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Objective: The aim of this study was to develop and characterize suppositories for vaginal delivery of Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Methods: Formulations were performed in order to select suitable excipients based on suppository formation feasibility and cytotoxicity. Solid body and hollow-type suppositories were prepared by melting and molding using poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) 400 and 4000 or Witepsol (WIT) H12 as excipients. L. acidophilus was incorporated in the molten mass before molding solid body suppositories or added as suspension into the cavity of hollow-type suppositories and sealed molten excipients. Cytotoxicity of the selected excipients was evaluated by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium and lactate dehydrogenase assays against VK2/E6E7, HEC-1-A and HeLa cells. Suppositories were characterized regarding organoleptic characteristics, mass uniformity, disintegration, breaking strength and L. acidophilus in vitro release.

Results: PEG 400, PEG 4000 and WIT H12 showed the absence of toxicity when tested using three different vaginal cell lines. Obtained vaginal suppositories presented uniform and mild texture, a content of about 1?×?108 colony-forming units, completely disintegrated in simulated vaginal environment in less than 60?min and provided sustained in vitro release of L. acidophilus. Release studies further demonstrated that incorporation of freeze-dried bacteria did not result in significant loss of viable bacteria, thus supporting that vaginal suppositories may possess good properties to promote the replacement of the vaginal flora in situations of urinary tract infection.

Conclusion: Hollow-type suppositories showed to be promising delivery vehicles for vaginal delivery of probiotics.  相似文献   

Introduction: In this study, different nifedipine-loaded formulations were prepared to treat pylorospasm, a sphincter muscle disorder characterized by delayed gastric emptying process. The efficacy of formulation was evaluated in patients by subjective assessment, gamma scintigraphic approaches, and confocal microscopy.

Methods: Nifedipine-loaded different formulations such as sucrose bead, pellets, and microparticles (slugging method, ionotropic gelation, and chemical denaturation) were designed. The studies were performed on 50 subjects, of which 30 subjects were treated with optimized nifedipine loaded microcapsules while 20 subjects were given capsule becosule-Z as a control. The efficacy of formulation was assessed by comparing symptoms like dyspepsia, abdominal pain, abdominal fullness, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, and irregular motion. The effectiveness of formulation was also assessed by gamma scintigraphic studies by determining the rate of emptying of a radioactivity labeled standard meal from patients’ stomach into the duodenum. Confocal microscopy was used to assess targeting potential of developed formulation.

Results: Drug-loaded alginate-chitosan microcapsules were found to be satisfactory, in terms of controlled drug release, surface morphology, and bioadhesive properties and thus selected for in vivo studies. Clinical studies revealed the efficacy of formulation in abolishing various GI symptoms at high altitude. Associated symptoms such as dyspepsia, abdominal pain, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, and irregular motion were recovered by 75, 62, 76.5, 86.7, 85.7, and 37.5%, respectively in nifedipine-treated patients. In comparison, 73.7, 40, 33.3, 40, 20, and 0% recoveries were observed in patients given control treatment only. Gamma Scintigraphic studies in lab also revealed 2.425?±?0.245 (p?Conclusions: Results strongly suggest that nifedipine loaded mucoadhesive formulation has a targeting potential which accelerates gastric emptying process in gastroparesis patients, and thus the formulation might prove useful as a potent prokinetic agent.  相似文献   


Commercially available domperidone orodispersible tablets (ODT) are intended for immediate release of the drug, but none of them have been formulated for sustained action. The aim of the present research work was to develop and evaluate orodispersible sustained release tablet (ODT-SR) of domperidone, which has the convenience of ODT and benefits of controlled release product combined in one. The technology comprised of developing sustained release microspheres (MS) of domperidone, followed by direct compression of MS along with suitable excipients to yield ODT-SR which rapidly disperses within 30?seconds and yet the dispersed MS maintain their integrity to have a sustained drug release. The particle size of the MS was optimized to be less than 200?μm to avoid the grittiness in the mouth. The DSC thermograms of MS showed the absence of drug-polymer interaction within the microparticles, while SEM confirmed their spherical shape and porous nature. Angle of repose, compressibility and Hausner’s ratio of the blend for compression showed good flowability and high percent compressibility. The optimized ODT-SR showed disintegration time of 21?seconds and matrix controlled drug release for 9?h. In-vivo pharmacokinetic studies in Wistar rats showed that the ODT-SR had a prolonged MRT of 11.16?h as compared 3.86?h of conventional tablet. The developed technology is easily scalable and holds potential for commercial exploitation.  相似文献   

Chronotherapeutic drug delivery offers a new approach in the pharmacologic interventions design for the effective treatment in the diseases which follows circadian rhythm. In the present study chronotherapeutic tablets of indometacin was designed to match the timing of rheumatoid arthritis treatment with the intrinsic illness timing. The developed chronotherapeutic delivery system consists of a core tablet containing the active ingredient along with osmogents and other excipients, which was coated with a swellable polymer, hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose by compression coating technique. The time controlled release was achieved by coating the entire system with a combination of pH-independent polymer, Eudragit RS 100 and Eudragit RL 100 (1:1). The optimization technique using Box–Behnken design was employed for the selection of the ideal formula. The optimization procedure was validated, and the observed value of the ideal batch was found to be similar with the predicted values within 5% of predicted error. The formulation when administered at bed time starts releasing the drug after a lag time of 4?h and provides sufficient plasma concentration after 6?h of normal sleep. Thus, the tablets can be successfully used for the chronotherapeutic drug delivery of indometacin in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Metronidazole is a synthetic antibacterial and antiprotozoan agent. Crystallization occurs in aqueous metronidazole benzoate suspensions caused by an anhydrate to monohydrate conversion. This study aimed to develop an aqueous metronidazole benzoate suspension that does not exhibit this hydration and the accompanying crystal growth. Four suspending agent systems were evaluated. Xanthan gum and Avicel® RC-591 (a combination of microcrystalline cellulose and carboxymethylcellulose sodium) were found to be the suspending agents that resulted in optimal formulation properties. Monohydrate formation did not occur in product containing Avicel® RC-591, indicating that suspending agents may exert a positive effect on metronidazole benzoate suspension stability.  相似文献   

In spite of the wealth of experience available in the pharmaceutical industry, tablet formulations are still largely developed on an empirical basis, and the scale-up from laboratory to production is a time-consuming and costly process. Using Ludipress greatly simplifies formulation development and the manufacturing process because only the active ingredient Ludipress and a lubricant need to be mixed briefly before being compressed into tablets. The studies described here were designed to investigate the scale-up of Ludipress-based formulations from laboratory to production scale, and to predict changes in tablet properties due to changes in format, compaction pressure, and the use of different tablet presses. It was found that the tensile strength of tablets made of Ludipress increased linearly with compaction pressures up to 300 MPa. It was also independent of the geometry of the tablets (diameter, thickness, shape). It is therefore possible to give an equation with which the compaction pressure required to achieve a given hardness can be calculated for a given tablet form. The equation has to be modified slightly to convert from a single-punch press to a rotary tableting machine. Tablets produced in the rotary machine at the same pressure have a slightly higher tensile strength. The rate of increase in pressure, and therefore the throughput, has no effect on the tensile strength of Ludipress tablets. It is thought that a certain minimum dwell time is responsible for this difference. The production of tablets based on Ludipress can be scaled up from one rotary press to another without problem if the powder mixtures are prepared with the same mixing energy. The tensile strength curve determined for tablets made with Ludipress alone can also be applied to tablets with a small quantity (< 10%) of an active ingredient.  相似文献   

Background: Azithromycin's long serum half-life (~68 hours) allows for a short 5-day, 3-day, and now 1-day course therapy with a large 2-g dose. Although the single-dose, 1-day therapy offers the advantage of 100% patient compliance, tolerance of such large dose becomes an issue. Methods: The dosage form discussed in this article employed a melt-congealing process to produce matrix microspheres with a 3-hour, first-order release. The vehicle blend included alkalizing agents to minimize GI side effects, minimize loss of bioavailability, and mask the bitter taste of azithromycin. Results: Azithromycin microspheres are small (~200 μm) with a narrow particle size distribution. Drug release was optimized by controlling the amount of dissolution enhancer in the microspheres and by the addition of proper amount of alkalizing agents in the vehicle blend. The final formulation was selected based on a balance between bioavailability and tolerability. Conclusions: Drug release from the microspheres was shown to occur via diffusion through the larger pores formed by dissolution of azithromycin crystals and the smaller interconnected pores formed by dissolution of poloxamer. Several clinical studies have been conducted with the formulation to evaluate its pharmacokinetics and to demonstrate its safety and efficacy. The combined suspension formulation for a 2-g dose of azithromycin provided taste-masking and good tolerability.  相似文献   

The factors affecting the tabletability of formulations containing uncoated and/or coated microspheres were discussed by presenting a case study. The size and shape, as well as surface properties of microspherical particles, the type and amount of coating agent, selection of the external additives, and the rate and magnitude of the pressure applied were found to be the most critical factors to be considered in order to obtain and maintain the desired drug release properties of the microspheres. It was found that microcrystalline cellulose was needed in order to produce satisfactory beads in terms of size, shape and surface characteristics. The microsphere formulations, which were found to be highly sensitive to lubrication, were more compressible than their powder forms, but produced much weaker tablets. When coated with Surelease, increasing the amount of coating on the pellets reduced the tensile strength of their compacts. Compaction of the microspheres at high velocities resulted in a decrease in the tensile strength values and an increase in the volumetric strain recovery values. Dissoultion studies revealed that, regardless of the amount of coating applied, the coated microspheres lost their sustained release properties during compaction.  相似文献   

Aim: The objective of our present study was to prepare solid self-microemulsion in the form of tablet of a poorly water soluble drug, Atorvastatin calcium (ATNC) to increase the solubility, dissolution rate, and minimize the hazards experienced from liquid emulsions.

Materials and methods: Self-microemulsifying ATNC tablet was formulated mainly by using self-emulsifying base, solidifying agent silicon dioxide and sodium starch glycolate as tablet disintegrant. Self-emulsifying base containing Transcutol P, Gelucire 44/14, and Lutrol F68 with their ratios in the formulation, were best selected by solubility study and ternary phase diagram in different vehicles. Particle size of microemulsion from tablet, physical parameters of the tablet and drug content has been checked. In vitro drug release rate has been carried out in phosphate buffer medium (pH 6.8). Physicochemical characterization of the drug in the optimized formulation has been performed to check drug-excipient incompatibility, if any.

Results: Average particle diameter of the emulsions formed from the tablet was found to be below 100?nm in case of formulation F4 and F5, which indicated microemulsions has been formed. In vitro drug release from the formulations F3, F4, and F5 was found to be >90%, indicated the enhancement of solubility of ATNC compared to parent drug. Differential thermal analysis (DTA), Powder X-ray Diffraction (X-RD) and Fourier transform infra red (FTIR) study proved the identity of the drug in the optimized formulation.

Conclusion: The tablet form of self-microemulsifying (SME) drug delivery is good for solubility enhancement.  相似文献   


The factors affecting the tabletability of formulations containing uncoated and/or coated microspheres were discussed by presenting a case study. The size and shape, as well as surface properties of microspherical particles, the type and amount of coating agent, selection of the external additives, and the rate and magnitude of the pressure applied were found to be the most critical factors to be considered in order to obtain and maintain the desired drug release properties of the microspheres. It was found that microcrystalline cellulose was needed in order to produce satisfactory beads in terms of size, shape and surface characteristics. The microsphere formulations, which were found to be highly sensitive to lubrication, were more compressible than their powder forms, but produced much weaker tablets. When coated with Surelease, increasing the amount of coating on the pellets reduced the tensile strength of their compacts. Compaction of the microspheres at high velocities resulted in a decrease in the tensile strength values and an increase in the volumetric strain recovery values. Dissoultion studies revealed that, regardless of the amount of coating applied, the coated microspheres lost their sustained release properties during compaction.  相似文献   

A dissolution cell of simple design has been devised specifically for the assessment of hydrophilic suppositories. The measured total percentage release of three conventional diazepam formulations has been measured and interpreted in terms of appropriate kinetic microconstants. The desirability of assessing such tests in terms of a dissolution half-life is discussed.

A novel hydrophilic double-layer suppository has been formulated and its measured dissolution profile is described both mechanistically and in terms of suitably derived kinetic equations. The initial total percentage release of this formulation was significantly greater than that of the conventional suppositories which were tested. It is suggested that a double-layer suppository of this type could be therapeutically advantageous in the treatment of epilepsy.  相似文献   


A dissolution cell of simple design has been devised specifically for the assessment of hydrophilic suppositories. The measured total percentage release of three conventional diazepam formulations has been measured and interpreted in terms of appropriate kinetic microconstants. The desirability of assessing such tests in terms of a dissolution half-life is discussed.

A novel hydrophilic double-layer suppository has been formulated and its measured dissolution profile is described both mechanistically and in terms of suitably derived kinetic equations. The initial total percentage release of this formulation was significantly greater than that of the conventional suppositories which were tested. It is suggested that a double-layer suppository of this type could be therapeutically advantageous in the treatment of epilepsy.  相似文献   

Methotrexate was encapsulated in niosomes prepared using Tweens and Spans. The size distribution, entrapment efficiency, pharmacokinetics and effect on tumour remission of mice transplanted with S-180 Sarcoma were evaluated. Niosomes prepared with Span 60 gave promising results.  相似文献   


Methotrexate was encapsulated in niosomes prepared using Tweens and Spans. The size distribution, entrapment efficiency, pharmacokinetics and effect on tumour remission of mice transplanted with S-180 Sarcoma were evaluated. Niosomes prepared with Span 60 gave promising results.  相似文献   

The objective of the present investigation was to develop and evaluate physiological environment responsive periodontal drug delivery system (PERPDDS) for local delivery of metronidazole benzoate. Poly-?-caprolactone an in situ precipitating polymer was used in combination with, carbopol 934P, a pH simulative polymer to develop PERPDDS. The prepared PERPDDS was evaluated for various parameters such as in vitro gelling capacity, viscosity, rheology, compatibility study, and in vitro diffusion study. A 32 full factorial design was used to investigate the influence of formulation variables. Drug release data from all formulations were fitted to different kinetic models and the korsemeyer-peppas model was found the best fit model. The value of diffusional exponent (n) was in between 0.3283 and 0.3979 indicating purely fickian diffusion release mechanism. Increasing the concentration of each polymeric component increases viscosity, and time for 50% and 90% drug release was observed and graphically represented by the surface response and contour plots.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to investigate the feasibility of incorporating didanosine (DDI) into nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) for potential treatment of AIDS dementia complex. Aqueous DDI-free and DDI-loaded NLC were manufactured using hot high-pressure homogenization. The lipid matrix contained a mixture of Precirol? ATO 5 and Transcutol? HP. Photon correlation spectroscopy revealed that the mean particle size for all formulations was below 250 nm with narrow polydispersity indices. In addition, the d99% values for all formulations determined using laser diffractometry were below 400 nm with the span values ranging from 0.84 to 1.0. The zeta potential values ranged from -18.4 to -11.4 mV and the encapsulation efficiency of NLC for DDI ranged from 33.02% to 78.34%. These parameters remained relatively constant for all formulations tested following storage for 2 months at 25°C indicating that all the formulations were relatively stable. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed a decrease in the degree of crystallinity of NLC in all formulations developed relative to the bulk lipid material. In addition, wide-angle X-ray scattering showed that NLC in all formulations tested existed in a single β-modification form and that DDI that had been incorporated into the NLC appeared to be molecularly dispersed in the lipid matrices. Images of the NLC formulations obtained using transmission electron microscopy revealed that all formulations contained a mixture of spherical and nonspherical particles irrespective of the amount of DDI that was added during the manufacture of the formulations.  相似文献   


Difficulties in the formulation of griseofulvin tablets are reviewed. A number of griseofulvin direct compression, pre-compression and polyvinylpyrrolidone granulated tablet formulation have been successfully produced and evaluated, in all cases a mixture of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate and calcium phosphato-carbonate complex was used as tablet matrix. Attempts to use other direct compression tablet matrices proved unsuccessful. The tablets produced have been compared with two commercially available products and the data obtained indicated that the formulations developed in this study have potential for further exploitation.  相似文献   

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