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苏沛群 《机械制造》2001,39(8):20-20
一般使用的浮动镗刀是硬质合金可调的浮动镗刀,这种镗刀的主要特点是切削兼宽刃口挤压成形,镗后的孔表面紧密光滑,但镗刀在孔中呈浮动状态,不能保证孔的圆柱度和同轴度,使用浮动镗刀技术要求较高,镗孔质量不易保证,经常产生孔尺寸不稳定和振纹等质量问题,本文就影响加工质量的几个方面进行分析及改进方法叙述如下: [1]刀孔加工误差对镗孔质量的影响   浮动镗刀杆一般的刀孔形式如图 1所示 (以宽 12、长 25镗刀片为例 ),其误差主要有以下几方面: (1)刀孔高度尺寸中心与机床回转中心有偏差 产生此偏差的原因有二个方面,①刀…  相似文献   

本文重点介绍了浮动镋刀在大批量加工轴承座中,刀具几何形状、刀具参数、切削用量的选择及刀具调整、刃磨等注意事项。在实际的生产加工中,具有很好的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

本文重点介绍了浮动镗刀在大批量加工轴承座中,刀具几何形状、刀具参数、切削用量的选择及刀具调整、刃磨等沣意事项。在实际的生产加工中,具有很好的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

李玉星 《机械制造》1994,32(10):20-20
用T68卧式镗床加工大直径精密深孔,尤其是液压缸体时,往往在浮镗时由于浮动镗刀与刀杆直径尺寸相差大,刚性差,使浮镗出来的孔达不到工艺的要求.为此,我车间设计了一种浮动镗刀加强器.使用后效果良好,浮镗出的孔完全可以达到设计和工艺的要求,且该加强器制作方便,结构简单.可供大直径精密深孔加工使用  相似文献   

浮动镗刀能在镗头孔中作径向浮动,由切削力平衡而自动定心,能补偿镗刀安装中的一些误差,普遍用作孔的精加工刀具。特别是大(孔径d>200mm以上)深(L/d>5以上)的简件和管件孔的精镗是必不可少的重要刀具。因此,浮动镗刀的结构形式和合理几何参数的选取很值得深入研讨。在现有的资料中介绍机夹浮动镗刀结构甚少,为此,笔者将在生产实践中研制的机夹浮动镗刀介绍如下。  相似文献   

孙浩林  敬蓬 《机械》1991,18(4):33-35,13
M25型万向轴是我厂东方红<5>型机车走行系统的重要传统部件。万向轴的花键轴见图1,其φ83_(-0.035)~(0.015)轴承孔是在T68型  相似文献   

镗孔是常用的加工方法,其加工范围很广,可进行粗、精加工。镗孔精度可以从6级到2级,甚至可达1级;表面粗糙度可获得Ra3.2~Ra0.4,甚至可达Ra0.1。根据工件的尺寸形状、技术要求及生产批量的不同,镗孔可以在车床、铣床、镗床或数控机床及自动线上进行。常用的浮动镗刀,对刀刃的几何形状及尺寸精变要求很严  相似文献   

图1所示内孔管为化纤过滤器的骨架,管外为折波后焊接成形的金属网筒。工作时,液体介质经过管外的金属滤网过滤流入内孔管内,再由两端口流出。由于滤器要求过滤后的介质纯净,且过滤压差小,如果管内有杂质及切削毛刺则易造成喷丝板堵塞,造成重大损失,所以要求管内光滑无毛刺,粗糙度值尽量低。内孔管材料为1Cr18Ni9Ti,由于壁薄孔小,无法用板料冲孔,打毛刺、弯曲、焊接的方法生产,而采  相似文献   

硬质合金可调节浮动镗刀的工作特点是切削兼宽刃口挤压成形,镗后的孔表面紧密光滑,但镗刀在孔中呈浮动状态,不能保证孔的圆柱度和同轴度,使用浮动镗刀技术要求较高,镗孔质量不易保证,经常产生孔尺寸不稳定和振纹等质量问题。  相似文献   

顾涛  陈宝贞 《轴承》1993,(7):44-45,4
硬质合金兜孔镗刀的刀片采用YG6制造,镗刀两主刃间的夹角为160°~170°,使两主刃同时具有钻削和铣削的功能。镗刀制造时,刀片加热温度不应超过950°C;主刃后角应由外向刀杆心部逐渐加大;应保证镗刀工作直径不被磨小。使用这种镗刀加工深兜孔时,兜孔成品率很高;镗削球铁保持架兜孔时,镗刀一次刃磨后可加工1000件左右。附图4幅。  相似文献   

阐述了硬质合金刀具断屑槽几何参数在断屑过程中的作用,分析了断屑机理,介绍了切屑形态、断屑槽结构和断屑机理研究的发展现状与趋势。  相似文献   

介绍一种硬质合金刀片推形铣刀的CAD/CAM系统.本设计关键在于选择刀片在圆锥面上的位置以保证加工误差限制在允许的范围内,以及刀刃以外部分避免与被加工表面产生干涉.本系统可自动产生加工刀具所需要的数控数据。  相似文献   

Wear Analysis of Disc Cutters of Full Face Rock Tunnel Boring Machine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wear is a major factor of disc cutters’ failure. No current theory offers a standard for the prediction of disc cutter wear yet. In the field the wear prediction method commonly used is based on the excavation length of tunnel boring machine(TBM) to predict the disc cutter wear and its wear law, considering the location number of each disc cutter on the cutterhead(radius for installation); in theory, there is a prediction method of using arc wear coefficient. However, the preceding two methods have their own errors, with their accuracy being 40% or so and largely relying on the technicians’ experience. Therefore, radial wear coefficient, axial wear coefficient and trajectory wear coefficient are defined on the basis of the operating characteristics of TBM. With reference to the installation and characteristics of disc cutters, those coefficients are modified according to penetration, which gives rise to the presentation of comprehensive axial wear coefficient, comprehensive radial wear coefficient and comprehensive trajectory wear coefficient. Calculation and determination of wear coefficients are made with consideration of data from a segment of TBM project(excavation length 173 m). The resulting wear coefficient values, after modification, are adopted to predict the disc cutter wear in the follow-up segment of the TBM project(excavation length of 5621 m). The prediction results show that the disc cutter wear predicted with comprehensive radial wear coefficient and comprehensive trajectory wear coefficient are not only accurate(accuracy 16.12%) but also highly congruous, whereas there is a larger deviation in the prediction with comprehensive axial wear coefficient(accuracy 41%, which is in agreement with the prediction of disc cutters’ life in the field). This paper puts forth a new method concerning prediction of life span and wear of TBM disc cutters as well as timing for replacing disc cutters.  相似文献   

在引进汽车发动机生产线上对高速半精镗、精镗缸孔的CBN 刀具进行了切削对比试验。结果表明,通过改善切削刃形状,国产CBN 刀具可以替代进口CBN 刀具。  相似文献   

Attempts to minimize energy consumption of a tunnel boring machine disc cutter during the process of fragmentation have largely focused on optimizing disc-cutter spacing, as determined by the minimum specific energy required for fragmentation; however, indentation tests showed that rock deforms plastically beneath the cutters. Equations for thrust were developed for both the traditional, popularly employed disc cutter and anew design based on three-dimensional theory. The respective energy consumption for penetration, rolling, and side-slip fragmentations were obtained. A change in disc-cutter fragmentation angles resulted in a change in the nature of the interaction between the cutter and rock, which lowered the specific energy of fragmentation. During actual field excavations to the same penetration length, the combined energy consumption for fragmentation using the newly designed cutters was 15% lower than that when using the traditional design. This paper presents a theory for energy saving in tunnel boring machines. Investigation results showed that the disc cutters designed using this theory were more durable than traditional designs, and effectively lowered the energy consumption.  相似文献   

始建于1948年的美国帕莱克公司是刀具及刀具预调仪的专业生产厂家,致力于生产销售加工中心刀柄、镗刀、刀具预调仪(对刀仪)、车削中心动力刀座和夹具等。帕莱克公司的全球性销售、工程、制造和服务网络遍及北美、欧洲和亚洲,在全球拥有超过750家分销商,总部位于美国纽约州。  相似文献   

通过铣削 0Cr13Ni5Mo不锈钢的切削试验 ,对两种硬质合金面铣刀的切削寿命、卷屑和分屑效果、对工艺系统的动态影响等切削性能进行了分析研究 ,结果表明两种面铣刀在不同切削条件下具有不同的切削性能 ,分别适用于粗铣和半精铣加工  相似文献   

磨削硬质合金刀具时钴浸出机理的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过用微乳液介质—分光光度法和扫描电子显微镜测定硬质合金刀具磨削、磨损和浸泡后磨削液和刀具中的钴含量 ,探讨了磨削液浸出钴的机理 ,并对磨削液的使用和改进提出建议。  相似文献   

介绍了利用闲置的3×8m龙门铣侧铣头和报废的BFP200镗床改制移动镗铣床的过程.详细分析了改制要点.对充分利用废旧设备,提高企业经济效益有较大参考价值.  相似文献   

镗杆是镗床中主要零件之一,生产中长期使用后磨损严重,直接影响镗床的加工精度.而新换一根新镗杆的价格昂贵,故生产中常采用修复镗杆副主要零件(镗杆、镗杆套、调整轴承)的方法来恢复其加工精度.  相似文献   

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