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The rapid emergence of novel virus named SARS-CoV2 and unchecked dissemination of this virus around the world ever since its outbreak in 2020, provide critical research criteria to assess the vulnerabilities of our current health system. The paper addresses our preparedness for the management of such acute health emergencies and the need to enhance awareness, about public health and healthcare mechanisms. In view of this unprecedented health crisis, distributed ledger and AI technology can be seen as one of the promising alternatives for fighting against such epidemics at the early stages, and with the higher efficacy. At the implementation level, blockchain integration, early detection and avoidance of an outbreak, identity protection and safety, and a secure drug supply chain can be realized. At the opposite end of the continuum, artificial intelligence methods are used to detect corona effects until they become too serious, avoiding costly drug processing. The paper explores the application of blockchain and artificial intelligence in order to fight with COVID-19 epidemic scenarios. This paper analyzes all possible newly emerging cases that are employing these two technologies for combating a pandemic like COVID-19 along with major challenges which cover all technological and motivational factors. This paper has also discusses the potential challenges and whether further production is required to establish a health monitoring system.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(corona virus disease,COVID-19)的暴发对全球人类的生命财产安全造成了巨大威胁。人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)为助力打赢这场疫情攻坚战发挥了不可替代的作用。由于AI的助力,医疗资源紧张的问题得到大幅度缓解,并提高了医疗诊断效率,同时也避免接触感染的风险。阐述了COVID-19和AI的背景知识,从疫情趋势预测、疫情溯源追踪、检测诊断、药物开发、疫苗研制、药物再利用、网络舆论管控以及基因组测序这8个疫情防控的环节讨论了AI在本次COVID-19中的研究进展,并列举本次疫情中AI所面临的挑战,浅谈本次疫情对我国AI产业影响以及两者的辩证关系,对全文进行总结。  相似文献   

Coronavirus disease, which resulted from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has spread worldwide since early 2020 and has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Coronavirus disease is also termed COVID-19. It affects the human respiratory system and thus can be traced and tracked from the Chest X-Ray images. Therefore, Chest X-Ray alone may play a vital role in identifying COVID-19 cases. In this paper, we propose a Machine Learning (ML) approach that utilizes the X-Ray images to classify the healthy and affected patients based on the patterns found in these images. The article also explores traditional, and Deep Learning (DL) approaches for COVID-19 patterns from Chest X-Ray images to predict, analyze, and further understand this virus. The experimental evaluation of the proposed approach achieves 97.5% detection performance using the DL model for COVID-19 versus normal cases. In contrast, for COVID-19 versus Pneumonia Virus scenario, we achieve 94.5% accurate detections. Our extensive evaluation in the experimental section guides and helps in the selection of an appropriate model for similar tasks. Thus, the approach can be used for medical usages and is particularly pertinent in detecting COVID-19 positive patients using X-Ray images alone.  相似文献   

基于情感关键句抽取的情感分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情感分析需要解决的一个重要问题是判断一篇文档的极性是正面的还是负面的.情感分类的正确率很难达到普通文本分类的水平,因为情感分类更难更复杂.在判断文档的情感极性时,不同的句子具有不同的情感贡献度,所以,对整篇文档的关键句和细节句进行区分将有助于提高情感分类的性能.关键句通常简短且具有判别性,而细节描述句通常复杂多样且容易引入歧义.在关键句抽取算法中,考虑3类属性:情感属性、位置属性和关键词属性.为了更好地利用关键句和细节句之间的差异性和互补性,将抽取的关键句分别用于有监督的和半监督的情感分类.在有监督情感分类中,采用的是分类器融合的方法;在半监督情感分类中,采用的是Co-training算法.在8个领域上进行实验,结果表明所提方法性能明显优于Baseline,从而证明情感关键句抽取算法是有效的.  相似文献   

Recent advancements in the Internet of Things (Io), 5G networks, and cloud computing (CC) have led to the development of Human-centric IoT (HIoT) applications that transform human physical monitoring based on machine monitoring. The HIoT systems find use in several applications such as smart cities, healthcare, transportation, etc. Besides, the HIoT system and explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) tools can be deployed in the healthcare sector for effective decision-making. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a global health issue that necessitates automated and effective diagnostic tools to detect the disease at the initial stage. This article presents a new quantum-inspired differential evolution with explainable artificial intelligence based COVID-19 Detection and Classification (QIDEXAI-CDC) model for HIoT systems. The QIDEXAI-CDC model aims to identify the occurrence of COVID-19 using the XAI tools on HIoT systems. The QIDEXAI-CDC model primarily uses bilateral filtering (BF) as a preprocessing tool to eradicate the noise. In addition, RetinaNet is applied for the generation of useful feature vectors from radiological images. For COVID-19 detection and classification, quantum-inspired differential evolution (QIDE) with kernel extreme learning machine (KELM) model is utilized. The utilization of the QIDE algorithm helps to appropriately choose the weight and bias values of the KELM model. In order to report the enhanced COVID-19 detection outcomes of the QIDEXAI-CDC model, a wide range of simulations was carried out. Extensive comparative studies reported the supremacy of the QIDEXAI-CDC model over the recent approaches.  相似文献   

开源数据库-重症特别护理信息集MIMIC数据库包含了大量的医学数据,自它发布之日起,便得到了众多研究人员的青睐。但低效的挖掘方法很难发现内部的隐含信息,这使得MIMIC数据库得不到很好的利用,造成了资源的浪费。探索新兴的挖掘方法进行知识发现便显得异常重要。文中对围绕MIMIC数据库的各种挖掘方法进行综述,重点阐述了新出现的机器学习和深度学习方法。同时将传统统计学模型与新出现的人工智能技术包括机器学习和深度学习技术进行比较分析。结果发现相比传统的统计学模型,机器学习和深度学习技术在预测病人的早期死亡率、发现疾病影响因素等方面普遍效果更好,这有助于改善医疗质量、帮助医生进行辅助诊断,在一定程度上也减少了病人的医疗费用。  相似文献   

Twitter has emerged as a platform that produces new data every day through its users which can be utilized for various purposes. People express their unique ideas and views on multiple topics thus providing vast knowledge. Sentiment analysis is critical from the corporate and political perspectives as it can impact decision-making. Since the proliferation of COVID-19, it has become an important challenge to detect the sentiment of COVID-19-related tweets so that people’s opinions can be tracked. The purpose of this research is to detect the sentiment of people regarding this problem with limited data as it can be challenging considering the various textual characteristics that must be analyzed. Hence, this research presents a deep learning-based model that utilizes the positives of random minority oversampling combined with class label analysis to achieve the best results for sentiment analysis. This research specifically focuses on utilizing class label analysis to deal with the multiclass problem by combining the class labels with a similar overall sentiment. This can be particularly helpful when dealing with smaller datasets. Furthermore, our proposed model integrates various preprocessing steps with random minority oversampling and various deep learning algorithms including standard deep learning and bi-directional deep learning algorithms. This research explores several algorithms and their impact on sentiment analysis tasks and concludes that bidirectional neural networks do not provide any advantage over standard neural networks as standard Neural Networks provide slightly better results than their bidirectional counterparts. The experimental results validate that our model offers excellent results with a validation accuracy of 92.5% and an F1 measure of 0.92.  相似文献   

基于人工智能方法的复杂过程故障诊断技术   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
由于复杂过程因素多,波动大,反应机理复杂,无法建立精确的数学模型,传统的故障诊断方法很难取得令人满意的结果。针对复杂过程的特点,利用智能技术无需建立对象精确模型的优势,研究适合复杂过程实现的基于人工智能方法的故障诊断技术。并对构造智能诊断系统所需要解决的机器学习技术从知识获取、深浅知识表示方法和规则更新方面进行了分析。最后对基于人工智能方法的复杂过程故障诊断技术研究的发展趋势和有待解决的问题进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

Unlike the 2007–2008 market crash, which was caused by a banking failure and led to an economic recession, the 1918 influenza pandemic triggered a worldwide financial depression. Pandemics usually affect the global economy, and the COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Many stock markets have fallen over 40%, and companies are shutting down, ending contracts, and issuing voluntary and involuntary leaves for thousands of employees. These economic effects have led to an increase in unemployment rates, crime, and instability. Studying pandemics’ economic effects, especially on the stock market, has not been urgent or feasible until recently. However, with advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and the inter-connectivity that social media provides, such research has become possible. In this paper, we propose a COVID-19-based stock market prediction system (C19-SM2) that utilizes social media. Our AI system enables economists to study how COVID-19 pandemic data influence social media and, hence, the stock market. C19-SM2 gathers COVID-19 infection and death cases reported by the authorities and social media data from a geographic area and extracts the sentiments and events that occur in that area. The information is then fed to the support vector machine (SVM) and random forest and random tree classifiers along with current stock market values. Then, the system produces a projection of the stock market’s movement during the next day. We tested the system with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) and the Tadawul All Share Index (TASI). Our system achieved a stock market prediction accuracy of 99.71%, substantially higher than the 89.93% accuracy reported in the related literature; the inclusion of COVID-19 data improved accuracy by 9.78%.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探索运用深度学习的方法辅助医生利用胸部X光片进行COVID-19诊断的可行性和准确性。首先利用公开的COVID-QU-Ex Dataset训练集训练一个UNet分割模型,实现肺部ROI区域的自动分割。其次完成对该公共数据集肺部区域的自动提取预处理。再次利用预处理后的三分类影像数据(新冠肺炎、其它肺炎、正常)采用迁移学习的方式训练了一个分类模型MBCA-COVIDNET,该模型以MobileNetV2作为骨干网络,并在其中加入坐标注意力机制(CA)。最后利用训练好的模型和Hugging Face开源软件搭建了一套方便医生使用的COVID-19智能辅助诊断系统。该模型在COVID-QU-Ex Dataset测试集上取得了高达97.98%的准确率,而该模型的参数量和MACs仅有2.23M和0.33G,易于在硬件设备上进行部署。该智能诊断系统能够很好的辅助医生进行基于胸片的COVID-19诊断,提升诊断的准确率以及诊断效率。  相似文献   

A gap among the people has been created due to a lack of social interactions. The physical void has led to an increase in online interaction among users on social media platforms. Sentiment analysis of such interactions can help us analyze the general public psychology during the pandemic. However, the lack of data in non-English and low-resource languages like ‘Hindi’ makes it difficult to study it among native and non-English speaking masses. Here, we create a small collection of ‘Hindi’ tweets on COVID-19 during the pandemic containing 10,011 tweets for sentiment analysis, which is named as sentiment analysis for Hindi (SAFH). In this article, we describe the process of collecting, creating, annotating the corpus, and sentiment classification. The claims have been verified using different word embedding with a deep learning classifier through the proposed model. The achieved accuracy of the proposed model yields up to a permissible rate of 90.9%.  相似文献   

任奎  王骞 《智能安全》2022,1(1):96-103
随着基于深度学习的人工智能技术的快速发展及其广泛应用,人们对其安全性的关注也日益凸显。特别是,最近一系列研究表明基于深度学习模型的人工智能系统容易受到对抗样本的攻击。对抗样本通过向正常样本中添加精心设计、人类难以察觉的微小扰动,可导致深度学习模型的严重误判。本文回顾基于对抗性图像和音频两类人工智能反制技术最新进展,并对这些研究成果进行分类和综合比较,最后对现有挑战与未来研究趋势进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

Progress and Challenge of Artificial Intelligence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is generally considered to be a subfield of computer science, that is concerned to attempt simulation, extension and expansion of human intelligence. Artificial intelligence has enjoyed tremendous success over the last fifty years. In this paper we only focus on visual perception, granular computing, agent computing, semantic grid. Human-level intelligence is the long-term goal of artificial intelligence. We should do joint research on basic theory and technology of intelligence by brain science, cognitive science, artificial intelligence and others. A new cross discipline intelligence science is undergoing a rapid development. Future challenges are given in final section.  相似文献   

Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a life-threatening infectious disease caused by a newly discovered strain of the coronaviruses. As by the end of 2020, Covid-19 is still not fully understood, but like other similar viruses, the main mode of transmission or spread is believed to be through droplets from coughs and sneezes of infected persons. The accurate detection of Covid-19 cases poses some questions to scientists and physicians. The two main kinds of tests available for Covid-19 are viral tests, which tells you whether you are currently infected and antibody test, which tells if you had been infected previously. Routine Covid-19 test can take up to 2 days to complete; in reducing chances of false negative results, serial testing is used. Medical image processing by means of using Chest X-ray images and Computed Tomography (CT) can help radiologists detect the virus. This imaging approach can detect certain characteristic changes in the lung associated with Covid-19. In this paper, a deep learning model or technique based on the Convolutional Neural Network is proposed to improve the accuracy and precisely detect Covid-19 from Chest Xray scans by identifying structural abnormalities in scans or X-ray images. The entire model proposed is categorized into three stages: dataset, data pre-processing and final stage being training and classification.  相似文献   

(Aim) The COVID-19 has caused 6.26 million deaths and 522.06 million confirmed cases till 17/May/2022. Chest computed tomography is a precise way to help clinicians diagnose COVID-19 patients. (Method) Two datasets are chosen for this study. The multiple-way data augmentation, including speckle noise, random translation, scaling, salt-and-pepper noise, vertical shear, Gamma correction, rotation, Gaussian noise, and horizontal shear, is harnessed to increase the size of the training set. Then, the SqueezeNet (SN) with complex bypass is used to generate SN features. Finally, the extreme learning machine (ELM) is used to serve as the classifier due to its simplicity of usage, quick learning speed, and great generalization performances. The number of hidden neurons in ELM is set to 2000. Ten runs of 10-fold cross-validation are implemented to generate impartial results. (Result) For the 296-image dataset, our SNELM model attains a sensitivity of 96.35 ± 1.50%, a specificity of 96.08 ± 1.05%, a precision of 96.10 ± 1.00%, and an accuracy of 96.22 ± 0.94%. For the 640-image dataset, the SNELM attains a sensitivity of 96.00 ± 1.25%, a specificity of 96.28 ± 1.16%, a precision of 96.28 ± 1.13%, and an accuracy of 96.14 ± 0.96%. (Conclusion) The proposed SNELM model is successful in diagnosing COVID-19. The performances of our model are higher than seven state-of-the-art COVID-19 recognition models.  相似文献   

Millions of people are connecting and exchanging information on social media platforms, where interpersonal interactions are constantly being shared. However, due to inaccurate or misleading information about the COVID-19 pandemic, social media platforms became the scene of tense debates between believers and doubters. Healthcare professionals and public health agencies also use social media to inform the public about COVID-19 news and updates. However, they occasionally have trouble managing massive pandemic-related rumors and frauds. One reason is that people share and engage, regardless of the information source, by assuming the content is unquestionably true. On Twitter, users use words and phrases literally to convey their views or opinion. However, other users choose to utilize idioms or proverbs that are implicit and indirect to make a stronger impression on the audience or perhaps to catch their attention. Idioms and proverbs are figurative expressions with a thematically coherent totality that cannot understand literally. Despite more than 10% of tweets containing idioms or slang, most sentiment analysis research focuses on the accuracy enhancement of various classification algorithms. However, little attention would decipher the hidden sentiments of the expressed idioms in tweets. This paper proposes a novel data expansion strategy for categorizing tweets concerning COVID-19. The following are the benefits of the suggested method: 1) no transformer fine-tuning is necessary, 2) the technique solves the fundamental challenge of the manual data labeling process by automating the construction and annotation of the sentiment lexicon, 3) the method minimizes the error rate in annotating the lexicon, and drastically improves the tweet sentiment classification’s accuracy performance.  相似文献   

由于影像学技术在新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的诊断和评估中发挥了重要作用,COVID-19相关数据集陆续被公布,但目前针对相关文献中数据集以及研究进展的整理相对较少。为此,通过COVID-19相关的期刊论文、报告和相关开源数据集网站,对涉及到的新冠肺炎数据集及深度学习模型进行整理和分析,包括计算机断层扫描(CT)图像数据集和X射线(CXR)图像数据集。对这些数据集呈现的医学影像的特征进行分析;重点论述开源数据集,以及在相关数据集上表现较好的分类和分割模型。最后讨论了肺部影像学技术未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

在大数据时代,人工智能得到了蓬勃发展,尤其以机器学习、深度学习为代表的技术更是取得了突破性进展.随着人工智能在实际场景中的广泛应用,人工智能的安全和隐私问题也逐渐暴露出来,并吸引了学术界和工业界的广泛关注.以机器学习为代表,许多学者从攻击和防御的角度对模型的安全问题进行了深入的研究,并且提出了一系列的方法.然而,当前对机器学习安全的研究缺少完整的理论架构和系统架构.从训练数据逆向还原、模型结构反向推演、模型缺陷分析等角度进行了总结和分析,建立了反向智能的抽象定义及其分类体系.同时,在反向智能的基础上,将机器学习安全作为应用对其进行简要归纳.最后探讨了反向智能研究当前面临的挑战以及未来的研究方向.建立反向智能的理论体系,对于促进人工智能健康发展极具理论意义.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎的高感染率导致其在全球范围内迅速传播,常用的逆转录-聚合酶反应(RT-PCR)检测方法存在耗时、假阴性率偏高和医学用具不足的缺陷,因此开发高效、准确、低成本的影像检测技术对新型冠状病毒肺炎的诊断和治疗至关重要。随着人工智能在医学领域的成功应用,深度学习技术成为辅助检验和识别新型冠状病毒肺炎的有效方法。对近年来涌现的新型冠状病毒肺炎的深度学习诊断方法进行了研究和总结:介绍了深度学习方法使用的两种新型冠状病毒肺炎数据集;介绍了基于VGGNet、Inception、ResNet、DenseNet、EfficientNet和CapsNet模型的六种深度学习诊断方法;介绍了三种深度学习与其他机器学习方法结合的诊断方法;对基于深度学习的新型冠状病毒肺炎诊断方法的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

网络异常检测模型可以用来检测未知攻击,具有良好的可扩展性,是目前入侵检测系统研究的热点。但目前的异常检测方法存在着误报率较高、检测效率不能满足高速网络实时检测需求等问题。本文通过对免疫智能算法与网络异常研究,提出了一种基于免疫智能的网络异常检测算法AIAIK。理论分析和实验说明改算法具有自然免疫系统的免疫网络、非线性、免疫记忆和克隆选择等良好特性,实验检测效果良好。  相似文献   

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