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基于电压空间矢量分析原理,提出一种适用于并联型有源电力滤波器的电流控制方法。揭示了参考电流优化跟踪策略,该策略能保证在单个开关周期内,使误差电流矢量的幅值以最快的速度逼近于零,从而实现参考电流的快速跟踪。基于参考电流优化跟踪策略,在充分考虑逆变器的实际电压输出能力的情况下,对逆变器输出电压矢量进行精确计算,并通过在单位开关周期内输出多个基本电压矢量的方法合成该矢量,以保证误差电流微分矢量同时具有最优方向和最大幅值,从而在快速跟踪指令电流的同时,不会造成逆变器不可控,提高控制系统的快速性和可靠性。实验结果验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

有源滤波器电流控制新方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文提出了一种基于最优电压空间矢量的有源滤波器滞环电流控制方法。该方法的特点是以相间电流误差而非相电流误差作为控制对象,因此可用三个滞环比较器构成参考电压矢量所在区别判别器,在此基础上应用最优电压矢量实行滞环电流控制。在同样的控制精度下,该方法可有效地降低开关频率,减小有源滤波器开关损耗。计算机仿真结果验证了这一方法的有效性。  相似文献   

One of the most emphasized problems to be solved in power systems in recent years is the line‐current harmonics problem. This is due to the use of diode rectifiers, PWM converters, nonlinear loads, and so on. To reduce or eliminate such current harmonics, an active power filter (APF), which is a sophisticated power electronic converter, has been studied and used in some practical applications. In this paper, we propose and discuss two new control methods for three‐phase shunt APFs: the sinusoidal line‐current control method and the instantaneous‐reactive‐power compensation control method. They are based on pulsewidth prediction control, or a predictive‐instantaneous‐current PWM control. Neither any instantaneous power information nor coordinate transformation is necessary for control. In the sinusoidal line‐current control scheme, the controller governs the switching devices of the APF by using the pulse width that is optimally predetermined at the beginning of every switching period with the sinusoidal current reference. The line currents flow sinusoidally and are in phase with the voltage accordingly. In the instantaneous‐reactive‐power compensation control, the control is performed so that the resultant circuit of the load and the APF is regarded as a time‐variant conductance circuit model. The APF with this control scheme can cancel effectively the instantaneous reactive component produced by the load though the controller is simple. This paper discusses the performance characteristics of the APFs when a three‐phase diode rectifier and an unbalanced load are connected to the line. The practicability of the proposed methods is verified by experiment. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 130(3): 68–76, 2000  相似文献   

In this paper, a multichannel adaptive control algorithm is described which has good convergence properties while having relatively small computational complexity. This complexity is similar to that of the filtered‐error algorithm. In order to obtain these properties, the algorithm is based on a preprocessing step for the actuator signals using a stable and causal inverse of the minimum‐phase part of the transfer path between actuators and error sensors, the secondary path. The latter algorithm is known from the literature as postconditioned filtered‐error algorithm, which improves convergence rate for the case that the minimum‐phase part of the secondary path increases the eigenvalue spread. However, the convergence rate of this algorithm suffers from delays in the adaptation path because adaptation rates have to be reduced for larger delays. The contribution of this paper is to modify the postconditioned filtered‐error scheme in such a way that the adaptation rate can be set to a higher value. Consequently, the scheme also provides good convergence if the system contains significant delays. Furthermore, a regularized extension of the scheme is given which can be used to limit the actuator signals. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Active power filters have been developed recently to solve the harmonics disturbance problems on power system networks. The direct current control scheme is generally used to control the harmonic compensating current directly for current source active power filters. To improve the characteristics of harmonic elimination, the voltage regulation scheme is proposed which regulates the filter capacitor voltage at the input side. Hence the voltage regulation scheme is an indirect current control technique for making sinusoidal line current. To implement this proposed scheme, the electronic differentiator should be used. By using the conventional differentiator, high frequency noise is generated in the controller. This deteriorates both the accuracy and reliability of the controller. To reduce this noise, a novel observer-based noise reduction scheme is proposed for our active filter system. The observer-based algorithm and characteristics of indirect current-controlled active filters are investigated through simulations and experiments.  相似文献   

并联有源滤波器的最优电压滞环电流控制   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
简要介绍了并联有源滤波器的原理其普通滞环电流控制的特点,针对普通滞环电流控制方法的不足,提出并详细分析了一种最优电压滞环电流控制新方法,该方法的显著特点是通过识别参考电压矢量知电流误差矢量的区域控制滤波器的输出,避免了复杂计算和逆变器不必要的开关,并且快速,准确,从而改善了有源滤波器的性能。  相似文献   

电流控制策略对有源电力滤波器的补偿精度有很大影响。针对传统电流控制器设计复杂、效果不佳等问题,提出一种基于电感电流和重复预测的数字电流控制策略。以输出滤波电感电流为研究对象,采用基于外推法的重复预测器实现对下一拍输出指令电流的准确预测,采用分割求和算法,将一个开关周期划分为3个时间间隔,通过求和得到3个时间间隔内滤波电感电流的总变化量来直接获取电压矢量作用时间。该电流控制策略具有计算简单、稳态性能好、动态响应快等优点。仿真结果验证了其有效性。  相似文献   

管道电机噪声有源控制系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对直流电机运行噪声的频谱特点,设计管道电机噪声有源控制的物理系统和软件硬件系统.对直流电机运行噪声,通过实验进行单通道有源噪声控制算法主要参数包括泄漏参数、迭代步长和滤波器长度的最优化设计.根据优化后的算法参数,进行管道电机噪声单通道和多通道有源控制实验.实验结果表明,电机转速为1 200r/min和1 500r/m...  相似文献   

线谱噪声通常是由一些带旋转部件的设备来回往复运动产生的。这些噪声具有明显的周期性或者近似周期性。介绍了传统的窄带前馈有源控制算法和频率合成法。传统的有源控制方法通过直接拾取参考信号直接来进行有源噪声控制,频率合成法针对某些特定频率或者参考信号无法获取时,通过系统自身产生参考信号来完成有源噪声控制。对这两种方法进行了仿真与比较,分析结果表明,频率合成法可以更有效地对线谱噪声进行控制,且多个频率之间互不干扰。  相似文献   

有源电力滤波器相电流互感器容错控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了实现有源电力滤波器(APF)在交流侧电流互感器故障状态下的可靠运行,提出一种基于相电流重构的交流侧电流互感器容错控制策略。通过分析相电流重构应用在滞环SVPWM控制中的不足,提出在相电流重构中设计状态观测器。构建有源电力滤波器的电流闭环观测模型,用观测出的电流值来对存在缺失的重构电流进行修正,解决了相电流重构技术运用在滞环SVPWM控制中重构电流不完全的问题,实现了APF系统的带故障运行。在Matlab/Simulink中进行仿真验证,并在实验样机中进行实验,结果均证明了该容错策略的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

LCL并网逆变器新型电流双闭环控制策略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种新型的LCL型并网逆变器电流双闭环控制策略。内环采用电容电流反馈增加LCL并网逆变器系统阻尼,以抑制LCL输出滤波器带来的高频谐振问题;外环采用重复PR复合控制策略实现对并网电流的高性能控制,以抑制电网电压波动和非线性负载对并网电流的影响,实现对基频信号的无静差控制和高功率因数并网。在此理论分析的基础上研究了控制系统的稳定性,提出LCL并网逆变器电流双闭环控制器优化设计方案。最后通过仿真验证了理论分析的正确性和控制策略的可行性。  相似文献   

有源电力滤波器(active power filter,APF)是一种动态抑制谐波和无功的电力电子装置,以并联型有源电力滤波器为研究对象,从APF补偿电流的控制和直流侧电容电压角度出发,分析了电源电流控制方式,实现补偿电流的检测及双闭环反馈控制,提高系统的补偿精确度和动态响应性能。另外,直流侧电压的指令值都是根据电网电压的工作范围、APF的直流侧电容、额定输出电流、PWM逆变器输出侧电感、电流电压调节器以及调制策略等参数设计的,在考虑直流侧电压与APF功率损耗和补偿性能关系的基础上,提出了采用下垂调节器设计逆变器直流侧电压的控制参考值,使其兼顾APF的功率损耗及补偿性能综合平衡的优点。仿真结果验证了该APF控制系统的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

前馈结构噪声有源控制算法的LabVIEW设计及仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁明  张方 《电子测量技术》2009,32(8):144-147
有源噪声控制是近年来噪声控制领域研究的一个热点问题,适用于低频成分的噪声消除。本文以次为切入点,首先介绍了前馈结构有源噪声控制系统的组成,对其中所采用的自适应算法进行了详细讨论。然后针对有源噪声控制中的两种常用算法FXLMS和FXNLMS,在LabVIEW环境下设计了仿真程序,并进行仿真。通过仿真,比较了两种算法的鲁棒性、收敛速度等性能指标,得出了FXNLMS算法较FXLMS算法更适合实际应用的结论,为今后进一步的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

分析有源电力滤波器的基本原理,为了验证有源电力滤波器基于电压空间矢量滞环电流控制方法的正确性,并加深对其控制规律的认识和理解,本文用MATLAB/SIMULINK对有源电力滤波器进行了动态仿真研究.仿真结果表明,改进的电流控制方法能有效地滤除负载中的绝大部分谐波,提高了有源电力滤波器的综合性能.  相似文献   

建立了基于遗传算法的自适应有源消声模型,介绍有源消声系统原理,自适应控制系统的关键在于其控制算法,用算法来调整滤波器的系数.在消声系统里必须考虑的因素主要有误差、声音的延迟、声音的衰减、在公式中适当的加入相位变化等.该系统结合神经网络算法,遗传算法和BP算法结合并改进提高了精度和准确性,可以用来优化神经网络的结构及其权值.实验分别从单音和复音情况进行,实验结果证明了基于神经网络算法的自适应有源消声系统有良好的消声效果,该系统稳定性较强.  相似文献   

An effective system control method is presented for applying a three‐phase current‐source PWM converter with a deadbeat controller to active power filters (APFs). In the shunt‐type configuration, the APF is controlled such that the current drawn by the APF from the utility is equal to the current harmonics and reactive current required for the load. To attain the time‐optimal response of the APF supply current, a two‐dimensional deadbeat control scheme is applied to APF current control. Furthermore, in order to cancel both the delay in the two‐dimensional deadbeat control scheme and the delay in DSP control strategy, an Adaptive Line Enhancer (ALE) is introduced in order to predict the desired value three sampling periods ahead. ALE has another function of bringing robustness to the deadbeat control system. Due to the ALE, settling time is made short in a transient state. On the other hand, total harmonic distortion (THD) of source currents can be minimized compared to the case where ideal identification of the controlled system can be made. The experimental results obtained from the DSP‐based APF are also reported. The compensating ability of this APF is very high in accuracy and responsiveness although the modulation frequency is rather low. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 150(1): 50–61, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20014  相似文献   

单独注入式APF直流侧电压的稳定控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
有源电力滤波器(APF)的直流侧电容电压不稳定直接影响滤波装置的补偿性能.通过对单独注入式.APF的直流侧电容电压升高机理进行分析,得出了APF的能量交换中有功功率与无功功率的流动造成直流侧电压的波动,同时当逆变器开关损耗及输出滤波器内阻损耗小于回灌到APF直流侧的有功功率时,直流侧电压也会抬升的结论.一方面在注入电路参数设计中考虑了实际应用中要注意电网电压的冲击等情况,以保证逆变器中功率器件的安全运行;另一方面提出对直流侧电容电压进行模糊控制的方法,通过检测滤波器支路的基波电流,控制APF产生与基波电流方向相同或相反的基波电压,来实现主动地控制APF从电网吸收或向电网释放有功功率,从而提高了电容电压稳定性.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于最优电压矢量的并联有源电力滤波器双滞环电流控制策略,用于快速控制三相有源电力滤波器的相间误差电流,同时可减少高次谐波、加快响应速度。采用滞环比较器确定参考电压矢量所在的区域,另根据误差电流矢量的越界情况及所在区域采用不同的控制策略来选择输出开关矢量,同时,引入当前开关状态信号和各相电流幅值信号,来辅助开关矢量的选择。仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

反馈有源噪声控制系统结构简单,抗外界干扰能力强,但在对频率成分复杂的噪声控制时通常存在收敛速度慢、控制残差高等缺陷。本文针对工程中常见的离散线谱噪声反馈控制问题设计了一种最近邻-多频陷波器(NNR-MNF)反馈有源控制模型,使用最近邻回归器算法先验计算时域最优滤波器系数的近似解,在参数空间内从一个接近最优解的位置开始训练滤波器参数,使系统能够以一个较小的步长对复杂噪声进行控制,在快速收敛的同时避免系统发散问题。基于驱逐舰轮机噪声真实数据的计算机仿真实验结果表明,NNR-MNF算法相比传统控制方法其收敛时间减少了约70%。该结果说明使用基于机器学习的参数预训练方法能够有效提升噪声有源控制系统的收敛速度,为主动噪声控制问题提供了一种新的优化方案。  相似文献   

针对次级通路时变条件下的快速算法展开研究.首先分析了已有的基于次级通路在线建模的FxLMS算法,同时给出了带策略选择的权系数局布迭代算法;在此基础上,提出了一种针对次级通路在线建模的带策略选择的局布迭代有源控制快速算法.给出了该快速算法的实现步骤;比较了不同算法的运算量;就次级通路为时变与非时变两种情况下对算法进行了计算机仿真.结果表明,本文提出的快速算法能有效地降低原算法的运算量,提高原算法次级通路在线建模部分的性能,并可在稳态时取得较原算法更优的降噪量.  相似文献   

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