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To study the effectiveness of ACE-inhibitors in diabetic nephropathy (DN) 12 male and 16 female patients aged 13-21 years with DN having normal blood pressure (BP) were given ramipril (tritace) in a dose 2.5-5 mg/day in the course of 12-24 weeks. Efficacy and safety of the treatment were assessed by changes in albuminuria and proteinuria, BP. Reduction of albuminuria occurred in 19(79.1%) out of 24 patients with microalbuminuria, in 13(54.1%) of them urine excretion of albumin returned to normal levels. All the patients with proteinuria and macroalbuminuria benefited from ramipril therapy because their proteinuria diminished or even disappeared (2 cases). The persistence of the antiproteinuria effect on posttreatment week 12 was 66.6%. Ramipril effect on BP was minimal. It is inferred that ramipril is effective in the treatment of DN at the stage of microalbuminuria and proteinuria in patients with normal BP.  相似文献   

Laser therapy was assessed for effects on lipoperoxides and free radical catchers in blood lipids of patients with bronchial asthma (BA). When a group of 52 BA patients was compared to healthy donors by dienic conjugates, vitamin E and overall lipid-soluble antioxidants levels in the whole blood and plasma, these appeared higher in the asthmatics. Combination of laser therapy with conventional treatment returned these parameters close to normal.  相似文献   

A correct access opening is the key to endodontics. An adequate anatomical access preparation maximizes cleaning, shaping, and obturation. The major objectives of access preparation are straight line access to the apical area, conservation of tooth structure, and unroofing of the pulp chamber. The safe-ended diamond bur technique provides an efficient and rapid means to obtain the objective of access preparation in posterior teeth.  相似文献   

Intravenous cavinton given in a dose of 10 mg for 3 days was studied for its effects on bronchial tone in 40 patients with bronchial asthma. Respiratory parameters were pneumotaxometrically determined and cerebral circulatory parameters were rheographically measured prior to and following the drug injection. The findings have demonstrated that cavinton significantly decreased bronchial tone improved cerebral circulation, particularly in patients with bronchial asthma and chronic cerebral circulatory disorders.  相似文献   

The body's immunological responses were examined in thyroid damage caused by the incorporation of varying 131I doses. The in-take of 131I in doses of 37, 74, and 148 KBc/g body weight caused reductions in the murine blood concentrations of thyroxin following 30, 60, and 180 days. The blood levels of triiodothyronine decreased 180 days after administration of 131I in a dose of 74 KBc/g body weight and 30, 60, and 180 days after incorporation of the radioisotope in a dose of 148 KBk/g body weight. Decreased concentrations of the both hormones were followed by the suppression of a humoral immune response to sheep red blood cells, diminished cell-mediated immunity in the mixed culture of lymphocytes. The inhibition of immune responses was correlated with the changes in the level of triiodothyronine.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Our goal was to determine if there are any T2-weighted MR signal characteristics of Toxoplasma encephalitis that might be useful in diagnosis and/or in gauging the effectiveness of medical therapy. METHOD: We retrospectively analyzed the MR, CT, thallium-201 SPECT brain scans, and medical records of 27 patients with medically proven (26) and biopsy proven (1) Toxoplasma encephalitis, supplemented by autopsy findings in 4 additional patients, 2 of whom had postmortem MR correlation. The neuropathologic literature was also reviewed. RESULTS: Among the 27 patients, we discovered three distinct imaging patterns. Ten (37%) patients had predominantly T2-weighted hyperintense lesions and had been on medical therapy an average of 3 days (excluding one outlier). Ten (37%) patients had T2-weighted isointense lesions and had received medical therapy an average of 61 days. Seven (26%) patients had lesions with mixed signal on T2-weighted images and had been on treatment an average of 6 days. Analysis of autopsy material from the four additional patients revealed the presence of organizing abscesses in three and necrotizing encephalitis in one, while the patient who had a brain biopsy demonstrated both types of pathologic lesions. In both cases having postmortem MRI, organizing abscesses appeared isointense to hypointense on T2-weighted images. CONCLUSION: There is a definite variation in the appearance of lesions of Toxoplasma encephalitis on T2-weighted images that precludes a definitive diagnosis based on signal characteristics alone. Pathologically, our data suggest that T2-weighted hyperintensity correlates with necrotizing encephalitis and T2-weighted isointensity with organizing abscesses. Furthermore, in patients on medical therapy the T2-weighted MR appearance may be a transition from hyperintensity to isointensity as a function of a positive response to antibiotic treatment, indicating that the signal change might be used to gauge the effectiveness of medical therapy.  相似文献   

Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) is very common in children with asthma. For this reason they avoid every strenuous exercise because they fear a new asthma attack. Working capacity and maturation of motor performance can be insufficient as a consequence. We investigated whether a special training programme in an asthma sports group has positive effects not only on asthma, but also on working capacity and motor performance. 11 children with extrinsic asthma (4 girls, 7 boys), 8 to 14 years old, were studied before and after a 6-month out-patient rehabilitative sports therapy (sports group) with regard to their degree of bronchial hyperreactivity (BHR), frequency of EIA, cardiopulmonary capacity for exercise; knowledge about their asthma, level of coordination and condition, and their movement-related anxiety. There were 9 children with extrinsic asthma (2 girls, 7 boys), 8 to 15 years old, in a control group. They did not take part in any special training programme. After the sports therapy we found in 3 children of the sports group a decrease in BHR, EIA was now present in only 2 of formerly 4 children. Physical working capacity (PWC) at the aerobic/anaerobic threshold improved in the sports group by about 1 W/kg body weight (p = 0.008), efficiency of work from 23.7% to 27.9% (p = 0.009). We also found a remarkable improvement of motor abilities. Movement-related anxiety decreased in the sports group both in Indoor sports (p = 0.0089) and aquatics (p = 0.026). In the control group there was no significant change. Physical training in children with asthma has many positive effects on lung function and motor performance. We believe that the limit for an EIA release is shifted to a higher PWC. The reduction of the anxiety over sports at a higher level of PWC contributes to an improved quality of life for children with asthma.  相似文献   

支气管哮喘简称哮喘,是儿童时期最常见的一种由多因素引起的气道高反应性疾病和气道慢性炎症疾病,是小儿常见病.严重威胁儿童健康,其发病率及死亡率呈上升趋势.目前全世界哮喘患者达1亿,我国已逾千万,儿童哮喘患病率为0.5%-2.0%,个别地区5%.哮喘病情反复发作,严重影响儿童生长发育、身心健康和学习,从而降低哮喘儿童生命质量.哮喘发作是突发性的,但气道炎症长期存在,因此是一种需要长期系统的治疗和管理的慢性疾病.儿童哮喘要长期根本的控制,目前最有效的治疗模式是采取以吸入药物为主,同时对患儿进行系统管理教育的综合防治措施.本组就我院250例小儿哮喘的吸入疗法的护理体会浅析如下.  相似文献   

Efficacy of inhalation corticosteroids becotide and becodisk was compared in 24 patients with bronchial asthma. Becodisk has the advantage of not containing freon which irritates upper airways and bronchial mucosa. Clinical, allergological, bronchial resistance, provocative carbacholine tests, external respiration tests, peakflowmetry demonstrated that becodisk reduced the number of asthma attacks, lowered the need in inhalation sympathomimetics, improved external respiration function, decreased bronchial sensitivity to carbacholine. Determination of specific and nonspecific bronchial reactivity is thought essential in comparing efficacy of asthma chemotherapy. Becodisk significantly reduces bronchial reactivity to nonspecific mediator substances, is simple in use and well tolerated. It is recommended for basic therapy in various bronchial asthma forms managed with local corticosteroids.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effect of sustained-release theophylline therapy on serum pyridoxal concentration in children with bronchial asthma. Forty-two children with bronchial asthma were divided into two groups according to duration of theophylline administration: The 22 children in group A had been treated with theophylline for less than 4 weeks, whereas the 20 children in group B had been treated for more than 5 weeks. The results obtained from this study were as follows: 1) The serum pyridoxal concentration in group B was significantly lower than that those in group A (p < 0.01). 2) The serum pyridoxal concentration was not significantly correlated with the serum theophylline concentration. These findings suggest that long-term theophylline therapy can depress vitamin B6 status in children with bronchial asthma. Theophylline-induced seizure may be caused by the possible decreased in gamma-aminobutyric acid concentration in the brain as a result of decrease in gamma-aminobutyric acid concentration in the brain as a result of decrease in vitamin B6 status, even if the serum theophylline concentrations are within the therapeutic range.  相似文献   

The authors studied comparative clinical, immunologic, laboratory and functional effectiveness of hemosorption (HS) on charcoals and xenosorption (XS) on donor pig spleen in bronchial asthma patients. XS was administered in 60 patients, HS was applied to 91 patient. There was no significant difference in immunologic characteristics between the patient groups. However, XS had a more apparent positive influence on the external respiratory function, degree of allergy and unspecific inflammation, as well as on general clinical effectiveness.  相似文献   

The Chinese medicinal herb Chueh-ming-tzu, seeds of Cassia tora (Leguminosae) Linn., elicits hypotensive effects in anesthetized rats. Experimental results indicate that the hypotensive effect of the Cassia tora extract possibly involves a vagal reflex which reciprocally alters the vasomotor tone of the centrally emanating sympathetic nervous system. It is shown that the capacity of the Cassia tora extract to reduce blood pressure is significantly reduced in vagotomized rats and that hypotensive effects are greatly antagonized in rats whose sympathetic nervous systems are interrupted by transection of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

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