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设计了一种基于单惯性质量块的一体化结构三维加速度传感器。采用一种特殊结构的弹性体元件,实现了三维加速度量都利用剪切应变测量。利用有限元工具对传感器静态和动态特性进行了分析,给出了弹性体的应变分布、固有频率等。有限元分析计算和实验结果表明:所设计的传感器在3个正交方向上都有较高的灵敏度,各加速度分量互相干扰小。其交差灵敏度小于6.5%,非线性误差小于2%,固有频率大于1700Hz。  相似文献   

三轴加速度传感器校正方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加速度是研究汽车安全的重要数据来源,而要获得可靠的加速度参数则要求加速度传感器有较高的精确性,针对三轴加速度传感器基本标定和坐标轴不垂直的校正问题,设计了相应的加速度传感器校正模型和模型求解算法,并通过实际测试对比加速度传感器在校正前和校正后的精度,从而来验证校正方法的可用性.经过该方法校正的多轴加速度传感器可以将不垂...  相似文献   

运用有限元分析软件ANSYS进行建模,进行模态分析。采用分块Lanczos法进行模态分析,得到前六阶的振型与固有频率。分析结果表明:建议的传感器模型具有较好的低频特性,在测量低频率的实际使用环境中,有一定的使用价值。另外,模态分析结果也为应变加速度传感器进一步优化设计提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

综述了三分量光纤加速度传感器探头研究的工作进展,介绍了三分量光纤加速度传感器的设计思路,重点阐述了不同原理和结构的探头设计方案,并对其中的关键技术参数进行了评价,最后对三分量光纤加速度传感器的发展进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

三轴加速度传感器安装误差标定方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张辉  柴伟  罗强  刘漫霞 《传感技术学报》2011,24(11):1542-1546
针对三轴加速度传感器在车辆行驶状态测量方面的应用,研究了三轴加速度传感器在车辆上的安装误差问题,提出了一种通过数学解算模型对安装误差进行标定的方法.标定过程无需借助其他测量仪器,只需要使用安装后的传感器进行多次测量,通过数学模型解算这组测量数据即可实现安装误差的测量与标定.通过实验验证,此方法方便有效,标定误差小于±3...  相似文献   

<正>动作感应有助于推动移动通信、浏览和总体数据使用的市场增长。据行业分析公司iSuppli今年初发表的一份报告预计,在手机中采用加速计将使销售额从2009年的2.2亿美元增长到2010年的4.26亿美元。  相似文献   

针对常用单片机滤波算法不能有效滤除加速度数据中的杂波干扰和单轴加速度数据在加速度传感器与地面不垂直情况下不能准确计算抽油机悬点位移等缺点,利用自相关数字滤波算法对加速度数据进行数字滤波,并采用三轴加速度传感器ADXL362同时采集抽油机悬点三个轴向的加速度,通过相量合成对加速度数据进行修正,提高位移计算精度。详细介绍了硬件电路、抽油机冲次计算、抽油机悬点位移计算,最后给出了该装置现场测试数据。现场测试表明,该装置具有运行可靠、精度高、功耗低等优点。  相似文献   

A monolithic three-axis micro-g resolution silicon capacitive accelerometer system utilizing a combined surface and bulk micromachining technology is demonstrated. The accelerometer system consists of three individual single-axis accelerometers fabricated in a single substrate using a common fabrication process. All three devices have 475-/spl mu/m-thick silicon proof-mass, large area polysilicon sense/drive electrodes, and small sensing gap (<1.5 /spl mu/m) formed by a2004 sacrificial oxide layer. The fabricated accelerometer is 7/spl times/9 mm/sup 2/ in size, has 100 Hz bandwidth, >/spl sim/5 pF/g measured sensitivity and calculated sub-/spl mu/g//spl radic/Hz mechanical noise floor for all three axes. The total measured noise floor of the hybrid accelerometer assembled with a CMOS interface circuit is 1.60 /spl mu/g//spl radic/Hz (>1.5 kHz) and 1.08 /spl mu/g//spl radic/Hz (>600 Hz) for in-plane and out-of-plane devices, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we demonstrate the feasibility of designing a fiber-optic temperature sensor based on the principles of low-coherent tandem interferometry; the sensitive element represents a plane-parallel plate produced from fused silica of thickness 500 µm (the corresponding measurement range is between 40 and 90°C). In the middle of the range, the temperature resolution reaches 0.03°C RMS and goes down to 0.1°C RMS at the boundaries. The worst-case repeatability of measurements of the sensor makes up 0.2°C.  相似文献   

光纤位移传感器综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于普通位移传感器与光纤位移传感器两者的性能特征,概述光纤传感技术在位移传感方面上的优势。将光纤位移传感器分为两大类:本征型和非本征型,并详细介绍各类光纤位移传感器的原理、结构以及特点。根据其原理进一步探讨光纤位移传感技术的发展与应用。  相似文献   

The new structure of the quasi-distributed fiber-optic temperature sensor is offered, based on recirculation frequency registration a single pulse with its periodic regeneration on different wavelengths and allowing simultaneously to spend measurements to ten points. Fiber-roptic sensor was constructed as a closed optoelectronic contour formed by a source of radiation, an optical fiber delay line, spectral reflective elements, photoreceiver and regeneration block. The sensitive element of this device was the optical fiber. The error of temperature measurements does not exceed 0.2°C at measurement time 1 s, thus the maximum length of the fiber-optic measuring converter reaches 15 km at use multimode gradient optical fiber.  相似文献   

眼压(IOP)24 h的波动参数是眼科的一个重要的基础指标,目前传统的单个时间点的眼压测量无法有效地实现眼压的持续检测.基于眼压大小与眼角膜曲率的相关性,结合微机电系统(MEMS)微加工工艺和压模工艺,设计了一种基于电感的镜片式眼压传感器,在体外猪眼的实验结果证明了此传感器在眼压一定范围内(12~27 mmHg)可以准确地反映眼压波动情况.  相似文献   

This study applies conventional micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) techniques to develop a novel low-cost humidity sensor comprising a silicon substrate, a freestanding cantilever and an integrated resistive thermal sensor. The cantilever has a composite structure comprising a thin layer of platinum (Pt) deposited on a silicon nitride layer and then covered with a polyimide sensing layer. The cantilever deflected in the upward direction as water molecules absorbed by the polyimide sensing layer. The humidity sensor chip caused a measurable change in the resistance of the platinum layer. By compensating the change in the measured resistance by the ambient temperature, the absolute value of the relative humidity can be directly derived. The experimental results show that the sensor has a time-response of 0.9 s when exposed to a sudden humidity change of 65%RH to 95%RH. The sensitivity of the sensors decreases as the temperature increases. Furthermore, the sensor with the longest Pt resistor has the greatest sensitivity. In additions, the temperature-calibrated resistance signal generated by the sensor varies linearly with the ambient humidity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel micro-fabricated formaldehyde gas sensor with enhanced sensitivity and detection resolution capabilities. The device comprises a quartz substrate with Pt heaters as a micro-hotplate and deposited formaldehyde-sensing layer on it. A sputtered NiO thin film is used as the formaldehyde-sensing layer. A specific orientation of NiO becomes more apparent as the substrate temperature increases in the sputtering process, which helps the formation of NiO material with a correct stoichiometric ratio. The gas sensor incorporates Pt heating resistors integrated with a micro-hotplate to provide a heating function and utilizes Au inter-digitated electrodes. When formaldehyde is present in the atmosphere, oxydation happens near the sensing layer with a high temperature caused by the micro-hotplate and causes a change in the electrical conductivity of the NiO film. Therefore, the measured resistance between the inter-digitated electrodes changes correspondingly. The application of a voltage to the Pt heaters causes the temperature of the micro-hotplate to increase, which in turn enhances the sensitivity of the sensor. The nanometer scale grain size of the sputtered oxide thin film is conducive to improving the sensitivity of the gas sensor. The experimental results indicate that the developed device has a high stability (0.23%), a low hysteresis value (0.18%), a quick response time (13.0 s), a high degree of sensitivity (0.14 Ω ppm?1), and a detection capability of less than 1.2 ppm.  相似文献   


This paper presents a novel micro-fabricated formaldehyde gas sensor with enhanced sensitivity and detection resolution capabilities. The device comprises a quartz substrate with Pt heaters as a micro-hotplate and deposited formaldehyde-sensing layer on it. A sputtered NiO thin film is used as the formaldehyde-sensing layer. A specific orientation of NiO becomes more apparent as the substrate temperature increases in the sputtering process, which helps the formation of NiO material with a correct stoichiometric ratio. The gas sensor incorporates Pt heating resistors integrated with a micro-hotplate to provide a heating function and utilizes Au inter-digitated electrodes. When formaldehyde is present in the atmosphere, oxydation happens near the sensing layer with a high temperature caused by the micro-hotplate and causes a change in the electrical conductivity of the NiO film. Therefore, the measured resistance between the inter-digitated electrodes changes correspondingly. The application of a voltage to the Pt heaters causes the temperature of the micro-hotplate to increase, which in turn enhances the sensitivity of the sensor. The nanometer scale grain size of the sputtered oxide thin film is conducive to improving the sensitivity of the gas sensor. The experimental results indicate that the developed device has a high stability (0.23%), a low hysteresis value (0.18%), a quick response time (13.0 s), a high degree of sensitivity (0.14 Ω ppm−1), and a detection capability of less than 1.2 ppm.


提出了一种基于微机电系统(MEMS)的扭转谐振式电场传感器。该微型电场传感器的感应电极与屏蔽电极采用共面叉指结构,首次采用扭转谐振的工作方式,显著提高了微型电场传感器的灵敏度。介绍了传感器的工作原理、结构设计、有限元仿真及实验。实验结果表明:在0~50 kV/m电场范围内,该传感器的线性度为0. 14%,3个往返行程的总不确定度优于0. 43%。在增益电阻为100 MΩ的情况下,传感器灵敏度达到4. 55 mV/(kV/m),相对已有传感器灵敏度提高了1个数量级。  相似文献   

三轴斜置一体化光纤陀螺性能的测试技术是实现高精度惯性导航的重要组成部分.原有三轴斜置一体化光纤陀螺标度因数和分辨率的标定方法依靠工装在理论测试模型的基础上逐一对各陀螺进行测试,测试时间长,对工装精度要求严格.针对上述问题,提出了通过测算安装误差和解算旋转矩阵来标定其标度因数和分辨率的方法.试验证明:方法可以快速、准确地一次性对三轴斜置一体化光纤陀螺中所有陀螺的标度因数和分辨率进行测试,解决了原有测试技术操作复杂、耗时、对工装精度要求严格的问题.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于加速度传感器的路径识别设计.该设计采用三轴加速度传感器MMA7260Q测量智能车在运动中的加速度信号,以嵌入式单片机C9S12DG128B作为核心控制器,对加速度信号进行采样,A/D转换,再将特征数据存储在EEPROM中.很好地解决了智能车运动路径分析的问题.  相似文献   

新型光纤曲率传感器的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研制了一种新型的光强调制型光纤曲率传感器,直接以结构的曲率为被测量。通过在传感器的敏感区涂一层石墨来提高传感器的灵敏度,并保护敏感区在安装过程中不被损坏。对该传感器的静态特性进行了实验分析,结果表明:其输出电压与曲率呈较好的线性关系,并具有方向性。基于弯曲光纤端面上各点孔径角的不相同这一理论.提出了该传感器的传感原理。  相似文献   

This article describes an optical method for measurement of three-axis angles (roll angle ΔθX, pitch angle ΔθY, yaw angle ΔθZ). The laser autocollimation method is improved from two-axis angle measurement to three-axis angle measurement by employing a diffraction grating instead of a plane mirror as the target reflector. The three-axis angle components can be calculated by three methods of using different diffraction light spots reflected from the diffraction grating. Method 1 uses three beams, which are the 0th-order and the ±1st-order diffraction light spots. Both Method 2 and Method 3 use two light spots. The former uses the ±1st-order diffraction light spots and the latter combines the 0th-order with the +1st-order or the −1st-order diffraction light spots. A prototype three-axis angle sensor is also designed and fabricated to compare the characteristics of the three methods from the viewpoints of sensitivity, linearity and resolution of the sensor output.  相似文献   

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