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以油菜籽制生物柴油的全生命周期过程为例,建立以温室气体排放风险指数(IG)、酸性气体排放风险指数(IS)和颗粒物排放风险指数(IP)为体系的化学污染物排放风险评价模型。结果表明生物柴油全生命周期过程的IG值为0.71, IS值为1.61,IP值为1.17,即生物柴油温室气体、酸性气体和颗粒物排放量分别是石化柴油的0.71倍、1.61倍和5.87倍。生物柴油温室气体排放以CO2为主,排放量占温室气体总量的 93.42 %,酸性气体以NOX为主,排放量占酸性气体总量的 74.08 %。生物柴油生产过程酸性气体和颗粒物的排放量最大,分别是排放总量的 75.20 % 和 74.13 %;使用过程温室气体排放量最大,占排放总量的 46.89 %。减少使用煤等物质,开发清洁、高效的生产工艺是生物柴油降低化学污染物排放量的有效措施。  相似文献   

为从碳视角下研究市政污泥的最优处理工艺,通过生命周期评价方法,分别对市政污泥与一般工业固废、烟煤、稻秸混燃发电工艺的生命进程进行环境影响、资源消耗分析及碳排放核算。将3种污泥混燃工艺分为生产上游、生产过程和生产下游3个阶段,充分考虑全球性、区域性及局地性3个视角下各环境影响类型权重。计算结果表明,每处理1 t湿污泥(含水率65%),3种混燃工艺在全球性视角下总环境影响值最大,分别为0.87、0.12、0.09人·a/t;生产上游、生产过程(发电阶段)是导致环境恶化的2个主要阶段;全球变暖、酸化以及固体废弃物是对总环境影响贡献程度较大的3种环境影响类型;3种混燃工艺净碳排放量分别为6 522、742、410 kg (以CO2计)。在资源消耗方面,污泥与一般工业固废混燃发电工艺的资源消耗潜值最大,其次为污泥与烟煤混燃发电工艺,污泥与稻秸混燃发电工艺最小。综合来看,污泥与稻秸混燃发电工艺是最环保且节约资源的污泥处置工艺,值得大力推广。  相似文献   

应用LCA方法和技术经济学的观点对市政污泥烟气干化系统进行环境影响和经济性分析,结果表明,处理1 t湿污泥,对环境的总影响负荷为2 954.392毫人当量,资源耗竭系数为4.265毫人当量,干化污泥掺混发电3 206.08 kWh,污泥烟气干化对环境影响主要为固体废弃物,占50.71%,其次为全球变暖21.84%;各个过程中掺混发电与干化影响为80.56%,污泥运输过程影响最小为0.02%;而对该系统进行投资,其动态投资回收期为3.13年,内部收益率高达53.07%.  相似文献   

采用生活废水的二级出水培养微藻可有效提高微藻生物柴油生产过程的环境效益,降低其环境影响。本文基于生命周期分析原理,针对结合了废水培养微藻的两种微藻生物柴油生产技术路线,即传统路线和热解酯化路线,建立了环境影响评价模型;提出了水处理集成微藻生物柴油生命周期系统评价的水处理过程替代效应的概念及其环境效益定量评价方法;通过计算对比了基于新鲜水培养微藻的两种技术路线的总环境影响指数和废水培养微藻的两种技术路线的环境效益,表明热解酯化工艺结合废水培养微藻路线相较其他工艺路线具有最小的环境影响,表明水处理过程替代效应在水处理集成微藻生物柴油生命周期系统评价中的有效性和必要性。  相似文献   

中国水泥工业的生命周期评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA)是一种系统化、定量化评价与产品相关的环境负荷和潜在影响的方法,它通过量化分析产品在整个生命周期中的资源、能源投入和环境排放,可以全面评价产品对环境造成的综合影响。本文按照LCA方法框架,建立了中国水泥工业的生命周期模型,收集了中国市场平均的水泥生产各生命周期阶段的资源、能源、原材料消耗和环境排放等清单数据,对中国水泥工业的环境负荷进行了生命周期评价。  相似文献   

生物柴油全生命周期资源和能源消耗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对以菜籽油、麻疯树油和地沟油为原料制取生物柴油过程,应用生命周期评价方法,对原料种植、收集运输、原料预处理、生物柴油生产、产品配送等子过程的土地资源占用、水资源和能源消耗进行了计算,并对能量消耗进行了参数敏感性分析. 结果表明,3种原料生产1 t生物柴油占用土地资源分别为13132, 3333和5 m2,水资源消耗分别为9063.55, 12306.62和1.97 m3,化石能源消耗分别为0.9, 0.67和0.25 MJ. 由于水资源消耗和土地占用主要源于种植环节,能源消耗主要发生在种植和转化环节,在我国适合以地沟油和麻疯树油为原料生产生物柴油. 开发耐旱、高产、高含油率的油料植物品种和新型高效酯交换反应催化剂及优化反应工艺是降低生物柴油全生命周期资源占用和能源消耗的有效措施.  相似文献   

煤基甲醇和柴油生命周期温室气体排放评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用生命周期评价理论,建立煤基甲醇(coal-based methanol,CBM)和煤基柴油(coal-based Fischer-Tropsch diesel,CBFTD)生命周期评价模型.以全球变暖潜力为评价指标,系统比较以煤为原料生产车用替代燃料FTD和M100两条路线生命周期温室气体排放并重点分析生产阶段温室气体的来源.结果表明:燃料生产阶段为温室气体排放的主要阶段,比例超过60%.在生命周期的上游阶段煤制甲醇路线的温室气体排放比煤制柴油路线少27%,主要原因是能源效率的差别.而从全生命周期来看,由于发动机效率的影响,两条路线的温室气体排放又相差不大.通过对生产阶段碳平衡的计算,揭示了CO2产生的根源,并指出在净化车间增加CO2捕集和储存设备将对整个生命周期温室气体减排起到显著效果.  相似文献   

近日,国家林业局将阿克苏等5个城市作为生物质油料资源的开发备选点,与法国开发署合作开展“中法生物柴油合作项目”,依靠外方的技术和资金,发展生物柴油产业。  相似文献   

通过对生命周期评价在水泥生产中的应用研究进行梳理和归纳,总结当前研究取得的成果、存在的问题以及未来的研究方向。生命周期评价主要包括目标和范围定义、清单分析、影响评价以及结果解释四个阶段。当前研究主要存在数据来源不清晰、排放统计不完善等问题,建立本土水泥生产数据库、评估数据质量、开发适用于我国国情的生命周期评价软件等是未来值得关注的研究领域。  相似文献   

汪家铭 《四川化工》2006,9(5):12-12
麻疯树是一种可以一次种植多年收获的灌木树种,其果实小桐子含油率高达65%左右,超过油菜、大豆等常见的油料作物。在四川攀枝花市、凉山彝族自治州等地干热河谷的气候条件十分适宜麻疯树的生长,该地区现有40多万亩麻疯树,是目前国内最大的麻疯树资源区。据了解,四川省已选育出麻疯树的优良品种高油1号,并计划建设种植50万亩麻疯树的生物柴油原料基地。  相似文献   

Biodiesel has attracted considerable attention as a renewable, biodegradable, and nontoxic fuel and can contribute to solving the energy problems, significantly reducing the emission of gases which cause global warming.The first stage of this work was to simulate different alternative processes for producing biodiesel. The method used for the production of biodiesel is the transesterification of vegetable oils with an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst. The raw materials used were palm oils and waste cooking oil.The second stage was a life cycle analysis for all alternatives under study, followed by an economic analysis for the alternatives that present minor impacts and which are more promising from an economic point of view. Finally, we proceeded to compare the different alternatives from both the point of view of life cycle and economic analysis.The feasibility of all processes was proven and the biodiesel obtained had good specifications.From the standpoint of life cycle analysis, the best alternative was the process of alkaline catalysis with acid pre-treatment for waste cooking oil.The economic analysis was done to the previous mentioned process and to the process that uses raw virgin oils, methanol, and sodium hydroxide. This process has lower investment costs but the process of alkaline catalysis with acid pre-treatment, whose main raw material is waste oil, is much more profitable and has less environmental impacts.  相似文献   

钛白粉生产过程的生命周期评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
按照生命周期评价(LCA)方法,对攀枝花地区钒钛磁铁矿的开采、选矿、运输以及硫酸法生产阶段进行了研究,定量地分析了整个生产过程中的资源、能源投入、环境排放及其环境影响,针对分析中发现的资源投入、能源消耗等关键环节和主要环境问题,联系工艺与设备进行了讨论,旨在为钛白粉行业的技术改进、清洁生产以及区域规划提供基本的数据支持。  相似文献   

The nuclear energy driven thermochemical cycle is one of the potential water‐splitting processes for producing hydrogen, presumed to be the transportation fuel of the future. A life cycle assessment (LCA) of one such system, which utilizes nuclear energy to drive the ISPRA Mark 9 thermochemical cycle, is presented in this paper. The results of the LCA are presented in terms of the emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2‐equivalent) and acid gases (SO2‐equivalent). The contributions of the thermochemical plant to the emissions were determined through the estimation of material and energy requirements for chemical inventory, raw materials consumption and plant fabrication/installation. The greenhouse gas emissions from the system are 2515 g CO2‐equivalent kg?1 H2 produced and acid gas emissions 11.252 g SO2‐equivalent kg?1 H2 produced. A comparison of this hydrogen production route with other routes, including steam reforming of methane and high‐temperature electrolysis, is also presented in the paper. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This paper describes a hands-on project that introduces first year engineering students to life cycle assessment (LCA) through the comparison of the environmental impact of the production and use of three diesel fuels: petroleum diesel, biodiesel from new vegetable oil, and biodiesel from waste vegetable oil. The purpose of this LCA project was to incorporate life cycle thinking into the engineering design process, to apply the four main steps of LCA (definition and scope, inventory analysis, impact assessment and improvement assessment), and to explore some of the challenges associated with each step. The inventory for biodiesel production (from both new and waste vegetable oils) was based on measurements obtained by the students in laboratory experiments. The fossil diesel production inventory was obtained from the SimaPro® database. The inventory for the use of all three fuels was obtained from measurements taken during combustion of the fuels in a generator. A cradle-to-grave life cycle analysis was then conducted using SimaPro® for each fuel. The assessment of learning outcomes indicates a significant increase in conceptual understanding of the four stages of life cycle assessment, and an average gain of over 55% in overall knowledge of life cycle assessment.  相似文献   

In this study, life cycle assessment of oxygen-18 by using cryogenic distillation of oxygen is performed using SimaPro 8.3 software. Life cycle assessment is performed to understand the environmental profile and hotspots of this process in order to be used in design and development. Simulation of oxygen-18 process is executed by Hysys software, and the required inputs and outputs for inventory of life cycle were acquired. By doing life cycle assessment and considering achieved results after characterization and normalization of inventory data it has been investigated that in the majority of environmental impacts electricity consumption has a huge contribution relative to other parts of the system like liquefied oxygen production from air separation unit, required facilities for air separation and oxygen-18 units, and needed transportation. Also, among 17 impact categories investigated in ReCiPe impact assessment method, fossil depletion, climate change (human health), particulate matter formation, climate change (ecosystem), human toxicity, and metal depletion have the most contribution in entire environmental loads respectively. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis showed that changing life cycle impact assessment method from ReCiPe to IMPACT 2002 + has no significant effect on acquired results and results are confident. In addition, assumption of market for depleted oxygen from heavy isotopes which is withdrawn from top of distillation columns showed some positive effects compared to first case and environmental impacts resulted from liquefied oxygen production (feed) reduced but because of huge contribution of electricity consumption compared to other sections, this positive effect has no remarkable influence on entire environmental loads of product system.  相似文献   

生命周期评价(LCA)是重要环境管理工具,阐述了PET产品生命周期评价的意义和应用,通过AMFA对PET纺织品生命周期评价研究要点说明PET生命周期评价的方法和步骤,并对我国PET的LCA研究提出建议。  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview of the potential on multi-criteria assessment of fuels. In order to apply the multi-criteria approach to fuels, it was necessary to use the multi-criteria procedure based on the sustainability index rating composed of linear aggregative functions of all indicators with weighting function. The examples under consideration are conventional gasoline (CG), conventional diesel oil (CD), compressed natural gas (CNG), mixture of 85% methanol (derived from natural gas) and 15% gasoline by volume (M85), mixture of 85% ethanol (derived from corn) and 15% gasoline by volume (E85), and pure cassava-based ethanol (E100). These options are evaluated with the multi-criteria method comprising the following indicators: life cycle costs (LCC), global warming potential (GWP), net energy yield (NE), non-renewable resource depletion potential (NRDP) indicator. The evaluation of options under consideration was performed under constraint expressing non-numeric relation among the indicators.  相似文献   

铬渣处理处置方法的生命周期评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用生命周期评价(LCA)的方法对我国目前常用的3种铬渣处理处置方法(固化稳定化、制砖和制玻璃着色剂)进行了评价.通过对这3种不同处理处置全过程的分析和数据的计算,最终得出了1种较优的铬渣处理处置方法--铬渣制玻璃着色剂.  相似文献   

Life cycle environmental assessment of paint processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The environmental impact of three different automotive paint scenarios: (a) solventborne primer-waterborne basecoat-solventborne clearcoat, (b) powder primer-waterborne basecoat-solventborne clearcoat, and (c) powder primer-waterborne basecoat-powder clearcoat were investigated. Scenarios (a) and (b) are in production by the U.S. automotive industry and scenario (c) is a potential future goal. The scenarios modeled assume a greenfield plant, considering a mid-size sport utility vehicle that is painted in two separate colors. A complete life cycle analysis of the materials and processes was carried out using commercial state-of-the-art software. The analysis showed that a transition from solvent-based to powder-based coatings for the primer and clearcoat leads to an improvement in the environmental performance of the paint processes. The decrease in total energy consumption, water usage, and sludge generation is 22%, 34%, and 27%, respectively. The paint scenario comprised of powder primer-waterborne basecoat-powder clearcoat will minimize the environmental impacts of the painting processes for all the metrics examined in this study. Presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology, on October 18–20, 2000, in Chicago, IL. Research and Development Center, Warren, MI, 48090. World Wide Facilities, General Motors.  相似文献   

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