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介绍了国际移动设备身份码IMEI(即手机串号)的基本概念和检查流程,论述了国际移动设备身份码IMEI的多种应用,说明了国际移动设备身份码IMEI在移动通信中起着重要的作用. 相似文献
主要针对如何通过IMEI跟踪分析技术,在PS域对不同互操作性能的终端设置差异性算法,限制TD-SCDMA数据终端互操作,并对GSM网络的应用情况进行说明,依托上海移动的测试结果,讨论了现网中运用该技术的效果及可行性. 相似文献
本文基于文献中其他学者的研究,对上海市消费者食用油品牌忠诚度及影响因素间的关系进行假设,并以上海市消费者问卷调查资料为基础,对影响食用油品牌忠诚度的消费者特征(性别、年龄、教育程度、收入、婚姻状况、职业等)因素进行实证分析。通过对这些因素的分析,发现性别、年龄、职业和品牌与自我身份相符的态度对消费者的食用油品牌忠诚度产生显著影响。最后给生产企业提出建议。 相似文献
以基于IMEI网络性能的分析及优化为研究对象,从IMEI基本情况、IMEI在网络分析及性能优化中的应用以及基于IMEI的网络性能分析与优化实例这三方面入手,对其进行了较为详细的分析与阐述,并据此论证了IMEI引入在提高网络性能分析与优化质量过程中所发挥的重要作用与意义。 相似文献
TD—SCDMA网络尚处于建网初期,各终端的性能存在较大差异,部分存在问题的终端会影响TD网络质量和用户的使用感受,因此需要开展针对TD终端的优化工作。网络侧可以通过解析终端的国际移动设备身份码(IMEI)来区别不同类型的终端。利用IMEI信息进行网络分析和性能优化的优势在于可以评估终端性能,支持运营商在终端方面的决策,协助终端问题隔离定位,为用户投诉处理提供解决方案,增加了从终端类型的维度分析和解决TD网络用户体验问题的手段和方法。 相似文献
主要介绍了移动终端参数配置的技术实现,对终端参数配置系统方案进行了研究,并对多种终端参数采集实现方式的优缺点进行了对比。 相似文献
客户忠诚度是客户关系管理中的重要概念,在企业的竞争中起到了决定性因素,同时也是企业长期利润最重要的源泉。本文在数据仓库技术体系下,结合客户忠诚度的相关理论,提出了有明确实际意义的客户忠诚度计算公式,并利用层次分析法以及Clementine聚类分析构建客户忠诚度分层模型,按忠诚度高低对客户进行合理划分。 相似文献
The advent of interactive digital platforms has led people to progressively interact on such platforms, urging organizations to create online communities to engage customers with them and with each other to enhance brand loyalty. This study attempts to investigate what motivates customers to engage in these brand communities. Through a questionnaire survey of 430 Facebook users, this study investigates whether and how the unique characteristics (information quality, system quality, virtual interactivity, and rewards) of online brand communities affect customer engagement. The consequent effect of customer engagement on brand loyalty is also examined. This study frames and empirically validates a model for engaging customers with online brand communities on Facebook, considering the moderating role of gender. The Stimulus-Organism-Response paradigm is solicited to justify the theoretical background of this study. The data were analyzed using structure equation modelling. Results reveal that each of the characteristics positively influences customer engagement, with information quality and virtual interactivity bearing the strongest influence. Customer engagement also exhibits a strong positive impact on brand loyalty. This results further reveal that gender gap in the online environment is declining as the impact of all the four characteristics of online brand communities on customer engagement was invariable across male and female members. 相似文献
With the advent of interactive Web 2.0 (and beyond) technologies, the role of consumer brand engagement (CBE), which focuses on the consumer’s investment in their brand interactions, is of rapidly growing importance. Despite growing recognition of CBE’s importance in virtual brand communities, empirically-derived insight into its drivers, dynamics, and outcomes remains limited, as investigated in this study. Responding to this gap, we explore the effect of consumers’ brand community identification and reward on CBE, which we posit to subsequently affect brand loyalty. To investigate our hypotheses, we conducted a survey with 602 Facebook users. Our structural equation modeling results reveal brand community identification’s and reward’s positive effect on CBE, and a positive effect of CBE on brand loyalty. In addition, our findings reveal CBE’s partial mediating effect in the association of brand community identification and reward with brand loyalty. Theoretically, our findings further insight into CBE’s virtual community-based dynamics, with a focus on the role of community identification and reward. Practically, our results identify the key role of nurturing virtual community identification and the offering of reward to engage consumers. 相似文献
移动物联网业务飞速发展,但传统的维护模式很难满足物联网业务需求.通过DPI信令采集和大数据分析体系开发智能化监测平台,实现物联网业务端到端的全流程分析、智能监控、提前预警、故障处理等功能,从而有效提升网络质量和性能,提升业务感知,支撑市场业务发展. 相似文献
为应对移动通信业务量的迅猛增长,以及对信息传输的速率、时延、可靠性等各方面都提出了更高的要求,大规模多进多出(Massive MIMO,m MIMO)因其空间资源挖掘的独特优势而获得青睐与重视,可实现系统频谱和能量效率的极大化,已成为5G的关键技术之一。文章介绍了m MIMO的关键技术原理,提出了针对不同TR数的设备进行差异性部署的方法,同时介绍了m MIMO最关键的波束赋形技术的优化思路和详细案例,为后续打造低成本优质5G精品网络具有重要意义。 相似文献
随着网络、无线通信和摄像机便携设备的快速发展,带来了数字图像很容易散布、复制和修改.针对此类问题,提出一种以手机IMEI/IMSI码为水印信息并嵌入到手机图像的数字水印算法,从而达到手机图像的版权保护.首先获取手机IMEI/IMSI,使用BCD编码将其转换成二进制向量,再使用BCH编码转换成64 ×64水印位图作为水印信息;然后采用离散余弦变换、离散小波变换和奇异值分解结合的算法将水印信息嵌入到手机图像;最后提取水印信息来获取用户的手机信息.实验表明该算法能够实现盲提取,具有良好的不可见性、鲁棒性,能够抵抗一定的压缩、噪声等攻击. 相似文献