapidly detect and identify important process changes. This procedure is demonstrated using simulations of two processes, a fluidized bed reactor and an extractive distillation column. 相似文献
Modeling, optimization, process monitoring, and product development in a toner process using multiway principal component analysis and multiway partial least square method is described. Process measurements and product quality values of past successful batches were collected in a data matrix and preprocessed through time alignment, centering, and scaling. Following the identification of latent variables, an empirical model was built through a fourfold cross validation that can represent the operation of a successful batch. The prepared model provided a realistic prediction of process behavior, realistically represented the operation of the industrial unit, and is mathematically simple enough to be used in online optimization and for automatic control strategies of selected abnormal batches. 相似文献
Marco S. Reis 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2013,59(5):1570-1587
Current supervised approaches, such as classification and regression methodologies, are strongly focused on optimizing estimation accuracy metrics, leaving the interpretation of the results produced as a secondary concern. However, in the analysis of complex systems, one of the main interests is precisely the induction of relevant associations, to understand or clarify the way the system operates. Two related frameworks for addressing supervised learning problems (classification and regression) are presented, that incorporate interpretational‐oriented analysis features right from the onset of the analysis. These features constrain the predictive space, in order to introduce interpretable elements in the final model. Interestingly, such constraints do not usually compromise the methods' performance, when compared to their unconstrained versions. The frameworks, called network‐induced classification (NI‐C), and network‐induced regression (NI‐R), share a common methodological backbone, and are described in detail, as well as applied to real‐world case studies. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 1570–1587, 2013 相似文献
A quality relevant non‐Gaussian latent subspace projection method for chemical process monitoring and fault detection

Partial least‐squares (PLS) method has been widely used in multivariate statistical process monitoring field. The goal of traditional PLS is to find the multidimensional directions in the measurement‐variable and quality‐variable spaces that have the maximum covariances. Therefore, PLS method relies on the second‐order statistics of covariance only but does not takes into account the higher‐order statistics that may involve certain key features of non‐Gaussian processes. Moreover, the derivations of control limits for T2 and squared prediction error (SPE) indices in PLS‐based monitoring method are based on the assumption that the process data follow a multivariate Gaussian distribution approximately. Meanwhile, independent component analysis (ICA) approach has recently been developed for process monitoring, where the goal is to find the independent components (ICs) that are assumed to be non‐Gaussian and mutually independent by means of maximizing the high‐order statistics such as negentropy instead of the second‐order statistics including variance and covariance. Nevertheless, the IC directions do not take into account the contributions from quality variables and, thus, ICA may not work well for process monitoring in the situations when the quality variables have strong influence on process operations. To capture the non‐Gaussian relationships between process measurement and quality variables, a novel projection‐based monitoring method termed as quality relevant non‐Gaussian latent subspace projection (QNGLSP) approach is proposed in this article. This new technique searches for the feature directions within the measurement‐variable and quality‐variable spaces concurrently so that the two sets of feature directions or subspaces have the maximized multidimensional mutual information. Further, the new monitoring indices including I2 and SPE statistics are developed for quality relevant fault detection of non‐Gaussian processes. The proposed QNGLSP approach is applied to the Tennessee Eastman Chemical process and the process monitoring results of the present method are demonstrated to be superior to those of the PLS‐based monitoring method. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J 60: 485–499, 2014 相似文献
The application of multivariate statistical projection based techniques has been recognized as one approach to contributing to an increased understanding of process behaviour. The key methodologies have included multi‐way principal component analysis (PCA), multi‐way partial least squares (PLS) and batch observation level analysis. Batch processes typically exhibit nonlinear, time variant behaviour and these characteristics challenge the aforementioned techniques. To address these challenges, dynamic PLS has been proposed to capture the process dynamics. Likewise approaches to removing the process nonlinearities have included the removal of the mean trajectory and the application of nonlinear PLS. An alternative approach is described whereby the batch trajectories are sub‐divided into operating regions with a linear/linear dynamic model being fitted to each region. These individual models are spliced together to provide an overall nonlinear global model. Such a structure provides the potential for an alternative approach to batch process performance monitoring. In the paper a number of techniques are considered for developing the local model, including multi‐way PLS and dynamic multi‐way PLS. Utilising the most promising set of results from a simulation study of a batch process, the local model comprising individual linear dynamic PLS models was benchmarked against global nonlinear dynamic PLS using data from an industrial batch fermentation process. In conclusion the results for the local operating region techniques were comparable to the global model in terms of the residual sum of squares but for the global model structure was evident in the residuals. Consequently, the local modelling approach is statistically more robust. 相似文献
在实际化工生产过程中存在一些缓变故障,在发生的初期过程偏离正常工况的程度较少,且受生产数据噪声的影响,不易被传统过程监测方法及时发现。本文针对缓变故障的特点,提出了一种基于偏最小二乘法-主元分析法(PLS-PCA)的过程监测方法。首先利用偏最小二乘法(PLS)回归提取出各变量之间的关系,通过获取变量实测值与回归预测值之间的误差,以放大装置运行状态与预设状态之间的偏差,在此基础上建立基于主元分析法(PCA)的过程监测模型,实现了对缓变故障的早期识别。该过程监测模型被应用在某制氢装置预转化反应器上,结果表明该方法对缓变故障具有较好的早期识别效果,能够比工程师提前13h,比基于传统PCA的过程监测模型提前8h。 相似文献
PCA、PLS作为常用的多变量统计监控算法,一般适用于线性、定常的过程。针对实际工业过程的时变、非线性特性,提出了一种递归核PCA(RKPCA)方法用于非线性过程的自适应监控。RKPCA算法通过将递归奇异值分解推广到核空间,给出了核形式描述的递归KPCA算法,运算复杂度比KPCA明显降低,保证非线性监控模型能够在线更新。在Alstom工业燃气发生装置上的自适应监控表明,所提出的RKPCA算法能够及时跟踪非线性过程的时变特征,保证了监控模型的有效性。 相似文献
Product quality and operation cost control obtain increasing emphases in modern chemical system engineering. To improve the fault detection power of the partial least square (PLS) method for quality control, a new QRPV statistic is proposed in terms of the VP (variable importance in projection) indices of monitored process variables, which is significantly advanced over and different from the conventional Q statistic. QRPV is calculated only by the residuals of the remarkable process variables (RPVs). Therefore, it is the dominant relation between quality and RPV not all process variables (as in the case of the conventional PLS) that is monitored by this new VP-PLS (VPLS) method. The combination of QRPV and T2 statistics is applied to the quality and cost control of the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process, and weak faults can be detected as quickly as possible. Consequently, the product quality of TE process is guaranteed and operation costs are reduced. 相似文献
Nuno Costa Sandrina Amaral Ricardo Alvim Miguel Nogueira Manfred Schwanninger José Rodrigues 《应用聚合物科学杂志》2013,128(1):498-508
The molar ratios of formaldehyde (F) to urea (U) of three resin formulations in the range from 0.90 to 1.49 have been analyzed by means of Attenuated Total Reflection‐Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR‐FTIR) spectroscopy and Fourier Transform‐Near‐Infrared (FT‐NIR) spectroscopy. Application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the spectra (MIR and NIR) allowed to separate them according to the molar ratio and to distinguish between two groups of resins. Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy (SIMCA) allowed classification of new resin samples with high model distances between the classes. Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS‐R) models based on MIR (NIR) spectra resulted in high coefficients of determination (R2) values, low errors, and high residual prediction deviations (RPD). To confirm the reproducibility of the process and to carefully evaluate twice all multivariate analysis results obtained, different batches of resins have been prepared to have an additional independent sample set. The number of samples required for MIR and possible applications of MIR and NIR spectroscopy in this context including limitations have been discussed. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2013 相似文献
磷脂分子是细胞膜的重要组成,在酵母发酵产乙醇过程中起重要作用。通过液质联用方法对两株酿酒酵母细胞(工业酵母O和实验室酵母S)的磷脂分子进行定性和定量分析,应用主成分分析(PCA)和正交偏最小二乘(OPLS)对O和S不同生长时期的磷脂图谱进行模式识别。结果发现,在乙醇发酵过程中,两株酵母共同的变化规律是:从延滞期进入指数期过程中,饱和短链磷脂分子增加,不饱和长链磷脂分子减少。而两株酵母的差异表现在延滞期时,具有较低生长速率的酵母PE分子含量更高。 相似文献
To improve the detection and identification performance of the Statistical Quality Monitoring (SQM) system, a novel quality based Prioritized Sensor-Fault Detection (PSFD) methodology is proposed. Weighted by the Vp (variable importance in projection) index, which indicates the importance of the sensor variables to the quality variables, the new monitoring statistic, Qv, is developed toensure that the most vital sensor faults be detected successfully. Subsequently, the ratio between the Detectable Minimum Faulty Magnitude (DMFM) of the most important sensor and of the least important sensor is only gpmin/gpmax 〈〈 1. The Structured Residuals are designed according to the Vp index to identify and then isolate them. The theoretical findings are fully supported by simulation studies performed on the Tennessee Eastman process. 相似文献
Adriana Dutra Sousa Paulo Riceli Vasconcelos Ribeiro Kirley Marques Canuto Guilherme Julião Zocolo Rita de Cassia Alves Pereira Fabiano André Narciso Fernandes 《Drying Technology》2018,36(5):609-616
In this study, the drying kinetics of Phyllanthus amarus and Phyllanthus niruri were investigated experimentally in an air-drying oven as a function of drying temperature (50, 60, and 70°C). The effects of the air-drying temperature on the phenolic content and the LC–MS profile were also studied. Increases in air-drying temperature reduced the drying time and increased the effective moisture diffusivity. An Arrhenius relationship with activation energy values of 22.828 and 43.129?kJ/mol for P. niruri and P.amarus, respectively, expressed the effect of temperature on the diffusivity. Air drying at 70°C increased the availability of some phenolic compounds. However, the higher temperature negatively affected some sensitive components. 相似文献