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We report the development of a new multidimensional questionnaire to measure nicotine dependence, based on Edwards's syndromal conceptualization of dependence. We present three studies. In study 1, we administered the Nicotine Dependence Syndrome Scale (NDSS) to 317 smokers in a smoking cessation study. Factor analysis of the NDSS revealed five factors: Drive (craving and withdrawal, and subjective compulsion to smoke), priority (preference for smoking over other reinforcers), tolerance (reduced sensitivity to the effects of smoking), continuity (regularity of smoking rate), and stereotypy (invariance of smoking). A single overall score based on the first principal component, NDSS-T, was retained as a single core measure of dependence. The NDSS showed promising psychometric properties: NDSS-T and factor scores showed strong associations with dependence-relevant measures, even when we controlled for scores on the Fagerstr?m Tolerance Questionnaire (FTQ); and the NDSS predicted urges when smoking, withdrawal in acute abstinence, and outcome in cessation. The five factor scores showed differential patterns of correlations with external validators, supporting the multidimensionality of the measure. In study 2, we revised the NDSS to expand some subscales and administered it to 802 smokers in a cessation study. The same five factors were extracted, the internal reliability of some subscales was improved, and the factor scores again showed associations with dependence-relevant validators, which were largely maintained when we controlled for FTQ scores. In study 3, with 91 smokers in a cessation trial, we established that the test-retest reliability of the subscales was adequate. Thus, the NDSS presents a valid multidimensional assessment of nicotine dependence that may expand on current measures.  相似文献   

The present study correlates empirically constructed prospective adolescent smoking trajectories with indicators of nicotine dependence assessed in adolescence and in adulthood. Excluding individuals who reported no smoking during repeat assessment (nonadopters), we identified five smoking trajectory groups: experimenters (n=116, 48.5%), late increasers (n=39, 16.3%), early increasers (n=37, 15.5%), quitters (n=22, 9.2%), and persistent smokers (n=25, 10.5%). Higher frequency of nicotine dependence symptoms in adolescence occurred in the quitters and persistent smokers groups, who smoked at higher levels relative to the experimenters, late increasers, and early increasers groups, who reported a similar frequency of nicotine dependence symptoms and smoked at low levels. Lifetime nicotine dependence was assessed in adulthood in lifetime daily smokers using the Fagerstr?m Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) and the Nicotine Dependence Scale (NDS). Lifetime FTND levels were similar across trajectory groups. Relative to experimenters, all remaining smoking trajectory groups had higher NDS levels that were similar to one another. These results suggest that higher levels of adolescent nicotine dependence were associated with heavier smoking trajectory groups, and that regardless of trajectory group membership, smoking more than a few cigarettes per week throughout adolescence resulted in similar levels of lifetime nicotine dependence as measured by the FTND and NDS.  相似文献   

烟碱依赖和祛烟碱依赖研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烟草依赖有多种因素,如心理因素,环境因素和生理因素等,其中的物质基础是烟草中的烟碱与脑中烟碱受体的相互作用。目前对烟碱依赖的治疗方法包括药物治疗如烟碱替代疗法的烟碱贴剂、口胶、鼻喷雾剂和吸入剂等,采用乙酰胆碱受体(nAChR)抑制剂药物治疗,心理治疗、针灸和中药治疗等,这些方法表现出不同程度的祛烟瘾效果。本文就烟碱依赖和祛烟碱依赖的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

This study reports on baseline characteristics associated with acceptance and refusal of available smoking treatment among currently depressed smokers in a psychiatric outpatient clinic who were enrolled in a larger clinical trial. The sample (N=154) was 68% female and 72% White, with a mean age of 41.4 years and average smoking rate of 17 cigarettes/day. All participants were assigned to a repeated contact experimental condition; received a stage-based expert system program to facilitate treatment acceptance; and were then offered smoking treatment, consisting of behavioral counseling, nicotine patch, and bupropion. Acceptors (n=53) were defined as those accepting behavioral counseling and pharmacological treatment at some point during the 18-month study, whereas refusers (n=101) received only the expert system. The number of days to treatment acceptance was significantly predicted by stage of change, with those in preparation entering treatment more quickly than contemplators or precontemplators. In a logistic regression, the variables most strongly associated with accepting treatment were current use of psychiatric medication and perceived success for quitting. Severity of depressive symptoms, duration of depression history, and history of recurrent depression were not related to treatment acceptance. Findings have implications for the psychiatric assessment and treatment of smokers in clinical settings. Psychiatric medication may play a significant role in smoking cessation treatment acceptance by currently depressed smokers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: It has been assumed that nicotine dependence has a slow onset and occurs only after prolonged daily use of tobacco. A cohort of young adolescents was followed to determine when the first symptoms of nicotine dependence occur with respect to the duration and frequency of tobacco use. DESIGN: A cohort of 681 seventh grade students (age 12-13 years) from seven schools in two small cities in central Massachusetts was followed over one year. Detailed information regarding tobacco use was obtained in individual confidential interviews conducted in school three times over the year. The latency time to the onset of symptoms of nicotine dependence was measured from the time a subject first smoked at a frequency of at least once per month. RESULTS: 22% of the 95 subjects who had initiated occasional smoking reported a symptom of nicotine dependence within four weeks of initiating monthly smoking. One or more symptoms were reported by 60 (63%) of these 95 subjects. Of the 60 symptomatic subjects, 62% had reported experiencing their first symptom before smoking daily or began smoking daily only upon experiencing their first symptom. DISCUSSION: The first symptoms of nicotine dependence can appear within days to weeks of the onset of occasional use, often before the onset of daily smoking. The existence of three groups of individuals-rapid onset, slower onset, and resistant-distinguishable from one another by their susceptibility to nicotine dependence, is postulated.  相似文献   

Many clinicians and researchers hypothesize that tobacco use disorders, regardless of the route of administration, are maintained by the ability of nicotine to regulate positive and negative mood states. The present study (N=137) examined whether certain mood states predicted dependence on either cigarettes or smokeless tobacco and whether specific personality characteristics (e.g., extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism) mediated these relationships among young male college students. Results indicated that positive and negative moods predicted cigarette dependence (p values=.01) and that neuroticism partially mediated the relationship between positive affect and cigarette dependence. Exploratory analyses revealed that positive affect also interacted with neuroticism to predict smokeless tobacco dependence (p=.04). Simple effects analyses revealed that this relationship was maintained only among individuals high in neuroticism. Results suggested that dependence on cigarettes and smokeless tobacco among male college students may have different affective correlates and that certain personality characteristics may enhance and explain the effects of mood on tobacco dependence.  相似文献   

A considerable number of daily tobacco users do not fulfill the DSM-IV and ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for nicotine dependence (ND). This suggests that such a diagnostic boundary may be arbitrary. This paper addresses this question empirically by comparing the viability of two models, respectively hypothesizing a dimensional and a categorical latent structure of ND. An epidemiological sample of 6,926 individuals was selected from a cross-sectional probabilistic stratified sampling design. All participants having smoked in the past 30 days were included in the study. Half of this sample was used to select appropriate composite indicators of tobacco consumption. A factor analysis with oblique PROMAX rotation was used as well as the MAXCOV (Maximum Covariance) procedure to identify indicators that maximized between-class distance, and minimize within-class variance. The remaining half of the sample was submitted to a set of three mathematically independent taxometric procedures: Mean Above Minus Below A Cut (MAMBAC), MAXCOV and Maximum Eigenvalues (MAXEIG). In line with the original hypothesis, the results supported a dimensional latent structure for ND. These findings are discussed in terms of their clinical implications for the validation of adequate screening procedures and the etiology and maintenance of ND.  相似文献   

This was the first randomized, controlled smoking cessation trial assessing the efficacy of an exercise intervention as an adjunct to nicotine gum therapy in comparison with both equal contact control and standard care control conditions. Sedentary female smokers aged 18-55 years were provided with nicotine gum treatment along with brief behavioral counseling and were randomized into one of these three behavioral adjunct conditions. In the "intent-to-treat" sample (N = 182), at end of treatment and at 1-year follow-up, there were clear, but nonsignificant, trends in univariate analyses in which the exercise and equal contact control conditions both had higher rates of abstinence than the standard care control. However, when adjusting for other predictors of relapse in a multiple logistic regression, both exercise and equal contact control showed an advantage over standard care control in avoiding early relapse (i.e., after 1 week). In a multivariate survival model adjusting for other predictors, the equal contact condition had a significantly lower likelihood of relapse compared with the standard care condition and there was a near significant trend in which exercise offered an advantage over standard care as well. While these findings suggest a slightly improved likelihood of abstinence with exercise compared with standard care, exercise did not differ from equal contact control in its efficacy. Potential explanations for these equivalent levels of efficacy and implications for the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the nature of the relationship among lifetime major depression, smoking, and nicotine dependence. Subjects were 8,169 male twins from the Vietnam Era Twin Registry. Biometrical modeling demonstrated a genetic influence on daily smoking, nicotine dependence, and major depression, and a family environmental influence on daily smoking. Genetic factors influencing nicotine dependence also strongly influenced major depression. We also compared probands with a history of major depression (n = 398) from pairs discordant for major depression, their nondepressed cotwins (n = 364), and controls (n = 1,863) on a number of secondary smoking outcomes. Major depression was associated with current daily smoking and certain nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Individuals with a familial vulnerability for major depression, even without a personal history of major depression, were more likely to smoke despite a serious illness and to report nervousness, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, and depressed mood during past quit attempts. Among the 237 monozygotic pairs discordant for major depression, depressed probands were more likely to have a lifetime history of nicotine dependence than were cotwins. Findings extend Kendler and colleague's (1993) study of female twins by demonstrating in men that shared genetic factors predispose not only to major depression and daily smoking but also to major depression and nicotine dependence.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine outcomes and predictors of smoking cessation among elderly patients treated for nicotine dependence. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of patients aged 65-82 who received a nicotine dependence consultation at the Mayo Medical Center between 1 April 1988 and 30 May 1992. Patients were contacted by telephone by a trained interviewer six months after the consultation and were sent a follow-up survey in August 1993. SETTING: Mayo Medical Center, Rochester, Minnesota, United States. SUBJECTS: A total of 613 patients (310 men, 303 women) with a mean age of 69.0 (SD 3.5) years were seen during the study period. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Point prevalence self-reported smoking status. Patients were considered abstinent if they self- reported not smoking (not even a puff) during the seven days before contact. RESULTS: At six-month follow up, 24.8% of the 613 patients reported abstinence from smoking. On multivariate analysis, smoking abstinence was more likely if patients were hospitalised at the time of the consultation, married to a non-smoking spouse, very motivated to stop smoking, and reported their longest time of previous abstinence to be less than a day or more than a month. The response rate to the mailed follow-up survey was 69.9% (429 of 613). The mean duration of follow up was 40.0 +/- 13.2 months following the consultation. Of the 429 patients, 103 (24.0%) reported abstinence from smoking and 326 (76.0%) were smoking at six-month follow up. Patients who reported abstinence at six months had a higher cessation rate at the last follow up (76.0%) compared with patients who were smoking at six-month follow up (33.0%, P < 0.001). For patients who were not smoking at six months, no factors were found to significantly predict abstinence at last follow up. For patients who were smoking at six months, factors associated with smoking cessation at last follow up were: more than a year as the longest time off cigarettes before the consultation; counsellor rating of less severe nicotine dependence; and older age at first regular smoking. CONCLUSIONS: Several predictors of smoking cessation were identified in this study which may be useful for tailoring smoking interventions for the elderly.


Cigarette smoking during pregnancy (CSDP) is associated with a number of negative outcomes in the offspring. Therefore, clarifying the correlates of CSDP and the extent to which CSDP is associated with nicotine dependence is an important step toward reducing its rate in the general population. Using data from 1,134 adult Australian female monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs, we explored the associations between CSDP and sociodemographic and psychiatric correlates and between CSDP and patterns of cigarette smoking. Further, we examined the role of heritable and environmental influences on CSDP and investigated whether these latent risk factors are shared with a predisposition to nicotine dependence. Women smoking during an entire pregnancy reported heavier dependence and more unsuccessful quit attempts, compared with the community sample of mothers and with women who smoked during only part of a pregnancy. Educational attainment, weekly church attendance, spousal current smoking, and nicotine dependence also were associated with CSDP. Heritable influences explained 34% of the variation in CSDP, with the remainder related to nonshared environmental factors. A large proportion of the genetic influences on CSDP were shared with DSM-III-R nicotine dependence, with little overlap across the nonshared environmental influences. A lifetime history of difficulty with smoking cessation, in conjunction with social background and psychiatric comorbidity, especially during pregnancy, needs to be considered by treatment providers when counseling expectant mothers about the potential risks of CSDP.  相似文献   

The effects of nicotine, distractor type, and dopamine type-2 receptor (DRD2) genotype on rapid visual information processing (RVIP) task performance were assessed in habitual smokers. Four RVIP tasks differed in terms of distractor location (central vs. peripheral) and distractor type (numeric vs. emotional). Each participant performed each of the tasks on two different days, once while wearing an active nicotine patch and once while wearing a placebo patch. Overall, the nicotine patch produced more accurate detection of and faster reaction times to target sequences; however, these effects varied with distractor type and genotype. Nicotine speeded reaction time more with left-visual-field (LVF) than right-visual-field (RVF) emotional distractors but speeded reaction time more with RVF than LVF numeric distractors, especially when the distractor digit matched the target sequence in terms of numeric oddness or evenness. Nicotine tended to facilitate performance more in individuals with at least one A1 allele than in homozygous A2A2 individuals, especially with numeric distractors presented to the left hemisphere. Nicotine tended to reduce distraction by negative stimuli more than other types of stimuli. Few gender differences were observed. The overall pattern of results was consistent with the view that nicotine modulates selective attention or subsequent information processing in a manner that depends partly on the emotional versus numeric nature of task distractors, DRD2 genotype, and the brain hemisphere that initially processes the distractors (visual field of distractor).  相似文献   

Data from epidemiological studies suggest that individual differences in cigarettes per day (CPD) and duration of smoking account for only a small portion of the variance in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.) (DSM-IV) nicotine dependence. However, DSM-IV may be an insensitive measure of nicotine dependence; other measures might better reflect the true nature of the relationship between use and dependence. This paper describes the relationship between cigarettes per day (CPD) and years smoking and the severity of nicotine dependence as measured by the Nicotine Dependence Syndrome Scale (NDSS). Furthermore, we assessed the validity of individual differences in nicotine dependence by determining whether they related to cue-evoked craving during abstinence. Data were pooled from five laboratory studies of 489 regular (i.e., 15+ CPD) smokers. In contrast to previously reported data demonstrating a relatively strong relationship between CPD and dependence in chippers (Shiffman & Sayette, 2005), CPD and years smoking accounted for a statistically significant, but small (<6%), portion of the variance in nicotine dependence in daily smokers. Individual differences in both CPD and years smoking had little or no relationship with craving. However, the magnitude of craving was significantly related to the degree of nicotine dependence even after controlling for use variables and excluding craving-related items on the NDSS. These data suggest that among moderate to heavy daily smokers, meaningful individual differences in nicotine dependence are observed independent of differences in current daily cigarette consumption and duration of smoking. Further research into the sources of this variance is critical to understanding the process of and risk for nicotine dependence.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychosocial predictors of nicotine dependence in Blacks and Puerto Ricans. A longitudinal, prospective study design was employed. Data on five psychosocial domains were obtained from a four-wave study of tobacco use and smoking behavior; data were analyzed using logistic regression. Participants (N = 475) included adult Blacks and Puerto Ricans initially recruited from urban public schools in New York City and interviewed when they were mean age 14 years, and then again when they were mean ages 19, 24, and 26 years. Structured interviews were administered at four points in time over a period of 12 years. Nicotine dependence was measured using a DSM-IV adapted version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview nicotine dependence measure. Logistic regression analyses showed that factors in each of five psychosocial domains (personality, drug use behavior, family, peer, and environment) significantly predicted nicotine dependence. The pattern of results was similar for both Black and Puerto Rican samples. Factors that protected against nicotine dependence included achievement, ego-integration, and a positive school climate. The findings indicate that a variety of risk factors contribute to the occurrence of nicotine dependence. When examining the causes of nicotine dependence, it is important to investigate an array of biopsychosocial and environmental factors.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the possibility of forming a multidimensional scale for the measurement of nicotine dependence among adolescents, based on the modified Fagerstr?m Tolerance Questionnaire (mFTQ) and the Hooked on Nicotine Checklist (HONC). A survey was conducted among 33 Dutch secondary schools, resulting in 2,041 smokers who completed the questionnaire. Motivation to quit and number of quit attempts were assessed and used as convergent construct variables for the construct of nicotine dependence. The findings show that combining the items of the mFTQ and the HONC results in three distinct dimensions: behavioral aspects of nicotine dependence, craving, and nervousness during abstinence. We examined this new multidimensional model in a second sample using confirmatory factor analysis. The new multidimensional measure fitted the data satisfactorily and showed good psychometric properties. Results of this study support the notion that nicotine dependence among adolescents is multidimensional.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between self-reported in utero tobacco exposure and gender on smoking initiation, progression of cigarette use (i.e., telescoping), and current levels of nicotine dependence in adult treatment-seeking smokers. Subjects (N = 298) who reported "yes" (28% of the original sample) or "no" (50% of the original sample) to in utero tobacco exposure were included in the analyses. Telescoping was calculated as the difference between the age respondents smoked their "first full cigarette" and the age when they started smoking daily. Females who reported being exposed in utero transitioned from initial to daily cigarette use more rapidly than females not exposed. The opposite effect was found for males, which may be related to our finding that in utero exposure lowered the age of cigarette experimentation in exposed compared with unexposed males. Measures of current cigarette use and dependence (i.e., Fagerstr?m Test for Nicotine Dependence, prior withdrawal, number of past year quit attempts) were significantly associated with reported in utero exposure, gender, or interactions of exposure and gender. In utero tobacco exposure may accelerate the progression from experimentation to daily use in girls, result in early tobacco experimentation among boys, and produce higher levels of nicotine dependence among adult smokers.  相似文献   

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