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高分子表面活性剂的合成及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了高分子表面活性剂的分类及特性功能,介绍了高分子表面活性剂的合成方法以及在日用化学品、造纸、采油、陶瓷等行业的应用.展望了高分子表面活性剂的应用前景.  相似文献   

新型壳聚糖两性高分子表面活性剂的合成   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过壳聚接枝二甲基十四烷基环氧丙基氯化铵,再磺化引入-SO3H,合成了一种吸湿性极强,具有优异表面活性的新型壳聚糖两性高分子表面活性剂,研究了影响最终产物合成的主要因素,并通过红外光谱、薄层色谱和元素分析对最终产物进行了结构表征。  相似文献   

一类新型的表面活性剂——树枝状高分子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王俊  杨锦宗 《日用化学工业》2002,32(1):35-37,64
介绍了一类新型表面活性剂-树枝状高分子(Dendrimer)的合成方法,同时介绍了Dendrimer的性质包括表面活性,增溶作用和破乳作用及在生物医药药、材料改性、工业催化及石油开采等领域中的应用。  相似文献   

综述了近年来关于表面活性剂分子溶液的研究进展,介绍了表面活性剂分子不仅在水溶液中几种不同聚集方式,而且在有机溶剂中也可发生聚集现象,甚至形成液晶,以及发生这些聚集作用的疏水效应的热力学理论探讨。  相似文献   

简单介绍了高分子表面活性剂的分类,主要综述了近几年高分子表面活性剂在合成方法上的进展,包括嵌段型高分子表面活性剂的合成、接枝型高分子表面活性剂的合成以及利用废旧聚酯PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯)合成高分子表 面活性剂的方法.同时,对高分子表面活性剂的特殊性质及其在制药、石油、纺织印染与造纸工业中的应用作了介绍.最后对其今后的研究开发方向及发展趋势作了展望.  相似文献   

通过壳聚糖接枝二甲基十四烷基环氧丙基氯化铵 ,再磺化引入 SO3H ,合成了一种吸湿性极强 ,具有优异表面活性的新型壳聚糖两性高分子表面活性剂。研究了影响最终产物合成的主要因素 ,并通过红外光谱、薄层色谱和元素分析对最终产物进行了结构表征  相似文献   

以丙烯酸、丙烯酰胺和丙烯酸丁酯为单体,采用瞬时聚合法合成了高分子表面活性剂。表面活性研究表明,制备的高分子表面活性剂有良好的表面活性,表面张力可低至42 mN/m。红外光谱表明,产物没有发生交联,黏度法测定产物的分子量为2×104~4×104。  相似文献   

阴离子型Gemini表面活性剂的合成及性能研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了一系列阴离子型Gemini表面活性剂(包括磺酸盐型、硫酸酯盐型、羧酸盐型及磷酸酯盐型)的合成方法,并介绍了其表面活性、水溶性、协同效应、增溶作用、抗盐能力等理化性能,对今后阴离子型Gemini表面活性剂的研究提出了一些看法.  相似文献   

综述了有机硅表面活性剂的结构、类型、合成方法及性能.对于制备有机硅表面活性剂的化学反应(如硅氢加成、缩合及两步合成)、产品的主要性能(如在非水介质中的表面活性、超润湿性及在含有盐类物质和有机溶剂情况下的乳液稳定性)以及产品的广泛用途(如纺织品整理、化妆品配方、涂料配制、农业化学品配制、机械加工等)作了详细的讨论,并对其今后的发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

Two sugar‐based polysiloxane surfactants with well‐defined structures, 3‐(2‐aminoethylamino)propyl functional polysiloxane glucosamide grafted (AEAPFPS‐GA) and 3‐(2‐aminoethylamino)propyl functional polysiloxane lactobionamide grafted (AEAPFPS‐LA), were successfully synthesized and characterized by FT‐IR and 1H NMR. Their surface activities and aggregation behavior in aqueous solution were investigated by surface tension measurements, dynamic light scattering (DLS) and negative‐stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The surface tension measurements provided the critical micelle concentration (CMC) and the surface tension at the CMC (γCMC), which revealed that these two surfactants have a much higher surface activity than those of conventional hydrocarbon surfactants. DLS and TEM analysis of the two polysiloxane surfactants aqueous solutions revealed that the AEAPFPS‐GA can self‐assemble into collapsed spherical micelles, and the AEAPFPS‐LA can self‐assemble into spherical micelles.  相似文献   

Three carbohydrate‐modified polysiloxane bola surfactants (ATPS‐GA) were synthesized using a two‐step method. Their chemical structures were characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FT‐IR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR). Their surface properties and aggregation properties in aqueous solution were determined using surface tension measurements and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Surface tension measurement results indicated that the three bola surfactants are under 25 mN m?1, and much lower than those of conventional hydrocarbon bola surfactants due to the siloxane moiety at the end of the hydrophobic chains. TEM analysis results indicated that the ATPS‐GA can self‐assemble into spherical micelles with a wide range of average diameters from 100 nm to above 600 nm.  相似文献   

杜明志 《广东化工》2014,(8):54-55,57
文章利用酒石酸与月桂酰氯反应合成一种新型阴离子双子表面活性剂双月桂酰酒石酸酯,探讨了物料配比、反应时间等因素对产品收率的影响。双月桂酰酒石酸酯是一种以可再生资源制得的羧酸型阴离子双子表面活性剂,具有优良的表面活性,生物降解性好,是一种新型"绿色"表面活性剂。  相似文献   

范海华  陈烨璞  裘锋 《精细化工》2007,24(10):961-963,987
以三氯氧磷、二元醇(酚)、正十二醇为原料,合成了4种双十二烷基双磷酸酯(HDP,DGDP,BDP,PDP)。产物经无水乙醇重结晶提纯后,通过IR、1HNMR、质谱和电位滴定进行了结构表征。25℃时,它们的电离常数分别为:2.76×10-5mol/L(HDP),3.940×10-4mol/L(DGDP),1.595×10-4mol/L(BDP),4.255×10-3mol/L(PDP)。20℃时,它们的临界胶束浓度分别为:3.5×10-4mol/L(HDP),9.0×10-4mol/L(DGDP),1.1×10-3mol/L(BDP),1.3×10-3mol/L(PDP);在临界胶束浓度处的表面张力分别为:30.38 mN/m(HDP),34.49 mN/m(DGDP),35.31 mN/m(BDP),36.14 mN/m(PDP)。差热分析表明,4种产物的分解温度分别为:231℃(BDP),251℃(HDP),227℃(PDP),249℃(DGDP);初熔温度分别为:87℃(BDP),80℃(HDP),97℃(PDP),72℃(DGDP)。  相似文献   

A novel series of three anionic polymeric surfactants was prepared by polymerization of sulfonated styrene and allyl esters of long chain fatty acid chlorides (decanoyl, lauroyl and palmitoyl chloride). The unique structural features of these surfactants were confirmed by different spectroscopic tools (IR and H-NMR). The surface properties of these compounds such as surface tension, interfacial tension, emulsion stability, wetting power, foam height, solubilization and dispersant properties in disperse dye systems were determined and evaluated. A comparative study was done between the chemical structures and surface properties of these compounds. Biodegradability and stability to hydrolysis in acidic and alkaline medium were also determined and evaluated.  相似文献   

酯基Gemini型季铵盐表面活性剂的合成与性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许虎君  吕春绪  陆明  叶志文 《江苏化工》2005,33(Z1):185-188
合成了一系列酯基Gemini型季铵盐表面活性剂烷基-α,ω-双(二甲基酰氧乙基溴化铵),标记为II-m-n(m=12,14;n=3,4,6);采用红外光谱和核磁共振进行结构表征.测定了相关的性能,结果表明,酯基Gemini型季铵盐表面活性剂具有很强的胶束生成能力,其临界胶束浓度(cmc)为2.63×10-4~ 4.17×10-4 mol·L-1(m=12)及2.88×10-5~ 4.46×10-5 mol·L-1(m=14),分别比相应的单季铵盐表面活性剂的临界胶束浓度低两个数量级;其泡沫稳定性、乳化性能和杀菌性明显优于相应的单季铵盐表面活性剂.  相似文献   

以咪唑、以咪唑,溴乙酸,溴代十四烷和二元醇为主要原料,采用三步法合成了三种新的咪唑型双子表面活性剂,简记[C_(14)-n-C_(14)]Br_2。通过核磁氢谱和红外光谱对三种产物的结构进行表征,证明合成的产物为目标产物。并采用表面张力法得出三种表面活性剂的表面张力曲线,进而计算临界胶束浓度(CMC)等一系列表面性能参数,结果表明,连接基越短的咪唑型双子表面活性剂拥有更低的CMC,更高的界面活性。  相似文献   

The synthesis of a homologous series of alanine-based surfactants, namely sodium salts of n-alkanesulfonamido-2-propanoic acids in which n-alkane is n-dodecane, n-tetradecane, n–hexadecane, and n-octadecane having the formula RSO2NHCH (CH3)COO?Na+, is described. The starting materials used were a mixture of secondary positional isomers of n-alkanesulfonyl chlorides obtained by photosulfochlorination reaction using sulfuryl chloride and a catalyst. Surface properties of the aqueous solutions of the synthesized surfactants, including the critical micelle concentration and minimal surface tension δmin, were determined using surface tension measurements at 25 °C. The surface excess Γ and minimum area per molecule (A min) where calculated using the Gibbs equation. The foaming power was also determined by the Bartsh method, and the R 5 parameter was calculated to estimate the stability of the foam formed. The results obtained were compared to those of a commercial surfactant, sodium dodecylsulfate, and a series of synthesized glycine-based surfactants. The results obtained clearly show that the alanine-based surfactants possess good surface properties. The investigations highlight the influence on the surface properties of the addition of a methyl group in the hydrophilic part.  相似文献   

A series of novel dissymmetric gemini cationics surfactants was synthesized by three-step reactions. The dissymmetric gemini surfactants contain a dodecanoic acid dimethylethylamine ester as the constant cationic part on one side of the hydroxypropyl center and a similar other cationic part, but with a different acid length (from octanoic to palmitic), on the other side. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) and the effectiveness of surface tension reduction (γ CMC) were determined. The surface tension measurements of dissymmetric gemini surfactants showed good water solubility, and low CMC had great efficiency in lowering the surface tension and a strong adsorption at the air/water interface. The CMC was observed to increase initially with the increase of the ester bond alkyl group. They also showed good foaming properties and wetting capabilites.  相似文献   

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