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随着我国信息化建设的不断深入,信息技术教育在全国中小学日益普及,越来越多的学校和家庭都接入互联网。一位高素质的教育工作者应具有现代化的教育观念,掌握现代化的管理方法和教学手段,对信息和网络积极认同,能熟练运用现代信息工具对信息资源进行有效的收集、组织、管理、运用,实现最优化的教育效果。作为班主任,如果仅凭传统的说教,教育常常会表现得苍白无力。笔者在近年的班主任实践中,尝试用网络环境下管理班级,将班级主页、QQ聊天、电子邮件等网络工具发挥的淋漓尽致,教育学生、影响学生,把网络对学生的诱惑变成了网络对学生的教育,起到了令人意想不到的教育效果。  相似文献   

教育部关于《中小学信息技术课程指导纲要(试行)》中指出,中小学信息技术课程的主要任务之一就是要培养学生对信息技术的兴趣和意识。作为一个只有十年左右的新兴学科,在教育过程中没有现成的经验可以借鉴,因此许多信息技术教师都面临着这样的一个问题:学生对本学科兴趣下降很快,上课效率不高,或者学习态度只为应付考试了事。本文旨在探讨如何让学生对信息技术课程保持长期的兴趣,使学生把信息技术作为终身学习和合作学习的一种手段和基本技能。  相似文献   

加快教育信息化建设已成为我国教育事业改革与发展的必然选择。实现学生信息管理则成为高校信息化、数字化建设的一项重要内容。本文在对高职院校学生信息的详细分析的基础上,研究了在Windows操作系统平台下开发的基于web的学生信息管理系统的关键技术及系统的设计与实现。系统实现的主要功能是在网络环境下,实现对信息的上传、更新、删除、查询、打印等。本系统的目标是解决人与机的交互、系统的安全性、数据结构的设计等主要问题,进而实现对高职院校各系部学生信息的管理、成绩的管理及相关信息的查询工作。系统运用ASP技术和access数据库技术,采用B/S结构的高职院校学生信息管理系统。  相似文献   

利用ASP技术进行毕业生信息查询系统的设计与实现,通过Internet访问该系统,可以快速便捷地帮助开放教育各教学点和学生,以及用人单位查询和验证南京电大开放教育毕业生信息。  相似文献   

Computer science's long-standing tradition of computer security education has focused primarily on designing secure and reliable systems that can ensure information confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This tradition is geared toward preparing students for typical paradigms, such as writing secure code, providing authentication and access control, and developing policies to limit exposure to vulnerabilities and protect users' rights. Faculty and industry must find novel, cross-disciplinary approaches to educating security professionals to fully address this array of issues. In this article, we analyze barriers to effective security education and offer suggestions for improving cooperation among computer science, business management, information systems. and other technology departments.  相似文献   

信息技术基本技能在中小学教育教学中越来越重要,这对高师学生信息技能的要求也越来越高。通过对盐城师院师范生调研和教师访谈,调查高师教育对学生信息技术技能培养的重视程度、课程开设状况、学生的重视程度及学习效果,提出提高课程教学效果对策。  相似文献   

教育行为变革牵涉到学生学习、教师教学、教育管理等行为变革。其目的在于提高学生学习效率和学校教学、 管理质量。教学变革与教育管理变革往往基于学生学习行为基础数据。随着信息技术的发展,利用大数据技术对学生学习行 为、教师教学反馈评价、教育管理等领域产生的海量数据进行有效获取、提炼、加工并以有效视图显示给教师及教育教学管理 者,为教育行为变革提供有效数据,从而确保教育教学及管理变革起点正确。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的高速发展,教育行业中教学与科研工作,也越来越依赖现代信息技术。学校的教学用计算机房,是学校进行专业教学、信息技术教学的重要场所,因此,为在这一重要教学场所中工作、学习的师生,提供一个安全、舒适、可靠、稳定的运行环境,尤其重要。该文就此,对教学用计算机机房从规划、设计与施工艺中,所要遵从的几项基本原则,作出简要的阐述,以期对学校新建计算机机房的设计、施工等人员,有所帮助,为学校信息化教学工作的开展,提供一个更加优质的设施保障。  相似文献   

现如今,伴随我国网络信息化步伐的加快,在高校强化对大学生的网络信息安全教育意义重大、影响深刻。本文通过分析高校学生开展网络信息安全教育的必要性及暴露的问题,就今后大学生进行网络信息安全教育工作提出若干可行性见解。  相似文献   


Gender inequities in technology are systemic in Canadian schools and workplaces (Status of Women Canada, 1997). Several recent analyses of British Columbia (BC) students’ participation in technology‐intensive areas of the public school curriculum have documented a range of these inequities (Braundy, O'Riley, Petrina, Dalley, & Paxton, 2000; Bryson & de Castell, 1998; Schaefer, 2000). In the BC Ministry of Education's (BC MOE) most recent technology policy report, Conditions for Success (1999), gender inequities are treated as symptoms of poor access, rather than as a systemic part of the school conditions themselves. Because the report's authors misapprehended the extent of inequities, BC MOE's Technology Advisory Committee recommended a distribution and integration of technologies to provide the new conditions for success in technology throughout BC's public schools. We argue that the inequities in the BC schools are systemic and cannot be understood without an adequate assessment of participation and performance data. We analyze provincial trends in gender‐differentiated participation and performance of students in the technology‐intensive courses of BC public secondary education, at a time in Canadian history when competence and confidence with a range of technologies are essential for full cultural participation.

More financial resources are being directed to technology than to any other area in public school budgets. For the period 1998 to 2004, the BC government committed $ 123 million to establish a Provincial Learning Network to network BC's 1,700 public schools and improve access. Other provinces made similar commitments to information technology. Alberta, for example, invested $85 million for the same time period. Inasmuch as girls continue to be under‐represented in technology courses, they have not benefited from the comparatively large financial investments in technology. Policy makers in Canadian public education require access to sex‐disaggregated data, in order to create and implement equity‐oriented strategies in technology. The research described here represents a step towards the development of an information‐rich database for monitoring technology course enrolments in Canadian schools and has both policy and scholarly implications.  相似文献   

人类已经步入信息社会,信息技术和信息资源在日新月异的发展,为了使大学生毕业后具备可持续发展能力、适应社会的飞速发展,高等学校教育首要任务之一就是信息素养教育,使学生不但学会大学阶段所学的知识和技能,更要培养大学生成为合格的信息素养人,使学生养成独立自主的学习习惯,能够使用多种信息技术和系统,能够准确判断外界信息的正确性,并形成自己的信息观和信息风格,具有可持续发展能力.论述了培养大学生信息素养的策略.  相似文献   

刘小艮 《软件》2021,42(1):178-180
随着计算机技术与移动网络的兴起,大数据技术在职业教育中的应用越来越普遍,为职业教育提供了更多的选择。本文探讨了大数据技术在职业教育信息化中的应用特点和作用,分析了大数据技术对职业教育学生管理的优势,以及在职业教育信息化中存在的问题,研究了大数据技术在职业教育信息化中的具体应用,可以为职业院校的信息化建设提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

现阶段信息技术课程在高中学校的现状不容乐观,在很多学校以及教育主管部门都不被重视,学生把这门课当成了“休闲课”,而高中信息技术教师更是戏谑地把自己称作“多员化”教师。如何充分展现学科设置的意义,实现教师们的职业价值?一直是悬在所有信息技术教师心头的一片疑云!2003年,教育部颁布了《高中信息技术标准》,提出了提高信息素养,培养信息时代的合格公民等五个基本理念,而信息素养的培养在其中尤为重要。结合现在的教学形势,信息技术的教学除了要配合学业水平考试完成既定的知识教授以外,本学科的核心价值还是要定位于对学生的信息素养的培养上,通过教师不断提高自身的综合素质,彰显学科魅力,帮助学生树立正确的信息意识,提升学生的信息应用能力。  相似文献   

近些年来,信息技术教学与应用已经纳入了正常的教学轨道,如何加大初中信息技术创新教育是我们初中信息技术教师义不容辞的责任。学校是信息技术教育的基地,学校首先要搞好学校硬件建设,老师要采取好的教学方法,多给予他们上级实践动手的机会,精讲多练,有的放矢,因材施教,开发学生的创造才能,调动学生学习信息技术的积极性,不断拓展学生信息技术知识素养。  相似文献   

The paper describes a study conducted in Rwanda involving 12 participants selected from a larger cohort of 24 final-year university students who were part of a group-based training programme. The programme was about how to search, retrieve, and use web-based literature. Empirical data were collected through interviews and focus group discussions. The purpose was to explore ways of using information and communication technology (ICT) in student teachers' everyday learning practice. The study draws from a sociocultural perspective and emphasis is put on a literature review involving ICT in teacher education. The findings reveal that utilization of ICT pertains to three major types of variation among student teachers who use ICT: passive, reluctant, and active users. The active ICT users demonstrated a capacity to cross group boundaries and play a central role as agents of change in learning practice. The point is that more experienced student teachers can assist their colleagues in the zone of proximal development and, therefore, enhance the integration of the new technology in teacher education. This implies that having access to ICT together with some instruction is not sufficient to prompt students to start using this technology as a pedagogical tool. Moreover, confrontation of different experiences regarding the use of ICT can spearhead change in student teachers' learning practice through critical reflection.  相似文献   

量子信息是量子物理和信息技术交叉融合产生的新兴学科。近年来,量子信息技术得到了迅速发展,并开始衍生相关产业。与此相对,量子信息从业人员严重缺乏,工程技术人员对量子信息技术的理解不够深入、实操能力不足,这些已成为限制该技术发展和应用的严重瓶颈。人才的匮乏源于教育的缺失。当前,我国的量子信息和新工科蓬勃发展,已具备将量子信息相关课程渗透到工科专业本科阶段的基本条件。在新工科教学思想的指导下,中国科学技术大学面向网络空间安全专业的本科生开设了量子信息相关的导论课程。课程基于我校在量子信息方面的研究和基础,与网络空间安全专业的核心需求和特色结合,在教学目标、课程结构和内容、授课方法和实践手段等方面进行了完整而创新的设计,并取得了较好的教学效果。该课程的教学思路和实践方法为网络空间安全学科的量子信息教学提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

当今时代是一个全球化、信息化和网络化的时代,以计算机为中心的网络信息技术正在不断地影响着我们的工作、生活和学习方式。网络技术教育作为一种创新教育,可以让学生的学习形式多元化,同时也能够为教师提供更加丰富的教学手段,因此,我们必须充分利用这一优势,加强网络技术教育的创新改革,为学生终身学习奠定基础,以早日成为社会需要的人才。  相似文献   

The research presented in this paper reaches towards a better theoretical understanding of how students in higher education currently take notes, how this process is evolving in the digital age to include information assimilation, and the kinds of support students need to be successful with their changing academic tasks. To gain insight into these questions, we triangulated three major and distinct user studies. First we interviewed 70 university students from various disciplines across campus, and we administered questionnaires to these same students, receiving back a total of 68. Our second study was based on participant observation whereby we “shadowed” 32 university students for 2–3 h each as they went about their normal academic business around campus. Lastly, we conducted a broader-based questionnaire with 280 students from a wider campus demographic than our first survey. We sought a diverse population for our research, and were able to include students from the disciplines of Business, English, Computer Science, Chemistry, Psychology, Pharmacy and Biology in one or more of the studies. We discovered how closely students are connected to technology and how they are adapting to changing expectations, current issues they have completing their academic tasks, how they view traditional notetaking versus electronic notetaking, and evidence that they are engaging more and more in the process of information assimilation. From these results, we conclude that students in higher education might accomplish certain tasks more effectively and efficiently with a well-designed software system that provides access to a centralized set of notes from different locations on campus and beyond. After identifying functional requirements for the system we envision, we preview our initial low-fidelity prototypes, and discuss feedback we gathered on these designs from a set of user focus groups.  相似文献   

随着我国科学技术的发展,信息技术的进步,原有的教育方式已经不能够适应社会发展的需求,需要加强对学生计算机应用能力的培养,为学生今后的发展奠定良好的基础。本文从计算机应用能力培养的计算机教学方法进行探讨,找到更加科学的教学模式,从而提升学生计算机的应用能力,适应信息技术发展的社会需求。  相似文献   

Because of the growing awareness of the significant benefits of internet technology, traditional classroom lectures have been complemented by online education. However, even with rising interest in online education and its ability to offer students an alternative way to learn, its efficacy is still questioned. This is especially true when online learning is a complementary system to the offline class. In this paper, we use a structural equation model to analyze the mechanism for improvement of a complementary online learning system. An empirical study result is given to provide valuable feedback information for a complementary cyber learning system being used in a Korean university.  相似文献   

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