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基于视频内容的MPEG视频VBR业务流量模型 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
视频业务流量模型是网络性能仿真的一个重要前置环节,但由于视频内容的千差万别,使得很难建立统一的视频业务流量模型。本文根据MPEG视频图像内容的纹理及运动复杂度,通过3×3 Kohonen自组织神经网络对视频序列进行划分,将其分割为一段段近似平稳的“视频片段”。然后,用半马尔可夫随机过程描述“视频片段”间的转移概率及其持续时间分布规律,用AR模型描述“视频片段”内部过程,从而建立了一种通用MPEG视频业务流量模型。 相似文献
A new adaptive post-processing algorithm for the MPEG decoded video sequences is proposed. We use a motion compensated averaging filter to reduce the noises in the temporal domain and an adaptive spatial filter to remove noise in the spatial domain and preserve the edge of different orientations in the image. A MPEG decoded video sequence called table tennis is processed by our proposed filter. The post-processed video sequence shows that its image quality is improved, especially of the moving objects. 相似文献
Chao-Kai Wen Yeong-Cheng Wang Jiunn-Tsair Chen 《Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on》2003,21(2):161-170
Systems that employ multiple antennas in both the transmitter and the receiver of a wireless system have been shown to promise extraordinary spectral efficiency. With full channel knowledge at the transmitter and receiver, Raleigh and Cioffi (1998) proposed a spatio-temporal coding scheme, discrete matrix multitone (DMMT), to achieve asymptotically optimum multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) channel capacity. The DMMT can be regarded as an extension of the discrete multitone for a digital subscriber lines (DSL) system to the MIMO wireless application. However, the DMMT is basically impracticable in nonstationary wireless environments due to its high-computational complexity. Exploring second-order statistics, we develop an efficient adaptive blind coding scheme for a high-capacity time-division duplexing (TDD) system with slow time-varying frequency-selective MIMO channels. With this method, neither a training sequence nor feedback of channel information is required in the proposed blind approach. Besides, the computational complexity of the proposed scheme is significantly lower than that of the coding scheme described by Raleigh and Cioffi. Simulation results show that the proposed architecture works efficiently in indoor wireless local area network applications. 相似文献
Ning Zhang Chwan-Hwa Wu 《Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》1997,44(5):726-734
The high demand on computation performance by multimedia information processing such as digital video compression and decompression has made multiprocessor computation more and more popular. In this paper, we present our study on adaptive job assignment for multiprocessor implementation of a Motion Picture Expert Group 2 (MPEG2) video encoding algorithm. Data partitioning technique is used for job assignment to the processors in the multiprocessor environment to exploit the data structure adopted by the MPEG standard that divides a frame of a picture into macro blocks (MBs) which are processed independently during encoding. An adaptive data partitioning scheme is developed to cope with the inherent nonuniform spatial distribution of motion activities, such that the computation load distribution over processors is as uniform as possible, which helps improve the speedup of the whole multiprocessor system. Simulations with several video sequences have shown that, in comparison to its nonadaptive counterpart, the adaptive scheme can effectively improve the speedup of the multiprocessor system. In addition, the speedup scales well with the increase of the number of processors used in the computation 相似文献
Schmid VJ 《IEEE transactions on medical imaging》2011,30(7):1305-1313
Contrast enhanced myocardial perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a promising technique, providing insight into how reduced coronary flow affects the myocardial tissue. Stenosis in a coronary vessel leads to reduced myocardial blood flow, but collaterals may secure the blood supply of the myocardium, with altered tracer kinetics. Due to a low signal-to-noise ratio, quantitative analysis of the signal is typically difficult to achieve at the voxel level. Hence, analysis is often performed on measurements that are aggregated in predefined myocardial segments, that ignore the variability in blood flow in each segment. The approach presented in this paper uses local spatial information that enables one to perform a robust analysis at the voxel level. The spatial dependencies between local response curves are modelled via a hierarchical Bayesian model. In the proposed framework, all local systems are analyzed simultaneously along with their dependencies, producing a more robust context-driven estimation of local kinetics. Detailed validation on both simulated and patient data is provided. 相似文献
Wireless Networks - How to reduce the number of transmissions or prolong the lifetime of wireless sensor networks significantly has become a great challenge. Based on the spatio-temporal... 相似文献
There are two types of problems in the theory of least squares signal processing: parameter estimation and signal extraction. Parameter estimation is called “inversion” and signal extraction is called “filtering”. In this paper, we present a unified theory of rank shaping for solving overdetermined and underdetermined versions of these problems. We develop several data-dependent rank-shaping methods and evaluate their performance. Our key result is a data-adaptive Wiener filter that automatically adjusts its gains to accommodate realizations that are a priori unlikely. The adaptive filter dramatically outperforms the Wiener filter on a typical realizations and just slightly under-performs it on typical realizations. This is the most one can hope for in a data-adaptive filter 相似文献
基于内容的多媒体信息检索 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
较系统地介绍了基于内容的多媒体检索技术。对于基于内容的视频检索技术,介绍了基于内容的视频处理、视频检索的方式和ML算法在视频检索中的应用。此外,还介绍了基于内容的压缩方法MPEG-4、MPEG-7、MPEG-21等。 相似文献
Bit-rate control for MPEG encoders 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gertjan Keesman Imran Shah Rene Klein-Gunnewiek 《Signal Processing: Image Communication》1995,6(6):545-560
Bit-rate control is a central problem in designing image sequence compression systems. In this paper we describe a new approach to bit-rate control for inter-frame encoders such as MPEG encoders. This approach uses concepts from control theory. Its central feature is a surprisingly simple but effective model for the encoder, which consists of a gain element, a delay element and additive noise. In our system we control the bit-rate with a PI-controller which is set to achieve two objectives: (1) we want the picture quality to be as uniform as possible, and (2) we want to use as closely as possible the available amount of bits. It is demonstrated in the paper that these two objectives, when considered separately, lead to contradictory settings of the controller. This dilemma can be solved by using Bit Usage Profiles that indicate how the bits have to be spread over the pictures. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated by designing a bit-rate control for an MPEG encoder that has a nearly constant bit-rate per group of pictures (GOP). Such a bit-rate control is of high value for applications like magnetic recording, where a constant bit-rate per GOP is required in order to realize playback trick modes, e.g. the fast forward mode. 相似文献
Galluccio L. Morabito G. Schembra G. 《Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2005,4(6):2777-2788
Wireless channels are characterized by high time-varying bit-error rates (BERs). To cope with this problem, several adaptive forward-error-correction (AFEC) schemes have been proposed in the literature. They work locally at the wireless link, adding a variable amount of redundancy to the transmitted data in order to maintain the packet error rate below an acceptable level. However, when such schemes are utilized, the bandwidth offered to the applications changes when channel conditions change. In this paper, the effects of these bandwidth variations are investigated in the case of real-time Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) video transmission. The MPEG encoder is controlled in order to adapt its emission rate to the current bandwidth offered by the wireless link. To this end, the encoding quality is diminished by the source rate controller when the transmission rate has to be decreased due to an increase in the channel BER, whereas it is improved when the transmission rate can be increased due to a decrease in the channel BER. A Markov-based model, denoted as SBBP/SBBP/1/K, has been introduced to model the scenario being considered. The analytical framework allows evaluation of the performance of the system and can be used to optimize the design of a video transmission system for wireless channels, providing the instruments to derive the tradeoff between information corruption in the wireless channel and MPEG video encoding quality. 相似文献
压缩感知理论依据信号的稀疏性质进行压缩测量,将信号的获取方式从对信号的采样上升为对信息的感知,是信号处理领域的一场革命。本文提出一种基于非确定基字典(Uncertainty Basis Dictionary, UBD)对语音信号进行稀疏表示的方法,将压缩感知理论应用于对语音信号稀疏表示的压缩,并提出了基于求解线性规划问题的方法重构语音信号的算法。通过语音识别、话者识别和情感识别实验,从面向内容分析的角度,研究这种基于压缩感知理论的信息感知方法是否保留了语音信号的主要内容。实验结果表明,语音识别、话者识别和情感识别的准确率,与目前这些领域研究方法得到的结果基本一致,说明基于压缩感知理论的信息感知方法能够很好地获取语音信号的语义、话者和情感方面的信息。 相似文献
分析了视频数据与文本数据的差异,以及视频数据在视频分析检索方面存在的问题。从视频内容分析领域的研究热点出发,分别对视频语义库、与视频分析相关的视频低层特征、视频对象划分与识别、视频信息描述与编码等方面的技术进行了分析和对比。并提出了一个视频语义分析的框架和分析流程。 相似文献
Tao Fang Lap-Pui Chau 《Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on》2004,50(4):390-395
Recent advances in technology have resulted in a significant growth in wireless communications, which have resulted in a strong demand for reliable transmission of video data. The challenge of robust video transmission is to protect the compressed data against hostile channel conditions while bringing little impact on bandwidth efficiency. Here, using macroblock (MB)-based segmentation results, we propose a framework for the positioning of resynchronization markers such that the image quality of foreground can be improved at the expense of sacrificing the unimportant background. Experimental results demonstrate that this scheme significantly improves the subjective quality of video sequence for robust video transmission. 相似文献
Dzung T. Hoang Elliot L. Linzer Jeffrey Scott Vitter 《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》1997,8(4):384-404
We consider the problem of allocating bits among pictures in an MPEG video coder to equalize the visual quality of the coded pictures, while meeting buffer and channel constraints imposed by the MPEG video buffering verifier. We address this problem within a framework that consists of three components: (1) a bit production model for the input pictures, (2) a set of bit-rate constraints imposed by the video buffering verifier, and (3) a novel lexicographic criterion for optimality. Under this framework, we derive simple necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality that lead to efficient algorithms. 相似文献
Hee‐Suk Pang 《ETRI Journal》2008,30(4):606-608
MPEG Surround has a potential clipping problem since its encoding is based on downmixing a multichannel signal. We propose a clipping prevention scheme for MPEG Surround, which is composed of modification and recovery processes of a downmix signal with recovery information conveyed in arbitrary downmix gains of an MPEG Surround bitstream. Experiments show that the proposed scheme effectively prevents sound quality degradation caused by clipping problems with negligible additional bit rates. 相似文献
Po-Rong Chang Jen-Tsung Hu 《Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on》1997,15(6):1087-1100
This paper investigates the application of a pipelined recurrent neural network (PRNN) to the adaptive traffic prediction of MPEG video signal via dynamic ATM networks. The traffic signal of each picture type (I, P, and B) of MPEG video is characterized by a general nonlinear autoregressive moving average (NARMA) process. Moreover, a minimum mean-squared error predictor based on the NARMA model is developed to provide the best prediction for the video traffic signal. However, the explicit functional expression of the best mean-squared error predictor is actually unknown. To tackle this difficulty, a PRNN that consists of a number of simpler small-scale recurrent neural network (RNN) modules with less computational complexity is conducted to introduce the best nonlinear approximation capability into the minimum mean-squared error predictor model in order to accurately predict the future behavior of MPEG video traffic in a relatively short time period based on adaptive learning for each module from previous measurement data, in order to provide faster and more accurate control action to avoid the effects of excessive load situation. Since those modules of PRNN can be performed simultaneously in a pipelined parallelism fashion, this would lead to a significant improvement in the total computational efficiency of PRNN. In order to further improve the convergence performance of the adaptive algorithm for PRNN, a learning-rate annealing schedule is proposed to accelerate the adaptive learning process. Another advantage of the PRNN-based predictor is its generalization from learning that is useful for learning a dynamic environment for MPEG video traffic prediction in ATM networks where observations may be incomplete, delayed, or partially available. The PRNN-based predictor presented in this paper is shown to be promising and practically feasible in obtaining the best adaptive prediction of real-time MPEG video traffic 相似文献
多媒体通信新标准MPEG4 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
MPEG4是MPEG(Moving Picture Expext Group)标准家庭中一员,是国际化标准组织为多媒体通信制定的一种解决方案。概述了MPEG4的产生背景,MPEG4的基本构成,MPEG4与MPEGl、MPEG2的主要区别以及MPEG4的主要技术,展望了MPEG4的应用前景。 相似文献
Lightweight Application Scene Representation (Laser) is the Moving Picture Expert Group's solution for delivering rich media services to mobile, resource-constrained devices. Laser provides easy content creation, optimized rich media data delivery, and enhanced rendering on all devices. 相似文献